There’s clearly a misunderstanding among conservatives…

Trump lost, imo, because he was an unpopular candidate who governed over a damaged economy and massive job losses. People tend to vote for the state of affairs at the time of the vote.

And the state of affairs on November 3rd left Trump vulnerable.

Trump rode mostly on Obama's economy. The economic growth in Obama's last 18 months, was bookended by Trumps first 18 months. Trumps economy was as Newton described his accomplishments, because he stood on the shoulders of giants.

When Trump completely bungled the coronavirus, he spelled out his own fate.
Almost every nation on earth bungled the corona virus and you seriously believe that no one would bring in the virus from our Southern Border?

Out of 220 countries that we have stats for, our response is 209th worst in terms of deaths per 1 million.

In total cases, we're the worst

In total deaths, the worst.

Our response has been an unmitigated disaster that is currently killing a 911s worth of Americans every 24 to 36 hours. We lost 3000 people just yesterday.
Including China?

Based on the numbers we have from China.

So what....are you arguing that our response was only the 208th worst?
I'm saying nobody knows what the real numbers are. The books are cooked.

Funny. I grew up in the 60s and 70s, when the Left wouldn't trust the government as far as they could throw it.

Now? Now you all insist the government would never lie to us, and has our best interests at heart, and really really cares about all of us!, and we should let it run our lives.

What happened?
Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.
I think you are incorrect about the who "cult" accusation. I think most people voted for trump because he was not Hillary. Like you, they were willing to vote for trump in order to keep Hillary out of the white house at all costs.

It wasn't necessarily about trump, if any of the other Republicans had won the nomination, the right would have backed that candidate equally.

Sure, there are those that like that trump is not an establishment politician, and they like that he says what is on his mind. They like that he is rough around the edges. They are tired of seeing the same demeanor from every other politician year in year out.

Divisiveness is why you see people backing trump so fervently. We, as a nation, have become so petty, so divisive, so hate filled, that we fling insults on a whim, and most people will react. Just like you guys went hard to defend biden over Ukraine, and will go hard to defend hunter over his laptop and taxes.

The left drank a lot of Kool aid over trump. Its why I'm so anti media, I believe that all of them lie to you, and they all have an agenda, designed to put ideas in peoples heads. As I've said many times in the past, I listen to a LOT of hard core left wing progressive talk radio, so I have a good idea of what they think, and I also see all of the lies, spin, and disinformation, and hatred that they peddle every single day.

Like I said, both sides have an agenda, but I have never seen hatred and attempts to rile up their listeners as I have from these left wing radio hosts.

Left wing media peddled a lot of lies, disinformation and out of context spin against trump, and because this media has the left programmed with hatred, ready to chew nails, that the left were eager to believe. They were already programmed to hate the right, so you could say anything bad about a right winger, and without even looking for proof, the left is all too eager to jump on that and believe it.

There is blame to go around for everyone, for sure, but, and ill say it again, media is to blame for the state we are in today. There is nothing you hear about politics that doesn't come from a media source, with their spin on it, and they ALL have a spin.

Many did vote for Trump for the simple reason he was not Hillary. Understandable.

Trump lost because he is not a decent person. If he had been even a little decent he would have won again.
Biden is a decent person?


Not particularly but he doesn't think you accomplish things by Calling people names and making fun of them.
Then why has he done that constantly, you dog-faced pony soldier?
Trump lost, imo, because he was an unpopular candidate who governed over a damaged economy and massive job losses. People tend to vote for the state of affairs at the time of the vote.

And the state of affairs on November 3rd left Trump vulnerable.

Trump rode mostly on Obama's economy. The economic growth in Obama's last 18 months, was bookended by Trumps first 18 months. Trumps economy was as Newton described his accomplishments, because he stood on the shoulders of giants.

When Trump completely bungled the coronavirus, he spelled out his own fate.
Almost every nation on earth bungled the corona virus and you seriously believe that no one would bring in the virus from our Southern Border?

Out of 220 countries that we have stats for, our response is 209th worst in terms of deaths per 1 million.

In total cases, we're the worst

In total deaths, the worst.

Our response has been an unmitigated disaster that is currently killing a 911s worth of Americans every 24 to 36 hours. We lost 3000 people just yesterday.
Including China?

