Time To End The Trade War

You mean it's time that America went back to doing nothing about China's trade war against us, that it's time that America stopped fighting back and once again let China walk all over us in trade, the theft of intellectual property, currency manipulation, etc.
Yeah terrible china sending us their resources for cheap.
After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade war has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.

^ Paid for by the Bidens with laundered ChiCom cash

“g5000” does sound like a Chinese commie stooge.

These leftwingers now love capitalism, so long as the corporations can import Chinese censorship and force it on Americans.
Translation: "I can't make up a cogent argument in the face of G5000's facts, so I will manufacture some bullshit about him that is totally false."
You mean it's time that America went back to doing nothing about China's trade war against us, that it's time that America stopped fighting back and once again let China walk all over us in trade, the theft of intellectual property, currency manipulation, etc.
No, the way to win against China was with the TPP.

But Trump's ego couldn't allow for a treaty he had nothing to do with.

Also, if you want to narrow the trade gap, STOP RUNNING TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICITS!!!
You mean it's time that America went back to doing nothing about China's trade war against us, that it's time that America stopped fighting back and once again let China walk all over us in trade, the theft of intellectual property, currency manipulation, etc.
Then instead of targeting china imports to the us and Us exports to China, perhaps Dump should have actually targeted IP 'theft" and currency manipulation.
You mean it's time that America went back to doing nothing about China's trade war against us, that it's time that America stopped fighting back and once again let China walk all over us in trade, the theft of intellectual property, currency manipulation, etc.
Then instead of targeting china imports to the us and Us exports to China, perhaps Dump should have actually targeted IP 'theft" and currency manipulation.
Considering the currency manipulation Trump is demanding from the Fed, and the currency manipulation the Fed did after the economic crash, I find it funny we call China a currency manipulator.

But whatever.

What Our Economists Say:
“An agreement on exchange rates could be a practical, face-saving way for both sides to reach a mini-deal that helps de-escalate trade tensions. In practice, though, it would probably have limited implications on China’s exchange rate policy -- barring an (unlikely) Plaza Accord type of commitment.”

U.S. Weighs Currency Pact With China as Part of Partial Deal
After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade war has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.
Dow went up today
After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade war has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.
Dow went up today
That's because Trump is supposed to be meeting with the Chinese Vice Premier today.

The Dow has been whipsawing up and down like crazy every time the market things the tariff war is close to ending or heating up, depending on the day.

The Dow has been flat since January 2018, though. That's when Trump started this stupid gambit. That's two years of lost earnings for anyone who has a 401k.
You mean it's time that America went back to doing nothing about China's trade war against us, that it's time that America stopped fighting back and once again let China walk all over us in trade, the theft of intellectual property, currency manipulation, etc.
No, the way to win against China was with the TPP.

But Trump's ego couldn't allow for a treaty he had nothing to do with.

Also, if you want to narrow the trade gap, STOP RUNNING TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICITS!!!
LOL, the TPP wasn’t going to do anything about China.

The way to win against China is to stop buying their crap, and slap huge tariffs on them. President Trump has been very nice and delaying tariffs and only putting low tariffs on so far. Tariffs should slowly be ramped up over time to give companies time to plan and move manufacturing back to the states or at least to other trade partners that aren’t communist assholes. It’s not going to fix things overnight, it will take time but is totally necessary.

We shouldn’t be dependent on communists. We’re now seeing the negative effects of it, such as corporations now enforcing Chinese censorship on American employees and customers.
You mean it's time that America went back to doing nothing about China's trade war against us, that it's time that America stopped fighting back and once again let China walk all over us in trade, the theft of intellectual property, currency manipulation, etc.
No, the way to win against China was with the TPP.

But Trump's ego couldn't allow for a treaty he had nothing to do with.

Also, if you want to narrow the trade gap, STOP RUNNING TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICITS!!!
LOL, the TPP wasn’t going to do anything about China.
Actually, one of the purposes of the TPP was to entice China to eventually join it.

