There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

1. Are you comparing molesting a child to an adult sharing adult photos with another adult?

2. Are you suggesting, sir, that I'm a Christian hater?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

You are the one that brought up and approved of Weiner's perverted acts. Yes sir, I consider you a Christian hater since your ability to forgive is reserved for Democrats.

And, apparently the forgiveness from most of the so-called Christians here is reserved for conservatives. I don't see too many conservatives forgiving Clinton, and he didn't even commit a crime. Explain that to me.

Clinton didn't ask for forgiveness. He did apologize, but that was mostly because he was sorry he got caught.
How do you know that he didn't? Does God not forgive ALL sins/sinners? BTW, where can I find Josh Duggar's "forgive me" speech?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Where can I find Clinton's 'forgive me' speech? The answer is God does not forgive all sinners, only those who accept Christ, ask for forgiveness and repent.
Ahhh, there it is. YOU get to pick and choose who God does and doesn't forgive. What a perfect grift.

So all you need to do now is man up about it instead of insinuate. Has Bill Clinton been forgiven by God, yes or no?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
1. Are you comparing molesting a child to an adult sharing adult photos with another adult?

2. Are you suggesting, sir, that I'm a Christian hater?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

You are the one that brought up and approved of Weiner's perverted acts. Yes sir, I consider you a Christian hater since your ability to forgive is reserved for Democrats.

And, apparently the forgiveness from most of the so-called Christians here is reserved for conservatives. I don't see too many conservatives forgiving Clinton, and he didn't even commit a crime. Explain that to me.

Clinton didn't ask for forgiveness. He did apologize, but that was mostly because he was sorry he got caught.
How do you know that he didn't? Does God not forgive ALL sins/sinners? BTW, where can I find Josh Duggar's "forgive me" speech?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Where can I find Clinton's 'forgive me' speech? The answer is God does not forgive all sinners, only those who accept Christ, ask for forgiveness and repent.
Someone provided a link to it. So where's Josh Duggar's?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
The thing is, we don't know if Josh has molested more children than what's been reported. People tend to hide these things. What we do know that that his family in not cooperating with a new investigation. Why is that?

I could be wrong, but I have a feeling more is going to come to light.

Duggar Family Reportedly Under New Investigation By Arkansas Department Of Human Services

Oh, we'd know by now. You just want to believe he's a pedophile, for whatever reason.

Sounds to me you just want to believe he's not, for whatever reason. Investigations take time.

What are you talking about ? You don't speak English?

Just because someone sexually assaults Children (and Josh did) does NOT mean they were sexually attracted to children. It simply means they sexually assaulted children.

Pedophile is NOT the crime. Sexual assault of a minor is. Are you simply not smart enough to understand that a person can sexually assault a child even if they aren't sexually attracted to children?

Don't be an idiot....I'm not saying he is or he isn't, moron, I'm saying you don't know for sure.

The fact is that you don't have inside information about what Josh Duggar is or isn't. You have no proof that he hasn't done it again or repeatedly....children don't go to the police or to the news when they are being abused by their parent. I'm not saying that he is, I'm saying that we don't know. So, don't get all ass-smart with me, you have about as much information as I have, so you really don't know. Until the investigation is complete you are just least some of us are going by what he has already admitted to, not just blowing smoke, like you.

Are the police still investigating what happened 12 years ago? Or is the investigation just a constant smear campaign being waged against Christians by bigots?

Geez, you really don't know how to use Google? Why are you so eager to keep it under wraps, if you are a Christian, you would want the truth to come out before another child falls victim....or do you not care about innocent children?

Posted: 06/10/2015 4:23 pm EDT Updated: 06/12/2015
Duggar Family Reportedly Under New Investigation By Arkansas Department Of Human Services
Oh, we'd know by now. You just want to believe he's a pedophile, for whatever reason.

Sounds to me you just want to believe he's not, for whatever reason. Investigations take time.

What are you talking about ? You don't speak English?

Just because someone sexually assaults Children (and Josh did) does NOT mean they were sexually attracted to children. It simply means they sexually assaulted children.