Based on the numbers we have from China.

So what....are you arguing that our response was only the 208th worst?
I'm saying nobody knows what the real numbers are. The books are cooked.

Funny. I grew up in the 60s and 70s, when the Left wouldn't trust the government as far as they could throw it.

Now? Now you all insist the government would never lie to us, and has our best interests at heart, and really really cares about all of us!, and we should let it run our lives.

What happened?

How does China's numbers in anyway mitigate the absolutely disaster here? Are 300,000 Americans any less dead? Did we not lose 3000 people just yesterday?

Our response has been abysmal. And your reply is an argument from ignorance, that you can't know someone else hasn't been worse?

As if that somehow makes our humiliating failure, damaged economy and hundreds of thousands dead better.
Trump lost, imo, because he was an unpopular candidate who governed over a damaged economy and massive job losses. People tend to vote for the state of affairs at the time of the vote.

And the state of affairs on November 3rd left Trump vulnerable.

Trump rode mostly on Obama's economy. The economic growth in Obama's last 18 months, was bookended by Trumps first 18 months. Trumps economy was as Newton described his accomplishments, because he stood on the shoulders of giants.

When Trump completely bungled the coronavirus, he spelled out his own fate.
Almost every nation on earth bungled the corona virus and you seriously believe that no one would bring in the virus from our Southern Border?

Out of 220 countries that we have stats for, our response is 209th worst in terms of deaths per 1 million.

In total cases, we're the worst

In total deaths, the worst.

Our response has been an unmitigated disaster that is currently killing a 911s worth of Americans every 24 to 36 hours. We lost 3000 people just yesterday.
Including China?

Based on the numbers we have from China.

So what....are you arguing that our response was only the 208th worst?
I'm saying nobody knows what the real numbers are. The books are cooked.

Funny. I grew up in the 60s and 70s, when the Left wouldn't trust the government as far as they could throw it.

Now? Now you all insist the government would never lie to us, and has our best interests at heart, and really really cares about all of us!, and we should let it run our lives.

What happened?

How does China's numbers in anyway mitigate the absolutely disaster here? Are 300,000 Americans any less dead? Did we not lose 3000 people just yesterday?

Our response has been abysmal. And your reply is an argument from ignorance, that you can't know someone else hasn't been worse?

As if that somehow makes our humiliating failure, damaged economy and hundreds of thousands dead better.
Why don't you move to one of these nations that did such an outstanding job?
Let me provide a list...
Trump lost, imo, because he was an unpopular candidate who governed over a damaged economy and massive job losses. People tend to vote for the state of affairs at the time of the vote.

And the state of affairs on November 3rd left Trump vulnerable.

Trump rode mostly on Obama's economy. The economic growth in Obama's last 18 months, was bookended by Trumps first 18 months. Trumps economy was as Newton described his accomplishments, because he stood on the shoulders of giants.

When Trump completely bungled the coronavirus, he spelled out his own fate.
Almost every nation on earth bungled the corona virus and you seriously believe that no one would bring in the virus from our Southern Border?

Out of 220 countries that we have stats for, our response is 209th worst in terms of deaths per 1 million.

In total cases, we're the worst

In total deaths, the worst.

Our response has been an unmitigated disaster that is currently killing a 911s worth of Americans every 24 to 36 hours. We lost 3000 people just yesterday.
Including China?

Based on the numbers we have from China.

So what....are you arguing that our response was only the 208th worst?
I'm saying nobody knows what the real numbers are. The books are cooked.

Funny. I grew up in the 60s and 70s, when the Left wouldn't trust the government as far as they could throw it.

Now? Now you all insist the government would never lie to us, and has our best interests at heart, and really really cares about all of us!, and we should let it run our lives.

What happened?

How does China's numbers in anyway mitigate the absolutely disaster here? Are 300,000 Americans any less dead? Did we not lose 3000 people just yesterday?

Our response has been abysmal. And your reply is an argument from ignorance, that you can't know someone else hasn't been worse?

As if that somehow makes our humiliating failure, damaged economy and hundreds of thousands dead better.
Why don't you move to one of these nations that did such an outstanding job?
Let me provide a list...
Or I can demand that this nation do a better job than the abysmal, among the worst on the planet response that we've managed.

