This Election Was Not Stolen, Do You Accept That Fact?

I am the one who wants election integrity. There is not much more, more American than that.
Nope, you're not American. You said so yourself when you said President Biden isn't your president. He's the president of the United States of America. You may be crazy but that doesn't alter reality.

This Election Was Not Stolen, Do You Accept That Fact?​

The absence of proof of guilt does not translate to innocence. At this point, more than a year later from that election there is as yet no definitive proof of illegal voter fraud that shows the election was stolen. Nothing that has been accepted by a federal judge in a court of law according to the rules of evidence. But that does not mean the election was not stolen, only that it hasn't been proved. Yet.
Thank you… you just highlighted why people coined the phrase “The Big Lie”
You just said a stolen election hasn’t been proven. Yet Trump and many of his puppets are out there claiming it was. Claiming something happened without proof that it happened is a Lie.
Thank you… you just highlighted why people coined the phrase “The Big Lie”
You just said a stolen election hasn’t been proven. Yet Trump and many of his puppets are out there claiming it was. Claiming something happened without proof that it happened is a Lie.
Because it was stolen. What else can it be called? Two days to write up enough fraudulent ballots! Ouch. Trump kicked ass
Because it was stolen. What else can it be called? Two days to write up enough fraudulent ballots! Ouch. Trump kicked ass
I accepted him as President. What I still have trouble is when Rump tries to destroy Democracy. He should have been tossed out on his ass in 2017 and spent the next 15 years in a Federal Prison.
America's history on challenging election results is interesting, you guys had one civil war out of it, 2020 could have been a second.
Yup there are whining crybabies on both sides.
Democracy is where you vote for someone to represent you in government (representative democracy). There's two parts to this, one where those in power deem what's in your best interests and those that represent the majority's beliefs in the Senate/Commons. I prefer the latter but in the US and UK, both governments follow the former. This needs corrected
I accepted him as President. What I still have trouble is when Rump tries to destroy Democracy. He should have been tossed out on his ass in 2017 and spent the next 15 years in a Federal Prison.
For what? You hated him? Is that how laws work now?
I accepted him as President. What I still have trouble is when Rump tries to destroy Democracy. He should have been tossed out on his ass in 2017 and spent the next 15 years in a Federal Prison.
How is he destroying democracy? Challenging an election strengthens democracy, or it should. We were clearly lied to. Why has there been no cooperation with any investigations?

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