think about it!

War broke out in April 1861 what is the over /under if we can hold off to April of 2021
I don't think most American people realize the gravity of how this stolen election is affecting our government as a whole!
Not only should we be concerned about our 2nd amendment ,we should be shitting our pants at not having a constitution.
When we have people in our government like Pelosi,Shumer,AOC, Omar,Talib and Roberts ( who didn't what to hear the evidence on the election being stolen for fear of the left resorting to violence, what thje f does he think the right will do stand back and watch our rights taken away from us by a bunch of socalists.
What do they have to gain by putting Biden in office? Will the suckerburgs (who funded half a mil to decriminalize herroin and meth in Oregon) and 90% of the fake news station expect viewership and funding from companies that will be going out of business .
I just watched a progran o OAN that made my skin crawl. It's unbelievale the amount of corruption that was carried over from the Obama admin. and what we face if the Biden mob takes office. Lets not let it happen!!!!!
Jesus fuck, another duped, ignorant, uneducated Trumpette claiming the election was stolen.

Like Trump gave a shit about the Constitution. And really, we know you don't have any guns because you said Obama would take them.

Trump siphoned millions of government money into his own pockets & you think that isn't corruption?

Of course the election was stolen. Plenty of proof out there. People don't sign affidavits on a whim. If found to be false that a perjury charge.

Trump loves the Constitution. That's why his SC picks were Constitutionalists. And as for him stealing money?? I'll LMAO on that one. The mans a billionaire. He doesn't need to steal from anyone.

You sure are a moron.

there has been NO evidence presented in any of the court cases, including any affidavits.

ALL 3 of donny's SC picks have DENIED even hearing the case of 'fraud'. so much for them, 'eh?

he claims to be a billionarre - but since he refuses to show his tax returns, & has refused for 4 years ... you can go by what comes outa his orange anus shaped pie hole like the good little dupe you are. but upright critical thinking bipeds understand that no proof = he's lying. besides, why would a billionarre have need to borrow money for?
Last edited:
Trump siphoned millions of government money into his own pockets & you think that isn't corruption?
Speculation, trumped up (no pun intended) by the MSM and it's acolytes (look in the mirror)- no, Trump hasn't abided by the constitution, but the precedent was established long before he was POTUS and long before I was born- not that that is a good excuse, but, it is what it is- not a single, congress critter, or POTUS has lived up to their oath of office in my lifetime- at 73 I've watched quite a few of them on BOTH sides of the aisle that ceases to exist inside the beltway except for their sound bite (click bait) rhetoric- results are the evidence.
No speculation.

All the government money spent at Trump properties. Stuff like charging the Sercret Service to use the elevators at Trump Tower before Trump even took office. Charging the SS for cart rentals. Military flight crews direct to stay at Trump properties in the UK. etc etc etc etc.

Trump is a fucking crook.

And if you believe what you just posted your an imbecile.

Trump donated his salary. You going to do that?? Nah. You'd just rather make up imaginary tales about Trump so you can feel like a big shot.


Trump's properties have raked in least $1.1 million in fees from the Secret Service since he took office

Trump Organization Reportedly Charged U.S Government Over $1.1 Million For Luxury Hotel Stays
I don't think most American people realize the gravity of how this stolen election is affecting our government as a whole!
Not only should we be concerned about our 2nd amendment ,we should be shitting our pants at not having a constitution.
When we have people in our government like Pelosi,Shumer,AOC, Omar,Talib and Roberts ( who didn't what to hear the evidence on the election being stolen for fear of the left resorting to violence, what thje f does he think the right will do stand back and watch our rights taken away from us by a bunch of socalists.
What do they have to gain by putting Biden in office? Will the suckerburgs (who funded half a mil to decriminalize herroin and meth in Oregon) and 90% of the fake news station expect viewership and funding from companies that will be going out of business .
I just watched a progran o OAN that made my skin crawl. It's unbelievale the amount of corruption that was carried over from the Obama admin. and what we face if the Biden mob takes office. Lets not let it happen!!!!!
Jesus fuck, another duped, ignorant, uneducated Trumpette claiming the election was stolen.

Like Trump gave a shit about the Constitution. And really, we know you don't have any guns because you said Obama would take them.

Trump siphoned millions of government money into his own pockets & you think that isn't corruption?