And just post whatever youtube video is telling you what to think today, Indeep. I can skip the middle man parroting it.
Trump lost, imo, because he was an unpopular candidate who governed over a damaged economy and massive job losses. People tend to vote for the state of affairs at the time of the vote.

And the state of affairs on November 3rd left Trump vulnerable.

Trump rode mostly on Obama's economy. The economic growth in Obama's last 18 months, was bookended by Trumps first 18 months. Trumps economy was as Newton described his accomplishments, because he stood on the shoulders of giants.

When Trump completely bungled the coronavirus, he spelled out his own fate.
Almost every nation on earth bungled the corona virus and you seriously believe that no one would bring in the virus from our Southern Border?

Out of 220 countries that we have stats for, our response is 209th worst in terms of deaths per 1 million.

In total cases, we're the worst

In total deaths, the worst.

Our response has been an unmitigated disaster that is currently killing a 911s worth of Americans every 24 to 36 hours. We lost 3000 people just yesterday.
Including China?

Based on the numbers we have from China.

So what....are you arguing that our response was only the 208th worst?
I'm saying nobody knows what the real numbers are. The books are cooked.

Funny. I grew up in the 60s and 70s, when the Left wouldn't trust the government as far as they could throw it.

Now? Now you all insist the government would never lie to us, and has our best interests at heart, and really really cares about all of us!, and we should let it run our lives.

What happened?

How does China's numbers in anyway mitigate the absolutely disaster here? Are 300,000 Americans any less dead? Did we not lose 3000 people just yesterday?

Our response has been abysmal. And your reply is an argument from ignorance, that you can't know someone else hasn't been worse?

As if that somehow makes our humiliating failure, damaged economy and hundreds of thousands dead better.
Why don't you move to one of these nations that did such an outstanding job?
Let me provide a list...
Or I can demand that this nation do a better job than the abysmal, among the worst on the planet response that we've managed.

And just post whatever youtube video is telling you what to think today, Indeep. I can skip the middle man parroting it.
My wife has family in Israel and Poland and it's a disaster.
Our media just isn't reporting it.
Trump lost, imo, because he was an unpopular candidate who governed over a damaged economy and massive job losses. People tend to vote for the state of affairs at the time of the vote.

And the state of affairs on November 3rd left Trump vulnerable.

Trump rode mostly on Obama's economy. The economic growth in Obama's last 18 months, was bookended by Trumps first 18 months. Trumps economy was as Newton described his accomplishments, because he stood on the shoulders of giants.

When Trump completely bungled the coronavirus, he spelled out his own fate.
Almost every nation on earth bungled the corona virus and you seriously believe that no one would bring in the virus from our Southern Border?

Out of 220 countries that we have stats for, our response is 209th worst in terms of deaths per 1 million.

In total cases, we're the worst

In total deaths, the worst.

Our response has been an unmitigated disaster that is currently killing a 911s worth of Americans every 24 to 36 hours. We lost 3000 people just yesterday.
Including China?

Based on the numbers we have from China.

So what....are you arguing that our response was only the 208th worst?
I'm saying nobody knows what the real numbers are. The books are cooked.

Funny. I grew up in the 60s and 70s, when the Left wouldn't trust the government as far as they could throw it.

Now? Now you all insist the government would never lie to us, and has our best interests at heart, and really really cares about all of us!, and we should let it run our lives.

What happened?

How does China's numbers in anyway mitigate the absolutely disaster here? Are 300,000 Americans any less dead? Did we not lose 3000 people just yesterday?

Our response has been abysmal. And your reply is an argument from ignorance, that you can't know someone else hasn't been worse?

As if that somehow makes our humiliating failure, damaged economy and hundreds of thousands dead better.
Why don't you move to one of these nations that did such an outstanding job?
Let me provide a list...
Or I can demand that this nation do a better job than the abysmal, among the worst on the planet response that we've managed.

And just post whatever youtube video is telling you what to think today, Indeep. I can skip the middle man parroting it.
My wife has family in Israel and Poland and it's a disaster.
Our media just isn't reporting it.
Poland has a death rate of about 599 per 1 million. Isrrael is 324 per 1 million. We have 919 deaths per 1 million.