Pedophile is NOT the crime. Sexual assault of a minor is. Are you simply not smart enough to understand that a person can sexually assault a child even if they aren't sexually attracted to children?

Don't be an idiot....I'm not saying he is or he isn't, moron, I'm saying you don't know for sure.

The fact is that you don't have inside information about what Josh Duggar is or isn't. You have no proof that he hasn't done it again or repeatedly....children don't go to the police or to the news when they are being abused by their parent. I'm not saying that he is, I'm saying that we don't know. So, don't get all ass-smart with me, you have about as much information as I have, so you really don't know. Until the investigation is complete you are just least some of us are going by what he has already admitted to, not just blowing smoke, like you.

Are the police still investigating what happened 12 years ago? Or is the investigation just a constant smear campaign being waged against Christians by bigots?

Geez, you really don't know how to use Google? Why are you so eager to keep it under wraps, if you are a Christian, you would want the truth to come out.

Posted: 06/10/2015 4:23 pm EDT Updated: 06/12/2015
Duggar Family Reportedly Under New Investigation By Arkansas Department Of Human Services

What does that have to do with Josh Duggar, who was until recently living in MARYLAND, not Arkansas
LOL As I said, it's known here in Arkansas. State Troopers protected him while he did it.

That's a fact. It is also completely irrelevant to Josh Duggar.

Yeah right, because the State Troopers confessed to you........bwahahaha....and it isn't irrelevant to Josh Duggar. If Josh Duggar who actually committed a crime against children, is being defended by so-called "Christians" - why won't they extend the same courtesy to Bill Clinton, who didn't even commit a crime? Because they are hypocrites and you are beginning to sound like one yourself.
And, apparently the forgiveness from most of the so-called Christians here is reserved for conservatives. I don't see too many conservatives forgiving Clinton, and he didn't even commit a crime. Explain that to me.

Clinton didn't ask for forgiveness. He did apologize, but that was mostly because he was sorry he got caught.
How do you know that he didn't? Does God not forgive ALL sins/sinners? BTW, where can I find Josh Duggar's "forgive me" speech?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Where can I find Clinton's 'forgive me' speech?

I bet you would know where to look for Duggar's apology? Google is not that hard to use....but here...
The History Place - Great Speeches Collection Bill Clinton speech I Have Sinned

The answer is God does not forgive all sinners, only those who accept Christ, ask for forgiveness and repent.

The answer is Republican/conservative Christians don't get to choose who God forgives. Bill Clinton is a Christian. He asked for forgiveness and repented, and Hillary stuck by him. But Republican/conservatives are such hypocrites....they claim to know that Josh Duggar is forgiven, but they also claim to know that Clinton is not. And, instead of praising Hillary for staying with her husband and not getting a divorce, they criticize her and claim she is weak and that she did it for money, political reasons or something else.

It is not my call to determine if God has forgiven Bill Clinton. I can only speak for my self and I do not believe a word Bill Clinton says. IMHO he is the greatest confidence man of this or any other century.

I also do not compare Josh Duggars transgressions as a teenager to those of an adult that screwed everything with a heartbeat and a hole for his entire life.
Hyperbole much? If this is an indication of your thinking, you don't think with any logic or intellectual honesty, and, therefore, anything you post lacks credibility and should be disregarded.
LOL As I said, it's known here in Arkansas. State Troopers protected him while he did it.

That's a fact. It is also completely irrelevant to Josh Duggar.

Yeah right, because the State Troopers confessed to you........bwahahaha....and it isn't irrelevant to Josh Duggar. If Josh Duggar who actually committed a crime against children, is being defended by so-called "Christians" - why won't they extend the same courtesy to Bill Clinton, who didn't even commit a crime? Because they are hypocrites and you are beginning to sound like one yourself.

I have no idea why those who believe Clinton has anything to do with Duggar do anything.

Ask them.
Sounds to me you just want to believe he's not, for whatever reason. Investigations take time.

What are you talking about ? You don't speak English?

Just because someone sexually assaults Children (and Josh did) does NOT mean they were sexually attracted to children. It simply means they sexually assaulted children.

