Thoughts on OJ.

Few Americans will forget what was called the “trial of the century” when OJ Simpson was acquitted of murdering his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and her acquaintance Ron Goldman. It split the country along racial lines but race was only a small part of what was a very complex and not so complimentary expose’ on celebrity lifestyles where people with star power have enough money to act on their fantasies with sometimes tragic outcomes.

OJ Simpson was among a percentage of successful black men who consider themselves post racial and view a Caucasian trophy wife as the ultimate treasure. Though OJ and Nicole had two children they were tangled in an abusive lifestyle with the typical philandering one-upmanship that goes on so much in modern society and particularly in celebrity circles.

Nicole was like a lot of middle aged women who wake up one day and see new wrinkles on their face. As well as being abused she had developed the proverbial seven-year-itch and began having sport sex with other men to recapture her youth. This enraged OJ who saw his trophy in the possession of strangers and though he and Nicole were legally divorced it eventually pushed his obsessive, sociopathic personality over the edge.

The only real victim in this tragedy was Ron Goldman. He was just a handsome young man who was lured by a cougar and ended up being murdered by a jealous ex-husband.

The trial itself was a joke and the butt of the joke was the American legal system. The moneyed defense team was able to move the venue to a place where a jury could be hand-picked to reflect something cognitively comparable to the front row of a professional wrestling match.

The ineptitude of the prosecution was the laughing stock of modern law as they tried to shovel the complexities of DNA onto a jury that could barely understand the rudiments of ABC. By the end of the first week the jury was so thoroughly confused that they sat through the rest of the proceedings, nearly a year, functionally unconscious and then deliberated for less than four hours.

Johnny Cochran stole the show as he made fools of the buffoons who prosecuted the case and gave OJ the glove that if it didn’t fight you must acquit. OJ looked positively giddy as he was granted parole on his armed robbery charges. He’s not the first celebrity to get away with murder by buying his way out. The first trial had nothing to do with racism and the second was a poor attempt to rescue the image of American law.

Yea, the prosecution blew it with the first trial. When they convicted him this last time, I think they were trying to make up for the first screw up. But, the jury in the first trial followed the law. There wasn't enough evidence and some may have been planted.

I would expect him to behave himself since people will be watching him. And there will no doubt be plenty of women willing to be his girlfriend or wife. Hell, even Charles Manson still has women in love with him. Everyone has a mate out there somewhere, even the crazy people.

I thought it was $19,000 a month for his pension. And of course it is exempt from any lawsuits, as are his homes.

I also started reading ( and stopped) an article telling how he had made $600,000 while in prison.

He was in prison 9 years. That is not a lot. I made almost that much money and I am poor relative to most ex-NFL players and movie actors.

That really wasn't my point. But, I get what you are saying. (my point was why should he be allowed to earn a dime.........unless it all wet to the Goldman/Brown family)

Well, that is your opinion, but he was found "not guilty" in a court of law. Personally, I don't think you should be allowed to file a civil suit if you were acquitted. To me, that is financial punishment for a crime he did not commit according to the verdict.

Leaving someone destitute should also not be legal as he will just become dependent on the state for support.

You do realize that his kids would inherit anything left over. Money does nothing to bring back the dead.

The standards of proof differ. O.J.: ROT.
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Few Americans will forget what was called the “trial of the century” when OJ Simpson was acquitted of murdering his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and her acquaintance Ron Goldman. It split the country along racial lines but race was only a small part of what was a very complex and not so complimentary expose’ on celebrity lifestyles where people with star power have enough money to act on their fantasies with sometimes tragic outcomes.

OJ Simpson was among a percentage of successful black men who consider themselves post racial and view a Caucasian trophy wife as the ultimate treasure. Though OJ and Nicole had two children they were tangled in an abusive lifestyle with the typical philandering one-upmanship that goes on so much in modern society and particularly in celebrity circles.