Of course the election was stolen. Plenty of proof out there. People don't sign affidavits on a whim. If found to be false that a perjury charge.

Trump loves the Constitution. That's why his SC picks were Constitutionalists. And as for him stealing money?? I'll LMAO on that one. The mans a billionaire. He doesn't need to steal from anyone.

You sure are a moron.

there has been NO evidence presented in any of the court cases, including any affidavits.

ALL 3 of donny's SC picks have DENIED even hearing the case of 'fraud'. so much for them, 'eh?

he claims to be a billionarre - but since he refuses to show his tax returns, & has refused for 4 years ... you can go by what comes outa his orange anus shaped pie hole like the good little dupe you are. but upright critical thinking bipeds understand that no proof = means he's lying. besides, why would a billionarre have need to borrow money for?

Hey, the courts don't want to involve themselves in this. Its the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. There is evidence all over. No one signs a false affidavit. If found to be false that's perjury. Texas did an in depth study on Dominion and didn't like what they found. They refused to use those machines. To bad the other States didn't do the same.

As to Trumps tax returns?? I LMAO over that one. He's been personally and professionally audited for years. If there was anything to find the IRS would have found it years ago. Oh and the same goes for the NY auditors.

Reality isn't your strong suite at all. LOL
I don't think most American people realize the gravity of how this stolen election is affecting our government as a whole!
Not only should we be concerned about our 2nd amendment ,we should be shitting our pants at not having a constitution.
When we have people in our government like Pelosi,Shumer,AOC, Omar,Talib and Roberts ( who didn't what to hear the evidence on the election being stolen for fear of the left resorting to violence, what thje f does he think the right will do stand back and watch our rights taken away from us by a bunch of socalists.
What do they have to gain by putting Biden in office? Will the suckerburgs (who funded half a mil to decriminalize herroin and meth in Oregon) and 90% of the fake news station expect viewership and funding from companies that will be going out of business .
I just watched a progran o OAN that made my skin crawl. It's unbelievale the amount of corruption that was carried over from the Obama admin. and what we face if the Biden mob takes office. Lets not let it happen!!!!!
Jesus fuck, another duped, ignorant, uneducated Trumpette claiming the election was stolen.

Like Trump gave a shit about the Constitution. And really, we know you don't have any guns because you said Obama would take them.

Trump siphoned millions of government money into his own pockets & you think that isn't corruption?

Of course the election was stolen. Plenty of proof out there. People don't sign affidavits on a whim. If found to be false that a perjury charge.

Trump loves the Constitution. That's why his SC picks were Constitutionalists. And as for him stealing money?? I'll LMAO on that one. The mans a billionaire. He doesn't need to steal from anyone.

You sure are a moron.

there has been NO evidence presented in any of the court cases, including any affidavits.

ALL 3 of donny's SC picks have DENIED even hearing the case of 'fraud'. so much for them, 'eh?

he claims to be a billionarre - but since he refuses to show his tax returns, & has refused for 4 years ... you can go by what comes outa his orange anus shaped pie hole like the good little dupe you are. but upright critical thinking bipeds understand that no proof = means he's lying. besides, why would a billionarre have need to borrow money for?

Hey, the courts don't want to involve themselves in this. Its the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. There is evidence all over. No one signs a false affidavit. If found to be false that's perjury. Texas did an in depth study on Dominion and didn't like what they found. They refused to use those machines. To bad the other States didn't do the same.

As to Trumps tax returns?? I LMAO over that one. He's been personally and professionally audited for years. If there was anything to find the IRS would have found it years ago. Oh and the same goes for the NY auditors.

Reality isn't your strong suite at all. LOL

there's no perjury ... because .... now read this slowly....................................

no affidavits have been introduced in a COURT OF LAW. & you just flipped your reasoning about the SC. don't think it went unnoticed, claudetteski.

texas? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the same texas that only allowed ONE drop off box per county? THAT texas?????????????? dominion, btw - is taking this to court themselves & plan on suing for defamation.



