There’s clearly a misunderstanding among conservatives…

Who cares what we think?
After what you clowns have said and what you tried to pull??

No one. Not one damn person
I understand fully. I have written off many of the crazies here at USMB and will no longer pay any attention to them. I've also lost all respect for others who I previously thought were sane Republicans, but now realize are fanatics with no regard for our country or our future as a unified democratic society.

I will continue to criticize Democrats frequently too, and all corrupt bipartisan crony capitalist and imperialist policies or foreign adventurism. Nobody should be off limits. But sanity is important!
Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.
But, nobody actually voted for Biden......So there is that.
I love the way Trump Republicans love to press the :trolls: button -- precisely when they are trolling intelligent threads like this one by C_Clayton_Jones.
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The only political force that can destroy this country are those who would bring civil war to it and destroy democratic government. Neither Chinese nor Russians can accomplish that. But those who would try to overthrow the clear legal and majority vote of our people for mere partisan purposes, votes confirmed by each state, upheld by the courts, these are irresponsible maniacs, truly conscienceless enemies who can destroy us.
Don't fall into the trap of believing that Biden actually received more votes No one thinks that

Certainly not Obama. You have to laugh, Biden a guy Obama is quoted as saying "never underestimate Joe's ability to F it up" gets 10+ million more votes than Obama without even campaigning?? LMAO
Oh God not liberal logic again. So you voted for Biden but you don't support Biden.
They would have voted for Joseph Stalin just to vote out Donald Trump.
I would have voted for the devil to rid the country of Trump if they weren't so similar.
you may have.....the so called lessor evil is still evil....
OK. I would have voted for Cthulhu to rid us of Trump.
have never seen hatred and attempts to rile up their listeners as I have from these left wing radio hosts.
Like who?
Well, I listen to a lot of sirius xm progress and urban view. So pretty much anyone on those channels, but specifically, dean obiedallah and michaelangelo signorile.

I've issued a challenge to anyone to spend a week listening to those two guys, the spend a week listening to beck and wilkow, on siruis xm patriot and come back and tell me who they think says the most inflammatory and hateful things. Apparently, nobody wants to take that challenge.
I just quickly read the wiki entries on Dean Obeidallah and Michelangelo Signorile — I don’t plan to sign up for Sirius and really have no “left talk radio” where I am. Signorile is a strident gay activist controversial for “outing” closeted gays — not a “leftist” in my book, just a culture warrior for his group. Obeiedallah is a Palestinian-American professional stand-up comic, so I can see how he might make some intentionally provocative or controversial remarks, though he tours regularly with Jewish comics. I’m sure they pass for “leftist” progressives these days in the eyes of many... I wouldn’t want to criticize them without knowing more, but it seems to me you haven’t necessarily a good idea of what a genuine “leftist” might believe. Better to read somebody like Noam Chomsky to find out.

I think the original thread is very correct. Most Biden voters are primarily anti-Trump, anti-fanatic, pro-“normalcy.” Quite a few 2020 voters for Biden would seriously consider voting for a centrist Republican, if there still were any running. Few Biden voters are cult fanatics, though many are long-time opponents of Republicans, especially since the GOP adopted the so-called “Southern Strategy” ... and finished off the “Party of Lincoln.”
I've not read the wiki for either of them, I can only go by what I hear. Both of them hold hard left values. They both also blame Republicans for everything wrong in the world and think that democrats can do no wrong. They both push the idea that if you are white, Christian, conservative, or a trump supporter, then you are a racist. Their show is nothing but 3 hours of this, every single day.

They treat any caller who doesn't agree with them extremely harshly, most of the time by just cursing them out, dropping F bombs at them. They ask for opposing views to call in, but then cut them off mid sentence and say "I'm not going to allow that kind of propaganda on my show". Any opposing view is labeled as propaganda.

The result of this is, their left wing listener base is extremely angry and you can see this by the callers that call the show. They agree with the hosts on everything and often cite how what they love about the show is how the hosts berates right wing callers as they do.

Signorile even used to have a segment (he still does from time to time) where he encourages people who have stopped seeing family members, or who have left and/or divorced spouses over differences in politics to call in to the show to tell their story. I'm of the opinion that he is, basically, seeding that idea into peoples heads by bringing it up. Again, the hate he spews as well as the hate his callers spew, it would be easy to see how people listening to him would make breaks with family members over political differences. To me, popularizing that on a radio show is just wrong.

Obiedallah would bring such rhetoric as saying things like "we need to crush them, and when they have been beaten and defeated, we need to remind them of how we crushed them..." I don't remember his exact words, but they were similar to that.

Listening to their show, and to their callers is how I knew that trump had a good chance of losing this election. I could hear the anger and the urgency in their voices, and I knew that the right was going to underestimate them.

I'll give them one credit, they did a real good job at motivating their listeners to get out and vote. It was a constant reminder and message for over a year before the election.

My point is, if you listen to them, you get a good idea of the anger and hate they have for anyone who doesn't think like them. If you listen to pretty much any right wing talk host, you don't get any of that. If you listen to any of the hosts on xm patriot, what you will find is, no cursing, no berating, and their message is always freedom, liberty, small government, constitution, that's it.

I understand that not ALL left wing talk radio is that bad, but, since.i only really have siruis xm to listen to, I tend to listen to both sides of the spectrum, and after over a year of doing this, I found that I had to take a step back from the left wing talk shows there because they were so abrasive, hate filled, and divisive that I found myself starting to feel anger as well. Imagine what the listeners who agree with them feel because they tune in every single day, and are riled and fueled by that anger.
Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.
I think you are incorrect about the who "cult" accusation. I think most people voted for trump because he was not Hillary. Like you, they were willing to vote for trump in order to keep Hillary out of the white house at all costs.

