There Is No "Far Right" In This Country

Well, the Far Right in America isn't burning books yet. But they advocate teaching mythology in Science classes. They aren't putting Stars of David on those fellow citizens they hate, but they want to exclude Muslims from this country because they are Muslims. They aren't invading Poland, but they think carpet bombing civilians is something to cheer. They agree with their Far Right predecessors that art should be censored, and that people with different thoughts of consensual love should be repressed. They want to control who is loved and what a woman can do with her body and say they want smaller, less intrusive government. The incredulity of that concept still has my head spinning.

The Far Right once exploded a bomb in a Christian church killing four little girls, and they see ISIS as savages all in the same narrow mind. The Far Right embraces a pompous, strutting, boorish thug as a political hero, much as their predecessors in 20th century Germany and Italy did.

So is there a Far Right in America? Read history and watch the news. They're not so hard to find.

"The Far Right once exploded a bomb in a Christian church killing four little girls, and they see ISIS as savages all in the same narrow mind."

Watch me grind you to bits, you dope:
[FONT=arial, sans-serif]
1. [/FONT]

  1. Three former Ku Klux Klan members are eventually convicted of murder for the bombing. Timeline: September 15, 1963 - Four girls are killed and 14 injured in a bomb blast at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama.Jun 13, 2013
    1963 Birmingham Church Bombing Fast Facts -
[FONT=arial, sans-serif]

2. KKK's David Duke.....Democrat.....right up to 1989,
State Senator, 1975 (Baton Rouge Area)
Threshold > 50%
First Ballot, November 1, 1975
State Senator, 10th District, 1979 (Suburban New Orleans) Threshold > 50% First Ballot, October 27, 1979
Democratic Nomination for United States Presidential Candidate, 1988 (Louisiana Results) Threshold = Plurality Primary Day, March 8, 1988

[FONT=arial, sans-serif]

[/FONT]Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

4. "The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.
....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. they roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."
From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

5., you moron, the 'Far Right' never
exploded a bomb in a Christian church killing four little girls,
and, unlike you members of the Progressive-Islamist Alliance......normal people recognize ISIS as savages.

Your side did it....and there is no Far Right in this country.
Last edited:
There is reality, then there is progressive fairytale world were everything pays for itself, by taking other people's money...
lol, PoliticalChic thinks there's no Far Right because she can't find anyone to the right of herself.
To the leftist, anyone who disagrees with big unlimited gov controlled by a small elite, is not only crazy but a far right wing radical...proving they're inability to learn from history.

"Leftists" don't believe in unlimited government.

The Far Right wants the government run by a small elite. They prove it every time they demean democracy as 'mob rule'.
That is another problem with leftists. They don't even know what their beliefs lead to.
your beliefs lead to Tonald Drump.............
lol, PoliticalChic thinks there's no Far Right because she can't find anyone to the right of herself.
To the leftist, anyone who disagrees with big unlimited gov controlled by a small elite, is not only crazy but a far right wing radical...proving they're inability to learn from history.
and anyone saying otherwise is a Commie Muslim terrorist sympathizer ....
There is reality, then there is progressive fairytale world were everything pays for itself, by taking other people's money...
Like for instance Prodigal son43 starting two wars while giving unprecedented "war time Tax cuts" and then passing a Medicare Part D ..Unfunded of course...but this was after Reagan proved "deficits do not matter"
unlike you members of the Progressive-Islamist Alliance......normal people recognize ISIS as savages.