^^^ which one are you? ^^^
Last edited:
& Claudette - you 'laughing' at the credible unbiased links that PROVE donny has been charging the secret service to stay at his own properties undoubtedly shows just how much a poorly educated trump humping basket dwelling deplorable you are. KUDOS!!!!
I don't think most American people realize the gravity of how this stolen election is affecting our government as a whole!
Not only should we be concerned about our 2nd amendment ,we should be shitting our pants at not having a constitution.
When we have people in our government like Pelosi,Shumer,AOC, Omar,Talib and Roberts ( who didn't what to hear the evidence on the election being stolen for fear of the left resorting to violence, what thje f does he think the right will do stand back and watch our rights taken away from us by a bunch of socalists.
What do they have to gain by putting Biden in office? Will the suckerburgs (who funded half a mil to decriminalize herroin and meth in Oregon) and 90% of the fake news station expect viewership and funding from companies that will be going out of business .
I just watched a progran o OAN that made my skin crawl. It's unbelievale the amount of corruption that was carried over from the Obama admin. and what we face if the Biden mob takes office. Lets not let it happen!!!!!
Jesus fuck, another duped, ignorant, uneducated Trumpette claiming the election was stolen.

Like Trump gave a shit about the Constitution. And really, we know you don't have any guns because you said Obama would take them.

Trump siphoned millions of government money into his own pockets & you think that isn't corruption?

Of course the election was stolen. Plenty of proof out there. People don't sign affidavits on a whim. If found to be false that a perjury charge.

Trump loves the Constitution. That's why his SC picks were Constitutionalists. And as for him stealing money?? I'll LMAO on that one. The mans a billionaire. He doesn't need to steal from anyone.

You sure are a moron.

there has been NO evidence presented in any of the court cases, including any affidavits.

ALL 3 of donny's SC picks have DENIED even hearing the case of 'fraud'. so much for them, 'eh?

he claims to be a billionarre - but since he refuses to show his tax returns, & has refused for 4 years ... you can go by what comes outa his orange anus shaped pie hole like the good little dupe you are. but upright critical thinking bipeds understand that no proof = means he's lying. besides, why would a billionarre have need to borrow money for?

Hey, the courts don't want to involve themselves in this. Its the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. There is evidence all over. No one signs a false affidavit. If found to be false that's perjury. Texas did an in depth study on Dominion and didn't like what they found. They refused to use those machines. To bad the other States didn't do the same.

As to Trumps tax returns?? I LMAO over that one. He's been personally and professionally audited for years. If there was anything to find the IRS would have found it years ago. Oh and the same goes for the NY auditors.

Reality isn't your strong suite at all. LOL

there's no perjury ... because .... now read this slowly....................................

if no affidavits have been introduced in a COURT OF LAW. & you just flipped your reasoning about the SC. don't think it went unnoticed, claudetteski.

texas? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the same texas that only allowed ONE drop off box per county? THAT texas?????????????? dominion, btw - is taking this to court themselves & plan on suing for defamation.


View attachment 434658

^^^ which one are you? ^^^

That's because none of the Judges want to see them.

Listen closely. NONE OF THEM WANT TO GET INVOLVED. Its as simple as that and there is a ton of evidence out there even if you want to ignore it.

Carry on sheep.
I don't think most American people realize the gravity of how this stolen election is affecting our government as a whole!
Not only should we be concerned about our 2nd amendment ,we should be shitting our pants at not having a constitution.
When we have people in our government like Pelosi,Shumer,AOC, Omar,Talib and Roberts ( who didn't what to hear the evidence on the election being stolen for fear of the left resorting to violence, what thje f does he think the right will do stand back and watch our rights taken away from us by a bunch of socalists.
What do they have to gain by putting Biden in office? Will the suckerburgs (who funded half a mil to decriminalize herroin and meth in Oregon) and 90% of the fake news station expect viewership and funding from companies that will be going out of business .
I just watched a progran o OAN that made my skin crawl. It's unbelievale the amount of corruption that was carried over from the Obama admin. and what we face if the Biden mob takes office. Lets not let it happen!!!!!
Jesus fuck, another duped, ignorant, uneducated Trumpette claiming the election was stolen.

Like Trump gave a shit about the Constitution. And really, we know you don't have any guns because you said Obama would take them.

Trump siphoned millions of government money into his own pockets & you think that isn't corruption?

Of course the election was stolen. Plenty of proof out there. People don't sign affidavits on a whim. If found to be false that a perjury charge.

Trump loves the Constitution. That's why his SC picks were Constitutionalists. And as for him stealing money?? I'll LMAO on that one. The mans a billionaire. He doesn't need to steal from anyone.

You sure are a moron.

there has been NO evidence presented in any of the court cases, including any affidavits.