Nicole was like a lot of middle aged women who wake up one day and see new wrinkles on their face. As well as being abused she had developed the proverbial seven-year-itch and began having sport sex with other men to recapture her youth. This enraged OJ who saw his trophy in the possession of strangers and though he and Nicole were legally divorced it eventually pushed his obsessive, sociopathic personality over the edge.

The only real victim in this tragedy was Ron Goldman. He was just a handsome young man who was lured by a cougar and ended up being murdered by a jealous ex-husband.

The trial itself was a joke and the butt of the joke was the American legal system. The moneyed defense team was able to move the venue to a place where a jury could be hand-picked to reflect something cognitively comparable to the front row of a professional wrestling match.

The ineptitude of the prosecution was the laughing stock of modern law as they tried to shovel the complexities of DNA onto a jury that could barely understand the rudiments of ABC. By the end of the first week the jury was so thoroughly confused that they sat through the rest of the proceedings, nearly a year, functionally unconscious and then deliberated for less than four hours.

Johnny Cochran stole the show as he made fools of the buffoons who prosecuted the case and gave OJ the glove that if it didn’t fight you must acquit. OJ looked positively giddy as he was granted parole on his armed robbery charges. He’s not the first celebrity to get away with murder by buying his way out. The first trial had nothing to do with racism and the second was a poor attempt to rescue the image of American law.

They found a place where Simpson could get a fair trial. The fact is that just because you do not like their decision does not give you the right to insult them. The fact is that they did not prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. The fact is that the glove did not fit and the prosecutors made a huge mistake in not finding out beforehand.

Everything after that shows what a disgrace the justice system is in this country.

A civil trial before a all-white jury. That was a joke. Then you have what happened in Nevada was a disgrace and abuse of the criminal justice system. They overcharged and got away with it. The sentence was clearly payback for the murder trial. If his name was John Smith, this travesty would have been thrown out of court. Because this was OJ Simpson, this was getting even for the not guilty verdict.
Can we stop with the stupid "split among racial lines" thing? I didn't hear about Asians and Hispanics dancing in the street that OJ got away with murder, because of the black jury.

The trial, and public reaction, simply was another endless example of the incivility of the black race.
I thought it was $19,000 a month for his pension. And of course it is exempt from any lawsuits, as are his homes.

I also started reading ( and stopped) an article telling how he had made $600,000 while in prison.

He was in prison 9 years. That is not a lot. I made almost that much money and I am poor relative to most ex-NFL players and movie actors.

That really wasn't my point. But, I get what you are saying. (my point was why should he be allowed to earn a dime.........unless it all wet to the Goldman/Brown family)

Well, that is your opinion, but he was found "not guilty" in a court of law. Personally, I don't think you should be allowed to file a civil suit if you were acquitted. To me, that is financial punishment for a crime he did not commit according to the verdict.

Leaving someone destitute should also not be legal as he will just become dependent on the state for support.

You do realize that his kids would inherit anything left over. Money does nothing to bring back the dead.

The standards of proof differ. O.J.: ROT.

The standards should be the same. Either he did it, or he did not.
I thought it was $19,000 a month for his pension. And of course it is exempt from any lawsuits, as are his homes.

I also started reading ( and stopped) an article telling how he had made $600,000 while in prison.

He was in prison 9 years. That is not a lot. I made almost that much money and I am poor relative to most ex-NFL players and movie actors.

That really wasn't my point. But, I get what you are saying. (my point was why should he be allowed to earn a dime.........unless it all wet to the Goldman/Brown family)

Well, that is your opinion, but he was found "not guilty" in a court of law. Personally, I don't think you should be allowed to file a civil suit if you were acquitted. To me, that is financial punishment for a crime he did not commit according to the verdict.

Leaving someone destitute should also not be legal as he will just become dependent on the state for support.

You do realize that his kids would inherit anything left over. Money does nothing to bring back the dead.

The standards of proof differ. O.J.: ROT.

The standards should be the same. Either he did it, or he did not.

