This Easter Morning's Mass in My City Proved People are Rejecting Atheism. The Catholic Church is Alive and BOOMING!

And you're the one accusing others of lying? Is it really my fault you're too lazy to find the quote? The number of Catholics has grown in number both worldwide AND the US.


You still haven't posted a quote and the Wikipedia page is HUGE you idiot!
It wasn't a sunrise service. It was 9:00 am. It won't have 600 next week, but it will have in the 400s, I'm sure.
Oh.....did someone put a white tarp under them so you could count them from a drone 500 feet in the air like Obama had the forest service do during Trump's inauguration?
Oh.....did someone put a white tarp under them so you could count them from a drone 500 feet in the air like Obama had the forest service do during Trump's inauguration?
No, you can multiply the number of pews by 8 to 10. Ushers also keep count. It's not that difficult.
There’s the claim from the atheist Left that the Catholic Church is dying.
Lol. Gallup and Bishop Accountability are 'atheist left'. I love it.

For the first time in history the number of people in the United States who identify as belonging to a church, mosque or synagogue is less than those who don't associate with any established religion. Just 47% of American adults identify with a particular creed, down a prodigious 20% in just two decades. This decline can be directly attributed to the growth of "nones."
Among Christians, the decline is particularly noticeable among Catholics where the drop-off is twice the Protestant exit numbers.
Among religious groups, the decline in membership is steeper among Catholics (down 18 points, from 76% to 58%) than Protestants (down nine points, from 73% to 64%).
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Better reread post #52. Sheesh.

This is what you posted:

The number of US Catholics has increased by 3 to 6% each decade since 1965

No quote you moron and I TWICE requested a full quote you keep ducking it, and I read the entire page never see it after 4 tries under what paragraph heading is it supposedly under?

If you don't show where it is from in the Wiki page, then again, I will have to assume you lied.
There’s the claim from the atheist Left that the Catholic Church is dying. I was at Mass this morning at the beautiful church in my city, which is not even in a big Catholic area, and it was packed with over 600 people. Standing room only for a glorious high mass. Lots of young people. Lots of babies.

Young people are thirsty for the truth, for consistency, for morality. We are not an atheist wasteland like the Marxists wishfully portray. It’s a myth that people want abortion pervasive in the land, that they want promiscuity, that they want the trans-weirdism, that they want perversion.

This morning proved it. It’s time to continue the wonderful Christian renewal in the world. We see atheist Russia committing horrid crimes against humanity in Ukraine. War, violence, and wanton torture is the rotten fruit of atheism. Killing little babies in the womb is the rotten fruit of atheism. America is reversing that horrible crime. Its people are grateful.

People don’t want godless trash. They want the God of Abraham. They want the way of Jesus Christ. The truth will always survive. Jesus' Church will always survive as it has for the past 2000 years. Imagine. An unbroken line of popes for 2000 years despite the extreme turmoil in the world during that period. Proof that the Catholic Church will always be strong and always be with us. And this morning's Mass was a reminder of Jesus' promise:

"My Church will be with you through the end of time"

Doesn't prove anything.

The whole "it's not raining here, so it can't be raining anywhere" argument is RIDICULOUS.

Priest numbers in the USA
1970 60,000.
2021 35,000

58% of what it was

Diocesan priests 64% of what it was
Religious priests 54% if what it was
Priestly ordinations 54% of what it was.
Religious sisters 25% of what it was
Parish numbers 90% of what it was.
Parishes without a Priest pastor 653% higher.
Former Catholic adults (were Catholic, aren't now) from 3.5 million to 39.6 million
Percentage of the US Catholic 1970 26.6%
Percentage of US Catholic 2021 22%

Yeah, this is what the CATHOLIC CHURCH is saying.
Lol. Gallup and Bishop Accountability are 'atheist left'. I love it.