China's interest grows in joining an Asia-Pacific trade deal - The Hill's On The Money

China's tnterest in eventually joining an Asia-Pacific trade agreement is growing considerably, U.S. business officials say.

A mere four months ago, the Chinese government was referring to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as part of an "insidious" trade scheme by the United States designed to keep China from gaining global ground.

But now Chinese officials are talking more positively about the idea, especially since Japan joined the talks last month.

"They are actually discussing it and it's a remarkable shift," said Tim Stratford, the managing partner at Covington and Burling's Beijing office.

But then along came Trump and his massive ego...and the rest is history.

After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade war has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.

^ Paid for by the Bidens with laundered ChiCom cash

“g5000” does sound like a Chinese commie stooge.

These leftwingers now love capitalism, so long as the corporations can import Chinese censorship and force it on Americans.
Translation: "I can't make up a cogent argument in the face of G5000's facts, so I will manufacture some bullshit about him that is totally false."

Translation: "The ChiCom pay me to post at USMB to try to take the pressure off. The ChiComs had an understanding with DC that in exchange for one sided trade practices and IP Theft, we would funnel some of your own money back into the politicians pockets; Trump ended that. We're counting on g5000 to help us out"
You mean it's time that America went back to doing nothing about China's trade war against us, that it's time that America stopped fighting back and once again let China walk all over us in trade, the theft of intellectual property, currency manipulation, etc.
No, the way to win against China was with the TPP.

But Trump's ego couldn't allow for a treaty he had nothing to do with.

Also, if you want to narrow the trade gap, STOP RUNNING TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICITS!!!
LOL, the TPP wasn’t going to do anything about China.
Actually, one of the purposes of the TPP was to entice China to eventually join it.

China's interest grows in joining an Asia-Pacific trade deal - The Hill's On The Money

China's tnterest in eventually joining an Asia-Pacific trade agreement is growing considerably, U.S. business officials say.

A mere four months ago, the Chinese government was referring to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as part of an "insidious" trade scheme by the United States designed to keep China from gaining global ground.

But now Chinese officials are talking more positively about the idea, especially since Japan joined the talks last month.

"They are actually discussing it and it's a remarkable shift," said Tim Stratford, the managing partner at Covington and Burling's Beijing office.

But then along came Trump and his massive ego...and the rest is history.


LOL, if China was interested in it, then that proves the whole premise of it was bullshit and not good for America. It would had prevented tariffs from being put on China, which of course works out great for them since they have cheap slave labor to lease out.

The Hussein approved of TPP, which is another huge indicator it was terrible for America.
These Scum Sucking Corporations that Fled America when Bill Clinton put NAFTA in effect and had China Join the WTO, should all be boycotted.
Those are the people trump just gave a huge tax cut.

You mean like sealybobo and Dont Taz Me Bro .......both of whom got $3K per year in bonuses from Trump...Ask them what they got back from the Kenyan Chimp.

I said $1800. And I am paying more for things because of Trumps tariffs and trade war with China. I told you the $1800 wasn't worth it.

My company was doing great before Trump and I got a big raise before Trump got into office.

Obama got us out of the Greatest Recession since the Great Depression. You cons seem to want to forget that.

J.P. Morgan estimates the average American household will be down $1,000 per year thanks to the newest round of tariffs on Chinese goods.

And how about Trump fucking with Iran, which made them bomb the Saudi's oil, which led to higher gas prices. Trump's fault.
Yeah.....Trump made Iran bomb somebody.
Hahaha haha....
That's funny as shit!!!!

The dangerous downward spiral in the Middle East stems from Trump scrapping the Iran nuclear deal without a strategy in place.

Sure, the deal limiting Iran’s nuclear activity forged during the Obama administration was far from perfect. Tehran was still up to no good in Syria, Yemen and Iraq. But the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verified that Iran was honoring the terms of the agreement made with world powers and had frozen its nuclear program.