Civil law differs from criminal.
OJ went to jail for what he said was an attempt to get his property back. OJ killed his wife and Ron Goldman for the same reason. He killed Goldman for apparently using his property and he killed his estranged wife, Nicole, because she was denying him his property. He killed her because if he couldn't possess his property, he destroyed it so no one else could. It happens all the time but race was introduced to get him off and it worked.

This is what caused all the white rioting. Oh, wait a minute-there wasn't any. You might want to ponder that.
Nicole was like a lot of middle aged women who wake up one day and see new wrinkles on their face. As well as being abused she had developed the proverbial seven-year-itch and began having sport sex with other men to recapture her youth. This enraged OJ who saw his trophy in the possession of strangers and though he and Nicole were legally divorced it eventually pushed his obsessive, sociopathic personality over the edge.

The only real victim in this tragedy was Ron Goldman. He was just a handsome young man who was lured by a cougar and ended up being murdered by a jealous ex-husband.

No, NIchole was a victim, too. The idea that she deserved to die because she was sleeping with other men after her divorce is repugnant.

The trial itself was a joke and the butt of the joke was the American legal system. The moneyed defense team was able to move the venue to a place where a jury could be hand-picked to reflect something cognitively comparable to the front row of a professional wrestling match.

The ineptitude of the prosecution was the laughing stock of modern law as they tried to shovel the complexities of DNA onto a jury that could barely understand the rudiments of ABC. By the end of the first week the jury was so thoroughly confused that they sat through the rest of the proceedings, nearly a year, functionally unconscious and then deliberated for less than four hours.

No, the problem was a mostly black Jury decided it was going to acquit OJ as a big fuck you to a white power establishment that had been abusing them for years. the OJ Trial was never about OJ.

But here's the real problem at the end of the day. We have a celebrity culture. It's not that OJ was rich. We send rich people to prison all the time. Just ask the Menendez Brothers. Or Ken Lay.

The problem was that we worship celebrity. OJ was in our houses for football games and those goofy Naked Gun movies, and we couldn't possibly believe that he did such a horrible thing.

It's the kind of mentality that gave us Trump, quite honestly. A racist misogynistic, ignoramus who we invited into our homes for years, so we kind of ignore his racism like we ignore Uncle Charlie who blurts out the N-word at Thanksgiving.
OJ went to jail for what he said was an attempt to get his property back. OJ killed his wife and Ron Goldman for the same reason. He killed Goldman for apparently using his property and he killed his estranged wife, Nicole, because she was denying him his property. He killed her because if he couldn't possess his property, he destroyed it so no one else could. It happens all the time but race was introduced to get him off and it worked.

This is what caused all the white rioting. Oh, wait a minute-there wasn't any. You might want to ponder that.

You don't riot when you have something to lose.

Riots happen when you have a population that simply has nothing else to lose. Throw me in jail? That's the best you can threaten me with? Burn that sucker down.
I remember exactly where I was when I first heard race brought into the case. On the freeway, heading south, about 4:00am, roughly two miles from the TV/radio station where I worked.

It immediately flipped my odds on his being convicted from 80/20 to 20/80.
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No, NIchole was a victim, too. The idea that she deserved to die because she was sleeping with other men after her divorce is repugnant.

I tend to think people deserve the damage from their marital situations. And, it behooves every unmarried person to be very discrete about their sexual relations. Even though OJ is double murderer who should have been hung, Nichole's death isn't a concern of mine.

No, the problem was a mostly black Jury decided it was going to acquit OJ as a big fuck you to a white power establishment that had been abusing them for years. the OJ Trial was never about OJ.

With that jury, OJ would have been acquitted even if he were black, poor, and unknown. Blacks killing whites isn't much of a concern of average blacks. Any defense lawyer would have played the race card and that same jury would have given the same middle-finger to not just the white power establishment, but the white community in general. The only possible difference is that less skilled, or less interested, Public Defenders, might not have managed to get such an anti-white jury.