ALL 3 of donny's SC picks have DENIED even hearing the case of 'fraud'. so much for them, 'eh?

he claims to be a billionarre - but since he refuses to show his tax returns, & has refused for 4 years ... you can go by what comes outa his orange anus shaped pie hole like the good little dupe you are. but upright critical thinking bipeds understand that no proof = means he's lying. besides, why would a billionarre have need to borrow money for?

Hey, the courts don't want to involve themselves in this. Its the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. There is evidence all over. No one signs a false affidavit. If found to be false that's perjury. Texas did an in depth study on Dominion and didn't like what they found. They refused to use those machines. To bad the other States didn't do the same.

As to Trumps tax returns?? I LMAO over that one. He's been personally and professionally audited for years. If there was anything to find the IRS would have found it years ago. Oh and the same goes for the NY auditors.

Reality isn't your strong suite at all. LOL

No proof.

The recounts were not significantly different from the machine counts.

Trumps tax returns are still under audit or did your hero lie about that too
Trump siphoned millions of government money into his own pockets & you think that isn't corruption?
Speculation, trumped up (no pun intended) by the MSM and it's acolytes (look in the mirror)- no, Trump hasn't abided by the constitution, but the precedent was established long before he was POTUS and long before I was born- not that that is a good excuse, but, it is what it is- not a single, congress critter, or POTUS has lived up to their oath of office in my lifetime- at 73 I've watched quite a few of them on BOTH sides of the aisle that ceases to exist inside the beltway except for their sound bite (click bait) rhetoric- results are the evidence.
No speculation.

All the government money spent at Trump properties. Stuff like charging the Sercret Service to use the elevators at Trump Tower before Trump even took office. Charging the SS for cart rentals. Military flight crews direct to stay at Trump properties in the UK. etc etc etc etc.

Trump is a fucking crook.

And if you believe what you just posted your an imbecile.

Trump donated his salary. You going to do that?? Nah. You'd just rather make up imaginary tales about Trump so you can feel like a big shot.

I'd trade $400k for millions.
I don't think most American people realize the gravity of how this stolen election is affecting our government as a whole!
Not only should we be concerned about our 2nd amendment ,we should be shitting our pants at not having a constitution.
When we have people in our government like Pelosi,Shumer,AOC, Omar,Talib and Roberts ( who didn't what to hear the evidence on the election being stolen for fear of the left resorting to violence, what thje f does he think the right will do stand back and watch our rights taken away from us by a bunch of socalists.
What do they have to gain by putting Biden in office? Will the suckerburgs (who funded half a mil to decriminalize herroin and meth in Oregon) and 90% of the fake news station expect viewership and funding from companies that will be going out of business .
I just watched a progran o OAN that made my skin crawl. It's unbelievale the amount of corruption that was carried over from the Obama admin. and what we face if the Biden mob takes office. Lets not let it happen!!!!!
Jesus fuck, another duped, ignorant, uneducated Trumpette claiming the election was stolen.

Like Trump gave a shit about the Constitution. And really, we know you don't have any guns because you said Obama would take them.

Trump siphoned millions of government money into his own pockets & you think that isn't corruption?

Of course the election was stolen. Plenty of proof out there. People don't sign affidavits on a whim. If found to be false that a perjury charge.

Trump loves the Constitution. That's why his SC picks were Constitutionalists. And as for him stealing money?? I'll LMAO on that one. The mans a billionaire. He doesn't need to steal from anyone.

You sure are a moron.

there has been NO evidence presented in any of the court cases, including any affidavits.

ALL 3 of donny's SC picks have DENIED even hearing the case of 'fraud'. so much for them, 'eh?

he claims to be a billionarre - but since he refuses to show his tax returns, & has refused for 4 years ... you can go by what comes outa his orange anus shaped pie hole like the good little dupe you are. but upright critical thinking bipeds understand that no proof = means he's lying. besides, why would a billionarre have need to borrow money for?

Hey, the courts don't want to involve themselves in this. Its the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. There is evidence all over. No one signs a false affidavit. If found to be false that's perjury. Texas did an in depth study on Dominion and didn't like what they found. They refused to use those machines. To bad the other States didn't do the same.

As to Trumps tax returns?? I LMAO over that one. He's been personally and professionally audited for years. If there was anything to find the IRS would have found it years ago. Oh and the same goes for the NY auditors.

