This Evangelical Leader Denounced Trump. Then the Death Threats Started.

"Jen Hatmaker is one of the most popular religious figures in America—and she is paying a steep price for speaking out for what she believes. -- Last fall, Jen Hatmaker, a popular evangelical author and speaker, started getting death threats. Readers mailed back her books to her home address, but not before some burned the pages or tore them into shreds. LifeWay Christian Stores, the behemoth retailer of the Southern Baptist Convention, pulled her titles off the shelves. Hatmaker was devastated. Up until that point, she had been a wildly influential and welcome presence in the evangelical world, a Christian author whose writings made the New York Times best-seller list and whose home renovation got its own HGTV series. But then 2016 happened, and, well, of course everything changed". - Source

Religious evil in the name of God. The evangelicals have outdone themselves in moral depravity, once again. Definitely not a religion of peace and love.

This mirrors what Isis does.

Evangelicals have really outed themselves with Lying Trump. They are not Christians nor Evangelicals. They are members of the alt-right Politburo.
Really. In Dresden? :cuckoo:
You're going to need to study some before you continue this convo.

FDR firebombed Dresden. Another Dem,Truman, nuked the civilian population of Japan.


And this has what to do with "concentration camps"?

We've already eliminated slavery, the Klan, the idea of firebombing, Vietnam, Korea and the nukes.
Got anything left?
You still don't understand the connection?

HINT: Democrats.

You have no fucking idea what a political party even is, do you?
It isn't a personality trait.

I realize you're dead-set on trotting out a Composition Fallacy because you can't make a rational argument but this dawg ain't gone hunt Gomer.
The people who belong to a particular political party are responsible for all the horrendous atrocities named earlier. That would include slavery and the KKK. Jim Crow laws.

Are you always this self-deluding? You don't seem to understand much of anything.

Wrong again Gummo. You don't seem to be learning much today.

You see son, people are responsible for their own actions. That they're associated with a political party, a church, an astrologican sign, a certain make of car, etc, doesn't make that party, that church, that astrological sign or the Nissan company part of it. That's your Composition Fallacy. And it will never work.

Moreover, once again no political party had anything to do with bringing on either slavery or the Klan. As for Jim Crow that was local lawmakers, those same ultraconservatives that wanted to keep racism alive, that wanted to rewrite the history of the Civil War, that popped up all those Confederate statues in public places that have been recently "reviewed". But again -- not a political party thing. You appear not to know what a political party is.
KKK in politics:

"Robert Carlyle Byrd (born Cornelius Calvin Sale Jr.; November 20, 1917 – June 28, 2010) was an American politician who served as a United States Senator from West Virginia from 1959 to 2010. A member of the Democratic Party, Byrd previously served as a U.S. Representative from 1953 until 1959. He was the longest-serving Senator in United States history. "

In the early 1940s, Byrd recruited 150 of his friends and associates to create a new chapter of the Ku Klux Klan in Sophia, West Virginia.[10][11]

"According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "Suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did."[17] Byrd became a recruiter and leader of his chapter.[11] When it came time to elect the top officer (Exalted Cyclops) in the local Klan unit, Byrd won unanimously.[11]"

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

That's just one of many. Shall I continue?
When it comes to killing and human rights abuses, nobody does it better than the Democrats. From slavery to the KKK to two separate world wars to firebombing and nuking civilian populations to putting their own citizens in concentration camps to Korea to Vietnam to the ME to 60 million unborn and more.

is there anything you loons don't make up?

American history. :)
You're going to need to study some before you continue this convo.

FDR firebombed Dresden. Another Dem,Truman, nuked the civilian population of Japan.


And this has what to do with "concentration camps"?

We've already eliminated slavery, the Klan, the idea of firebombing, Vietnam, Korea and the nukes.
Got anything left?
You still don't understand the connection?

HINT: Democrats.

You have no fucking idea what a political party even is, do you?
It isn't a personality trait.

I realize you're dead-set on trotting out a Composition Fallacy because you can't make a rational argument but this dawg ain't gone hunt Gomer.
The people who belong to a particular political party are responsible for all the horrendous atrocities named earlier. That would include slavery and the KKK. Jim Crow laws.

Are you always this self-deluding? You don't seem to understand much of anything.

Wrong again Gummo. You don't seem to be learning much today.

You see son, people are responsible for their own actions. That they're associated with a political party, a church, an astrologican sign, a certain make of car, etc, doesn't make that party, that church, that astrological sign or the Nissan company part of it. That's your Composition Fallacy. And it will never work.