And the foremost members of the Progressive-Islamist Alliance, Hillary Clinton, who has a Muslim Brotherhood aide (Huma Abedin), and Barrack Obama, who has had Muslim Brotherhooders employed in his White House, not only don't recognize ISIS as the uncivilized, barbaric savages that they are, they even now invite them to come to America, masquerading as Syrian refugees.
and anyone saying otherwise is a Commie Muslim terrorist sympathizer ....
Do you not agree that the left is continually sympathizing with Muslim terrorists, as well as facilitating their Islamization of America, and terrorism ? If not, you are in denial, detached from reality.
and anyone saying otherwise is a Commie Muslim terrorist sympathizer ....
Do you not agree that the left is continually sympathizing with Muslim terrorists, as well as facilitating their Islamization of America, and terrorism ? If not, you are in denial, detached from reality.
I am laughing at you because of your hysteria...hahahahahahah
There is reality, then there is progressive fairytale world were everything pays for itself, by taking other people's money...
Like for instance Prodigal son43 starting two wars while giving unprecedented "war time Tax cuts" and then passing a Medicare Part D ..Unfunded of course...but this was after Reagan proved "deficits do not matter"
1. Would you blame Roosevelt for "starting" the US participation in World War II ?

2. Do you have a gripe against US troops in being in Afghanistan and Iraq, right now ?
1. Would you blame Roosevelt for "starting" the US participation in World War II ?

2. Do you have a gripe against US troops in being in Afghanistan and Iraq, right now ?

Roosevelt did not strike back at China because of what Japan did compare WW2 to the Bush 43 Crusade is to "be stupid" on purpose...

I have a gripe against the US war on the world for Hegemony yes...........
I am laughing at you because of your hysteria...hahahahahahah
Sure. Leftists always laugh at what they know little about. Like teenagers laughing, cluelessly. I could be laughing at your laughing, except that your ignorance is dangerous to all of us. It is you idiots who are actively engaged at getting us all killed, while you watch your liberal OMISSION media, that keeps you information deprived, and jihadists take full advantage of your blindness.
Roosevelt did not strike back at China because of what Japan did compare WW2 to the Bush 43 Crusade is to "be stupid" on purpose...

I have a gripe against the US war on the world for Hegemony yes...........
Those weren't the questions, captain courageous. And NO, it is NOT stupid to compare Bush's wars with World War II. Both are in the category of self-defense. If you are not cognizant of that, you even more programmed into oblivion than is first apparent.
Well, the Far Right in America isn't burning books yet. But they advocate teaching mythology in Science classes. They aren't putting Stars of David on those fellow citizens they hate, but they want to exclude Muslims from this country because they are Muslims. They aren't invading Poland, but they think carpet bombing civilians is something to cheer. They agree with their Far Right predecessors that art should be censored, and that people with different thoughts of consensual love should be repressed. They want to control who is loved and what a woman can do with her body and say they want smaller, less intrusive government. The incredulity of that concept still has my head spinning.

The Far Right once exploded a bomb in a Christian church killing four little girls, and they see ISIS as savages all in the same narrow mind. The Far Right embraces a pompous, strutting, boorish thug as a political hero, much as their predecessors in 20th century Germany and Italy did.

So is there a Far Right in America? Read history and watch the news. They're not so hard to find.

"The Far Right once exploded a bomb in a Christian church killing four little girls, and they see ISIS as savages all in the same narrow mind."

Watch me grind you to bits, you dope:
[FONT=arial, sans-serif]
1. [/FONT]

  1. Three former Ku Klux Klan members are eventually convicted of murder for the bombing. Timeline: September 15, 1963 - Four girls are killed and 14 injured in a bomb blast at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama.Jun 13, 2013
    1963 Birmingham Church Bombing Fast Facts -
[FONT=arial, sans-serif]

2. KKK's David Duke.....Democrat.....right up to 1989,
State Senator, 1975 (Baton Rouge Area)
Threshold > 50%
First Ballot, November 1, 1975
State Senator, 10th District, 1979 (Suburban New Orleans) Threshold > 50% First Ballot, October 27, 1979
Democratic Nomination for United States Presidential Candidate, 1988 (Louisiana Results) Threshold = Plurality Primary Day, March 8, 1988

[FONT=arial, sans-serif]

[/FONT]Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

4. "The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.
....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. they roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."
From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

5., you moron, the 'Far Right' never
exploded a bomb in a Christian church killing four little girls,
and, unlike you members of the Progressive-Islamist Alliance......normal people recognize ISIS as savages.