But, to say the Prosecution blew it is really stupid. Yeah, Marcia Clark s incompetent, but she was working with an open-and-shut case, and easily proved beyond a reasonable doubt OJ's guilt.

It's the kind of mentality that gave us Trump, quite honestly. A racist misogynistic, ignoramus who we invited into our homes for years, so we kind of ignore his racism like we ignore Uncle Charlie who blurts out the N-word at Thanksgiving.

Trump won with a minority of Republican support (including unprecedented GOP opposition from the #nevertrumpers). The other candidates were both weak and split up the majority of support. I think Trump would have still won, even if he weren't a celebrity. He had the money to buy his way in, the militant DC-outsider rhetoric is very appealing to many, and the establishment favorite was Jeb Bush. Yeah, being a celeb helped, but it also hurt. If he weren't a celeb, there wouldn't have been that October Surprise video about grabbing p1ssy, the sham Trump college, etc.
Nicole was like a lot of middle aged women who wake up one day and see new wrinkles on their face. As well as being abused she had developed the proverbial seven-year-itch and began having sport sex with other men to recapture her youth. This enraged OJ who saw his trophy in the possession of strangers and though he and Nicole were legally divorced it eventually pushed his obsessive, sociopathic personality over the edge.

The only real victim in this tragedy was Ron Goldman. He was just a handsome young man who was lured by a cougar and ended up being murdered by a jealous ex-husband.

No, NIchole was a victim, too. The idea that she deserved to die because she was sleeping with other men after her divorce is repugnant.

The trial itself was a joke and the butt of the joke was the American legal system. The moneyed defense team was able to move the venue to a place where a jury could be hand-picked to reflect something cognitively comparable to the front row of a professional wrestling match.

The ineptitude of the prosecution was the laughing stock of modern law as they tried to shovel the complexities of DNA onto a jury that could barely understand the rudiments of ABC. By the end of the first week the jury was so thoroughly confused that they sat through the rest of the proceedings, nearly a year, functionally unconscious and then deliberated for less than four hours.

No, the problem was a mostly black Jury decided it was going to acquit OJ as a big fuck you to a white power establishment that had been abusing them for years. the OJ Trial was never about OJ.

But here's the real problem at the end of the day. We have a celebrity culture. It's not that OJ was rich. We send rich people to prison all the time. Just ask the Menendez Brothers. Or Ken Lay.

The problem was that we worship celebrity. OJ was in our houses for football games and those goofy Naked Gun movies, and we couldn't possibly believe that he did such a horrible thing.

It's the kind of mentality that gave us Trump, quite honestly. A racist misogynistic, ignoramus who we invited into our homes for years, so we kind of ignore his racism like we ignore Uncle Charlie who blurts out the N-word at Thanksgiving.
I think he did it but the prosecution couldnt prove it.
And thats the end of it.
Few Americans will forget what was called the “trial of the century” when OJ Simpson was acquitted of murdering his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and her acquaintance Ron Goldman. It split the country along racial lines but race was only a small part of what was a very complex and not so complimentary expose’ on celebrity lifestyles where people with star power have enough money to act on their fantasies with sometimes tragic outcomes.

OJ Simpson was among a percentage of successful black men who consider themselves post racial and view a Caucasian trophy wife as the ultimate treasure. Though OJ and Nicole had two children they were tangled in an abusive lifestyle with the typical philandering one-upmanship that goes on so much in modern society and particularly in celebrity circles.

Nicole was like a lot of middle aged women who wake up one day and see new wrinkles on their face. As well as being abused she had developed the proverbial seven-year-itch and began having sport sex with other men to recapture her youth. This enraged OJ who saw his trophy in the possession of strangers and though he and Nicole were legally divorced it eventually pushed his obsessive, sociopathic personality over the edge.
Why was Nicole not a "real victim"? She was divorced from OJ and could do as she pleased. She was definitely a real victim.