Moreover, once again no political party had anything to do with either slavery or the Klan. As for Jim Crow that was local lawmakers, those same ultraconservatives that wanted to keep racism alive, that wanted to rewrite the history of the Civil War, that popped up all those Confederate statues in public places that have been recently "reviewed". But again -- not a political party thing. You appear not to know what a political party is.
Sorry, lady. Too much oppression from one party. Now run along and abort some fetuses.
That's right , but for her I guess it was not free. Also I do not like evans coming up to my door and knocking on it and preaching their garbage evangelical nonsense. What nerve to do that.

About ten years ago, I was reading a position paper written by ex-president. Jimmy Carter, detailing obstacles to peace in the middle east. He devoted an entire section on eschatology and dispensationalism. (two new words for me) Seeing that Carter is a devout Baptist, I was struck by the candor of his report. I did my own research to confirm what he wrote. I've been highly suspicious of them since, and given current events, a suspicion well grounded. The evangelicals have become absolutely cultish in their fanaticism, that we are now, living in "the Final Days" before the Second Coming.

Yes I'm aware of Carters views as well. They love the Left Behind series, and living in the final days junk. That way they do not have to take responsibility for the now, after all their next life is going to be so wonderful. They are a cult, but the leaders I think are mainly faking it to make lots of bucks. The TV Evans prey on the gullible.
Hugo Black[edit]

Supreme Court justice Hugo Black
In 1921, Hugo Black successfully defended E. R. Stephenson in his trial for the murder of a Catholic priest, Fr. James E. Coyle. Black, a Democrat, joined the Ku Klux Klan shortly afterwards, in order to gain votes from the anti-Catholic element in Alabama. He built his winning Senate campaign around multiple appearances at KKK meetings across Alabama. Late in life Black told an interviewer:

at that time, I was joining every organization in sight! ... In my part of Alabama, the Klan was not engaged in unlawful activities ... The general feeling in the community was that if responsible citizens didn't join the Klan it would soon become dominated by the less responsible members.[4]

News of his membership was a secret until shortly after he was confirmed as an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Black later said that joining the Klan was a mistake, but he went on to say, "I would have joined any group if it helped get me votes."[5][6]

Ku Klux Klan members in United States politics - Wikipedia
When it comes to killing and human rights abuses, nobody does it better than the Democrats. From slavery to the KKK to two separate world wars to firebombing and nuking civilian populations to putting their own citizens in concentration camps to Korea to Vietnam to the ME to 60 million unborn and more.

Give me an atheist any day over an evangelical.
Okay a friend of mine is an atheist, but agrees with me on everything. Just not God. Even abortion. Liberalism has died, the men in girls locker rooms, was the knife you decided to fall on. Lol, goodbye!

Gee most of the people I know , I have no idea of their religion, but I know they are not Evans or JWs as they would be preaching to me.

Atheists appreciate the here and now, and this is their only life, good or bad, they do not look forward to their next life, this is it, and I think they respect this life more.
That's right , but for her I guess it was not free. Also I do not like evans coming up to my door and knocking on it and preaching their garbage evangelical nonsense. What nerve to do that.

About ten years ago, I was reading a position paper written by ex-president. Jimmy Carter, detailing obstacles to peace in the middle east. He devoted an entire section on eschatology and dispensationalism. (two new words for me) Seeing that Carter is a devout Baptist, I was struck by the candor of his report. I did my own research to confirm what he wrote. I've been highly suspicious of them since, and given current events, a suspicion well grounded. The evangelicals have become absolutely cultish in their fanaticism, that we are now, living in "the Final Days" before the Second Coming.

Yes I'm aware of Carters views as well. They love the Left Behind series, and living in the final days junk. That way they do not have to take responsibility for the now, after all their next life is going to be so wonderful. They are a cult, but the leaders I think are mainly faking it to make lots of bucks. The TV Evans prey on the gullible.

Who is "they"?

These look like "cultists"?


Why don't you explain a little about who is "living in the final days junk" and give us a couple of examples and links that show the Baptist *cult* (which has formally existed since 1689 and in actuality can trace its roots back to the days immediately following Christ's discipleship) is anything like what you imply here.
When it comes to killing and human rights abuses, nobody does it better than the Democrats. From slavery to the KKK to two separate world wars to firebombing and nuking civilian populations to putting their own citizens in concentration camps to Korea to Vietnam to the ME to 60 million unborn and more.

Give me an atheist any day over an evangelical.
Okay a friend of mine is an atheist, but agrees with me on everything. Just not God. Even abortion. Liberalism has died, the men in girls locker rooms, was the knife you decided to fall on. Lol, goodbye!

