These Republican Lincoln Project ads are BRUTAL!

The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason.
This goes beyond political poo-flinging.
This is treason.

Please tell us in sane detail why "The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason."

Already done, 'tard.

The apostrophe is for "fuck".

So, you think murdering/lynching patriotic conservatives is how democracy should operate?
STFU, you commie retard. Up is not down and right is not wrong, you fucking piece of shit!

In other words - you won't defend your violent rhetoric. Thanks for playing...

I run into SO many idiots on these boards who will not be satisfied until all opponents to Donald J Trump are shot or tossed into Gulags for reprogramming.

It's very weird.
This is true. A thread was just shut down by a Trumper because he was advocating mass murder. There is definitely something very wrong and disturbing in the mind of the Trumper. Scary times.
well sport, when you leftist's act ignorant, don't be surprised when you leftists get your asses kicked to a dept of 6 feet down
Are you advocating mass murder as well? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
We see reality, dumbass? Something has to be done, maybe not mass murder, but something.
I usually let a bully make me have no other alternative than to beat their ass, and then I do.
Is this mean you are going to murder your next door neighbor?
war is hell and you leftists started this war
The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason.
This goes beyond political poo-flinging.
This is treason.

Please tell us in sane detail why "The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason."

Already done, 'tard.

The apostrophe is for "fuck".

So, you think murdering/lynching patriotic conservatives is how democracy should operate?
STFU, you commie retard. Up is not down and right is not wrong, you fucking piece of shit!

In other words - you won't defend your violent rhetoric. Thanks for playing...

I run into SO many idiots on these boards who will not be satisfied until all opponents to Donald J Trump are shot or tossed into Gulags for reprogramming.

It's very weird.
This is true. A thread was just shut down by a Trumper because he was advocating mass murder. There is definitely something very wrong and disturbing in the mind of the Trumper. Scary times.
well sport, when you leftist's act ignorant, don't be surprised when you leftists get your asses kicked to a dept of 6 feet down
Are you advocating mass murder as well? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
We see reality, dumbass? Something has to be done, maybe not mass murder, but something.
I usually let a bully make me have no other alternative than to beat their ass, and then I do.
Is this mean you are going to murder your next door neighbor?
What? Wtf?! You make zero sense.
I love my neighbors. The man from next door convinced me to be a Republican. Not the younger one, the older one. He was very smart and wise. He was also black.
We had "talks" and I cherish them all. I learned a lot.
I don't want to murder anyone, but something has to be done with the hordes of conditioned/brainwashed dumbass non-thinking ones that riot if they don't get their way.
Last edited:
The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason.
This goes beyond political poo-flinging.
This is treason.

Please tell us in sane detail why "The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason."

Already done, 'tard.

The apostrophe is for "fuck".

So, you think murdering/lynching patriotic conservatives is how democracy should operate?
STFU, you commie retard. Up is not down and right is not wrong, you fucking piece of shit!

In other words - you won't defend your violent rhetoric. Thanks for playing...

I run into SO many idiots on these boards who will not be satisfied until all opponents to Donald J Trump are shot or tossed into Gulags for reprogramming.

It's very weird.
This is true. A thread was just shut down by a Trumper because he was advocating mass murder. There is definitely something very wrong and disturbing in the mind of the Trumper. Scary times.
well sport, when you leftist's act ignorant, don't be surprised when you leftists get your asses kicked to a dept of 6 feet down
Are you advocating mass murder as well? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
We see reality, dumbass? Something has to be done, maybe not mass murder, but something.
I usually let a bully make me have no other alternative than to beat their ass, and then I do.
Is this mean you are going to murder your next door neighbor?

There is a distinct possibility that we see our resident John Wayne wannabe and many others committing violent acts when their Orange Prick is defeated on 11-3. Hopefully the FBI and CIA are watching their posts.
Yes the FBI should be watching your post you traitor
The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason.
This goes beyond political poo-flinging.
This is treason.

Please tell us in sane detail why "The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason."

Already done, 'tard.

The apostrophe is for "fuck".