Your side did it....and there is no Far Right in this country.
Ideology does not follow political party identity. You should be aware of that if you expect to be taken seriously. But I don't believe that you want to be taken seriously at all.
Well, the Far Right in America isn't burning books yet. But they advocate teaching mythology in Science classes. They aren't putting Stars of David on those fellow citizens they hate, but they want to exclude Muslims from this country because they are Muslims. They aren't invading Poland, but they think carpet bombing civilians is something to cheer. They agree with their Far Right predecessors that art should be censored, and that people with different thoughts of consensual love should be repressed. They want to control who is loved and what a woman can do with her body and say they want smaller, less intrusive government. The incredulity of that concept still has my head spinning.

The Far Right once exploded a bomb in a Christian church killing four little girls, and they see ISIS as savages all in the same narrow mind. The Far Right embraces a pompous, strutting, boorish thug as a political hero, much as their predecessors in 20th century Germany and Italy did.

So is there a Far Right in America? Read history and watch the news. They're not so hard to find.
1. You think excluding Muslims from immigration is extreme ? If so, then you have no idea how extreme YOU are. You also don't know much about Islam.

2. Would you denounce the carpet bombing of Germany in World War II ?

3. You don't think there should be some limitations on art ? How about the molestation of children in movies or plays ? Or the abuse of animals ?

4. You don't think homosexuality is an abnormal mental aberration that should b repressed (or at least strongly discouraged) ?

5. You think abortion is a matter just between a woman and her doctor ? You are talking about some absolutely extreme things. I suspect your liberal media masters have you programmed to think these are acceptable. he same ones who are guilty of withholding tons of information from you, to keep you from being capable of making INFORMED decisions.
Being Muslim does not automatically mean being a terrorist any,ore than being a Christian means you're a member of the KKK.

We are no longer fighting wars with B-17s and Norton bomb sites. Carpet bombing is a war crime in the age of GPS guides bombs.

Art is the signature of civilzation. I didn't say that, Beverly Sills did. To censor art is to repress free expression.

Homosexuality is a reality among all cultures and all peoples and even in some other animal species. It does no harm to me or you or anyone else. Because YOU have hang ups about human sexuality, it does not grant you power over other's sexuality so long as that other sexuality harms no one and is consensual among adults.

Pregnancy is a matter between a woman, her spouse or partner and a doctor. Pregnancy is not your concern, nor the government's concern. Personal lives are exactly that: personal. Mind your own business. This is America, Land of the Free.

So, you see, you did more to confirm my post rather than refute it. Far Right in America? Look in the mirror.
Well, the Far Right in America isn't burning books yet. But they advocate teaching mythology in Science classes. They aren't putting Stars of David on those fellow citizens they hate, but they want to exclude Muslims from this country because they are Muslims. They aren't invading Poland, but they think carpet bombing civilians is something to cheer. They agree with their Far Right predecessors that art should be censored, and that people with different thoughts of consensual love should be repressed. They want to control who is loved and what a woman can do with her body and say they want smaller, less intrusive government. The incredulity of that concept still has my head spinning.

The Far Right once exploded a bomb in a Christian church killing four little girls, and they see ISIS as savages all in the same narrow mind. The Far Right embraces a pompous, strutting, boorish thug as a political hero, much as their predecessors in 20th century Germany and Italy did.

So is there a Far Right in America? Read history and watch the news. They're not so hard to find.

"The Far Right once exploded a bomb in a Christian church killing four little girls, and they see ISIS as savages all in the same narrow mind."

