There Is No "Far Right" In This Country

Pocket change as compared to SS, Medicare and Medicaid... But it's all debt that is/was unnecessary.

Our federal government has been a banana republic for many decades now...

Let me see SS, Medicare, and Medicaid all benefit the great Middle class that produces the great wealth of the US are comparing those programs to useless contrived wars to benefit a micro minority of wealthy Americans and its now that you call the US a Banana Republic ...get sober wing nut.........
I am laughing at you because of your hysteria...hahahahahahah
Sure. Leftists always laugh at what they know little about. Like teenagers laughing, cluelessly. I could be laughing at your laughing, except that your ignorance is dangerous to all of us. It is you idiots who are actively engaged at getting us all killed, while you watch your liberal OMISSION media, that keeps you information deprived, and jihadists take full advantage of your blindness.
I laugh loud and clear at any effort to make me fearful...
Roosevelt did not strike back at China because of what Japan did compare WW2 to the Bush 43 Crusade is to "be stupid" on purpose...

I have a gripe against the US war on the world for Hegemony yes...........
Those weren't the questions, captain courageous. And NO, it is NOT stupid to compare Bush's wars with World War II. Both are in the category of self-defense. If you are not cognizant of that, you even more programmed into oblivion than is first apparent.
Tell me about the sleepless night worrying about Saddam poor freak.,...
There is reality, then there is progressive fairytale world were everything pays for itself, by taking other people's money...
Like for instance Prodigal son43 starting two wars while giving unprecedented "war time Tax cuts" and then passing a Medicare Part D ..Unfunded of course...but this was after Reagan proved "deficits do not matter"
Pocket change as compared to SS, Medicare and Medicaid... But it's all debt that is/was unnecessary.

Our federal government has been a banana republic for many decades now...

Medicare Part D is Medicare genius.

Our debt has been caused by unnecessary wars starting with Reagan escalating the Cold War and not paying for it.
Being Muslim does not automatically mean being a terrorist any,ore than being a Christian means you're a member of the KKK.

We are no longer fighting wars with B-17s and Norton bomb sites. Carpet bombing is a war crime in the age of GPS guides bombs.

Art is the signature of civilzation. I didn't say that, Beverly Sills did. To censor art is to repress free expression.

Homosexuality is a reality among all cultures and all peoples and even in some other animal species. It does no harm to me or you or anyone else. Because YOU have hang ups about human sexuality, it does not grant you power over other's sexuality so long as that other sexuality harms no one and is consensual among adults.

Pregnancy is a matter between a woman, her spouse or partner and a doctor. Pregnancy is not your concern, nor the government's concern. Personal lives are exactly that: personal. Mind your own business. This is America, Land of the Free.

So, you see, you did more to confirm my post rather than refute it. Far Right in America? Look in the mirror.
1. Actually you're wrong. Being a Muslim DOES mean being a terrorist. That's because "being Muslim" is being a follower of the Koran which advocates (if not commands) mass genocide against non-Muslims. (Koran 8:12, 9:5, 9:123, et al). It would help if people who talk about Islam would read the Koran, so as to know what they're talking about. And terrorism isn't the only problem. The Koran is inundated with all sorts of immoral (and illegal under US laws) stuff that makes Muslims simply unassimilatable in American society, and immensely anti-social.
Those who do not prescribe to the Koran and general Islamic practices, can assimilate perfectly well and be great US citizens , and some are, BUT they then are being NON-Muslims, regardless of what they may call themselves. Example: I know a woman who calls herself Muslim, but she's a lesbian, drinks alcohol, belongs to an anti-wifebeating org, and has a dog. Obviously, she's not a Muslim.

2. I'm taking it that the answer to the question is, based on the technology of the 1940s, no you would not be against carpet bombing of Germany, or possibilty doing it now, if no other alternative was feasible. (GPS bombing isn't always)

3. Since I don't allow answers to be detached from my questions, I'm taking it that your evasive "answer" means that you would be OK with the molestation of children in movies or plays & the abuse of animals, as long as the perpetrator was doing it in a movie or play, and calling it "art". Please show a little more backbone in your "answers".

4. Nobody said homosexuality wasn't real. Homosexuality certainly DOES do harm. It is a mental aberration, which is harmful as much as any other mental aberration, and defining it as normal, causes people to wrongly think it is acceptable, encourages them to engage in it (this is especially dangerous for young vulnerable teenagers) If we defined agoraphobia or claustraphobia as normal that would be harmful to the people afflicted with those illnesses.

