Time for Common Sense Hammer Regulations

No guessing necessary. Guns are without a doubt the most dangerous and capable of cause mass damage amoungst all tools and products that us humans can legally purchase. This requires in many peoples minds a sense of responsibility and regulation to make sure they are used safely and only in the hands of responsible people.

Authoritarians want to ban and confiscate because they want to do things they know will get them shot. PERIOD.

The rest of that is nothing but a bullshit excuse and you know it.

Authoritarians want to ban and confiscate because they want to do things they know will get them shot. PERIOD.

The rest of that is nothing but a bullshit excuse and you know it.
Many more people besides authoritarians support gun regulations. I’ve never even met an authoritarian in person so I don’t know who you are referring to.
How many people have to die or be harmed before we take action???
You can just go to any hardware store, Walmart, etc and buy one. No background checks.
We clearly need hammer reform, perhaps a national registry.
Am I right?
Hammers and other blunt weapons kill FAR more people every year than 'ssault weaoons'.
Just registering, insuring, and tracking.
That is all anyone is REALLY asking anyway.
When the Second Amendment’s plain text covers an individual’s conduct, the Constitution preemptively protects that conduct.
To justify its regulation, the government must demonstrate that the regulation is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.
Good luck.
They are worth 200-300 million dollars and she is a prominent politician......why don't they have actual security? Are they too cheap to pay for their own? Or afraid what they have to hide when you have too many people around?

What exactly are you asking me? Do you think I manage their estate or something?

No doubt Pelosis and whole bunch of other families of politicans are rethinking their security measures after this incident.
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Paul Pelosi would not be alive today if the guy had a gun... With a gun he could have gone on and killed far more...

That's the difference between a hammer and a gun...

Hammer can be a dangerous weapon but is over 2000 years away in technology from the latest semi automatic gun...

Here, lets compromise... How about little to no background checks on muskets that can fire at about one a minute...

Paul pelosi would not have been hit with the hammer if he had had a gun…..
When the US Army take back there guns and give soldier hammers as their primary weapon in war, then you might be making a point.

When governments stop using guns when they commit mass murder and genocide you might have a point.

In just 6 years the governments of Europe murdered15 million innocent men, women and children.

In 246 years of gun murder in the U.S. the total murdered is around 2,460,000

Can you tell which number is bigger?

Government is a bigger murderer than all of the criminals who commit murder in the US over 246 years

You should take the governments guns first.
What exactly are you asking me? Do you think I manage their estate or something?

No doubt Pelosis and whole bunch of other families of politicans are rethinking their security measures after this incident.

Step one… don’t invite the psycho with the hammer over for cocktails…
Step one… don’t invite the psycho with the hammer over for cocktails…
Nobody invited him for cocktails, he broke the glass door and entered the house in the middle of the night.

Stop reading nutbag tripe.
Nobody invited him for cocktails, he broke the glass door and entered the house in the middle of the night.

Stop reading nutbag tripe.

Yeah........we will see what actually happened after Nov. 8........when it will be okay for the democrat press to report the actual event.
Yeah........we will see what actually happened after Nov. 8........when it will be okay for the democrat press to report the actual event.

Everyone is reporting, wtf are you talking about?

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