There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

I don't know why but some tread topics are annoying I don't want to read what this is about I just wish this thread for subject or topic would go away I don't ever want to hear the word duggar again.
Those innocent girls have been my main concern this entire thread. The only thing that can come of sensationalizing what happened 12 years ago is to humiliate and embarrass those young girls who are now teenagers.
I don't think Christians are a political party, but they are who are being attacked by atheists, agnostics and just plain assholes who I assure you are all liberal Democrats.

Yeah sure, they've been your main concern....that's why you're so ready to give Josh a pass, and if he molests another child, oh well, he can ask forgiveness again, because we know we always get forgiven. And you must not be a Christian yourself.....calling every liberal an asshole.....tsk, tsk, sounds a bit judgemental.........:eek:
An 'asshole' is, apparently, a person who doesn't just dismiss child abuse.
I didn't call ALL liberals assholes, just those that want to ruin the lives of two teenage girls who were abused 12 years ago. If Josh molests another child he should be arrested and prosecuted. You obviously are one of the POS that I listed. Bye!
LMAO Josh Duggar and the Duggar family already did that: Josh by molesting them and the family by sweeping it under the rug and being more concerned about protecting their reputation and sheltering the abuser than taking care of the abused girls.

The girls have been well taken care of right up until atheists, agnostics, Chistian haters and liberal Democrats decided to terrorize and humiliate them in the media.
How the hell do you know they have been well taken care of? This is a myth being perpetuated by you RW apologists for the abuser. You are making it up just to support your untenable stance regarding not taking serious measures against a child abuser.
LOL As I said, it's known here in Arkansas. State Troopers protected him while he did it.

That's a fact. It is also completely irrelevant to Josh Duggar.

Yeah right, because the State Troopers confessed to you........bwahahaha....and it isn't irrelevant to Josh Duggar. If Josh Duggar who actually committed a crime against children, is being defended by so-called "Christians" - why won't they extend the same courtesy to Bill Clinton, who didn't even commit a crime? Because they are hypocrites and you are beginning to sound like one yourself.

Lying to federal Judge and lying to a Grand Jury are crimes and Bill Clinton was fined and lost his law license because he committed those crimes.
Lying about having extra-marital affairs is nothing compared to lying to an entire country in order to get our military to invade another country for oil, resulting in thousands of lost American lives.
What are you talking about ? You don't speak English?

Just because someone sexually assaults Children (and Josh did) does NOT mean they were sexually attracted to children. It simply means they sexually assaulted children.

Pedophile is NOT the crime. Sexual assault of a minor is. Are you simply not smart enough to understand that a person can sexually assault a child even if they aren't sexually attracted to children?

Don't be an idiot....I'm not saying he is or he isn't, moron, I'm saying you don't know for sure.

The fact is that you don't have inside information about what Josh Duggar is or isn't. You have no proof that he hasn't done it again or repeatedly....children don't go to the police or to the news when they are being abused by their parent. I'm not saying that he is, I'm saying that we don't know. So, don't get all ass-smart with me, you have about as much information as I have, so you really don't know. Until the investigation is complete you are just least some of us are going by what he has already admitted to, not just blowing smoke, like you.

Are the police still investigating what happened 12 years ago? Or is the investigation just a constant smear campaign being waged against Christians by bigots?
Why do you only think in terms of politics? Why do you defend this guy because of partisanship? Don't you care what happened to those innocent girls?

Those innocent girls have been my main concern this entire thread. The only thing that can come of sensationalizing what happened 12 years ago is to humiliate and embarrass those young girls who are now teenagers.
I don't think Christians are a political party, but they are who are being attacked by atheists, agnostics and just plain assholes who I assure you are all liberal Democrats.

Well, I knew that we would get to the bottom of who is at fault. It was not Josh, who molested his child sisters for 2 years. It was not the TV network that took away their show. It was not the sponsors, who took away the funding for the show. It was not the Family Research Council that fired him. It was not the parents, who covered this up for over a decade. It was the atheists, agnostics, and liberal democrats!

Wow! I'm sure glad we cleared that up! Somebody needs to get in touch with those liberal democrats in the Family Research Council, and demand that they give Josh his job back!

Do you think any of that makes his two sisters happy?
LOL As I said, it's known here in Arkansas. State Troopers protected him while he did it.

That's a fact. It is also completely irrelevant to Josh Duggar.

Yeah right, because the State Troopers confessed to you........bwahahaha....and it isn't irrelevant to Josh Duggar. If Josh Duggar who actually committed a crime against children, is being defended by so-called "Christians" - why won't they extend the same courtesy to Bill Clinton, who didn't even commit a crime? Because they are hypocrites and you are beginning to sound like one yourself.