That's half again more than Poland, and almost triple Israel. If they are a 'disaster', we're far, far worse.

So if the 'media' is going to report on a COVID disaster, they need go no farther than the US.....which is among the worst on the planet. 209th worst in deaths per 1 million, absolute worst in total cases, absolute worst in total deaths, absolute worst in deaths per day.

Remember, and this point is fundamental: You don't know what you're talking about.
Trump lost, imo, because he was an unpopular candidate who governed over a damaged economy and massive job losses. People tend to vote for the state of affairs at the time of the vote.

And the state of affairs on November 3rd left Trump vulnerable.

Trump rode mostly on Obama's economy. The economic growth in Obama's last 18 months, was bookended by Trumps first 18 months. Trumps economy was as Newton described his accomplishments, because he stood on the shoulders of giants.

When Trump completely bungled the coronavirus, he spelled out his own fate.
Almost every nation on earth bungled the corona virus and you seriously believe that no one would bring in the virus from our Southern Border?

Out of 220 countries that we have stats for, our response is 209th worst in terms of deaths per 1 million.

In total cases, we're the worst

In total deaths, the worst.

Our response has been an unmitigated disaster that is currently killing a 911s worth of Americans every 24 to 36 hours. We lost 3000 people just yesterday.
Including China?

Based on the numbers we have from China.

So what....are you arguing that our response was only the 208th worst?
I'm saying nobody knows what the real numbers are. The books are cooked.

Funny. I grew up in the 60s and 70s, when the Left wouldn't trust the government as far as they could throw it.

Now? Now you all insist the government would never lie to us, and has our best interests at heart, and really really cares about all of us!, and we should let it run our lives.

What happened?

How does China's numbers in anyway mitigate the absolutely disaster here? Are 300,000 Americans any less dead? Did we not lose 3000 people just yesterday?

Our response has been abysmal. And your reply is an argument from ignorance, that you can't know someone else hasn't been worse?

As if that somehow makes our humiliating failure, damaged economy and hundreds of thousands dead better.
Why don't you move to one of these nations that did such an outstanding job?
Let me provide a list...
Or I can demand that this nation do a better job than the abysmal, among the worst on the planet response that we've managed.

And just post whatever youtube video is telling you what to think today, Indeep. I can skip the middle man parroting it.
My wife has family in Israel and Poland and it's a disaster.
Our media just isn't reporting it.
Poland has a death rate of about 599 per 1 million. Isrrael is 324 per 1 million. We have 919 deaths per 1 million.

That's half again more than Poland, and almost triple Israel. If they are a 'disaster', we're far, far worse.

So if the 'media' is going to report on a COVID disaster, they need go no farther than the US.....which is among the worst on the planet. 209th worst in deaths per 1 million, absolute worst in total cases, absolute worst in total deaths, absolute worst in deaths per day.

Remember, and this point is fundamental: You don't know what you're talking about.
Tell that to the dead and the families of the dead.
Liberals are great at mourning the death of each and every person.
You're also forgetting that age and health factor in.
The US, thanks to it's immense wealth, has far more fat asses than any other nation.
Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.

Your post describes why I voted for Biden.

He was my second to last choice as president. trump being my last choice.

I voted for who I honestly wanted as president in the primary. I voted my conscience and put America first in the general election when I voted for Biden.

I don't believe I have any power to know what will happen in the future but I find all this talk about Biden not serving the 4 years as totally ridiculous.
Democrats acted the same way when Hillary lost.

When did democrats take any case to court to try to trash millions of legal votes when Hillary lost?

When did any democrat say the election was a fraud and there was cheating when Hillary lost?

When did any democrat take any case to the Supreme Court when Hillary lost?

The democrats didn't do anything close to what the republicans are doing now.

Stop saying they are the same, they so aren't.
Trump lost, imo, because he was an unpopular candidate who governed over a damaged economy and massive job losses. People tend to vote for the state of affairs at the time of the vote.

And the state of affairs on November 3rd left Trump vulnerable.

Trump rode mostly on Obama's economy. The economic growth in Obama's last 18 months, was bookended by Trumps first 18 months. Trumps economy was as Newton described his accomplishments, because he stood on the shoulders of giants.