The only real victim in this tragedy was Ron Goldman. He was just a handsome young man who was lured by a cougar and ended up being murdered by a jealous ex-husband.

The trial itself was a joke and the butt of the joke was the American legal system. The moneyed defense team was able to move the venue to a place where a jury could be hand-picked to reflect something cognitively comparable to the front row of a professional wrestling match.

The ineptitude of the prosecution was the laughing stock of modern law as they tried to shovel the complexities of DNA onto a jury that could barely understand the rudiments of ABC. By the end of the first week the jury was so thoroughly confused that they sat through the rest of the proceedings, nearly a year, functionally unconscious and then deliberated for less than four hours.

Johnny Cochran stole the show as he made fools of the buffoons who prosecuted the case and gave OJ the glove that if it didn’t fight you must acquit. OJ looked positively giddy as he was granted parole on his armed robbery charges. He’s not the first celebrity to get away with murder by buying his way out. The first trial had nothing to do with racism and the second was a poor attempt to rescue the image of American law.
I tend to think people deserve the damage from their marital situations. And, it behooves every unmarried person to be very discrete about their sexual relations. Even though OJ is double murderer who should have been hung, Nichole's death isn't a concern of mine.

Besides the fact that we don't know if she even had a lover or not, she wasn't OJ's property.

With that jury, OJ would have been acquitted even if he were black, poor, and unknown. Blacks killing whites isn't much of a concern of average blacks. Any defense lawyer would have played the race card and that same jury would have given the same middle-finger to not just the white power establishment, but the white community in general. The only possible difference is that less skilled, or less interested, Public Defenders, might not have managed to get such an anti-white jury.

Black Juries sent black defendants to prison all the time.

But, to say the Prosecution blew it is really stupid. Yeah, Marcia Clark s incompetent, but she was working with an open-and-shut case, and easily proved beyond a reasonable doubt OJ's guilt.

Except that it wasn't "open and shut'. Fuhrman's perjury put every last bit of state evidence into doubt.

Trump won with a minority of Republican support (including unprecedented GOP opposition from the #nevertrumpers). The other candidates were both weak and split up the majority of support. I think Trump would have still won, even if he weren't a celebrity. He had the money to buy his way in, the militant DC-outsider rhetoric is very appealing to many, and the establishment favorite was Jeb Bush. Yeah, being a celeb helped, but it also hurt. If he weren't a celeb, there wouldn't have been that October Surprise video about grabbing p1ssy, the sham Trump college, etc.

Not really. The voters made it pretty clear they didn't care about that stuff because Trump has been in the public eye for 40 years.

the real problem was that the #nevertrumpers either wasted their votes on third party candidates or actually voted for Trump hoping they could control him later.
Few Americans will forget what was called the “trial of the century” when OJ Simpson was acquitted of murdering his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and her acquaintance Ron Goldman. It split the country along racial lines but race was only a small part of what was a very complex and not so complimentary expose’ on celebrity lifestyles where people with star power have enough money to act on their fantasies with sometimes tragic outcomes.

OJ Simpson was among a percentage of successful black men who consider themselves post racial and view a Caucasian trophy wife as the ultimate treasure. Though OJ and Nicole had two children they were tangled in an abusive lifestyle with the typical philandering one-upmanship that goes on so much in modern society and particularly in celebrity circles.

Nicole was like a lot of middle aged women who wake up one day and see new wrinkles on their face. As well as being abused she had developed the proverbial seven-year-itch and began having sport sex with other men to recapture her youth. This enraged OJ who saw his trophy in the possession of strangers and though he and Nicole were legally divorced it eventually pushed his obsessive, sociopathic personality over the edge.

The only real victim in this tragedy was Ron Goldman. He was just a handsome young man who was lured by a cougar and ended up being murdered by a jealous ex-husband.

The trial itself was a joke and the butt of the joke was the American legal system. The moneyed defense team was able to move the venue to a place where a jury could be hand-picked to reflect something cognitively comparable to the front row of a professional wrestling match.