Pedophile is NOT the crime. Sexual assault of a minor is. Are you simply not smart enough to understand that a person can sexually assault a child even if they aren't sexually attracted to children?

Don't be an idiot....I'm not saying he is or he isn't, moron, I'm saying you don't know for sure.

The fact is that you don't have inside information about what Josh Duggar is or isn't. You have no proof that he hasn't done it again or repeatedly....children don't go to the police or to the news when they are being abused by their parent. I'm not saying that he is, I'm saying that we don't know. So, don't get all ass-smart with me, you have about as much information as I have, so you really don't know. Until the investigation is complete you are just least some of us are going by what he has already admitted to, not just blowing smoke, like you.

Are the police still investigating what happened 12 years ago? Or is the investigation just a constant smear campaign being waged against Christians by bigots?

Geez, you really don't know how to use Google? Why are you so eager to keep it under wraps, if you are a Christian, you would want the truth to come out.

Posted: 06/10/2015 4:23 pm EDT Updated: 06/12/2015
Duggar Family Reportedly Under New Investigation By Arkansas Department Of Human Services

What does that have to do with Josh Duggar, who was until recently living in MARYLAND, not Arkansas

I guess we have to find out what the investigation discovers, don't we? Why are you already setting up defenses for Josh? That he lives in Maryland doesn't keep him from molesting children in Arkansas, does it?

Oh, I forgot, you have ESP powers and the State Troopers report everything to you.......bwahaha.
Sounds to me you just want to believe he's not, for whatever reason. Investigations take time.

What are you talking about ? You don't speak English?

Just because someone sexually assaults Children (and Josh did) does NOT mean they were sexually attracted to children. It simply means they sexually assaulted children.

Pedophile is NOT the crime. Sexual assault of a minor is. Are you simply not smart enough to understand that a person can sexually assault a child even if they aren't sexually attracted to children?

Don't be an idiot....I'm not saying he is or he isn't, moron, I'm saying you don't know for sure.

The fact is that you don't have inside information about what Josh Duggar is or isn't. You have no proof that he hasn't done it again or repeatedly....children don't go to the police or to the news when they are being abused by their parent. I'm not saying that he is, I'm saying that we don't know. So, don't get all ass-smart with me, you have about as much information as I have, so you really don't know. Until the investigation is complete you are just least some of us are going by what he has already admitted to, not just blowing smoke, like you.

Are the police still investigating what happened 12 years ago? Or is the investigation just a constant smear campaign being waged against Christians by bigots?
Why do you only think in terms of politics? Why do you defend this guy because of partisanship? Don't you care what happened to those innocent girls?

Those innocent girls have been my main concern this entire thread. The only thing that can come of sensationalizing what happened 12 years ago is to humiliate and embarrass those young girls who are now teenagers.
I don't think Christians are a political party, but they are who are being attacked by atheists, agnostics and just plain assholes who I assure you are all liberal Democrats.

Yeah sure, they've been your main concern....that's why you're so ready to give Josh a pass, and if he molests another child, oh well, he can ask forgiveness again, because we know we always get forgiven. And you must not be a Christian yourself.....calling every liberal an asshole.....tsk, tsk, sounds a bit judgemental.........:eek:
What are you talking about ? You don't speak English?

Just because someone sexually assaults Children (and Josh did) does NOT mean they were sexually attracted to children. It simply means they sexually assaulted children.

Pedophile is NOT the crime. Sexual assault of a minor is. Are you simply not smart enough to understand that a person can sexually assault a child even if they aren't sexually attracted to children?

Don't be an idiot....I'm not saying he is or he isn't, moron, I'm saying you don't know for sure.

The fact is that you don't have inside information about what Josh Duggar is or isn't. You have no proof that he hasn't done it again or repeatedly....children don't go to the police or to the news when they are being abused by their parent. I'm not saying that he is, I'm saying that we don't know. So, don't get all ass-smart with me, you have about as much information as I have, so you really don't know. Until the investigation is complete you are just least some of us are going by what he has already admitted to, not just blowing smoke, like you.

Are the police still investigating what happened 12 years ago? Or is the investigation just a constant smear campaign being waged against Christians by bigots?