Lying to federal Judge and lying to a Grand Jury are crimes and Bill Clinton was fined and lost his law license because he committed those crimes.
Lying about having extra-marital affairs is nothing compared to lying to an entire country in order to get our military to invade another country for oil, resulting in thousands of lost American lives.
but if you ask a conservative Bill Clinton is a rapist. do they call this kid a child molester or rapist pedophile incest in breeder?
LOL As I said, it's known here in Arkansas. State Troopers protected him while he did it.

That's a fact. It is also completely irrelevant to Josh Duggar.

Yeah right, because the State Troopers confessed to you........bwahahaha....and it isn't irrelevant to Josh Duggar. If Josh Duggar who actually committed a crime against children, is being defended by so-called "Christians" - why won't they extend the same courtesy to Bill Clinton, who didn't even commit a crime? Because they are hypocrites and you are beginning to sound like one yourself.

Lying to federal Judge and lying to a Grand Jury are crimes and Bill Clinton was fined and lost his law license because he committed those crimes.
Lying about having extra-marital affairs is nothing compared to lying to an entire country in order to get our military to invade another country for oil, resulting in thousands of lost American lives.

What was that lie? Be specific. I know it couldn't have been anything like these statements.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years ... We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction."
- Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source
Don't be an idiot....I'm not saying he is or he isn't, moron, I'm saying you don't know for sure.

The fact is that you don't have inside information about what Josh Duggar is or isn't. You have no proof that he hasn't done it again or repeatedly....children don't go to the police or to the news when they are being abused by their parent. I'm not saying that he is, I'm saying that we don't know. So, don't get all ass-smart with me, you have about as much information as I have, so you really don't know. Until the investigation is complete you are just least some of us are going by what he has already admitted to, not just blowing smoke, like you.

Are the police still investigating what happened 12 years ago? Or is the investigation just a constant smear campaign being waged against Christians by bigots?
Why do you only think in terms of politics? Why do you defend this guy because of partisanship? Don't you care what happened to those innocent girls?

Those innocent girls have been my main concern this entire thread. The only thing that can come of sensationalizing what happened 12 years ago is to humiliate and embarrass those young girls who are now teenagers.
I don't think Christians are a political party, but they are who are being attacked by atheists, agnostics and just plain assholes who I assure you are all liberal Democrats.

Well, I knew that we would get to the bottom of who is at fault. It was not Josh, who molested his child sisters for 2 years. It was not the TV network that took away their show. It was not the sponsors, who took away the funding for the show. It was not the Family Research Council that fired him. It was not the parents, who covered this up for over a decade. It was the atheists, agnostics, and liberal democrats!

Wow! I'm sure glad we cleared that up! Somebody needs to get in touch with those liberal democrats in the Family Research Council, and demand that they give Josh his job back!

Do you think any of that makes his two sisters happy?
If his parents had dealt with it appropriately at the time, there would be no problem with this now. The family exploited their children for profit: anyone who actually cares about their children would not put them on national and international television in a realty show. They ignored the needs of their girls and sheltered the abuser. They have done as much damage to those girls as any child abuser. It's absolutely shameful in every aspect.
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LOL As I said, it's known here in Arkansas. State Troopers protected him while he did it.

That's a fact. It is also completely irrelevant to Josh Duggar.

Yeah right, because the State Troopers confessed to you........bwahahaha....and it isn't irrelevant to Josh Duggar. If Josh Duggar who actually committed a crime against children, is being defended by so-called "Christians" - why won't they extend the same courtesy to Bill Clinton, who didn't even commit a crime? Because they are hypocrites and you are beginning to sound like one yourself.

Lying to federal Judge and lying to a Grand Jury are crimes and Bill Clinton was fined and lost his law license because he committed those crimes.
Lying about having extra-marital affairs is nothing compared to lying to an entire country in order to get our military to invade another country for oil, resulting in thousands of lost American lives.

What was that lie? Be specific. I know it couldn't have been anything like these statements.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years ... We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction."
- Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source
if Bill Clinton made such an egregious mistake would you be defending him so strongly? Just like if Obama or Bill Clinton got hit as hard as we did on 9 11 we never hear the f****** end of it
Are the police still investigating what happened 12 years ago? Or is the investigation just a constant smear campaign being waged against Christians by bigots?
Why do you only think in terms of politics? Why do you defend this guy because of partisanship? Don't you care what happened to those innocent girls?