The ineptitude of the prosecution was the laughing stock of modern law as they tried to shovel the complexities of DNA onto a jury that could barely understand the rudiments of ABC. By the end of the first week the jury was so thoroughly confused that they sat through the rest of the proceedings, nearly a year, functionally unconscious and then deliberated for less than four hours.

Johnny Cochran stole the show as he made fools of the buffoons who prosecuted the case and gave OJ the glove that if it didn’t fight you must acquit. OJ looked positively giddy as he was granted parole on his armed robbery charges. He’s not the first celebrity to get away with murder by buying his way out. The first trial had nothing to do with racism and the second was a poor attempt to rescue the image of American law.

My personal opinion is he didn't murder Nicole or Goldman himself, but did cover up for the killer, his son. OJ just isn't a 'knife' type thug, he would have used a bat or something; knives aren't his type's style. His son, however, is a chef or something, and indeed would be a 'knife' type of thug, and I would bet that glove would fit his son perfectly.

In other news, OJ is a violent thug POS and needs to be kept in prison. At the very least he should be forced to remain in LA, so they can deal with his future violence; they seem to love him so much, like they love other true pieces of walking shit, like Rodney King, all those talentless scumbag rapper vermin, pedophiles, gimps, etc., etc.
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Besides the fact that we don't know if she even had a lover or not, she wasn't OJ's property.

Right. <lol> The bachelor Ron Goldman was at the bachelorette's house just to return a pair of sunglasses she left at the restaurant. They didn't convince OJ he was just making a restaurant delivery.

Black Juries sent black defendants to prison all the time.

Maybe if it's black-on-black crime, or if the black defendant claims to have committed some crime (e.g. trying to turn intent to deal drugs into simple possession).

Except that it wasn't "open and shut'. Fuhrman's perjury put every last bit of state evidence into doubt.

Lying about the n-word doesn't make his whole testimony worthless. The judge shouldn't even have allowed that question. But, even if you throw out all of Fuhrman's testimony, OJ was still easily proven guilty.

Not really. The voters made it pretty clear they didn't care about that stuff because Trump has been in the public eye for 40 years.

Oh, the voters cared. The p1ssy statement came out after the primaries and, to Trump supporters, a vulgar Trump (who said nothing worse in private than most men and women have said) is better than crooked Clinton any day. If that surprise was leaked earlier, Trump probably wouldn't have one the primary.

the real problem was that the #nevertrumpers either wasted their votes on third party candidates or actually voted for Trump hoping they could control him later.

The third parties got a bump and voter turn-out appeared to be a bit lower. Every vote pulled from Trump helped Hillary. But, there were also many Obama Democrats who wouldn't vote for Hillary <caugh> Rustbelt </caugh>. And, Hillary said they didn't vote for her because they're racist. LOL!
My personal opinion is he didn't murder Nicole or Goldman himself, but did cover up for the killer, his son. OJ just isn't a 'knife' type thug, he would have used a bat or something; knives aren't his type's style. His son, however, is a chef or something, and indeed would be a 'knife' type of thug, and I would bet that glove would fit his son perfectly.

OJ did it. There's no doubt. OJ knot the knife type? You think he's white? A lot of people did think that. Seriously, his blood was found at the crime scene and he had a nicked finger to account for the blood. He had the victims' blood on his socks. His limo driver was trying to get him to open the door when OJ claimed to be home and had to be taken someplace, but no one came to the door (until OJ entered the back, by jumping over the wall). Etc. Etc. Etc.

In other news, OJ is a violent thug POS and needs to be kept in prison.

I don't think there's much difference between a violent thug and a knife type, especially when that violent thug gets worked up over intense jealousy.
Few Americans will forget what was called the “trial of the century” when OJ Simpson was acquitted of murdering his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and her acquaintance Ron Goldman. It split the country along racial lines but race was only a small part of what was a very complex and not so complimentary expose’ on celebrity lifestyles where people with star power have enough money to act on their fantasies with sometimes tragic outcomes.