When Trump completely bungled the coronavirus, he spelled out his own fate.
Almost every nation on earth bungled the corona virus and you seriously believe that no one would bring in the virus from our Southern Border?

Out of 220 countries that we have stats for, our response is 209th worst in terms of deaths per 1 million.

In total cases, we're the worst

In total deaths, the worst.

Our response has been an unmitigated disaster that is currently killing a 911s worth of Americans every 24 to 36 hours. We lost 3000 people just yesterday.
Including China?

Based on the numbers we have from China.

So what....are you arguing that our response was only the 208th worst?
I'm saying nobody knows what the real numbers are. The books are cooked.

Funny. I grew up in the 60s and 70s, when the Left wouldn't trust the government as far as they could throw it.

Now? Now you all insist the government would never lie to us, and has our best interests at heart, and really really cares about all of us!, and we should let it run our lives.

What happened?

How does China's numbers in anyway mitigate the absolutely disaster here? Are 300,000 Americans any less dead? Did we not lose 3000 people just yesterday?

Our response has been abysmal. And your reply is an argument from ignorance, that you can't know someone else hasn't been worse?

As if that somehow makes our humiliating failure, damaged economy and hundreds of thousands dead better.
Why don't you move to one of these nations that did such an outstanding job?
Let me provide a list...
Or I can demand that this nation do a better job than the abysmal, among the worst on the planet response that we've managed.

And just post whatever youtube video is telling you what to think today, Indeep. I can skip the middle man parroting it.
My wife has family in Israel and Poland and it's a disaster.
Our media just isn't reporting it.
Poland has a death rate of about 599 per 1 million. Isrrael is 324 per 1 million. We have 919 deaths per 1 million.

That's half again more than Poland, and almost triple Israel. If they are a 'disaster', we're far, far worse.

So if the 'media' is going to report on a COVID disaster, they need go no farther than the US.....which is among the worst on the planet. 209th worst in deaths per 1 million, absolute worst in total cases, absolute worst in total deaths, absolute worst in deaths per day.

Remember, and this point is fundamental: You don't know what you're talking about.
Tell that to the dead and the families of the dead.
Liberals are great at mourning the death of each and every person.
You're also forgetting that age and health factor in.
The US, thanks to it's immense wealth, has far more fat asses than any other nation.

Like the 300,000 we've lost here? You don't seem terribly concerned. Our death rate is almost TRIPLE israel's, with our death totals more than 1000 times higher. And we have far more influence over our own COVID response than we do Poland's or any other country.

Our response has been an abysmal, horrid, failure. Its been a failure of leadership, a failure of implementation, a failure of planning, and a failure of response.

And 208 countries with better records than we have (including both Poland and Israel) demonstrate elegantly, its entirely possible to do better than the shit show we've managed.
Trump lost, imo, because he was an unpopular candidate who governed over a damaged economy and massive job losses. People tend to vote for the state of affairs at the time of the vote.

And the state of affairs on November 3rd left Trump vulnerable.

Trump rode mostly on Obama's economy. The economic growth in Obama's last 18 months, was bookended by Trumps first 18 months. Trumps economy was as Newton described his accomplishments, because he stood on the shoulders of giants.

When Trump completely bungled the coronavirus, he spelled out his own fate.
Almost every nation on earth bungled the corona virus and you seriously believe that no one would bring in the virus from our Southern Border?

Out of 220 countries that we have stats for, our response is 209th worst in terms of deaths per 1 million.

In total cases, we're the worst

In total deaths, the worst.

Our response has been an unmitigated disaster that is currently killing a 911s worth of Americans every 24 to 36 hours. We lost 3000 people just yesterday.
Including China?

Based on the numbers we have from China.

So what....are you arguing that our response was only the 208th worst?
I'm saying nobody knows what the real numbers are. The books are cooked.

Funny. I grew up in the 60s and 70s, when the Left wouldn't trust the government as far as they could throw it.

Now? Now you all insist the government would never lie to us, and has our best interests at heart, and really really cares about all of us!, and we should let it run our lives.

What happened?

How does China's numbers in anyway mitigate the absolutely disaster here? Are 300,000 Americans any less dead? Did we not lose 3000 people just yesterday?

Our response has been abysmal. And your reply is an argument from ignorance, that you can't know someone else hasn't been worse?