Those innocent girls have been my main concern this entire thread. The only thing that can come of sensationalizing what happened 12 years ago is to humiliate and embarrass those young girls who are now teenagers.
I don't think Christians are a political party, but they are who are being attacked by atheists, agnostics and just plain assholes who I assure you are all liberal Democrats.

Well, I knew that we would get to the bottom of who is at fault. It was not Josh, who molested his child sisters for 2 years. It was not the TV network that took away their show. It was not the sponsors, who took away the funding for the show. It was not the Family Research Council that fired him. It was not the parents, who covered this up for over a decade. It was the atheists, agnostics, and liberal democrats!

Wow! I'm sure glad we cleared that up! Somebody needs to get in touch with those liberal democrats in the Family Research Council, and demand that they give Josh his job back!

Do you think any of that makes his two sisters happy?
If his parents had dealt with it appropriately at the time, there would be no problem with this now. The family exploited their children for profit: anyone who actually cares about their children would not put them on national and international television in a realty show. They ignored the needs of their girls and sheltered the abuser. They have done as much damage to those girls and any child abuser. It's absolutely shameful in every aspect.

Total Bullshit!
Why do you only think in terms of politics? Why do you defend this guy because of partisanship? Don't you care what happened to those innocent girls?

Those innocent girls have been my main concern this entire thread. The only thing that can come of sensationalizing what happened 12 years ago is to humiliate and embarrass those young girls who are now teenagers.
I don't think Christians are a political party, but they are who are being attacked by atheists, agnostics and just plain assholes who I assure you are all liberal Democrats.

Well, I knew that we would get to the bottom of who is at fault. It was not Josh, who molested his child sisters for 2 years. It was not the TV network that took away their show. It was not the sponsors, who took away the funding for the show. It was not the Family Research Council that fired him. It was not the parents, who covered this up for over a decade. It was the atheists, agnostics, and liberal democrats!

Wow! I'm sure glad we cleared that up! Somebody needs to get in touch with those liberal democrats in the Family Research Council, and demand that they give Josh his job back!

Do you think any of that makes his two sisters happy?
If his parents had dealt with it appropriately at the time, there would be no problem with this now. The family exploited their children for profit: anyone who actually cares about their children would not put them on national and international television in a realty show. They ignored the needs of their girls and sheltered the abuser. They have done as much damage to those girls and any child abuser. It's absolutely shameful in every aspect.

Total Bullshit!
LOL As I said, it's known here in Arkansas. State Troopers protected him while he did it.

That's a fact. It is also completely irrelevant to Josh Duggar.

Yeah right, because the State Troopers confessed to you........bwahahaha....and it isn't irrelevant to Josh Duggar. If Josh Duggar who actually committed a crime against children, is being defended by so-called "Christians" - why won't they extend the same courtesy to Bill Clinton, who didn't even commit a crime? Because they are hypocrites and you are beginning to sound like one yourself.

Lying to federal Judge and lying to a Grand Jury are crimes and Bill Clinton was fined and lost his law license because he committed those crimes.
Lying about having extra-marital affairs is nothing compared to lying to an entire country in order to get our military to invade another country for oil, resulting in thousands of lost American lives.
but if you ask a conservative Bill Clinton is a rapist. do they call this kid a child molester or rapist pedophile incest in breeder?
They call it an innocent childhood mistake.
LOL As I said, it's known here in Arkansas. State Troopers protected him while he did it.

That's a fact. It is also completely irrelevant to Josh Duggar.

Yeah right, because the State Troopers confessed to you........bwahahaha....and it isn't irrelevant to Josh Duggar. If Josh Duggar who actually committed a crime against children, is being defended by so-called "Christians" - why won't they extend the same courtesy to Bill Clinton, who didn't even commit a crime? Because they are hypocrites and you are beginning to sound like one yourself.

Lying to federal Judge and lying to a Grand Jury are crimes and Bill Clinton was fined and lost his law license because he committed those crimes.
Lying about having extra-marital affairs is nothing compared to lying to an entire country in order to get our military to invade another country for oil, resulting in thousands of lost American lives.
but if you ask a conservative Bill Clinton is a rapist. do they call this kid a child molester or rapist pedophile incest in breeder?
They call it an innocent childhood mistake.
they say that about Bush getting hit on 9 11?
Yeah right, because the State Troopers confessed to you........bwahahaha....and it isn't irrelevant to Josh Duggar. If Josh Duggar who actually committed a crime against children, is being defended by so-called "Christians" - why won't they extend the same courtesy to Bill Clinton, who didn't even commit a crime? Because they are hypocrites and you are beginning to sound like one yourself.