So, you think murdering/lynching patriotic conservatives is how democracy should operate?
STFU, you commie retard. Up is not down and right is not wrong, you fucking piece of shit!

In other words - you won't defend your violent rhetoric. Thanks for playing...

I run into SO many idiots on these boards who will not be satisfied until all opponents to Donald J Trump are shot or tossed into Gulags for reprogramming.

It's very weird.
This is true. A thread was just shut down by a Trumper because he was advocating mass murder. There is definitely something very wrong and disturbing in the mind of the Trumper. Scary times.
well sport, when you leftist's act ignorant, don't be surprised when you leftists get your asses kicked to a dept of 6 feet down
Are you advocating mass murder as well? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Well when you leftists push don't be shocked at the push back
Nobody is pushing you anywhere. You all for some reason seem to be itching to go and start shooting up your neighbor and his family. It seems to me you all have lost faith in this nation. Like Trump you do not want to accept where this country is heading, I.e. the American people ousting him from power.
Your denial will not save your leftists buddy's
You can only blame whitey for your own failures for just so long until whitey says enough is enough and yes those attacks and assaults from you leftists have not been forgotten
I don’t blame “whitey” for anything. I started a thread about the four most important words in politics: Up to a Point. Yeah, there are many on the left pushing the envelope too far, but now you are seeing push back not only from the right but from liberals as well. There are just as many in the right going off the deep end as well. Politics is like that. Like a pendulum.
The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason.
This goes beyond political poo-flinging.
This is treason.

Please tell us in sane detail why "The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason."

Already done, 'tard.

The apostrophe is for "fuck".

So, you think murdering/lynching patriotic conservatives is how democracy should operate?
STFU, you commie retard. Up is not down and right is not wrong, you fucking piece of shit!

In other words - you won't defend your violent rhetoric. Thanks for playing...

I run into SO many idiots on these boards who will not be satisfied until all opponents to Donald J Trump are shot or tossed into Gulags for reprogramming.

It's very weird.
This is true. A thread was just shut down by a Trumper because he was advocating mass murder. There is definitely something very wrong and disturbing in the mind of the Trumper. Scary times.
well sport, when you leftist's act ignorant, don't be surprised when you leftists get your asses kicked to a dept of 6 feet down
Are you advocating mass murder as well? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
We see reality, dumbass? Something has to be done, maybe not mass murder, but something.
I usually let a bully make me have no other alternative than to beat their ass, and then I do.
Is this mean you are going to murder your next door neighbor?
war is hell and you leftists started this war
There is no war in this country. It exists only in your mind.
The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason.
This goes beyond political poo-flinging.
This is treason.

Please tell us in sane detail why "The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason."

Already done, 'tard.

The apostrophe is for "fuck".

So, you think murdering/lynching patriotic conservatives is how democracy should operate?
STFU, you commie retard. Up is not down and right is not wrong, you fucking piece of shit!

In other words - you won't defend your violent rhetoric. Thanks for playing...

I run into SO many idiots on these boards who will not be satisfied until all opponents to Donald J Trump are shot or tossed into Gulags for reprogramming.

It's very weird.
This is true. A thread was just shut down by a Trumper because he was advocating mass murder. There is definitely something very wrong and disturbing in the mind of the Trumper. Scary times.
well sport, when you leftist's act ignorant, don't be surprised when you leftists get your asses kicked to a dept of 6 feet down
Are you advocating mass murder as well? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Well when you leftists push don't be shocked at the push back
Nobody is pushing you anywhere. You all for some reason seem to be itching to go and start shooting up your neighbor and his family. It seems to me you all have lost faith in this nation. Like Trump you do not want to accept where this country is heading, I.e. the American people ousting him from power.
Your denial will not save your leftists buddy's
You can only blame whitey for your own failures for just so long until whitey says enough is enough and yes those attacks and assaults from you leftists have not been forgotten
I don’t blame “whitey” for anything. I started a thread about the four most important words in politics: Up to a Point. Yeah, there are many on the left pushing the envelope too far, but now you are seeing push back not only from the right but from liberals as well. There a re just as many in the right going off the deep end end as well.. The nation is like that. Like a pendulum.
Yawn talk to your computer screen
The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason.
This goes beyond political poo-flinging.
This is treason.