Watch me grind you to bits, you dope:
[FONT=arial, sans-serif]
1. [/FONT]

  1. Three former Ku Klux Klan members are eventually convicted of murder for the bombing. Timeline: September 15, 1963 - Four girls are killed and 14 injured in a bomb blast at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama.Jun 13, 2013
    1963 Birmingham Church Bombing Fast Facts -
[FONT=arial, sans-serif]

2. KKK's David Duke.....Democrat.....right up to 1989,
State Senator, 1975 (Baton Rouge Area)
Threshold > 50%
First Ballot, November 1, 1975
State Senator, 10th District, 1979 (Suburban New Orleans) Threshold > 50% First Ballot, October 27, 1979
Democratic Nomination for United States Presidential Candidate, 1988 (Louisiana Results) Threshold = Plurality Primary Day, March 8, 1988

[FONT=arial, sans-serif]

[/FONT]Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

4. "The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.
....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. they roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."
From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

5., you moron, the 'Far Right' never
exploded a bomb in a Christian church killing four little girls,
and, unlike you members of the Progressive-Islamist Alliance......normal people recognize ISIS as savages.

Your side did it....and there is no Far Right in this country.
Ideology does not follow political party identity. You should be aware of that if you expect to be taken seriously. But I don't believe that you want to be taken seriously at all.

"Ideology does not follow political party identity."

Yeah, it does.

I sliced and diced your slanderous, lying post.

Now, you're reduced to this bogus bumper-sticker.

There is absolutely no truth to the Leftist, Democrat claim that somehow, miraculously they changed from the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship to the formulation that created the Republican Party.

Especially when the most popular Democrat today has an unbroken record of racism.

That's right...Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....a racist.

I dare you to ask me to document that.
Well, the Far Right in America isn't burning books yet. But they advocate teaching mythology in Science classes. They aren't putting Stars of David on those fellow citizens they hate, but they want to exclude Muslims from this country because they are Muslims. They aren't invading Poland, but they think carpet bombing civilians is something to cheer. They agree with their Far Right predecessors that art should be censored, and that people with different thoughts of consensual love should be repressed. They want to control who is loved and what a woman can do with her body and say they want smaller, less intrusive government. The incredulity of that concept still has my head spinning.

The Far Right once exploded a bomb in a Christian church killing four little girls, and they see ISIS as savages all in the same narrow mind. The Far Right embraces a pompous, strutting, boorish thug as a political hero, much as their predecessors in 20th century Germany and Italy did.

So is there a Far Right in America? Read history and watch the news. They're not so hard to find.

"The Far Right once exploded a bomb in a Christian church killing four little girls, and they see ISIS as savages all in the same narrow mind."

Watch me grind you to bits, you dope:
[FONT=arial, sans-serif]
1. [/FONT]

  1. Three former Ku Klux Klan members are eventually convicted of murder for the bombing. Timeline: September 15, 1963 - Four girls are killed and 14 injured in a bomb blast at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama.Jun 13, 2013
    1963 Birmingham Church Bombing Fast Facts -
[FONT=arial, sans-serif]

2. KKK's David Duke.....Democrat.....right up to 1989,
State Senator, 1975 (Baton Rouge Area)
Threshold > 50%
First Ballot, November 1, 1975
State Senator, 10th District, 1979 (Suburban New Orleans) Threshold > 50% First Ballot, October 27, 1979
Democratic Nomination for United States Presidential Candidate, 1988 (Louisiana Results) Threshold = Plurality Primary Day, March 8, 1988

[FONT=arial, sans-serif]

[/FONT]Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

4. "The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.
....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. they roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."
From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

5., you moron, the 'Far Right' never
exploded a bomb in a Christian church killing four little girls,
and, unlike you members of the Progressive-Islamist Alliance......normal people recognize ISIS as savages.

Your side did it....and there is no Far Right in this country.
Ideology does not follow political party identity. You should be aware of that if you expect to be taken seriously. But I don't believe that you want to be taken seriously at all.

"Ideology does not follow political party identity."

Yeah, it does.

I sliced and diced your slanderous, lying post.

Now, you're reduced to this bogus bumper-sticker.

There is absolutely no truth to the Leftist, Democrat claim that somehow, miraculously they changed from the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship to the formulation that created the Republican Party.

Especially when the most popular Democrat today has an unbroken record of racism.

That's right...Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....a racist.

I dare you to ask me to document that.
Do you actually beleive that racist Democrats like Strom Thurmond, George Wallace and Bull Connor are in simpatico politically, ideologically and spiritually with the Kumbya singing, tree hugging, Birkenstock wearing Liberals of today?