Geez, you really don't know how to use Google? Why are you so eager to keep it under wraps, if you are a Christian, you would want the truth to come out.

Posted: 06/10/2015 4:23 pm EDT Updated: 06/12/2015
Duggar Family Reportedly Under New Investigation By Arkansas Department Of Human Services

What does that have to do with Josh Duggar, who was until recently living in MARYLAND, not Arkansas

I guess we have to find out what the investigation discovers, don't we? Why are you already setting up defenses for Josh? That he lives in Maryland doesn't keep him from molesting children in Arkansas, does it?

Oh, I forgot, you have ESP powers and the State Troopers report everything to you.......bwahaha.

Um what?

Do you understand how investigations work? That's a serious question.

If there was suspicion that a person living out of the household was abusing a child, DHS would NOT be the agency with jurisdiction. The POLICE would

And obviously Josh was NOT living in the house in Arkansas, so logically this recent investigation has nothing to do with him
What are you talking about ? You don't speak English?

Just because someone sexually assaults Children (and Josh did) does NOT mean they were sexually attracted to children. It simply means they sexually assaulted children.

Pedophile is NOT the crime. Sexual assault of a minor is. Are you simply not smart enough to understand that a person can sexually assault a child even if they aren't sexually attracted to children?

Don't be an idiot....I'm not saying he is or he isn't, moron, I'm saying you don't know for sure.

The fact is that you don't have inside information about what Josh Duggar is or isn't. You have no proof that he hasn't done it again or repeatedly....children don't go to the police or to the news when they are being abused by their parent. I'm not saying that he is, I'm saying that we don't know. So, don't get all ass-smart with me, you have about as much information as I have, so you really don't know. Until the investigation is complete you are just least some of us are going by what he has already admitted to, not just blowing smoke, like you.

Are the police still investigating what happened 12 years ago? Or is the investigation just a constant smear campaign being waged against Christians by bigots?
Why do you only think in terms of politics? Why do you defend this guy because of partisanship? Don't you care what happened to those innocent girls?

Those innocent girls have been my main concern this entire thread. The only thing that can come of sensationalizing what happened 12 years ago is to humiliate and embarrass those young girls who are now teenagers.
I don't think Christians are a political party, but they are who are being attacked by atheists, agnostics and just plain assholes who I assure you are all liberal Democrats.

Yeah sure, they've been your main concern....that's why you're so ready to give Josh a pass, and if he molests another child, oh well, he can ask forgiveness again, because we know we always get forgiven. And you must not be a Christian yourself.....calling every liberal an asshole.....tsk, tsk, sounds a bit judgemental.........:eek:
Agree. It seems here, in reading these posts of conservative Christians, that God just really doesn't care what happens to the people who are abused: he just forgives the abuser and 'end of story.' There is no consideration at all for those who are left with ravaged hearts and minds. These girls were never helped when the abuse happened. It was all covered up at the time, which is why it has emerged now. It should have been dealt with properly at the time. The abused are simply told to 'put it behind them.' Well, guess what: it is not something easily put behind you, not ever. You live with the emotional damage all of your life.
Don't be an idiot....I'm not saying he is or he isn't, moron, I'm saying you don't know for sure.

The fact is that you don't have inside information about what Josh Duggar is or isn't. You have no proof that he hasn't done it again or repeatedly....children don't go to the police or to the news when they are being abused by their parent. I'm not saying that he is, I'm saying that we don't know. So, don't get all ass-smart with me, you have about as much information as I have, so you really don't know. Until the investigation is complete you are just least some of us are going by what he has already admitted to, not just blowing smoke, like you.

Are the police still investigating what happened 12 years ago? Or is the investigation just a constant smear campaign being waged against Christians by bigots?
Why do you only think in terms of politics? Why do you defend this guy because of partisanship? Don't you care what happened to those innocent girls?

Those innocent girls have been my main concern this entire thread. The only thing that can come of sensationalizing what happened 12 years ago is to humiliate and embarrass those young girls who are now teenagers.
I don't think Christians are a political party, but they are who are being attacked by atheists, agnostics and just plain assholes who I assure you are all liberal Democrats.