Please tell us in sane detail why "The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason."

Already done, 'tard.

The apostrophe is for "fuck".

So, you think murdering/lynching patriotic conservatives is how democracy should operate?
STFU, you commie retard. Up is not down and right is not wrong, you fucking piece of shit!

In other words - you won't defend your violent rhetoric. Thanks for playing...

I run into SO many idiots on these boards who will not be satisfied until all opponents to Donald J Trump are shot or tossed into Gulags for reprogramming.

It's very weird.
This is true. A thread was just shut down by a Trumper because he was advocating mass murder. There is definitely something very wrong and disturbing in the mind of the Trumper. Scary times.
well sport, when you leftist's act ignorant, don't be surprised when you leftists get your asses kicked to a dept of 6 feet down
Are you advocating mass murder as well? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
We see reality, dumbass? Something has to be done, maybe not mass murder, but something.
I usually let a bully make me have no other alternative than to beat their ass, and then I do.
Is this mean you are going to murder your next door neighbor?
war is hell and you leftists started this war
There is no war in this country. It exists only in your mind.
there is a war and you leftist's started it
God almighty you fascist democratic party youth are painfully stupid, and totally ignorant of current events! Yours, is about the tenth attempt at worshiping at the feet of the so-called Lincoln Project, which has been irrefutably linked to Vladimir Putin and Russia! Yes you impossibly stupid douche, Russia funds the fucking Lincoln Ads you so admire....

Lincoln Project founders have ties to Russia and tax troubles, docs reveal

Musings from the far right wing NY Post tabloid? Cool.
Even if true, your Donald has tax problems too.
They will soon rear their ugly heads. :laugh:
NY post is far right wing? In your dreams! Dispute their article.

None of them are running for President and they haven't lied...

These are the guys who you readily believed before 4 years ago... These are Republicans and Conservatives...

As to the OP I think Democrats are better to stay out of this family fight a GOP internal fight...

If Trump looses badly these guys are going to be the future of the GOP party...
The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason.
This goes beyond political poo-flinging.
This is treason.

Please tell us in sane detail why "The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason."

Already done, 'tard.

The apostrophe is for "fuck".

So, you think murdering/lynching patriotic conservatives is how democracy should operate?
STFU, you commie retard. Up is not down and right is not wrong, you fucking piece of shit!

In other words - you won't defend your violent rhetoric. Thanks for playing...

I run into SO many idiots on these boards who will not be satisfied until all opponents to Donald J Trump are shot or tossed into Gulags for reprogramming.

It's very weird.
This is true. A thread was just shut down by a Trumper because he was advocating mass murder. There is definitely something very wrong and disturbing in the mind of the Trumper. Scary times.
well sport, when you leftist's act ignorant, don't be surprised when you leftists get your asses kicked to a dept of 6 feet down
Are you advocating mass murder as well? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
We see reality, dumbass? Something has to be done, maybe not mass murder, but something.
I usually let a bully make me have no other alternative than to beat their ass, and then I do.
Is this mean you are going to murder your next door neighbor?
war is hell and you leftists started this war
There is no war in this country. It exists only in your mind.
there is a war and you leftist's started it
There is no war in this country. It exists only in your head.
The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason.
This goes beyond political poo-flinging.
This is treason.

Please tell us in sane detail why "The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason."

Already done, 'tard.

The apostrophe is for "fuck".

So, you think murdering/lynching patriotic conservatives is how democracy should operate?
STFU, you commie retard. Up is not down and right is not wrong, you fucking piece of shit!

In other words - you won't defend your violent rhetoric. Thanks for playing...

I run into SO many idiots on these boards who will not be satisfied until all opponents to Donald J Trump are shot or tossed into Gulags for reprogramming.

