There is no right/left, no liberal/conservative....

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
...just those who believe people are inherently free, and those who believe people need to be controlled.

Which side are you on, and why do you think so?
...just those who believe people are inherently free, and those who believe people need to be controlled.

Which side are you on, and why do you think so?

Or people who believe that any control needs a clear, concise and overwhelming need, and even this it has to be as limited as possible.
...just those who believe people are inherently free, and those who believe people need to be controlled.
Which side are you on, and why do you think so?
Or people who believe that any control needs a clear, concise and overwhelming need, and even this it has to be as limited as possible.
Explain. Examples?

The ability of government to restrict felons from owning a firearm for example. If you take the 2nd amendment as literal 100%, that wouldn't be possible. However government's need to prevent it is clear, the laws are usually concise, and by the nature of how well a felony is defined, it is limited. The same can be said about the "yelling fire" or fighting words exceptions to the 1st amendment.

We can go into the Lautenberg law as violating part 3, but that is a different debate.
...just those who believe people are inherently free, and those who believe people need to be controlled.
Which side are you on, and why do you think so?
Or people who believe that any control needs a clear, concise and overwhelming need, and even this it has to be as limited as possible.
Explain. Examples?
The ability of government to restrict felons from owning a firearm for example. If you take the 2nd amendment as literal 100%, that wouldn't be possible. However government's need to prevent it is clear, the laws are usually concise, and by the nature of how well a felony is defined, it is limited.
Simplified: Felons should be controlled.
The same can be said about the "yelling fire" or fighting words exceptions to the 1st amendment.
"Inherently free" does not include the freedom to harm others or place them in a condition of clear, present and immediate danger.
There is a right/wrong.

People who believe in liberty are right, collectivists are wrong.

...just those who believe people are inherently free, and those who believe people need to be controlled.

Which side are you on, and why do you think so?

It boils down to the same thing. The modern left seeks a totalitarian system.

As I have gotten older, I have figured out that there are people who fear responsibility more than they fear death. These people will suffer any degradation, any discomfort, any hardship, just as long as others are to blame and they never have to make decisions affecting their own fate.

The left is comprised of those who seek to rule, and those who fear to live. The leftists who lust for power are more than happy to rule over the mindless peasants (think RDean, franco, Puddly Pillowbite, et al.) who fear responsibility. These people were happy in their misery under feudalism and want nothing more that to have a master to micromanage every aspect of their lives.

The modern right is made up of the individualists who not only control their own lives, but have little sympathy for the weak minded fools who so fear responsibility.

These are the battle lines. You are correct in that the conflict is between free and slave, but it IS left and right at the same time. The left yearns for a master to care for them and to control them.
The left is comprised of those who seek to rule, and those who fear to live. The leftists who lust for power are more than happy to rule over the mindless peasants (think RDean, franco, Puddly Pillowbite, et al.) who fear responsibility. These people were happy in their misery under feudalism and want nothing more that to have a master to micromanage every aspect of their lives.

The modern right is made up of the individualists who not only control their own lives, but have little sympathy for the weak minded fools who so fear responsibility.
But you would agree that there are those on the right that want to control others -- yes?
...just those who believe people are inherently free, and those who believe people need to be controlled.

Which side are you on, and why do you think so?

There is no right or left, only the desire to go straight forward. Freedom has no political connotation. I pick no side. Simply because of my freedom, I get to choose my own values and principles, not a party.
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while the feloy might be "definied", it's a crock of it in 90+% of cases. What Kennedy ADMITTED guilt to doing at Chappaquidick carried 2 years, but a felony conviction would have precluded his being a senator. So Mass created a SPECIAL 2 year "misdemeanor", JUST for Teddy boy, NOTHING in the FF's writings indicate that they thought dope should be illegal, and well over half of felony convictions are for dope. About half of the remaining felonies had no victims.
The LEFT wants ultimate control ,that of holding the only guns, via govt, while the right KNOWS not to trust you with that power.
while the feloy might be "definied", it's a crock of it in 90+% of cases. What Kennedy ADMITTED guilt to doing at Chappaquidick carried 2 years, but a felony conviction would have precluded his being a senator. So Mass created a SPECIAL 2 year "misdemeanor", JUST for Teddy boy, NOTHING in the FF's writings indicate that they thought dope should be illegal, and well over half of felony convictions are for dope. About half of the remaining felonies had no victims.
And so, people who want to felonize behavior that does not harm others seek to control the behavior of the people who seek to undertake those actions.
...just those who believe people are inherently free, and those who believe people need to be controlled.

Which side are you on, and why do you think so?
Black and white thinking, as usual. Humans are toddlers on a playground. If you don't want them running into the street after a ball you need a fence around them. Good fences make good neighbors.
But you would agree that there are those on the right that want to control others -- yes?

I would agree that there are Republicans who do - usually the hyper-religious.

Since I define "right" as a "proponent of individual liberty," I wouldn't agree that the right wants to control others.
...just those who believe people are inherently free, and those who believe people need to be controlled.

Which side are you on, and why do you think so?
Black and white thinking, as usual. Humans are toddlers on a playground. If you don't want them running into the street after a ball you need a fence around them. Good fences make good neighbors.

The best fence is a rod iron fence.

Jail is a collectivist utopia. Everyone eats ths same things, wears the same things, and lives in the same sized jail cell.

Oh, and everyday is gay pride day and a gun free zone

It's a collectivist utopia!!

The US government passes about 40,000 new laws and regulations every year, and with every law and regulation our freedoms wane.

Are we really that bad?

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