This is the man Republicans call stupid and a fool????

Truly, Obama is not the fool or stupid, that falls to the left who believed and still believe every word he spoke.
As opposed to the tedious Obama attacks by the right ?

Even now y'all shit on the speech. How about some specifics ?

Still fewer people working full time than the day he took office, but he did create about 5 million part time jobs, thank you maobamacare. Then he has the balls to complain that the median income is down, give me a fucking break.
As you are from Texas, you can appreciate why I'm gonna ask for citations in support of your assertion......

Ask if you want to learn where to find the data...
Pretty ironic coming from the man who caused most of the division in this country over the last seven years. Who had the worst relations with Congress in generations. That made just about every wrong foreign policy move possible. Who lowered the standard of living for all middle class citizens. Raised the debt beyond redemption.

Real median household income peaked in 1999......The biggest foreign policy blunder since Vietnam was the invasion of Iraqnam.....under Obama we saw the lowest rate of growth in federal spending, and the most rapid reduction in the deficit, since Eisenhower....

Yep, really tough to maintain the record spending of his first year, but he did manage to keep the government growing.
Can you read a fiscal calendar, Tex?
Obama did not deliver on transparency, hope or positive change. He did double down on division and political aggression.


Sure looks like change to me.....
Obama did not deliver on transparency, hope or positive change. He did double down on division and political aggression.


Sure looks like change to me.....

Dare I point out I cited nothing economic in my post Iceberg is using an economic graph to retort? I dare. Further the graph doesn't go far enough back to see we have not really progressed as much as we normally do. Americans have less income, deal with it.
He's a fool, a scumbag and an unmitigated failure who desired to crush the American dream and undermine our overwhelming military superiority.

"This incident in the Persian Gulf, which probably will not be the American forces' last mistake in the region, should be a lesson to troublemakers in the U.S. Congress," Major General Hassan Firouzabadi, head of Iran's armed forces, was quoted as saying by Tasnim news agency

His Iranian friends and Jihad supporters are THREATENING US!
Obama still showing how Obamacare is going to reduce the deficit? Amazing what you can make numbers do huh?

Non sequitur. Healthcare in America was reformed 100 years too late. Obamcare care might need some tweeks, but it was the first step in reform of a system which left millions of Americans to receive medical attention in the ER's of public hospitals placing the burden on local taxpayers.

Obamacare requires personal responsibility, something the conservative base supported until Obama implemented it. One more graphic example of the hypocrisy of the Right Wing in America.
Obama did not deliver on transparency, hope or positive change. He did double down on division and political aggression.


Sure looks like change to me.....

Dare I point out I cited nothing economic in my post Iceberg is using an economic graph to retort? I dare. Further the graph doesn't go far enough back to see we have not really progressed as much as we normally do. Americans have less income, deal with it.

You don't consider what you are looking at "positive change"?
The president is giving the GOP a study on the way to defeat their brand of fear. He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country. That's what I've been saying. In fact, it's way more likely that Republicans, with their yearning for secession and hatred for minorities and hatred for our government, will bring down this country. That is my opinion, but most certainly plausible.

He pointed out that corporations are making record profits. But it's not "trickling" down. That fact destroys GOP economic policies.

Reject the twin ruinous GOP policies of targeting race and religion.

The world doesn't look to Beijing or Moscow to solve problems. They call us.

What the GOP has unleashed in the Middle East will go on for at least a generation or more.

The sad part of this great State of the Union address is that Republicans listen to it and think how dare that black bastard try to school us. We are exceptional. No one tells us anything. We already know everything we need to.
"My fellow Americans, this cannot be my task, or any president's alone."

My favorite point was that it wasn't the middle class or the poor that brought down the economy in 2008, it was Wall Street.

Your duties as a citizen.
Stand up for the weak.
Stand up for the vulnerable.
Good humor.
Clear eyed.
Big hearted.
Obama just lost the Republicans.

He's stupid and a fool. The only people more stupid and foolish are the ones who believe any of that crap.
There is a fool involved in this discussion and you can see him when you look in the mirror.
Obama still showing how Obamacare is going to reduce the deficit? Amazing what you can make numbers do huh?

Non sequitur. Healthcare in America was reformed 100 years too late. Obamcare care might need some tweeks, but it was the first step in reform of a system which left millions of Americans to receive medical attention in the ER's of public hospitals placing the burden on local taxpayers.

Obamacare requires personal responsibility, something the conservative base supported until Obama implemented it. One more graphic example of the hypocrisy of the Right Wing in America.

Have to use the last hundred years to make Obama look good? Pretty funny.

Tweaks? Insurance companies are cutting back or planning on ending Obama programs. Millions of Americans still use the ER and burden local hospitals. Most of the shift was moving people off Medicare.

What you fail to acknowledge is the plans are worthless as the costs are so high citizens must choose high deductibles which means they do not use the healthcare system.
Truly, Obama is not the fool or stupid, that falls to the left who believed and still believe every word he spoke.

I see.