As if that somehow makes our humiliating failure, damaged economy and hundreds of thousands dead better.
Why don't you move to one of these nations that did such an outstanding job?
Let me provide a list...
Or I can demand that this nation do a better job than the abysmal, among the worst on the planet response that we've managed.

And just post whatever youtube video is telling you what to think today, Indeep. I can skip the middle man parroting it.
My wife has family in Israel and Poland and it's a disaster.
Our media just isn't reporting it.
Poland has a death rate of about 599 per 1 million. Isrrael is 324 per 1 million. We have 919 deaths per 1 million.

That's half again more than Poland, and almost triple Israel. If they are a 'disaster', we're far, far worse.

So if the 'media' is going to report on a COVID disaster, they need go no farther than the US.....which is among the worst on the planet. 209th worst in deaths per 1 million, absolute worst in total cases, absolute worst in total deaths, absolute worst in deaths per day.

Remember, and this point is fundamental: You don't know what you're talking about.
Tell that to the dead and the families of the dead.
Liberals are great at mourning the death of each and every person.
You're also forgetting that age and health factor in.
The US, thanks to it's immense wealth, has far more fat asses than any other nation.

Like the 300,000 we've lost here? You don't seem terribly concerned. Our death rate is almost TRIPLE israel's, with our death totals more than 1000 times higher. And we have far more influence over our own COVID response than we do Poland's or any other country.

Our response has been an abysmal, horrid, failure. Its been a failure of leadership, a failure of implementation, a failure of planning, and a failure of response.

And 208 countries with better records than we have (including both Poland and Israel) demonstrate elegantly, its entirely possible to do better than the shit show we've managed.
Israel had 2 3-week lock downs (accomplished zip) and only 2 major cities compared to the US.
How dare you compare any other nation to the U.S.

Here's the real test...
Tell us what Trump did prior to COVID that you approved of.
Democrats acted the same way when Hillary lost.

When did democrats take any case to court to try to trash millions of legal votes when Hillary lost?

When did any democrat say the election was a fraud and there was cheating when Hillary lost?

When did any democrat take any case to the Supreme Court when Hillary lost?

The democrats didn't do anything close to what the republicans are doing now.

Stop saying they are the same, they so aren't.
When did Trump have hundreds of thousands of ballots run through machines in under an hour (impossible)?
Remember Trump was an incumbent. Incumbants don't loose unless they are unpopular. The last was Carter, who most of us still thought was a decent person, but just about everything he touched in the last two years of his term turned to shit.
You left out George H.W. Bush (41) who lost because people learned how to read lips.

george bush the first lost because he took our nation and economy to the verge of collapse. Unemployment was almost 8%. Business and whole malls were closing all over the nation. Manufacturing was leaving for Japan and China at high rates.

The only reason it didn't all collapse is Clinton was elected. He cleaned up the mess.

It was as James Carvel said IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID.
Democrats acted the same way when Hillary lost.

When did democrats take any case to court to try to trash millions of legal votes when Hillary lost?

When did any democrat say the election was a fraud and there was cheating when Hillary lost?

When did any democrat take any case to the Supreme Court when Hillary lost?

The democrats didn't do anything close to what the republicans are doing now.

Stop saying they are the same, they so aren't.

They wasted millions of dollars on an impeachment case they could not win. are slavishly bound to your ideology and THAT allows ambivalence to whoever is the figure head of your "party".
I mean, yeah, that’s kind of what makes people people. It’s also far less dangerous because if you’re devoted to your ideology, a charismatic candidate is less likely to use you for their own purposes.
Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.

Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump. are slavishly bound to your ideology and THAT allows ambivalence to whoever is the figure head of your "party".

There you go again mistaking real Conservatives with the Party of the Rumpers. Stop that.
Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.

Well this is great. I'm getting a lecture about conservatism from a big-government statist liberal fuck who doesn't even understand the first thing about conservatism. One who surreptitiously uses a picture of the Bill of Rights as a discussion board avatar, yet belongs to a party who'd like nothing more than to deprive him of those rights.

Yeah right. Dude, you have no credibility whatsoever. Go eat a bag of dicks.
its ok jones you dont have to reply.....

Too late. I already did.
i thought you were Galt?....

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