It wasn't necessarily about trump, if any of the other Republicans had won the nomination, the right would have backed that candidate equally.

Sure, there are those that like that trump is not an establishment politician, and they like that he says what is on his mind. They like that he is rough around the edges. They are tired of seeing the same demeanor from every other politician year in year out.

Divisiveness is why you see people backing trump so fervently. We, as a nation, have become so petty, so divisive, so hate filled, that we fling insults on a whim, and most people will react. Just like you guys went hard to defend biden over Ukraine, and will go hard to defend hunter over his laptop and taxes.

The left drank a lot of Kool aid over trump. Its why I'm so anti media, I believe that all of them lie to you, and they all have an agenda, designed to put ideas in peoples heads. As I've said many times in the past, I listen to a LOT of hard core left wing progressive talk radio, so I have a good idea of what they think, and I also see all of the lies, spin, and disinformation, and hatred that they peddle every single day.

Like I said, both sides have an agenda, but I have never seen hatred and attempts to rile up their listeners as I have from these left wing radio hosts.

Left wing media peddled a lot of lies, disinformation and out of context spin against trump, and because this media has the left programmed with hatred, ready to chew nails, that the left were eager to believe. They were already programmed to hate the right, so you could say anything bad about a right winger, and without even looking for proof, the left is all too eager to jump on that and believe it.

There is blame to go around for everyone, for sure, but, and ill say it again, media is to blame for the state we are in today. There is nothing you hear about politics that doesn't come from a media source, with their spin on it, and they ALL have a spin.

Many did vote for Trump for the simple reason he was not Hillary. Understandable.

Trump lost because he is not a decent person. If he had been even a little decent he would have won again.
Biden and Harris are not decent people. Biden is responsible for almost all our debt. Since he was there for it. Many men will not fight for this nation anymore. Mainly because they are spoiled, out of shape, whiners, undereducated or been given propaganda since birth. Let's consider a loose confederation of state nations. A Federation of States as it were. Different governing systems for each of their beliefs. We would have a few or more smaller nations with a less powerful central government with a reduced taxing authority but to pay out its obligations and to eventually let the newer nations pay. We split up the science, technology and military into equitable parts And of course the WMD's as we know who will become impoverished as the Village mentality takes over and they blame someone else.

None of which dismisses the fact that the country decided they didnt want a president with the mentality of a 12 year old.
That isn't what they decided, shit for brains. They were exposed to nothing but fake news for the last 4 years, not the facts. They were bamboozled and swindled.
Oh God not liberal logic again. So you voted for Biden but you don't support Biden.
They would have voted for Joseph Stalin just to vote out Donald Trump.
I would have voted for the devil to rid the country of Trump if they weren't so similar.
you may have.....the so called lessor evil is still evil....
OK. I would have voted for Cthulhu to rid us of Trump.
After a few years of Dim rule you'll be calling the Trump administration "the good ole days."
Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.
I think you are incorrect about the who "cult" accusation. I think most people voted for trump because he was not Hillary. Like you, they were willing to vote for trump in order to keep Hillary out of the white house at all costs.

It wasn't necessarily about trump, if any of the other Republicans had won the nomination, the right would have backed that candidate equally.

Sure, there are those that like that trump is not an establishment politician, and they like that he says what is on his mind. They like that he is rough around the edges. They are tired of seeing the same demeanor from every other politician year in year out.

Divisiveness is why you see people backing trump so fervently. We, as a nation, have become so petty, so divisive, so hate filled, that we fling insults on a whim, and most people will react. Just like you guys went hard to defend biden over Ukraine, and will go hard to defend hunter over his laptop and taxes.

The left drank a lot of Kool aid over trump. Its why I'm so anti media, I believe that all of them lie to you, and they all have an agenda, designed to put ideas in peoples heads. As I've said many times in the past, I listen to a LOT of hard core left wing progressive talk radio, so I have a good idea of what they think, and I also see all of the lies, spin, and disinformation, and hatred that they peddle every single day.

Like I said, both sides have an agenda, but I have never seen hatred and attempts to rile up their listeners as I have from these left wing radio hosts.

Left wing media peddled a lot of lies, disinformation and out of context spin against trump, and because this media has the left programmed with hatred, ready to chew nails, that the left were eager to believe. They were already programmed to hate the right, so you could say anything bad about a right winger, and without even looking for proof, the left is all too eager to jump on that and believe it.

There is blame to go around for everyone, for sure, but, and ill say it again, media is to blame for the state we are in today. There is nothing you hear about politics that doesn't come from a media source, with their spin on it, and they ALL have a spin.

Many did vote for Trump for the simple reason he was not Hillary. Understandable.

Trump lost because he is not a decent person. If he had been even a little decent he would have won again.
Biden is a decent person?


Not particularly but he doesn't think you accomplish things by Calling people names and making fun of them.
You mean names like "racist", "sexist", "homophobe", "deplorable?"

Dims are such raging hypocrites and buffoons.
Conservatives are under the misconception that those who voted for Biden have the same slavish, blind, and cult-like devotion to Biden as conservatives have for Trump.

That’s not the case.

Indeed, many – if not most – who voted for Biden are indifferent to the president-elect.

Those who voted for Biden were voting to rid the country of Trump; Biden was merely a means to that end.

Should events occur prior to 2024 that would compel Biden to resign from office – such as the impeachment process – Harris would become president (interestingly, a significant number of Biden voters might actually prefer Harris…).

And Trump would still be gone, which is paramount.

Biden voters would be perfectly content with that scenario.

I voted for Biden as you stated to rid the Oval Office of Trump and his nonsense but do not lie yourself if I would want Harris as President and in 2024 I will be voting against her if she is nominated by the party which is most likely seeing she is the VP.

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