5. FALSE! You left out one critically important player in the abortion issue. The MOST important one of all. That is the soon to be born person, and that person, in 20 years will be able to speak clearly on his/her own, but at the pregnancy time, that person needs the voice that CAN be heard, and that voice of the voice of the American people, which may be reflected through the govt. That is what makes it the business of every America, just like it is the business of everyone to stop murderers and thieves.

So, you see, I refuted your post, and I have now refuted it in greater detail Hope you learned something.
Tell me about the sleepless night worrying about Saddam poor freak.,...
I'll tell you about the sleepless nights and awakeless days of thousands of people killed by ISIS in Iraq, as well as their orphaned children, many of whom I met, when I was in Iraq last summer. (in part because of the absense of US troops)
Being Muslim does not automatically mean being a terrorist any,ore than being a Christian means you're a member of the KKK.

We are no longer fighting wars with B-17s and Norton bomb sites. Carpet bombing is a war crime in the age of GPS guides bombs.

Art is the signature of civilzation. I didn't say that, Beverly Sills did. To censor art is to repress free expression.

Homosexuality is a reality among all cultures and all peoples and even in some other animal species. It does no harm to me or you or anyone else. Because YOU have hang ups about human sexuality, it does not grant you power over other's sexuality so long as that other sexuality harms no one and is consensual among adults.

Pregnancy is a matter between a woman, her spouse or partner and a doctor. Pregnancy is not your concern, nor the government's concern. Personal lives are exactly that: personal. Mind your own business. This is America, Land of the Free.

So, you see, you did more to confirm my post rather than refute it. Far Right in America? Look in the mirror.
1. Actually you're wrong. Being a Muslim DOES mean being a terrorist. That's because "being Muslim" is being a follower of the Koran which advocates (if not commands) mass genocide against non-Muslims. (Koran 8:12, 9:5, 9:123, et al). It would help if people who talk about Islam would read the Koran, so as to know what they're talking about. And terrorism isn't the only problem. The Koran is inundated with all sorts of immoral (and illegal under US laws) stuff that makes Muslims simply unassimilatable in American society, and immensely anti-social.

The world is full of Muslims AND Christians who do anything but follow their storybooks to the letter.
Tell me about the sleepless night worrying about Saddam poor freak.,...
I'll tell you about the sleepless nights and awakeless days of thousands of people killed by ISIS in Iraq, as well as their orphaned children, many of whom I met, when I was in Iraq last summer. (in part because of the absense of US troops)

That's your sleepless night, not that of the US. ISIS is not our fight. Everything we do against ISIS we are doing out of assistance to others who most acutely threatened,

not out of a need to protect our vital interests.
Do you actually beleive that racist Democrats like Strom Thurmond, George Wallace and Bull Connor are in simpatico politically, ideologically and spiritually with the Kumbya singing, tree hugging, Birkenstock wearing Liberals of today?

You're stretching beyond your reach, you're floundering before people who know and have lived history. Your behavior is pathetic on its face and laughable in its substance. In short, sit down before you fall down.
I not only "believe" that they are in simpatico politically, ideologically and spiritually with the Kumbya singing, tree hugging, Birkenstock wearing Liberals of today, I KNOW THEY ARE, and I know it from my own personal experience.

The only difference is that the old Democrat racists were racist against blacks, and these of the past 50 years, have been (and still are) racist against whites. During this period (1965-2016), it is their affirmative action racism, that has been, by far, the largest, malicious, racial discrimination, against, by far, the largest number of people. (still actively enforced, except in 8 states where it is banned, in whole or part)
Pocket change as compared to SS, Medicare and Medicaid... But it's all debt that is/was unnecessary.

Our federal government has been a banana republic for many decades now...