Yeah sure, they've been your main concern....that's why you're so ready to give Josh a pass, and if he molests another child, oh well, he can ask forgiveness again, because we know we always get forgiven. And you must not be a Christian yourself.....calling every liberal an asshole.....tsk, tsk, sounds a bit judgemental.........:eek:
Agree. It seems here, in reading these posts of conservative Christians, that God just really doesn't care what happens to the people who are abused: he just forgives the abuser and 'end of story.' There is no at all consideration for those who are left with ravaged hearts and minds. They are simply told to 'put it behind them.' Well, guess what: it is not something easily put behind you, not ever. You live with the emotional damage all of your life.

Fuck that. I am for removing the statute of limitations for sexual abuse of a minor. Now, obviously that wouldn't result in Duggar being punished, but it would catch future scum.
What are you talking about ? You don't speak English?

Just because someone sexually assaults Children (and Josh did) does NOT mean they were sexually attracted to children. It simply means they sexually assaulted children.

Pedophile is NOT the crime. Sexual assault of a minor is. Are you simply not smart enough to understand that a person can sexually assault a child even if they aren't sexually attracted to children?

Don't be an idiot....I'm not saying he is or he isn't, moron, I'm saying you don't know for sure.

The fact is that you don't have inside information about what Josh Duggar is or isn't. You have no proof that he hasn't done it again or repeatedly....children don't go to the police or to the news when they are being abused by their parent. I'm not saying that he is, I'm saying that we don't know. So, don't get all ass-smart with me, you have about as much information as I have, so you really don't know. Until the investigation is complete you are just least some of us are going by what he has already admitted to, not just blowing smoke, like you.

Are the police still investigating what happened 12 years ago? Or is the investigation just a constant smear campaign being waged against Christians by bigots?
Why do you only think in terms of politics? Why do you defend this guy because of partisanship? Don't you care what happened to those innocent girls?

Those innocent girls have been my main concern this entire thread. The only thing that can come of sensationalizing what happened 12 years ago is to humiliate and embarrass those young girls who are now teenagers.
I don't think Christians are a political party, but they are who are being attacked by atheists, agnostics and just plain assholes who I assure you are all liberal Democrats.

Yeah sure, they've been your main concern....that's why you're so ready to give Josh a pass, and if he molests another child, oh well, he can ask forgiveness again, because we know we always get forgiven. And you must not be a Christian yourself.....calling every liberal an asshole.....tsk, tsk, sounds a bit judgemental.........:eek:
An 'asshole' is, apparently, a person who doesn't just dismiss child abuse.
Sounds to me you just want to believe he's not, for whatever reason. Investigations take time.

What are you talking about ? You don't speak English?

Just because someone sexually assaults Children (and Josh did) does NOT mean they were sexually attracted to children. It simply means they sexually assaulted children.

Pedophile is NOT the crime. Sexual assault of a minor is. Are you simply not smart enough to understand that a person can sexually assault a child even if they aren't sexually attracted to children?

Don't be an idiot....I'm not saying he is or he isn't, moron, I'm saying you don't know for sure.

The fact is that you don't have inside information about what Josh Duggar is or isn't. You have no proof that he hasn't done it again or repeatedly....children don't go to the police or to the news when they are being abused by their parent. I'm not saying that he is, I'm saying that we don't know. So, don't get all ass-smart with me, you have about as much information as I have, so you really don't know. Until the investigation is complete you are just least some of us are going by what he has already admitted to, not just blowing smoke, like you.

Are the police still investigating what happened 12 years ago? Or is the investigation just a constant smear campaign being waged against Christians by bigots?
Why do you only think in terms of politics? Why do you defend this guy because of partisanship? Don't you care what happened to those innocent girls?

Those innocent girls have been my main concern this entire thread. The only thing that can come of sensationalizing what happened 12 years ago is to humiliate and embarrass those young girls who are now teenagers.
I don't think Christians are a political party, but they are who are being attacked by atheists, agnostics and just plain assholes who I assure you are all liberal Democrats.