OJ Simpson was among a percentage of successful black men who consider themselves post racial and view a Caucasian trophy wife as the ultimate treasure. Though OJ and Nicole had two children they were tangled in an abusive lifestyle with the typical philandering one-upmanship that goes on so much in modern society and particularly in celebrity circles.

Nicole was like a lot of middle aged women who wake up one day and see new wrinkles on their face. As well as being abused she had developed the proverbial seven-year-itch and began having sport sex with other men to recapture her youth. This enraged OJ who saw his trophy in the possession of strangers and though he and Nicole were legally divorced it eventually pushed his obsessive, sociopathic personality over the edge.

The only real victim in this tragedy was Ron Goldman. He was just a handsome young man who was lured by a cougar and ended up being murdered by a jealous ex-husband.

The trial itself was a joke and the butt of the joke was the American legal system. The moneyed defense team was able to move the venue to a place where a jury could be hand-picked to reflect something cognitively comparable to the front row of a professional wrestling match.

The ineptitude of the prosecution was the laughing stock of modern law as they tried to shovel the complexities of DNA onto a jury that could barely understand the rudiments of ABC. By the end of the first week the jury was so thoroughly confused that they sat through the rest of the proceedings, nearly a year, functionally unconscious and then deliberated for less than four hours.

Johnny Cochran stole the show as he made fools of the buffoons who prosecuted the case and gave OJ the glove that if it didn’t fight you must acquit. OJ looked positively giddy as he was granted parole on his armed robbery charges. He’s not the first celebrity to get away with murder by buying his way out. The first trial had nothing to do with racism and the second was a poor attempt to rescue the image of American law.

They found a place where Simpson could get a fair trial. The fact is that just because you do not like their decision does not give you the right to insult them. The fact is that they did not prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. The fact is that the glove did not fit and the prosecutors made a huge mistake in not finding out beforehand.

Everything after that shows what a disgrace the justice system is in this country.

A civil trial before a all-white jury. That was a joke. Then you have what happened in Nevada was a disgrace and abuse of the criminal justice system. They overcharged and got away with it. The sentence was clearly payback for the murder trial. If his name was John Smith, this travesty would have been thrown out of court. Because this was OJ Simpson, this was getting even for the not guilty verdict.

of course his glove won't fit when you put your hand wide and make it as large as possible lol. Man youre stupid. Watch the glove part again. No person puts a glove on like that. Of course it wasn't going to "fit".
of course his glove won't fit when you put your hand wide and make it as large as possible lol. Man youre stupid. Watch the glove part again. No person puts a glove on like that. Of course it wasn't going to "fit".

The prosecutors in the OJ trail was a public illustration of the incompetence that results from "Affirmative Action" promotion. It's completely stupid to ask someone to try on any piece of clothing, especially tight clothing, like driving cloves, because they're going to try to make it look like it doesn't fit. Driving gloves can be be hard to put on even when you're really trying to get them on.

They should have just pulled out gloves from OJ's closet and showed the murder gloves were the same size as the gloves in OJ's closet. But, they did produce a photo appearing to show OJ previously wearing those murder gloves as well a receipt for the purchase of the gloves (Nicole had bought them for OJ).

The bimbo and the negro prosecutor could have recovered by demonstrating that OJ was deliberating making it look like the gloves didn't fit. There are many ways to do that, but it involves showing the jury side-beside video of OJ's fake attempt along with real a real attempt to put on a glove. They might have found an existing video of OJ putting on gloves. Or, trick him into putting on other gloves at some other point in the trail ("I need you examine this evidence without touching it..."). Or, even just showing random people putting on gloves to show how people do it when they actually want to pull on gloves. Or, use the video of OJ putting on the white gloves he was wearing when he pretended to put on the driving globes, duh.

Even if OJ were never asked to try on the gloves, he still would have been acquitted. The jury knew he was guilty, but just didn't care.

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