Lying to federal Judge and lying to a Grand Jury are crimes and Bill Clinton was fined and lost his law license because he committed those crimes.
Lying about having extra-marital affairs is nothing compared to lying to an entire country in order to get our military to invade another country for oil, resulting in thousands of lost American lives.
but if you ask a conservative Bill Clinton is a rapist. do they call this kid a child molester or rapist pedophile incest in breeder?
They call it an innocent childhood mistake.
they say that about Bush getting hit on 9 11?
They say it about Josh Duggar.
Don't be an idiot....I'm not saying he is or he isn't, moron, I'm saying you don't know for sure.

The fact is that you don't have inside information about what Josh Duggar is or isn't. You have no proof that he hasn't done it again or repeatedly....children don't go to the police or to the news when they are being abused by their parent. I'm not saying that he is, I'm saying that we don't know. So, don't get all ass-smart with me, you have about as much information as I have, so you really don't know. Until the investigation is complete you are just least some of us are going by what he has already admitted to, not just blowing smoke, like you.

Are the police still investigating what happened 12 years ago? Or is the investigation just a constant smear campaign being waged against Christians by bigots?
Why do you only think in terms of politics? Why do you defend this guy because of partisanship? Don't you care what happened to those innocent girls?

Those innocent girls have been my main concern this entire thread. The only thing that can come of sensationalizing what happened 12 years ago is to humiliate and embarrass those young girls who are now teenagers.
I don't think Christians are a political party, but they are who are being attacked by atheists, agnostics and just plain assholes who I assure you are all liberal Democrats.

Well, I knew that we would get to the bottom of who is at fault. It was not Josh, who molested his child sisters for 2 years. It was not the TV network that took away their show. It was not the sponsors, who took away the funding for the show. It was not the Family Research Council that fired him. It was not the parents, who covered this up for over a decade. It was the atheists, agnostics, and liberal democrats!

Wow! I'm sure glad we cleared that up! Somebody needs to get in touch with those liberal democrats in the Family Research Council, and demand that they give Josh his job back!

Do you think any of that makes his two sisters happy?

Tall, you are blaming everyone but the people who did the crime, and covered it up, and exploited the children for decades. Every single thing that has been negative about this affair happened before this thread even stared. He had already lost his job, and the Duggars had already lost their show. None of it had to do with a single "liberal democrat", unless you have some sort of secret inside voting records that we don't. The Duggars exploited the children, using the media. The media bit them back, and exploited the Duggars by revealing their skeletons in their closets. Send you complaints to Fox News, which is the only media outlet that the Duggars have given interviews to.
We didn't see it as a reason to lose him in his position as he performed his job well. Besides, his wife forgave him. No one approved, we simply forgave and moved on.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I am sure you feel the same way about Josh Duggar since his victims, Church, friends and family all forgave him. Then again, Weiner is a Democrat and isn't a Christian so that would make if difficult for bigots and Christian haters.
1. Are you comparing molesting a child to an adult sharing adult photos with another adult?

2. Are you suggesting, sir, that I'm a Christian hater?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

You are the one that brought up and approved of Weiner's perverted acts. Yes sir, I consider you a Christian hater since your ability to forgive is reserved for Democrats.

And, apparently the forgiveness from most of the so-called Christians here is reserved for conservatives. I don't see too many conservatives forgiving Clinton, and he didn't even commit a crime. Explain that to me.

Clinton didn't ask for forgiveness. He did apologize, but that was mostly because he was sorry he got caught.
And Josh just, out of the blue, asked for forgiveness? Or is he just sorry he got caught too?
LOL As I said, it's known here in Arkansas. State Troopers protected him while he did it.

That's a fact. It is also completely irrelevant to Josh Duggar.

Yeah right, because the State Troopers confessed to you........bwahahaha....and it isn't irrelevant to Josh Duggar. If Josh Duggar who actually committed a crime against children, is being defended by so-called "Christians" - why won't they extend the same courtesy to Bill Clinton, who didn't even commit a crime? Because they are hypocrites and you are beginning to sound like one yourself.

Lying to federal Judge and lying to a Grand Jury are crimes and Bill Clinton was fined and lost his law license because he committed those crimes.
Lying about having extra-marital affairs is nothing compared to lying to an entire country in order to get our military to invade another country for oil, resulting in thousands of lost American lives.

Funny how conservatives minimize everything that would put their side in bad light, but maximize anything the left does even when not as bad.
I don't know why but some tread topics are annoying I don't want to read what this is about I just wish this thread for subject or topic would go away I don't ever want to hear the word duggar again.

Seems like every conservative wishes for this entire topic to go away, for Josh Duggar to be exonerated and his family's program come back and everything would be peachy keen again....never mind the victims, they can deal with it as best they can.

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