Well, I knew that we would get to the bottom of who is at fault. It was not Josh, who molested his child sisters for 2 years. It was not the TV network that took away their show. It was not the sponsors, who took away the funding for the show. It was not the Family Research Council that fired him. It was not the parents, who covered this up for over a decade. It was the atheists, agnostics, and liberal democrats!

Wow! I'm sure glad we cleared that up! Somebody needs to get in touch with those liberal democrats in the Family Research Council, and demand that they give Josh his job back!
You are the one that brought up and approved of Weiner's perverted acts. Yes sir, I consider you a Christian hater since your ability to forgive is reserved for Democrats.

And, apparently the forgiveness from most of the so-called Christians here is reserved for conservatives. I don't see too many conservatives forgiving Clinton, and he didn't even commit a crime. Explain that to me.

Clinton didn't ask for forgiveness. He did apologize, but that was mostly because he was sorry he got caught.
How do you know that he didn't? Does God not forgive ALL sins/sinners? BTW, where can I find Josh Duggar's "forgive me" speech?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Where can I find Clinton's 'forgive me' speech? The answer is God does not forgive all sinners, only those who accept Christ, ask for forgiveness and repent.
Ahhh, there it is. YOU get to pick and choose who God does and doesn't forgive. What a perfect grift.

So all you need to do now is man up about it instead of insinuate. Has Bill Clinton been forgiven by God, yes or no?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Where did I say I get to choose who God forgives? Only God knows if He has forgiven Bill Clinton. If Clinton was sincere, he probably was forgiven, but I don't believe believe Clinton was doing anything but putting another of his con jobs on the American people and only God knows for sure.
Don't be an idiot....I'm not saying he is or he isn't, moron, I'm saying you don't know for sure.

The fact is that you don't have inside information about what Josh Duggar is or isn't. You have no proof that he hasn't done it again or repeatedly....children don't go to the police or to the news when they are being abused by their parent. I'm not saying that he is, I'm saying that we don't know. So, don't get all ass-smart with me, you have about as much information as I have, so you really don't know. Until the investigation is complete you are just least some of us are going by what he has already admitted to, not just blowing smoke, like you.

Are the police still investigating what happened 12 years ago? Or is the investigation just a constant smear campaign being waged against Christians by bigots?
Why do you only think in terms of politics? Why do you defend this guy because of partisanship? Don't you care what happened to those innocent girls?

Those innocent girls have been my main concern this entire thread. The only thing that can come of sensationalizing what happened 12 years ago is to humiliate and embarrass those young girls who are now teenagers.
I don't think Christians are a political party, but they are who are being attacked by atheists, agnostics and just plain assholes who I assure you are all liberal Democrats.

Yeah sure, they've been your main concern....that's why you're so ready to give Josh a pass, and if he molests another child, oh well, he can ask forgiveness again, because we know we always get forgiven. And you must not be a Christian yourself.....calling every liberal an asshole.....tsk, tsk, sounds a bit judgemental.........:eek:
An 'asshole' is, apparently, a person who doesn't just dismiss child abuse.
I didn't call ALL liberals assholes, just those that want to ruin the lives of two teenage girls who were abused 12 years ago. If Josh molests another child he should be arrested and prosecuted. You obviously are one of the POS that I listed. Bye!
Last edited:
Are the police still investigating what happened 12 years ago? Or is the investigation just a constant smear campaign being waged against Christians by bigots?
Why do you only think in terms of politics? Why do you defend this guy because of partisanship? Don't you care what happened to those innocent girls?

Those innocent girls have been my main concern this entire thread. The only thing that can come of sensationalizing what happened 12 years ago is to humiliate and embarrass those young girls who are now teenagers.
I don't think Christians are a political party, but they are who are being attacked by atheists, agnostics and just plain assholes who I assure you are all liberal Democrats.

