There’s clearly a misunderstanding among conservatives…

Trump lost, imo, because he was an unpopular candidate who governed over a damaged economy and massive job losses. People tend to vote for the state of affairs at the time of the vote.

And the state of affairs on November 3rd left Trump vulnerable.

Trump rode mostly on Obama's economy. The economic growth in Obama's last 18 months, was bookended by Trumps first 18 months. Trumps economy was as Newton described his accomplishments, because he stood on the shoulders of giants.

When Trump completely bungled the coronavirus, he spelled out his own fate.
Almost every nation on earth bungled the corona virus and you seriously believe that no one would bring in the virus from our Southern Border?

Out of 220 countries that we have stats for, our response is 209th worst in terms of deaths per 1 million.

In total cases, we're the worst

In total deaths, the worst.

Our response has been an unmitigated disaster that is currently killing a 911s worth of Americans every 24 to 36 hours. We lost 3000 people just yesterday.
Trump lost, imo, because he was an unpopular candidate who governed over a damaged economy and massive job losses. People tend to vote for the state of affairs at the time of the vote.

And the state of affairs on November 3rd left Trump vulnerable.

Trump rode mostly on Obama's economy. The economic growth in Obama's last 18 months, was bookended by Trumps first 18 months. Trumps economy was as Newton described his accomplishments, because he stood on the shoulders of giants.

When Trump completely bungled the coronavirus, he spelled out his own fate.
Almost every nation on earth bungled the corona virus and you seriously believe that no one would bring in the virus from our Southern Border?

Out of 220 countries that we have stats for, our response is 209th worst in terms of deaths per 1 million.

In total cases, we're the worst

In total deaths, the worst.

Our response has been an unmitigated disaster that is currently killing a 911s worth of Americans every 24 to 36 hours. We lost 3000 people just yesterday.
We have the highest density and freedom of movement.
They have lots of dead people and lots of angry citizens.
When Trump completely bungled the coronavirus, he spelled out his own fate.
Almost every nation on earth bungled the corona virus and you seriously believe that no one would bring in the virus from our Southern Border?
Actually the US is in the bottom, with 300,000 deaths and 15 million cases. Other countries, even those hit harder, or sooner like Italy had leaders who actually did something, and saw their job approval actually go UP by 10 points or more, often reaching 70% job approval.

Trump never got a job approval above 50%
When Trump completely bungled the coronavirus, he spelled out his own fate.
Almost every nation on earth bungled the corona virus and you seriously believe that no one would bring in the virus from our Southern Border?
Actually the US is in the bottom, with 300,000 deaths and 15 million cases. Other countries, even those hit harder, or sooner like Italy had leaders who actually did something, and saw their job approval actually go UP by 10 points or more, often reaching 70% job approval.

Trump never got a job approval above 50%
which indicates that our Liberal media runs bullshit polls.
I can do a poll repeatedly until I get the results I want.
Trump lost, imo, because he was an unpopular candidate who governed over a damaged economy and massive job losses. People tend to vote for the state of affairs at the time of the vote.

And the state of affairs on November 3rd left Trump vulnerable.

Trump rode mostly on Obama's economy. The economic growth in Obama's last 18 months, was bookended by Trumps first 18 months. Trumps economy was as Newton described his accomplishments, because he stood on the shoulders of giants.

When Trump completely bungled the coronavirus, he spelled out his own fate.
Almost every nation on earth bungled the corona virus and you seriously believe that no one would bring in the virus from our Southern Border?

Out of 220 countries that we have stats for, our response is 209th worst in terms of deaths per 1 million.

In total cases, we're the worst

In total deaths, the worst.

Our response has been an unmitigated disaster that is currently killing a 911s worth of Americans every 24 to 36 hours. We lost 3000 people just yesterday.
We have the highest density and freedom of movement.
They have lots of dead people and lots of angry citizens.
Nonsense. We're 145th in population density. You have no idea what you're talking about.

We're in the lowest 2% of world responses in terms of deaths per 1 million. Our response is the single worst in terms of total cases. We're the single worst in total deaths. We're the worst in deaths per day.

Our response has been a complete disaster. And the fish rots from the head.

And yes, its entirely possible to do better than we have. Just ask the 208 countries out of 220 that have managed it.
How did all of the Asian and European leaders you love so much handle the corona virus?
Just look at their case rates and death rates (current, not initial). The US is currently a 5 alarm coronavirus fire. We're the worst in the world.

Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.
I think you are incorrect about the who "cult" accusation. I think most people voted for trump because he was not Hillary. Like you, they were willing to vote for trump in order to keep Hillary out of the white house at all costs.

It wasn't necessarily about trump, if any of the other Republicans had won the nomination, the right would have backed that candidate equally.

Sure, there are those that like that trump is not an establishment politician, and they like that he says what is on his mind. They like that he is rough around the edges. They are tired of seeing the same demeanor from every other politician year in year out.

Divisiveness is why you see people backing trump so fervently. We, as a nation, have become so petty, so divisive, so hate filled, that we fling insults on a whim, and most people will react. Just like you guys went hard to defend biden over Ukraine, and will go hard to defend hunter over his laptop and taxes.

The left drank a lot of Kool aid over trump. Its why I'm so anti media, I believe that all of them lie to you, and they all have an agenda, designed to put ideas in peoples heads. As I've said many times in the past, I listen to a LOT of hard core left wing progressive talk radio, so I have a good idea of what they think, and I also see all of the lies, spin, and disinformation, and hatred that they peddle every single day.

Like I said, both sides have an agenda, but I have never seen hatred and attempts to rile up their listeners as I have from these left wing radio hosts.

Left wing media peddled a lot of lies, disinformation and out of context spin against trump, and because this media has the left programmed with hatred, ready to chew nails, that the left were eager to believe. They were already programmed to hate the right, so you could say anything bad about a right winger, and without even looking for proof, the left is all too eager to jump on that and believe it.

There is blame to go around for everyone, for sure, but, and ill say it again, media is to blame for the state we are in today. There is nothing you hear about politics that doesn't come from a media source, with their spin on it, and they ALL have a spin.

Many did vote for Trump for the simple reason he was not Hillary. Understandable.

Trump lost because he is not a decent person. If he had been even a little decent he would have won again.
Biden and Harris are not decent people. Biden is responsible for almost all our debt. Since he was there for it. Many men will not fight for this nation anymore. Mainly because they are spoiled, out of shape, whiners, undereducated or been given propaganda since birth. Let's consider a loose confederation of state nations. A Federation of States as it were. Different governing systems for each of their beliefs. We would have a few or more smaller nations with a less powerful central government with a reduced taxing authority but to pay out its obligations and to eventually let the newer nations pay. We split up the science, technology and military into equitable parts And of course the WMD's as we know who will become impoverished as the Village mentality takes over and they blame someone else.
Remember Trump was an incumbent. Incumbants don't loose unless they are unpopular. The last was Carter, who most of us still thought was a decent person, but just about everything he touched in the last two years of his term turned to shit.
You left out George H.W. Bush (41) who lost because people learned how to read lips.
I liked George H.W. Bush. Vodoo/trickle down/supply side economics Fks everybody but the rich in the long run and if you want to have a war, you should expect to raise taxes and pay for it.
We have the highest density and freedom of movement.
They have lots of dead people and lots of angry citizens.
South Korea and Japan have our population densities beat by a mile.
And they have the same freedom of movement. But one big difference is they got their people to universally wear masks, and we didn't.
Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect...

They still voted to put him in power. I take that as a person insult and assault and will treat them as such. It’s that simple.
Trump lost, imo, because he was an unpopular candidate who governed over a damaged economy and massive job losses. People tend to vote for the state of affairs at the time of the vote.

And the state of affairs on November 3rd left Trump vulnerable.

Trump rode mostly on Obama's economy. The economic growth in Obama's last 18 months, was bookended by Trumps first 18 months. Trumps economy was as Newton described his accomplishments, because he stood on the shoulders of giants.

When Trump completely bungled the coronavirus, he spelled out his own fate.
Almost every nation on earth bungled the corona virus and you seriously believe that no one would bring in the virus from our Southern Border?

Out of 220 countries that we have stats for, our response is 209th worst in terms of deaths per 1 million.

In total cases, we're the worst

In total deaths, the worst.

Our response has been an unmitigated disaster that is currently killing a 911s worth of Americans every 24 to 36 hours. We lost 3000 people just yesterday.
We have the highest density and freedom of movement.
They have lots of dead people and lots of angry citizens.
Nonsense. We're 145th in population density. You have no idea what you're talking about.

