This country is seriously fucked

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I don't know what else to say when 45% of Americans and 44% of Democrats want to give the government the power to target American citizens with drones on American soil without any judicial review or due process at all.


Sad isn't it? Guess what, it doesn't get much better if they ask if the president should have the power to do this on his own.


Sorry about the picture being so small, the full poll is here. It turns out that this entire country loves drones, and almost no one cares if it kills a few innocents because that is better, and easier, than making sure we get the right person.
It the country is "seriously fucked" it isn't because of a poll. It's that basic honesty has been sacrificed to try to make some sort of cheap point.

YOUR GRAPHIC above....

47% of the respondents identifying themselves as republican responded to the affirmative ..a full 3% HIGHER than the percentage of democrats...yet somehow in your commentary it becomes some sort of indictment of democrats?

The subjugation of honesty to attempt to make a point is pretty sad
Obama already killed Americans without intimate threat or due process, and yes, no one cared on the left.
So much for "innocent till proven guilty". If the pres want's you dead , your dead, no questions ask.
see what pumping fear as a poltical tool does?

The right wanted Americans to be driven by fear after 911.

It helped them sell wars on lies and get more republicans elected
Intersting the take one poster put on the two questions you asked. Certainly the first question a higher precentage, 47, of Republicans said yes and 44 percent of democrats said yes. So pretty much the same. But think about the question. If there were a terrrorist in the country should they be able to use a predator against them? Certainly the answer could be yes depending on one's thought process and circumstances. Yes, if an clear an intiment threat, yes if tried by due process. So I have no fault with either saying yes. Although I think my answer would be no to the type of use Obama likes. Like when he bombed a 16 year old and his friends eating dinner along a road side.

Now look at the second question. 41 percent of the democrats STILL said yes to letting the POTUS be God and decided who lives or dies. Could we put that much trust into Nixon? 26 percent of the Republicans responded yes, what in the f are they thinking? I am thinking that the democrat response was driven by the fact that Obama has pretty much already killed Americans on his say so alone.

It's 1984, thirty years late.
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see what pumping fear as a poltical tool does?

The right wanted Americans to be driven by fear after 911.

It helped them sell wars on lies and get more republicans elected

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so funny. We actually get attacked, several times, by Muslims and that is something you apparently do not take seriously, like Clinton did.

But GW now that gets your shorts in a knot. Simply amazing.
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Hey, maybe the next President will expand these powers again. Won't that be great?

You know, when the Patriot Act was passed, people like myself said this ain't a good idea. That the next President would expand those powers and the next will expand them more and more.

We shouldn't have been so damned scared of a bunch of illiterates in Afghanistan with AK47's.

But really, the Patriot Act wasn't really for terrorists. It's for us.

And I absolutely hate having to agree with Quantum.
If there is a terrorist on U.S. soil and we know in fact that is a terrorist, why to send a drone? Why don't we use those 2700 MARP's along with 1.6 billion bullets to simply catch him?
What's to fear? All our brave, well-armed brothers will certainly shoot down all the drones. That's what the guns are for, right, to defend us from the government?
see what pumping fear as a poltical tool does?

The right wanted Americans to be driven by fear after 911.

It helped them sell wars on lies and get more republicans elected

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so funny. We actually get attacked, several times, by Muslims and that is something you apparently do not take seriously, like Clinton did.

But GW now that gets your shorts in a knot. Simply amazing.

You do realize that the first attack on the twin towers happened about a month into Clintons term right?

Then when He went after OBL in response the right screamed WAG THE DOG.

Your party sat on the intell that the clinton admin had gathered and ignored it, then Boom 9 months later we had 911
They were told to shut up and when they spoke out in public were called "disgruntled employees"
Hey, maybe the next President will expand these powers again. Won't that be great?

You know, when the Patriot Act was passed, people like myself said this ain't a good idea. That the next President would expand those powers and the next will expand them more and more.

We shouldn't have been so damned scared of a bunch of illiterates in Afghanistan with AK47's.

But really, the Patriot Act wasn't really for terrorists. It's for us.

And I absolutely hate having to agree with Quantum.

Yea, but the Patriot Act was a "holy mission" wrapped up in the flag and Bible against evil infidels. Sorry folks, you all want your guns left alone, and that's cool. If some innocent people get wasted ferreting out the "infidels," oh well, "War is all hell" as Sherman said.

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