For the first time in history the number of people in the United States who identify as belonging to a church, mosque or synagogue is less than those who don't associate with any established religion. Just 47% of American adults identify with a particular creed, down a prodigious 20% in just two decades. This decline can be directly attributed to the growth of "nones."
Among Christians, the decline is particularly noticeable among Catholics where the drop-off is twice the Protestant exit numbers.
Among religious groups, the decline in membership is steeper among Catholics (down 18 points, from 76% to 58%) than Protestants (down nine points, from 73% to 64%).
The numbers of Catholics have increased in the US and around the world. I proven it with a link, and this link of yours doesn't disprove it.
The numbers of Catholics have increased in the US and around the world. I proven it with a link, and this link of yours doesn't disprove it.
Baby Jesus cries when you lie.

Too, to which 'atheist left' do you refer?
Doesn't prove anything.

The whole "it's not raining here, so it can't be raining anywhere" argument is RIDICULOUS.

Priest numbers in the USA
1970 60,000.
2021 35,000

58% of what it was

Diocesan priests 64% of what it was
Religious priests 54% if what it was
Priestly ordinations 54% of what it was.
Religious sisters 25% of what it was
Parish numbers 90% of what it was.
Parishes without a Priest pastor 653% higher.
Former Catholic adults (were Catholic, aren't now) from 3.5 million to 39.6 million
Percentage of the US Catholic 1970 26.6%
Percentage of US Catholic 2021 22%

Yeah, this is what the CATHOLIC CHURCH is saying.
Number of Catholic in the US and worldwide have risen, which I've already linked.
Number of priests have risen worldwide.
This is what you posted:

The number of US Catholics has increased by 3 to 6% each decade since 1965

No quote you moron and I TWICE requested a full quote you keep ducking it, and I read the entire page never see it after 4 tries under what paragraph heading is it supposedly under?

If you don't show where it is from in the Wiki page, then again, I will have to assume you lied.
Geez. Do you know how to use the search function on your computer. Push cntrl and F. Then type in the bar "the number of catholics has increased" and it will be highlighted in yellow within the paragraph. After you do that, you may come back and apologize to me.
Number of Catholic in the US and worldwide have risen, which I've already linked.
Number of priests have risen worldwide.

The difference being you're showing a rise and fall within a few years, and I'm showing a rise and fall over 50-60 years.

Stats like this tend to go up and down, up and down, but the overall trend is very much a downward trend.
I never said it was 600 all those weeks. I said attendance has been great the other weeks.

Here's what you said:

"There’s the claim from the atheist Left that the Catholic Church is dying. I was at Mass this morning at the beautiful church in my city, which is not even in a big Catholic area, and it was packed with over 600 people. Standing room only for a glorious high mass. Lots of young people. Lots of babies."

My point, and it's one which you seem afraid to acknowledge, is that 600 people packed into an Easter sunrise service is indicative of nothing noteworthy. It's indicative that a lot of people went to church for a special occasion.

Also, I've never seen any claim from the "atheist left" that the Catholic Church is dying. The Atheists I know honestly don't really care about the Catholic Church. It doesn't affect them an iota. It's like being someone who loves oranges, but not plums, worrying about the supply of plums.

Do you have something you can share which shows that the "Atheist left" has made the claim you say?
Geez. Do you know how to use the search function on your computer. Push cntrl and F. Then type in the bar "the number of catholics has increased" and it will be highlighted in yellow within the paragraph. After you do that, you may come back and apologize to me.

Then you can't answer my simple request ... :laughing0301:

It is YOU who is supposed to provide the full quote and where it is when I asked you keep ducking reasonable questions giving you several changes to support your claim but you keep pissing all over the place instead.

It isn't there which is why you never answer the request.
Geez. Do you know how to use the search function on your computer. Push cntrl and F. Then type in the bar "the number of catholics has increased" and it will be highlighted in yellow within the paragraph. After you do that, you may come back and apologize to me.

Or, you can do what is normally expected from someone who makes a claim: BACK IT UP.

Expecting someone else to do the work for you only serves the argument that the point your making is invalid.

And also that you're lazy...

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