It's very weird.
This is true. A thread was just shut down by a Trumper because he was advocating mass murder. There is definitely something very wrong and disturbing in the mind of the Trumper. Scary times.
well sport, when you leftist's act ignorant, don't be surprised when you leftists get your asses kicked to a dept of 6 feet down
Are you advocating mass murder as well? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
We see reality, dumbass? Something has to be done, maybe not mass murder, but something.
I usually let a bully make me have no other alternative than to beat their ass, and then I do.
Is this mean you are going to murder your next door neighbor?
war is hell and you leftists started this war
There is no war in this country. It exists only in your mind.
there is a war and you leftist's started it
There is no war in this country. It exists only in your head.
There's no war yet..but if leftists keep pushing, there damn sure will be.

And they will lose. And then some.

All the Americans I talk to wherever I go are sick of this crap.
Maybe a few aren't, but the ones that will do something are...bigtime.
Americans of every race and creed are sick and tired of the leftist bullshit!
A supermajority of us, Biden my ass!
I do know of exactly 1 person deluded by that BLM crap and it's a shame. He's 6'6" and black. I think he unfriended me on FB. BLM is a communist revolutionary movement. He didn't wanna hear that. Damn shame.
Last edited:
Biden and the DNC should probably take notice. No more taking a soup ladle to a knife fight!

/—-/ What a load of Hillary .. And remember Reno and Clinton burning down Waco and killing women and children? Remember stealing kids at gun point and sending them back to Cuba? And the arrest of a 70 year old man with a SWAT team? Go shove your fake outrage.
Last edited:
The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason.
This goes beyond political poo-flinging.
This is treason.

Please tell us in sane detail why "The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason."

Already done, 'tard.

The apostrophe is for "fuck".

So, you think murdering/lynching patriotic conservatives is how democracy should operate?
STFU, you commie retard. Up is not down and right is not wrong, you fucking piece of shit!

In other words - you won't defend your violent rhetoric. Thanks for playing...

I run into SO many idiots on these boards who will not be satisfied until all opponents to Donald J Trump are shot or tossed into Gulags for reprogramming.

It's very weird.
This is true. A thread was just shut down by a Trumper because he was advocating mass murder. There is definitely something very wrong and disturbing in the mind of the Trumper. Scary times.
well sport, when you leftist's act ignorant, don't be surprised when you leftists get your asses kicked to a dept of 6 feet down
Are you advocating mass murder as well? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
We see reality, dumbass? Something has to be done, maybe not mass murder, but something.
I usually let a bully make me have no other alternative than to beat their ass, and then I do.
Is this mean you are going to murder your next door neighbor?
war is hell and you leftists started this war
There is no war in this country. It exists only in your mind.
there is a war and you leftist's started it
There is no war in this country. It exists only in your head.
Yawn talk to your computer screen lie to it some more
The "Lincoln Project" supporters should be hanged for treason.
This goes beyond political poo-flinging.
This is treason.

I suggest you learn to read.

There is a whole 1st Amendment that will be a shock to you.

My takeaway from the responses in this thread and from many other forums -
Trump supporters have distinct authoritarian, and violent tendencies.
Last edited:
God almighty you fascist democratic party youth are painfully stupid, and totally ignorant of current events! Yours, is about the tenth attempt at worshiping at the feet of the so-called Lincoln Project, which has been irrefutably linked to Vladimir Putin and Russia! Yes you impossibly stupid douche, Russia funds the fucking Lincoln Ads you so admire....

Lincoln Project founders have ties to Russia and tax troubles, docs reveal

Musings from the far right wing NY Post tabloid? Cool.
Even if true, your Donald has tax problems too.
They will soon rear their ugly heads. :laugh:
NY post is far right wing? In your dreams! Dispute their article.

None of them are running for President and they haven't lied...

These are the guys who you readily believed before 4 years ago... These are Republicans and Conservatives...

As to the OP I think Democrats are better to stay out of this family fight a GOP internal fight...

If Trump looses badly these guys are going to be the future of the GOP party...
Honey, research them. I have. They are anything but conservatives or Republicans. And Conway? Lol He is a joke. Couldn’t stand he didn’t get the position he was hoping for in the administration.
Biden and the DNC should probably take notice. No more taking a soup ladle to a knife fight!