Yeah sure, they've been your main concern....that's why you're so ready to give Josh a pass, and if he molests another child, oh well, he can ask forgiveness again, because we know we always get forgiven. And you must not be a Christian yourself.....calling every liberal an asshole.....tsk, tsk, sounds a bit judgemental.........:eek:
An 'asshole' is, apparently, a person who doesn't just dismiss child abuse.
I didn't call ALL liberals assholes, just those that want to ruin the lives of two teenage girls who were abused 12 years ago. If Josh molests another child he should be arrested and prosecuted. You obviously are one of the POS that I listed. Bye!
LMAO Josh Duggar and the Duggar family already did that: Josh by molesting them and the family by sweeping it under the rug and being more concerned about protecting their reputation and sheltering the abuser than taking care of the abused girls.
Oh, we'd know by now. You just want to believe he's a pedophile, for whatever reason.

Sounds to me you just want to believe he's not, for whatever reason. Investigations take time.

What are you talking about ? You don't speak English?

Just because someone sexually assaults Children (and Josh did) does NOT mean they were sexually attracted to children. It simply means they sexually assaulted children.

Pedophile is NOT the crime. Sexual assault of a minor is. Are you simply not smart enough to understand that a person can sexually assault a child even if they aren't sexually attracted to children?

Don't be an idiot....I'm not saying he is or he isn't, moron, I'm saying you don't know for sure.

The fact is that you don't have inside information about what Josh Duggar is or isn't. You have no proof that he hasn't done it again or repeatedly....children don't go to the police or to the news when they are being abused by their parent. I'm not saying that he is, I'm saying that we don't know. So, don't get all ass-smart with me, you have about as much information as I have, so you really don't know. Until the investigation is complete you are just least some of us are going by what he has already admitted to, not just blowing smoke, like you.

Are the police still investigating what happened 12 years ago? Or is the investigation just a constant smear campaign being waged against Christians by bigots?

Geez, you really don't know how to use Google? Why are you so eager to keep it under wraps, if you are a Christian, you would want the truth to come out before another child falls victim....or do you not care about innocent children?

Posted: 06/10/2015 4:23 pm EDT Updated: 06/12/2015
Duggar Family Reportedly Under New Investigation By Arkansas Department Of Human Services

I can even see BS when I read it.

(from your link)

"It's not clear what provoked the investigation since DHS records are not available to the public. "All child maltreatment investigations in Arkansas are confidential by law," DHS director of communications Amy Webb told In Touch, adding they could neither confirm nor deny they were involved with investigating any specific family."
Why do you only think in terms of politics? Why do you defend this guy because of partisanship? Don't you care what happened to those innocent girls?

Those innocent girls have been my main concern this entire thread. The only thing that can come of sensationalizing what happened 12 years ago is to humiliate and embarrass those young girls who are now teenagers.
I don't think Christians are a political party, but they are who are being attacked by atheists, agnostics and just plain assholes who I assure you are all liberal Democrats.

Yeah sure, they've been your main concern....that's why you're so ready to give Josh a pass, and if he molests another child, oh well, he can ask forgiveness again, because we know we always get forgiven. And you must not be a Christian yourself.....calling every liberal an asshole.....tsk, tsk, sounds a bit judgemental.........:eek:
An 'asshole' is, apparently, a person who doesn't just dismiss child abuse.
I didn't call ALL liberals assholes, just those that want to ruin the lives of two teenage girls who were abused 12 years ago. If Josh molests another child he should be arrested and prosecuted. You obviously are one of the POS that I listed. Bye!
LMAO Josh Duggar and the Duggar family already did that: Josh by molesting them and the family by sweeping it under the rug and being more concerned about protecting their reputation and sheltering the abuser than taking care of the abused girls.

The girls have been well taken care of right up until atheists, agnostics, Chistian haters and liberal Democrats decided to terrorize and humiliate them in the media.
LOL As I said, it's known here in Arkansas. State Troopers protected him while he did it.

That's a fact. It is also completely irrelevant to Josh Duggar.

Yeah right, because the State Troopers confessed to you........bwahahaha....and it isn't irrelevant to Josh Duggar. If Josh Duggar who actually committed a crime against children, is being defended by so-called "Christians" - why won't they extend the same courtesy to Bill Clinton, who didn't even commit a crime? Because they are hypocrites and you are beginning to sound like one yourself.

Lying to federal Judge and lying to a Grand Jury are crimes and Bill Clinton was fined and lost his law license because he committed those crimes.

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