Reality isn't your strong suite at all. LOL

No proof.

The recounts were not significantly different from the machine counts.

Trumps tax returns are still under audit or did your hero lie about that too

Loads of proof. You just don't want to acknowledge that proof.

As I said. Trump has been audited by the IRS and NY auditors for years. If there was anything to find, they would have found it long ago.

Reality ain't your strong suit either.
Trump siphoned millions of government money into his own pockets & you think that isn't corruption?
Speculation, trumped up (no pun intended) by the MSM and it's acolytes (look in the mirror)- no, Trump hasn't abided by the constitution, but the precedent was established long before he was POTUS and long before I was born- not that that is a good excuse, but, it is what it is- not a single, congress critter, or POTUS has lived up to their oath of office in my lifetime- at 73 I've watched quite a few of them on BOTH sides of the aisle that ceases to exist inside the beltway except for their sound bite (click bait) rhetoric- results are the evidence.
No speculation.

All the government money spent at Trump properties. Stuff like charging the Sercret Service to use the elevators at Trump Tower before Trump even took office. Charging the SS for cart rentals. Military flight crews direct to stay at Trump properties in the UK. etc etc etc etc.

Trump is a fucking crook.

And if you believe what you just posted your an imbecile.

Trump donated his salary. You going to do that?? Nah. You'd just rather make up imaginary tales about Trump so you can feel like a big shot.

I'd trade $400k for millions.

Sure you would cause you aren't a billionaire. Dumbass. LOL
Trump siphoned millions of government money into his own pockets & you think that isn't corruption?
Speculation, trumped up (no pun intended) by the MSM and it's acolytes (look in the mirror)- no, Trump hasn't abided by the constitution, but the precedent was established long before he was POTUS and long before I was born- not that that is a good excuse, but, it is what it is- not a single, congress critter, or POTUS has lived up to their oath of office in my lifetime- at 73 I've watched quite a few of them on BOTH sides of the aisle that ceases to exist inside the beltway except for their sound bite (click bait) rhetoric- results are the evidence.
No speculation.

All the government money spent at Trump properties. Stuff like charging the Sercret Service to use the elevators at Trump Tower before Trump even took office. Charging the SS for cart rentals. Military flight crews direct to stay at Trump properties in the UK. etc etc etc etc.

Trump is a fucking crook.

And if you believe what you just posted your an imbecile.

Trump donated his salary. You going to do that?? Nah. You'd just rather make up imaginary tales about Trump so you can feel like a big shot.

I'd trade $400k for millions.

Sure you would cause you aren't a billionaire. Dumbass. LOL
I don't think most American people realize the gravity of how this stolen election is affecting our government as a whole!
Not only should we be concerned about our 2nd amendment ,we should be shitting our pants at not having a constitution.
When we have people in our government like Pelosi,Shumer,AOC, Omar,Talib and Roberts ( who didn't what to hear the evidence on the election being stolen for fear of the left resorting to violence, what thje f does he think the right will do stand back and watch our rights taken away from us by a bunch of socalists.
What do they have to gain by putting Biden in office? Will the suckerburgs (who funded half a mil to decriminalize herroin and meth in Oregon) and 90% of the fake news station expect viewership and funding from companies that will be going out of business .
I just watched a progran o OAN that made my skin crawl. It's unbelievale the amount of corruption that was carried over from the Obama admin. and what we face if the Biden mob takes office. Lets not let it happen!!!!!
Jesus fuck, another duped, ignorant, uneducated Trumpette claiming the election was stolen.

Like Trump gave a shit about the Constitution. And really, we know you don't have any guns because you said Obama would take them.

Trump siphoned millions of government money into his own pockets & you think that isn't corruption?

Of course the election was stolen. Plenty of proof out there. People don't sign affidavits on a whim. If found to be false that a perjury charge.

Trump loves the Constitution. That's why his SC picks were Constitutionalists. And as for him stealing money?? I'll LMAO on that one. The mans a billionaire. He doesn't need to steal from anyone.

You sure are a moron.

there has been NO evidence presented in any of the court cases, including any affidavits.

ALL 3 of donny's SC picks have DENIED even hearing the case of 'fraud'. so much for them, 'eh?

he claims to be a billionarre - but since he refuses to show his tax returns, & has refused for 4 years ... you can go by what comes outa his orange anus shaped pie hole like the good little dupe you are. but upright critical thinking bipeds understand that no proof = means he's lying. besides, why would a billionarre have need to borrow money for?