/—-/ What a load of Hillary .. Ancc dc remember Reno and Clinton burning down Waco and killing women and children? Remember stealing kids at gun point and sending them back to Cuba? And the arrest of an 70 year old man with a SWAT team? Go shove your fake outrage.

Another pedophile Koresh supporter? McVeigh was too - Go light the scented candles in your Davey/ Timmy shrine eh? ;)
God almighty you fascist democratic party youth are painfully stupid, and totally ignorant of current events! Yours, is about the tenth attempt at worshiping at the feet of the so-called Lincoln Project, which has been irrefutably linked to Vladimir Putin and Russia! Yes you impossibly stupid douche, Russia funds the fucking Lincoln Ads you so admire....

Lincoln Project founders have ties to Russia and tax troubles, docs reveal

Musings from the far right wing NY Post tabloid? Cool.
Even if true, your Donald has tax problems too.
They will soon rear their ugly heads. :laugh:
NY post is far right wing? In your dreams! Dispute their article.

None of them are running for President and they haven't lied...

These are the guys who you readily believed before 4 years ago... These are Republicans and Conservatives...

As to the OP I think Democrats are better to stay out of this family fight a GOP internal fight...

If Trump looses badly these guys are going to be the future of the GOP party...
Fuck those self-serving assholes that think they know what's better for everybody. They really don't know shit from shineola.
Have them go do a hay day and get back with us..
God almighty you fascist democratic party youth are painfully stupid, and totally ignorant of current events! Yours, is about the tenth attempt at worshiping at the feet of the so-called Lincoln Project, which has been irrefutably linked to Vladimir Putin and Russia! Yes you impossibly stupid douche, Russia funds the fucking Lincoln Ads you so admire....

Lincoln Project founders have ties to Russia and tax troubles, docs reveal

Musings from the far right wing NY Post tabloid? Cool.
Even if true, your Donald has tax problems too.
They will soon rear their ugly heads. :laugh:
NY post is far right wing? In your dreams! Dispute their article.

None of them are running for President and they haven't lied...

These are the guys who you readily believed before 4 years ago... These are Republicans and Conservatives...

As to the OP I think Democrats are better to stay out of this family fight a GOP internal fight...

If Trump looses badly these guys are going to be the future of the GOP party...
Don't you ever presume any of the rino's you are toe sucking, because you like the Russian propaganda they are spewing, have spoken a word I have agreed with or supported, ever! That shit is what you fascists do, that shit is how you fascists fucking roll, not a scintilla of integrity, or conscience in your entire bodies, means justify ends, that is you evil fucking democrats, not Americans! These creatures are not now, and never have been legitimate, they are all "Bush/Obama/Clinton" neocons, all are nakedly corrupt and have always been so... :fu:
God almighty you fascist democratic party youth are painfully stupid, and totally ignorant of current events! Yours, is about the tenth attempt at worshiping at the feet of the so-called Lincoln Project, which has been irrefutably linked to Vladimir Putin and Russia! Yes you impossibly stupid douche, Russia funds the fucking Lincoln Ads you so admire....

Lincoln Project founders have ties to Russia and tax troubles, docs reveal

Musings from the far right wing NY Post tabloid? Cool.
Even if true, your Donald has tax problems too.
They will soon rear their ugly heads. :laugh:

Republicans can't run on their record of deficits, unemployment and stock market crashes, so their only hope of getting elected is to smear Democrats and make them look worse to voters. Republicans have perfected the art of smear politics, starting with Bill Clinton. Look at how many people believe the Clintons are criminals, despite the fact that neither of them has ever been found guilty of a crime, other than a lie about a blow job.

The most devastating anti-Romney production came from Newt Gingerich during the primaries. "When Mitt Romney Came To Town" eviserated Mitt Romney. It accused him as acting without heart, feelings or consideration in buying up troubled companies for cheap, and then selling them off, piece by piece, until nothing was left, leaving the towns with no industry of employment when he left.

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