Let me see SS, Medicare, and Medicaid all benefit the great Middle class that produces the great wealth of the US are comparing those programs to useless contrived wars to benefit a micro minority of wealthy Americans and its now that you call the US a Banana Republic ...get sober wing nut.........
I am saying a bloated, corrupt government... What possibly could go wrong??
Tax, spend and print like blithering idiots...
Hence a banana republic
The world is full of Muslims AND Christians who do anything but follow their storybooks to the letter.
What is relevant to US national security, is that there are enough Muslims who DO follow the Koran to the letter, for Muslim immigration to be an unacceptable, reckless risk, and Donald Trump is exercising common sense in calling for a ban on it.
Like one famous politician said - we are from the government and are here to help.
Be prepared for a fleecing...
That's your sleepless night, not that of the US. ISIS is not our fight. Everything we do against ISIS we are doing out of assistance to others who most acutely threatened,

not out of a need to protect our vital interests.
You are incredibly naive. Is this how bad you liberal medias are misleading you ? Good grief! There is no question whatsoever that ISIS is gunning for the USA, they have been open about it, and it is only the busy build-up of them in Syria and Iraq, that has kept them from being here already,.and blasting us to bits

We are AT WAR WITH ISIS RIGHT NOW. You don't know that ? You haven't heard the communiques of al-Baghdadi ? ("See you in New York"......"ISIS flag over the White House") Sorry dude, but you are a complete idiot to say that "ISIS is not our fight" Not only is ISIS our fight, they are the biggest and most dangerous fight we in America, have ever faced in our entire 240 year history. Even the threats of Germany and Japan (who were not nuclear threats) were not as dangerous as ISIS who is hell bent on carrying out the bin Laden/Zawahiri infamous "American Hiroshima". They have been busy in the acquisition of nuclear bombs, and now see a grand opportunity to enter the US in large numbers, with Obama's idiotic welcoming of Syrian refugees.

I am seeing very clearly the nuclear annilhilation of a dozen large US cities, possibly this year, depending on how fast the blockheads in DC start allowing the ISIS trojan horse to enter.
That's your sleepless night, not that of the US. ISIS is not our fight. Everything we do against ISIS we are doing out of assistance to others who most acutely threatened,

not out of a need to protect our vital interests.
You are incredibly naive. Is this how bad you liberal medias are misleading you ? Good grief! There is no question whatsoever that ISIS is gunning for the USA, they have been open about it, and it is only the busy build-up of them in Syria and Iraq, that has kept them from being here already,.and blasting us to bits

We are AT WAR WITH ISIS RIGHT NOW. You don't know that ? You haven't heard the communiques of al-Baghdadi ? ("See you in New York"......"ISIS flag over the White House") Sorry dude, but you are a complete idiot to say that "ISIS is not our fight" Not only is ISIS our fight, they are the biggest and most dangerous fight we in America, have ever faced in our entire 240 year history. Even the threats of Germany and Japan (who were not nuclear threats) were not as dangerous as ISIS who is hell bent on carrying out the bin Laden/Zawahiri infamous "American Hiroshima". They have been busy in the acquisition of nuclear bombs, and now see a grand opportunity to enter the US in large numbers, with Obama's idiotic welcoming of Syrian refugees.

I am seeing very clearly the nuclear annilhilation of a dozen large US cities, possibly this year, depending on how fast the blockheads in DC start allowing the ISIS trojan horse to enter.

You're insane. If ISIS is such a threat to us, why isn't Israel fighting them?
And the contemporary Democrat Party stands for the same things the Communist Party did.

Are you really that fucking retarded?

After further review, the opinion stands. Yes, she is fucking retarded. Having once been married to a woman whose brain malfunctioned in exactly the same manner as PC's,

I consider myself an expert witness.
And the contemporary Democrat Party stands for the same things the Communist Party did.

Are you really that fucking retarded?

I mean, how do you people get so misinformed?

Tell us.

Is it just fox news and RW Radio?

Clean up your Liberal language, and come back and I'll prove what I said.

lol, you've already lost that argument in the last week.

Remember when I pointed out you called Joe Biden and Andrew Cuomo Communists, and I asked you to prove it?

All you did was deny you ever called them Communists, which was a LIE,

because you called ALL Democrats Communists.

So if you want to prove something...

Prove that Joe Biden is a Communist. With facts and evidence. Be specific.
And the contemporary Democrat Party stands for the same things the Communist Party did.

Are you really that fucking retarded?

I mean, how do you people get so misinformed?

Tell us.

Is it just fox news and RW Radio?

Clean up your Liberal language, and come back and I'll prove what I said.

lol, you've already lost that argument in the last week.

Remember when I pointed out you called Joe Biden and Andrew Cuomo Communists, and I asked you to prove it?

All you did was deny you ever called them Communists, which was a LIE,

because you called ALL Democrats Communists.

So if you want to prove something...

Prove that Joe Biden is a Communist. With facts and evidence. Be specific.

Remember the last time you authored a post not chock full of lies?

Me neither.

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