There’s clearly a misunderstanding among conservatives…


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.
Yes, we know: Biden's entire campaign was a mix of gaffes from his advancing senility, embarrassing reminders of how much of a piece of shit he has been his entire life, coverups by a compliant media, and "ORANGE MAN BAD!"
Orange man is bad now get over it....Just like black man was bad
Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.
so in other words once again.....the democrats pick someone who not many people liked.....yea we knew that jones.....
Yes, we know: Biden's entire campaign was a mix of gaffes from his advancing senility, embarrassing reminders of how much of a piece of shit he has been his entire life, coverups by a compliant media, and "ORANGE MAN BAD!"
Whatever works. We were in the clutches of a narcissistic demagogue. The history of the 20th century should tell you that isn't a good thing.
Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.

Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump. are slavishly bound to your ideology and THAT allows ambivalence to whoever is the figure head of your "party".
Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.

The truly few that voted for China Joe Biden and the massive voter fraud perpetrated by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left are attempting to legalize their criminal actions.
Surely China Joe will be replaced by February, March or certainly before 2021 comes to an end.
If Harris were preferable as you claim, how come she didn't recieve one vote during the primaries.
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Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.

Well this is great. I'm getting a lecture about conservatism from a big-government statist liberal fuck who doesn't even understand the first thing about conservatism. One who surreptitiously uses a picture of the Bill of Rights as a discussion board avatar, yet belongs to a party who'd like nothing more than to deprive him of those rights.

Yeah right. Dude, you have no credibility whatsoever. Go eat a bag of dicks.
Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.
We know you despise the senile pedophile almost as much as we do.

How do you explain why you voted for him?
Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.

Well this is great. I'm getting a lecture about conservatism from a big-government statist liberal fuck who doesn't even understand the first thing about conservatism. One who surreptitiously uses a picture of the Bill of Rights as a discussion board avatar, yet belongs to a party who'd like nothing more than to deprive him of those rights.

Yeah right. Dude, you have no credibility whatsoever. Go eat a bag of dicks.
its ok jones you dont have to reply.....
Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.

Well this is great. I'm getting a lecture about conservatism from a big-government statist liberal fuck who doesn't even understand the first thing about conservatism. One who surreptitiously uses a picture of the Bill of Rights as a discussion board avatar, yet belongs to a party who'd like nothing more than to deprive him of those rights.

Yeah right. Dude, you have no credibility whatsoever. Go eat a bag of dicks.
its ok jones you dont have to reply.....

Too late. I already did.
If Harris were preferable as you claim, how come she didn't receive one vote during the primaries.
A. She withdrew before the first primary.
B. You don't know she didn't receive a single vote. Someone could have written her in.
C. That's the trouble with the Trumpistas, always talking out their *sses.
Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.

Amen! I totally agree! I've never been a Biden fan - but he beats the hell out of Trump! I would be fine with a president Harris! I've posted this before that it took Trump to put Biden in the White House! Sane people were looking for a seasoned hand at the wheel - more normalcy. Our government needs to be run like a government - not a business. Biden has seasoned government experience which is why I voted for him - in addition to not being Trump.
Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.

No, not at all. Reason does not matter anyway. All that matters is... if you voted voted to destroy America as founded.

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Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.
I think you are incorrect about the who "cult" accusation. I think most people voted for trump because he was not Hillary. Like you, they were willing to vote for trump in order to keep Hillary out of the white house at all costs.

It wasn't necessarily about trump, if any of the other Republicans had won the nomination, the right would have backed that candidate equally.

Sure, there are those that like that trump is not an establishment politician, and they like that he says what is on his mind. They like that he is rough around the edges. They are tired of seeing the same demeanor from every other politician year in year out.

Divisiveness is why you see people backing trump so fervently. We, as a nation, have become so petty, so divisive, so hate filled, that we fling insults on a whim, and most people will react. Just like you guys went hard to defend biden over Ukraine, and will go hard to defend hunter over his laptop and taxes.

The left drank a lot of Kool aid over trump. Its why I'm so anti media, I believe that all of them lie to you, and they all have an agenda, designed to put ideas in peoples heads. As I've said many times in the past, I listen to a LOT of hard core left wing progressive talk radio, so I have a good idea of what they think, and I also see all of the lies, spin, and disinformation, and hatred that they peddle every single day.

Like I said, both sides have an agenda, but I have never seen hatred and attempts to rile up their listeners as I have from these left wing radio hosts.

Left wing media peddled a lot of lies, disinformation and out of context spin against trump, and because this media has the left programmed with hatred, ready to chew nails, that the left were eager to believe. They were already programmed to hate the right, so you could say anything bad about a right winger, and without even looking for proof, the left is all too eager to jump on that and believe it.

There is blame to go around for everyone, for sure, but, and ill say it again, media is to blame for the state we are in today. There is nothing you hear about politics that doesn't come from a media source, with their spin on it, and they ALL have a spin.
Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.

No, not at all. Reason does not matter anyway. All that matters is... if you voted voted to destroy America as founded.

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Or....America isn't destroyed and you're having a bit of a hysteric reaction.

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