Hey, the courts don't want to involve themselves in this. Its the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. There is evidence all over. No one signs a false affidavit. If found to be false that's perjury. Texas did an in depth study on Dominion and didn't like what they found. They refused to use those machines. To bad the other States didn't do the same.

As to Trumps tax returns?? I LMAO over that one. He's been personally and professionally audited for years. If there was anything to find the IRS would have found it years ago. Oh and the same goes for the NY auditors.

Reality isn't your strong suite at all. LOL

No proof.

The recounts were not significantly different from the machine counts.

Trumps tax returns are still under audit or did your hero lie about that too

Loads of proof. You just don't want to acknowledge that proof.

As I said. Trump has been audited by the IRS and NY auditors for years. If there was anything to find, they would have found it long ago.

Reality ain't your strong suit either.
I don't think most American people realize the gravity of how this stolen election is affecting our government as a whole!
Not only should we be concerned about our 2nd amendment ,we should be shitting our pants at not having a constitution.
When we have people in our government like Pelosi,Shumer,AOC, Omar,Talib and Roberts ( who didn't what to hear the evidence on the election being stolen for fear of the left resorting to violence, what thje f does he think the right will do stand back and watch our rights taken away from us by a bunch of socalists.
What do they have to gain by putting Biden in office? Will the suckerburgs (who funded half a mil to decriminalize herroin and meth in Oregon) and 90% of the fake news station expect viewership and funding from companies that will be going out of business .
I just watched a progran o OAN that made my skin crawl. It's unbelievale the amount of corruption that was carried over from the Obama admin. and what we face if the Biden mob takes office. Lets not let it happen!!!!!
Jesus fuck, another duped, ignorant, uneducated Trumpette claiming the election was stolen.

Like Trump gave a shit about the Constitution. And really, we know you don't have any guns because you said Obama would take them.

Trump siphoned millions of government money into his own pockets & you think that isn't corruption?

Of course the election was stolen. Plenty of proof out there. People don't sign affidavits on a whim. If found to be false that a perjury charge.

Trump loves the Constitution. That's why his SC picks were Constitutionalists. And as for him stealing money?? I'll LMAO on that one. The mans a billionaire. He doesn't need to steal from anyone.

You sure are a moron.

there has been NO evidence presented in any of the court cases, including any affidavits.

ALL 3 of donny's SC picks have DENIED even hearing the case of 'fraud'. so much for them, 'eh?

he claims to be a billionarre - but since he refuses to show his tax returns, & has refused for 4 years ... you can go by what comes outa his orange anus shaped pie hole like the good little dupe you are. but upright critical thinking bipeds understand that no proof = means he's lying. besides, why would a billionarre have need to borrow money for?

Hey, the courts don't want to involve themselves in this. Its the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. There is evidence all over. No one signs a false affidavit. If found to be false that's perjury. Texas did an in depth study on Dominion and didn't like what they found. They refused to use those machines. To bad the other States didn't do the same.

As to Trumps tax returns?? I LMAO over that one. He's been personally and professionally audited for years. If there was anything to find the IRS would have found it years ago. Oh and the same goes for the NY auditors.

Reality isn't your strong suite at all. LOL

there's no perjury ... because .... now read this slowly....................................

if no affidavits have been introduced in a COURT OF LAW. & you just flipped your reasoning about the SC. don't think it went unnoticed, claudetteski.

texas? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the same texas that only allowed ONE drop off box per county? THAT texas?????????????? dominion, btw - is taking this to court themselves & plan on suing for defamation.


View attachment 434658

^^^ which one are you? ^^^

That's because none of the Judges want to see them.

Listen closely. NONE OF THEM WANT TO GET INVOLVED. Its as simple as that and there is a ton of evidence out there even if you want to ignore it.

Carry on sheep.

not true. judges have asked DIRECTLY for EVIDENCE & none of the lawyers can cough any up. & WHY aren't they submitting the affidavits? because that isn't proof & the lawyers know if they tried - they will lose their law license.

lol ... you are in so deep.

start saying PRESIDENT joe biden....
No speculation.