Gee most of the people I know , I have no idea of their religion, but I know they are not Evans or JWs as they would be preaching to me.

Atheists appreciate the here and now, and this is their only life, good or bad, they do not look forward to their next life, this is it, and I think they respect this life more.
Atheists have no respect for life. They don't believe it has any value aside from what they, personally, assign it.

They classify humanity as nothing better than dogs or trees.
Good for her. Many Christians agree with her and haven't received death threats. Of course most people aren't high profile or involved politically.
When malevelant people come in groups...its like they become embedded in society. All and any aspects of it.
Sometimes it's hard to recognize but we should hold Christians accountable if they turned a blind eye to it.

If they turned a blind eye to what?

Oh the imaginary death threats?

Didn't happen. Every time there are *death threats* of these sorts it's always some pathetic possessed lefty PRETENDING to be a Christian, or a white, or whatever...

Not just death threats, anyone who brings an agenda in and calls it Christianity and pretending...I agree.I don't know if it's a "lefty" lol or not.
Why are some churches so involved in politics anyway? Churches should speak up for human suffering. Injustices etc...

The church isn't *involved in politics*. Fags are getting involved in churches.
Neither the Bapitst, nor any of the evangelical, churches endorse faggotry. This woman made a fortune writing for Baptists and being published by Baptist publishers...then she decided to endorse faggotry.

Sorry, get another publisher. That isn't in line with anything that Baptists or the evangelicals believe.
"Fags" are not "getting involved in churches." Same-sex people are fellow worshipers. So you are a bigot and the "evangelicals" are bigots.. We got it. The Baptists and evangelicals are not Christians anyway. They do not represent the way of the Christian faith. their arrogance is astounding.
When it comes to killing and human rights abuses, nobody does it better than the Democrats. From slavery to the KKK to two separate world wars to firebombing and nuking civilian populations to putting their own citizens in concentration camps to Korea to Vietnam to the ME to 60 million unborn and more.

Neither slavery nor the KKK had anything to do with political parties.

You must be new here.

or it's someone's sock.

Lumpy. That was my thought.

He's the only one I can think of so oblivious of linear time to actually suggest "Democrats invented slavery".
When it comes to killing and human rights abuses, nobody does it better than the Democrats. From slavery to the KKK to two separate world wars to firebombing and nuking civilian populations to putting their own citizens in concentration camps to Korea to Vietnam to the ME to 60 million unborn and more.

Give me an atheist any day over an evangelical.
I'll take the peace loving Republicans over those slimey lowlife murderous Democrats.

Why do you talk about Dems like that?
It's called history.

Give me examples of the lowlife murderous Dems. Come on now , back up your words.
When it comes to killing and human rights abuses, nobody does it better than the Democrats. From slavery to the KKK to two separate world wars to firebombing and nuking civilian populations to putting their own citizens in concentration camps to Korea to Vietnam to the ME to 60 million unborn and more.

Give me an atheist any day over an evangelical.
---------------------------------------- pick as you like , USA is still said to be a free country Penny .

That's right , but for her I guess it was not free. Also I do not like evans coming up to my door and knocking on it and preaching their garbage evangelical nonsense. What nerve to do that.
------------------------------------- and thats a pretty 'wusslike' attitude . I thought that you were a STRONG WOMAN [like hilary :afro:] but sounds like you can't tell an 'evan' to get off yer own lawn Penny . .

Oh I do and I tell them not to come back. What nerve they have.
---------------------------------------------------- just put up a PRIVATE Property sign and for the couple that get through , well , introduce them to the joys of Godlessness' Penny .
When it comes to killing and human rights abuses, nobody does it better than the Democrats. From slavery to the KKK to two separate world wars to firebombing and nuking civilian populations to putting their own citizens in concentration camps to Korea to Vietnam to the ME to 60 million unborn and more.

Give me an atheist any day over an evangelical.
I'll take the peace loving Republicans over those slimey lowlife murderous Democrats.

Why do you talk about Dems like that?
It's called history.

Give me examples of the lowlife murderous Dems. Come on now , back up your words.
Let's start with the one who firebombed civilian populations. Go.
Give me an atheist any day over an evangelical.
I'll take the peace loving Republicans over those slimey lowlife murderous Democrats.

Why do you talk about Dems like that?
It's called history.

Give me examples of the lowlife murderous Dems. Come on now , back up your words.
Let's start with the one who firebombed civilian populations. Go.

Give me a name , back up your words.

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