This is your moment, Mr. President

I will ask you the same question Joe...

Why are you still alive?

Is it because you are a decent human being and obey the laws

That and i'm white.

which means I just get a ticket and not a bullet or two.

Why did you get a ticket or two?

Was it Just possibly be you were being an asshole?

The cops don't look for you , you show your red ass looking for the cops

There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.

LOL. As if racists listen to Obama. What planet do you live on?
BLM acts on his every word.....and turns on a dime to his dog whistle....

Delusional much :rolleyes:
Oh, you are right, it's a shame that he could have done so much to bring us together but he has simply failed to come remotely close to that... to the contrary, he constantly attempts to drive us further apart. He will again exploit this tragedy to push for more gun control and if he even mentions something regarding race, it will be to further push the agenda of Black Lives Matter and smear our nation's law enforcement officers. This man is an AGITATOR ...not Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

You mean you think that guns weren't the problem here?

These guys were able to get guns that had no value as hunting or home defense weapons. And once again, I predict that when we find out who these guys are, they will be people who never, ever should have been allowed to buy a gun based on their background and mental states.

But the National Rampage Association will blame everything but the guns.
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.

LOL. As if racists listen to Obama. What planet do you live on?
Okay, just for the hell of it:

Part of what fuels them, what gives them an excuse for the actions, is that he's not holding one side as accountable as the other.

Yes, I know you disagree with that, but this is a part of the problem.

If he were to come out and forcefully challenge both ends of this to look in the mirror, hold their fucking hands through the door (because that's what it's going to take), there would be fewer excuses.

Perhaps more importantly, he might be able to create a momentum to inspire other leaders to do the same.

Oh wow. Are you one of the troglodytes who thinks that protests are a problem? Never mind. I'll leave you to your obvious troll thread. :rolleyes:
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.

LOL. As if racists listen to Obama. What planet do you live on?
BLM acts on his every word.....and turns on a dime to his dog whistle....

Delusional much :rolleyes:
Just following your lead....
Obama spouted racial hatred against the police yesterday and the Blacks went out last night killed a bunch of policeman.

Yea, that is leadership alright.

Well at least the news this morning is not about Crooked Hillary.
The Kenyan faggot said he was not reducing Afghan troops because The Donald noticed the Kenyan faggot's policy in Iraq allowed ISIS, ("ISIL" to the Kenyan faggot), to prosper and acquire billions of dollars of US military gear and training to use the gear.
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.

LOL. As if racists listen to Obama. What planet do you live on?
Okay, just for the hell of it:

Part of what fuels them, what gives them an excuse for the actions, is that he's not holding one side as accountable as the other.

Yes, I know you disagree with that, but this is a part of the problem.

If he were to come out and forcefully challenge both ends of this to look in the mirror, hold their fucking hands through the door (because that's what it's going to take), there would be fewer excuses.

Perhaps more importantly, he might be able to create a momentum to inspire other leaders to do the same.

Oh wow. Are you one of the troglodytes who thinks that protests are a problem? Never mind. I'll leave you to your obvious troll thread. :rolleyes:
Well, personal insults, name-calling and straw men.

People like you, on both ends, are the problem.
This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.


But, that puts too much of the burden on someone else. Our real problem is that there are too many people in society who want to watch the world burn. If MLK were alive today he'd get laughed off stage and turned into an insulting meme.
Why did you get a ticket or two?

Was it Just possibly be you were being an asshole?

The cops don't look for you , you show your red ass looking for the cops

Oh, I'll admit, every ticket I got I deserved.

Unlike black folks who get pulled over for a "DWB".

So name me all these blacks that got pulled over?

Could it just possibly be their was a reason for it?

When you drive your moped to work do you pay attention to normal drivers?
There has never been an American President with the background, the capacity, the experience and the skill set to take race head on like you, President Obama. Not even close, not within a million miles.

This country needs a leader who can step forward, and with calm and compassion and legitimacy, inspire Americans on all sides of this to look in the mirror and commit to cleaning their own house. You're the obvious person to do this.

This would mean some significant political risk, no doubt about it. Part of this would mean challenging a key Democratic constituency in a way it has never been challenged before.

This isn't about ability. You have that. The question is whether you can ignore the political implications.

It would be the most important and valuable legacy you could possibly leave.
He will play race card. It's become a Democratic Party reflex and 88% of blacks vote Democrat so it's helps them political to perpetuate the myth of racism in America.
Obama spouted racial hatred against the police yesterday and the Blacks went out last night killed a bunch of policeman.

Yea, that is leadership alright.

Well at least the news this morning is not about Crooked Hillary.

pointing out statistics are "racial hatred"?

Every time President Shit for Brains opens up his mouth about how the police hate Blacks the Blacks go off and start killing police. This time it was a slaughter and Obama is to blame.

Instead of taking responsibility for inciting racial hatred among the ghetto monkeys President Shit for Brains will probably be coming out today and blaming it the NRA or or Trump or something.
Man... are you ever living in a fantasy universe! I give him 24 hrs before he makes a speech lecturing us about the need for more gun control. Count on it! Obama has been the worst president for race relations since Woodrow Wilson.
Well, you never know, I guess. I just don't see anyone else on the horizon who could do what he can do, if he chooses to.

If he chooses to. Which assumes that he has chosen NOT to all this time.

Man...will you ever state clearly what it is he hasn't done?
If he were to come out and forcefully challenge both ends of this to look in the mirror, hold their fucking hands through the door (because that's what it's going to take), there would be fewer excuses.

Both ends? These police officers were at a rally protesting police officers shooting supposedly innocent black men. They were there, ironically, to protect the people who were protesting against them. They were ambushed... shot in the back... in cold blood... by black snipers who came with the intent of killing as many police officers as they could. Watch the videos... when the shooting started, Dallas police officers ran toward the shooting. They physically protected bystanders and directed them to safety as shots continued to ring out all around them. ....And you think THEY need to look in the mirror this morning???

I'll tell you who needs to look in the mirror... it's idiots like Joe who exploit things like this to push for more gun control. It's morons who shrug this off as no big deal because cops deserve to get shot as retribution for their racist actions. It's leaders like Obama who will use this tragedy to push their agenda and foment more racial divisiveness.

And... I would not blame every police officer in America for looking in the mirror this morning and contemplating if they want to put that badge back on again and risk their lives this way.
Every time President Shit for Brains opens up his mouth about how the police hating Blacks the Blacks go off and start killing police. This time it was a slaughter and Obama is to blame.

Instead of taking responsibility for inciting racial hatred among the ghetto monkeys President Shit for Brains will probably be coming out today and blaming it the NRA or or Trump or something.

The NRA made guns easily available in Texas, so that's probably a legit complaint.

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