We're in the lowest 2% of world responses in terms of deaths per 1 million. Our response is the single worst in terms of total cases. We're the single worst in total deaths. We're the worst in deaths per day.

Our response has been a complete disaster. And the fish rots from the head.

And yes, its entirely possible to do better than we have. Just ask the 208 countries out of 220 that have managed it.
OK...your usual "I hate Trumpy Bear" bullshit.
Asia and Europe, despite masking and enforcing distancing, are an absolute mess right now and not getting any better.
Having a discussion with you is like having a mosquito bite in my anus.
Trump lost, imo, because he was an unpopular candidate who governed over a damaged economy and massive job losses. People tend to vote for the state of affairs at the time of the vote.

And the state of affairs on November 3rd left Trump vulnerable.

Trump rode mostly on Obama's economy. The economic growth in Obama's last 18 months, was bookended by Trumps first 18 months. Trumps economy was as Newton described his accomplishments, because he stood on the shoulders of giants.

When Trump completely bungled the coronavirus, he spelled out his own fate.
Almost every nation on earth bungled the corona virus and you seriously believe that no one would bring in the virus from our Southern Border?

Out of 220 countries that we have stats for, our response is 209th worst in terms of deaths per 1 million.

In total cases, we're the worst

In total deaths, the worst.

Our response has been an unmitigated disaster that is currently killing a 911s worth of Americans every 24 to 36 hours. We lost 3000 people just yesterday.
We have the highest density and freedom of movement.
They have lots of dead people and lots of angry citizens.
Nonsense. We're 145th in population density. You have no idea what you're talking about.

We're in the lowest 2% of world responses in terms of deaths per 1 million. Our response is the single worst in terms of total cases. We're the single worst in total deaths. We're the worst in deaths per day.

Our response has been a complete disaster. And the fish rots from the head.

And yes, its entirely possible to do better than we have. Just ask the 208 countries out of 220 that have managed it.
You Progs use stats as propaganda for everything for your advantage. Cities are different then more rural areas. Congested areas are more susceptable then areas with more room. You know nothing. Nothing but spreading pain and suffering because you are such miserable ph uks that you have to interfere with others. Trump knows how to talk like you. And you don't like it. If he was a prog, he would be canonized by you.
We have the highest density and freedom of movement.
They have lots of dead people and lots of angry citizens.
South Korea and Japan have our population densities beat by a mile.
And they have the same freedom of movement. But one big difference is they got their people to universally wear masks, and we didn't.
The Japanese wear masks because otherwise they die from pollution.
I don't know anything about South Korea's ecology.
Trump lost, imo, because he was an unpopular candidate who governed over a damaged economy and massive job losses. People tend to vote for the state of affairs at the time of the vote.

And the state of affairs on November 3rd left Trump vulnerable.

Trump rode mostly on Obama's economy. The economic growth in Obama's last 18 months, was bookended by Trumps first 18 months. Trumps economy was as Newton described his accomplishments, because he stood on the shoulders of giants.

When Trump completely bungled the coronavirus, he spelled out his own fate.
Almost every nation on earth bungled the corona virus and you seriously believe that no one would bring in the virus from our Southern Border?

Out of 220 countries that we have stats for, our response is 209th worst in terms of deaths per 1 million.

In total cases, we're the worst

In total deaths, the worst.

Our response has been an unmitigated disaster that is currently killing a 911s worth of Americans every 24 to 36 hours. We lost 3000 people just yesterday.
We have the highest density and freedom of movement.
They have lots of dead people and lots of angry citizens.
Nonsense. We're 145th in population density. You have no idea what you're talking about.

We're in the lowest 2% of world responses in terms of deaths per 1 million. Our response is the single worst in terms of total cases. We're the single worst in total deaths. We're the worst in deaths per day.

Our response has been a complete disaster. And the fish rots from the head.

And yes, its entirely possible to do better than we have. Just ask the 208 countries out of 220 that have managed it.
You Progs use stats as propaganda for everything for your advantage. Cities are different then more rural areas. Congested areas are more susceptable then areas with more room. You know nothing. Nothing but spreading pain and suffering because you are such miserable ph uks that you have to interfere with others. Trump knows how to talk like you. And you don't like it. If he was a prog, he would be canonized by you.
Skylar is a Goose-Stepping Liberal asshole; he's up there with Pogo.
Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.
So you are here admitting you don’t vote for what’s best for America. Not something you give a shit about.

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