This Is Bigger Than Biden: It's the Entire Democrat Party


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
This is not so much about Biden. It's more about the Democrat Party panic about what so many of us called months and months ago.

This leaves only three options:

1. They think Americans are so stupid their "messaging" would fix this problem OR

2. The are so deep into their echo chamber they believed that the videos WERE "doctored" OR

3. Both of the above

They can get rid of Biden, but the country is still left with an operation who thinks we're stupid.

We need to punish the entire operation.

This is not so much about Biden. It's more about the Democrat Party panic about what so many of us called months and months ago.

This leaves only three options:

1. They think Americans are so stupid their "messaging" would fix this problem OR

2. The are so deep into their echo chamber they believed that the videos WERE "doctored" OR

3. Both of the above

They can get rid of Biden, but the country is still left with an operation who thinks we're stupid.

We need to punish the entire operation.

The Democrats have vastly underestimated the power of the grocery store.
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Biden was just a token from the beginning. An older man who would do as he was told and present a sympathetic face in the fight against Trump. The problem is, the woke Democrats who are calling the shots in 2024 (shadow government) are radicals by every American standard. From open borders, defunding police, higher taxes, lawfare, weaponizing the DOJ, sexual reassignment, DEI, ignoring basic human rights, critical race theory, anti Semitism, smothering regulations, catering to rich establishment types and the idiotic policies that have given us unaffordable food, housing and energy, Democrats have done nothing but bad for this country. That's why their party is unfit to run this country. MAGA
This is not so much about Biden. It's more about the Democrat Party panic about what so many of us called months and months ago.

This leaves only three options:

1. They think Americans are so stupid their "messaging" would fix this problem OR

2. The are so deep into their echo chamber they believed that the videos WERE "doctored" OR

3. Both of the above

They can get rid of Biden, but the country is still left with an operation who thinks we're stupid.

We need to punish the entire operation.


You have forgotten the scenario where the Dumbos pull out the most audacioius , fiendish and gob smacking follow -up .

I cannot conceive what that could be , but in terms of IQ these people are not all stupid , even if they are deluded .

I find it difficult to believe that we have witnessed the biggest ever sink hole without even a cunning traitor like Obummer having a planned follow up knock-out strategy .

Like Rocky .
You have forgotten the scenario where the Dumbos pull out the most audacioius , fiendish and gob smacking follow -up .

I cannot conceive what that could be , but in terms of IQ these people are not all stupid , even if they are deluded .

I find it difficult to believe that we have witnessed the biggest ever sink hole without even a cunning traitor like Obummer having a planned follow up knock-out strategy .

Like Rocky .
Oh.... There's a strategy there....the question is HOW RADICAL IS IT?
This is not so much about Biden. It's more about the Democrat Party panic about what so many of us called months and months ago.

This leaves only three options:

1. They think Americans are so stupid their "messaging" would fix this problem OR

2. The are so deep into their echo chamber they believed that the videos WERE "doctored" OR

3. Both of the above

They can get rid of Biden, but the country is still left with an operation who thinks we're stupid.

We need to punish the entire operation.

Sue, that keys after last night are easy to see, and MOST Americans see them clearly now for sure------->

1. The DNC went full Communist in the primaries. They said---------->you can vote however you want; however, we are only going to give you 1 candidate to vote for as far as Democrats.

2. Forget being for the Blue team, or Red team. If you are on the American team, you can NOT allow Biden to be re-elected. Not only for the good of the country and world, but for Joe's too.

3. It is up to the DNC to fix this....period, end of story; since they screwed it up. DEMOCRATS need to understand that Joe's issues didn't just start yesterday, last week, last month, or even last year. He has been in decline for an extended period of time, just they did their best to hide it from ALL of us. It is obvious to anyone who has an IQ of 20, the DNC thought Joe would sashay through and defeat Trump handily. And if things headed South, once they convicted him of anything, the American Public would vote Joe in as fast as they could. Didn't work as expected now did it! So now, they actually had to trot Joe out; and everybody seen exactly what Joe is..........a shell of his former self!

4. The question EVERY thinking American needs to ask themselves is------------>since Democrats deal with Biden constantly and know his issues, WHY would they run him again?!?!?!?!?!

You are going to see any Leftist who reads this claim it is FAKE NEWS, or a CONSPIRACY theory, but the only explanation that Joe is not really running the country, some in his inner circle are, and they KNOW that THEY can NOT get ELECTED PRESIDENT, so they need to push Joe over the finish line so as they can retain power.

5. Finally Americans also need to ask themselves a series of questions on the Democratic party, answer these questions yourself to the best of your ability, and see if what they are doing makes any sense at all-------->

A. Why would the USA re-enter the Paris climate accords, pay the most for it, while exempting 2 of the 3 largest polluters in the world, China and India?

B. Why would the Democrats just make it much easier for illegals to enter the country when they knew that was the catalyst that got them thrown out of the Whitehouse last time, not to mention it is against our laws to do so?

C. With all of Washington DC knowing SS, Medicare, and Medicaid being financially troubled, why would Democrats allow illegals on to these programs that American citizens are worried about?

These and a host of many other questions need to be answered by the DNC, Biden, and his cronies...........and none of those answers should start with either.........But Trump; or Biden had a cold.
The rise of Trump Skywalker

The dims are full of big money. And with big money comes corruption. The two cannot be separated. The repubs aren't far behind. It's hard to believe the two choices...unfathomable.

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