All the government money spent at Trump properties. Stuff like charging the Sercret Service to use the elevators at Trump Tower before Trump even took office. Charging the SS for cart rentals. Military flight crews direct to stay at Trump properties in the UK. etc etc etc etc.

Trump is a fucking crook.
Oh stop it- good lord- talk about petty and speculative - SMH
I don't think most American people realize the gravity of how this stolen election is affecting our government as a whole!
Not only should we be concerned about our 2nd amendment ,we should be shitting our pants at not having a constitution.
When we have people in our government like Pelosi,Shumer,AOC, Omar,Talib and Roberts ( who didn't what to hear the evidence on the election being stolen for fear of the left resorting to violence, what thje f does he think the right will do stand back and watch our rights taken away from us by a bunch of socalists.
What do they have to gain by putting Biden in office? Will the suckerburgs (who funded half a mil to decriminalize herroin and meth in Oregon) and 90% of the fake news station expect viewership and funding from companies that will be going out of business .
I just watched a progran o OAN that made my skin crawl. It's unbelievale the amount of corruption that was carried over from the Obama admin. and what we face if the Biden mob takes office. Lets not let it happen!!!!!
Jesus fuck, another duped, ignorant, uneducated Trumpette claiming the election was stolen.

Like Trump gave a shit about the Constitution. And really, we know you don't have any guns because you said Obama would take them.

Trump siphoned millions of government money into his own pockets & you think that isn't corruption?
the only corruption is the fact that Rachel Maddow lead you to believe what you think with no evidence of such.
I don't think most American people realize the gravity of how this stolen election is affecting our government as a whole!
Not only should we be concerned about our 2nd amendment ,we should be shitting our pants at not having a constitution.
When we have people in our government like Pelosi,Shumer,AOC, Omar,Talib and Roberts ( who didn't what to hear the evidence on the election being stolen for fear of the left resorting to violence, what thje f does he think the right will do stand back and watch our rights taken away from us by a bunch of socalists.
What do they have to gain by putting Biden in office? Will the suckerburgs (who funded half a mil to decriminalize herroin and meth in Oregon) and 90% of the fake news station expect viewership and funding from companies that will be going out of business .
I just watched a progran o OAN that made my skin crawl. It's unbelievale the amount of corruption that was carried over from the Obama admin. and what we face if the Biden mob takes office. Lets not let it happen!!!!!
Jesus fuck, another duped, ignorant, uneducated Trumpette claiming the election was stolen.

Like Trump gave a shit about the Constitution. And really, we know you don't have any guns because you said Obama would take them.

Trump siphoned millions of government money into his own pockets & you think that isn't corruption?
the only corruption is the fact that Rachel Maddow lead you to believe what you think with no evidence of such.
So, you think that federal funds never went to Trump businesses.
I don't think most American people realize the gravity of how this stolen election is affecting our government as a whole!
Not only should we be concerned about our 2nd amendment ,we should be shitting our pants at not having a constitution.
When we have people in our government like Pelosi,Shumer,AOC, Omar,Talib and Roberts ( who didn't what to hear the evidence on the election being stolen for fear of the left resorting to violence, what thje f does he think the right will do stand back and watch our rights taken away from us by a bunch of socalists.
What do they have to gain by putting Biden in office? Will the suckerburgs (who funded half a mil to decriminalize herroin and meth in Oregon) and 90% of the fake news station expect viewership and funding from companies that will be going out of business .
I just watched a progran o OAN that made my skin crawl. It's unbelievale the amount of corruption that was carried over from the Obama admin. and what we face if the Biden mob takes office. Lets not let it happen!!!!!
Jesus fuck, another duped, ignorant, uneducated Trumpette claiming the election was stolen.

Like Trump gave a shit about the Constitution. And really, we know you don't have any guns because you said Obama would take them.

Trump siphoned millions of government money into his own pockets & you think that isn't corruption?
the only corruption is the fact that Rachel Maddow lead you to believe what you think with no evidence of such.
So, you think that federal funds never went to Trump businesses.
Let me put it this way. Trump was accused of many wrong doings and yet none ever resulted in anything concrete and despite every attempt to bring the man down, the democratic party was unable to prove anything. More importantly, they had no evidence to even remotely support the allegations.
So yes, I believe he did nothing wrong.
I know...CNN and MSNBC told you otherwise so that must be the truth.
I get it.
You are weak minded. Not your fault.

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