Did you believe Rice, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest of the Neo Cons that Saddam was seeking nuclear weapons and thus we needed to invade Iraq as a consequence for 19 Saudis attacking the WTC?

That even today do you believe our invasion and occupation of Iraq which cost thousands of our troops their life, and many more live changing wounds was a sign of leadership?

Do you believe in the Easter Bunny too?
Obama did not deliver on transparency, hope or positive change. He did double down on division and political aggression.


Sure looks like change to me.....

Dare I point out I cited nothing economic in my post Iceberg is using an economic graph to retort? I dare. Further the graph doesn't go far enough back to see we have not really progressed as much as we normally do. Americans have less income, deal with it.

You don't consider what you are looking at "positive change"?

You are looking at a recovery not progress.
Truly, Obama is not the fool or stupid, that falls to the left who believed and still believe every word he spoke.

I see.

Did you believe Rice, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest of the Neo Cons that Saddam was seeking nuclear weapons and thus we needed to invade Iraq as a consequence for 19 Saudis attacking the WTC?

That even today do you believe our invasion and occupation of Iraq which cost thousands of our troops their life, and many more live changing wounds was a sign of leadership?

Do you believe in the Easter Bunny too?

OnPolitics (
Expanding government by adding a whole new bureaucracy - homeland security - was a bit over the top don't ya think? Oh wait, that was Bush, under Obama the number of Federal Employees has been reduced.


In his first year, Obama operated on the budget of GWB, funny how you missed that.

Are you forgetting the nearly 1 trillion stimulus which was all borrowed and in addition to the Bush budget.
Obama still showing how Obamacare is going to reduce the deficit? Amazing what you can make numbers do huh?

Non sequitur. Healthcare in America was reformed 100 years too late. Obamcare care might need some tweeks, but it was the first step in reform of a system which left millions of Americans to receive medical attention in the ER's of public hospitals placing the burden on local taxpayers.

Obamacare requires personal responsibility, something the conservative base supported until Obama implemented it. One more graphic example of the hypocrisy of the Right Wing in America.

Have to use the last hundred years to make Obama look good? Pretty funny.

Tweaks? Insurance companies are cutting back or planning on ending Obama programs. Millions of Americans still use the ER and burden local hospitals. Most of the shift was moving people off Medicare.

What you fail to acknowledge is the plans are worthless as the costs are so high citizens must choose high deductibles which means they do not use the healthcare system.

You need to provide clear and convincing evidence to prove Obamacare is a failure, and the statements you have made above are true, and not echos of RW Propaganda; propaganda promulgated by those who benefited greatly on the misery of others (i.e the insurance industry).
The president is giving the GOP a study on the way to defeat their brand of fear. He points out that Isis is not going to bring down our country. That's what I've been saying. In fact, it's way more likely that Republicans, with their yearning for secession and hatred for minorities and hatred for our government, will bring down this country. That is my opinion, but most certainly plausible.

He pointed out that corporations are making record profits. But it's not "trickling" down. That fact destroys GOP economic policies.

Reject the twin ruinous GOP policies of targeting race and religion.

The world doesn't look to Beijing or Moscow to solve problems. They call us.

What the GOP has unleashed in the Middle East will go on for at least a generation or more.

The sad part of this great State of the Union address is that Republicans listen to it and think how dare that black bastard try to school us. We are exceptional. No one tells us anything. We already know everything we need to.
"My fellow Americans, this cannot be my task, or any president's alone."

My favorite point was that it wasn't the middle class or the poor that brought down the economy in 2008, it was Wall Street.

Your duties as a citizen.
Stand up for the weak.
Stand up for the vulnerable.
Good humor.
Clear eyed.
Big hearted.
Obama just lost the Republicans.
What a croc of shit.
1. Duties of a citizen is the follow the law, not change it.
2. Stand up for the weak, give a man a fish(liberalism) he eats for a day, teach a man(conservatism) to fish and he eats for the rest of his life.
3. Yes allowing 33,000 unborn babies, the most vulnerable to be executed in or out of the womb, yes liberals are not for the vulnerable.
4. When ever Obama comes on TV talking about how his failed policies are good for the world(better check now middle east is on fire) I GRIT MY TEETH.
5. Conservatives find humor without screwing over other people. Liberals cant find humor ever, because they are always miserable.
6. Kindness, is giving a helping hand to others who need charity and conservatives willingly offer it. Liberals willingly offer everyone elses money to help out those in need, WELFARE.
7. Clear eyed. Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
8. Big Hearted, is not fucking around with another woman, when you are married to another. William Jefferson Clinton(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) John F Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Ted Kennedy, John Edwards, Jessie(love child) Jackson, shall I continue?
9. Undaunted, like drawing a red line in the sand, then move it back over and over, because the bad guys keep stepping over it.
10. The Republicans don't like Obama, not for the color of his skin, but for the shit policies he and his liberal buddies have FORCED upon US. He has failed to make America safe, sound, and prosperous, and he is a petulant little cry baby. Dumbasses vote Dumbocrat.


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