You're stretching beyond your reach, you're floundering before people who know and have lived history. Your behavior is pathetic on its face and laughable in its substance. In short, sit down before you fall down.
Well, the Far Right in America isn't burning books yet. But they advocate teaching mythology in Science classes. They aren't putting Stars of David on those fellow citizens they hate, but they want to exclude Muslims from this country because they are Muslims. They aren't invading Poland, but they think carpet bombing civilians is something to cheer. They agree with their Far Right predecessors that art should be censored, and that people with different thoughts of consensual love should be repressed. They want to control who is loved and what a woman can do with her body and say they want smaller, less intrusive government. The incredulity of that concept still has my head spinning.

The Far Right once exploded a bomb in a Christian church killing four little girls, and they see ISIS as savages all in the same narrow mind. The Far Right embraces a pompous, strutting, boorish thug as a political hero, much as their predecessors in 20th century Germany and Italy did.

So is there a Far Right in America? Read history and watch the news. They're not so hard to find.

"The Far Right once exploded a bomb in a Christian church killing four little girls, and they see ISIS as savages all in the same narrow mind."

Watch me grind you to bits, you dope:
[FONT=arial, sans-serif]
1. [/FONT]

  1. Three former Ku Klux Klan members are eventually convicted of murder for the bombing. Timeline: September 15, 1963 - Four girls are killed and 14 injured in a bomb blast at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama.Jun 13, 2013
    1963 Birmingham Church Bombing Fast Facts -
[FONT=arial, sans-serif]

2. KKK's David Duke.....Democrat.....right up to 1989,
State Senator, 1975 (Baton Rouge Area)
Threshold > 50%
First Ballot, November 1, 1975
State Senator, 10th District, 1979 (Suburban New Orleans) Threshold > 50% First Ballot, October 27, 1979
Democratic Nomination for United States Presidential Candidate, 1988 (Louisiana Results) Threshold = Plurality Primary Day, March 8, 1988

[FONT=arial, sans-serif]

[/FONT]Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

4. "The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.
....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. they roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."
From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

5., you moron, the 'Far Right' never
exploded a bomb in a Christian church killing four little girls,
and, unlike you members of the Progressive-Islamist Alliance......normal people recognize ISIS as savages.

Your side did it....and there is no Far Right in this country.
Ideology does not follow political party identity. You should be aware of that if you expect to be taken seriously. But I don't believe that you want to be taken seriously at all.

"Ideology does not follow political party identity."

Yeah, it does.

I sliced and diced your slanderous, lying post.

Now, you're reduced to this bogus bumper-sticker.

There is absolutely no truth to the Leftist, Democrat claim that somehow, miraculously they changed from the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship to the formulation that created the Republican Party.

Especially when the most popular Democrat today has an unbroken record of racism.

That's right...Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....a racist.

I dare you to ask me to document that.
Do you actually beleive that racist Democrats like Strom Thurmond, George Wallace and Bull Connor are in simpatico politically, ideologically and spiritually with the Kumbya singing, tree hugging, Birkenstock wearing Liberals of today?

You're stretching beyond your reach, you're floundering before people who know and have lived history. Your behavior is pathetic on its face and laughable in its substance. In short, sit down before you fall down.

Gee....I wonder why you ignored this:
Especially when the most popular Democrat today has an unbroken record of racism.

That's right...Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....a racist.

I dare you to ask me to document that.

Probably the same reason you haven't apologized for the slander about Rightwingers bombing a church and killing four little girls.
The murderers were your side.....just as the Democrats have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.
There is reality, then there is progressive fairytale world were everything pays for itself, by taking other people's money...
Like for instance Prodigal son43 starting two wars while giving unprecedented "war time Tax cuts" and then passing a Medicare Part D ..Unfunded of course...but this was after Reagan proved "deficits do not matter"
Pocket change as compared to SS, Medicare and Medicaid... But it's all debt that is/was unnecessary.

Our federal government has been a banana republic for many decades now...

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