Trump employed his traditional bombast and bluster about the bad guys in Tehran. He withdrew the U.S. from the international agreement and pulled out his go-to move, slapping on sanctions. The administration threatened any country or company that continued to do business with Iran. This has pushed their economy to the brink. The problem is, pressure only works when there’s an obvious outlet you’re pushing toward, and it’s never been clear what exactly Trump wants, though the administration has vaguely referred to a tougher deal.

Iran rejected Trump’s overtures to renew negotiations and instead predictably lashed out, most recently by firing cruise missiles on major Saudi Arabian oil sites, damaging a key part of the world’s oil supplies. And those were just warning shots. We are now precariously perched on the precipice of a deeply destructive conflict. Combustible fuel has been spread across the Persian Gulf, and one wrong move could set off a considerable conflagration that even savvy, strategic leaders would struggle to contain. Trump has proven himself to be neither.
You're full of shit.
Nothing but crapola.
Pure excrement.
Nothing but horse pucky.
One big cow-patty.
After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade war has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.
Dow went up today
That's because Trump is supposed to be meeting with the Chinese Vice Premier today.

The Dow has been whipsawing up and down like crazy every time the market things the tariff war is close to ending or heating up, depending on the day.

The Dow has been flat since January 2018, though. That's when Trump started this stupid gambit. That's two years of lost earnings for anyone who has a 401k.
I put mine in bonds-don't you adjust to the times? You must really HAVE LOST UNDER BUSH!
After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade war has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.

What's the matter Chinese troll your sweat shop labor suffering?


U.S. trade gap with China reaches all-time high under Trump


Dow January 2016: 26,616
Dow Present: 26,507

Trump’s farm bailout has cost taxpayers more than double the auto bailout

No fucking shit!
The better our economy does the wider the trade gap grows...thanks for pointing out that we are getting fucked.
Please tell me you realized this...before you made an ass of yourself?
These Scum Sucking Corporations that Fled America when Bill Clinton put NAFTA in effect and had China Join the WTO, should all be boycotted.
Those are the people trump just gave a huge tax cut.

You mean like sealybobo and Dont Taz Me Bro .......both of whom got $3K per year in bonuses from Trump...Ask them what they got back from the Kenyan Chimp.

I said $1800. And I am paying more for things because of Trumps tariffs and trade war with China. I told you the $1800 wasn't worth it.

My company was doing great before Trump and I got a big raise before Trump got into office.

Obama got us out of the Greatest Recession since the Great Depression. You cons seem to want to forget that.

J.P. Morgan estimates the average American household will be down $1,000 per year thanks to the newest round of tariffs on Chinese goods.

And how about Trump fucking with Iran, which made them bomb the Saudi's oil, which led to higher gas prices. Trump's fault.
Obviously you're not a very smart businessman then.
After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade war has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.

^ Paid for by the Bidens with laundered ChiCom cash

“g5000” does sound like a Chinese commie stooge.

These leftwingers now love capitalism, so long as the corporations can import Chinese censorship and force it on Americans.
Translation: "I can't make up a cogent argument in the face of G5000's facts, so I will manufacture some bullshit about him that is totally false."

Translation: "The ChiCom pay me to post at USMB to try to take the pressure off. The ChiComs had an understanding with DC that in exchange for one sided trade practices and IP Theft, we would funnel some of your own money back into the politicians pockets; Trump ended that. We're counting on g5000 to help us out"
It’s all capitalism. Nobody was forced to trade. Why do you hate free markets?
No fucking shit!
The better our economy does the wider the trade gap grows...thanks for pointing out that we are getting fucked.
Please tell me you realized this...before you made an ass of yourself?
These Scum Sucking Corporations that Fled America when Bill Clinton put NAFTA in effect and had China Join the WTO, should all be boycotted.
Those are the people trump just gave a huge tax cut.

You mean like sealybobo and Dont Taz Me Bro .......both of whom got $3K per year in bonuses from Trump...Ask them what they got back from the Kenyan Chimp.

I said $1800. And I am paying more for things because of Trumps tariffs and trade war with China. I told you the $1800 wasn't worth it.

My company was doing great before Trump and I got a big raise before Trump got into office.

Obama got us out of the Greatest Recession since the Great Depression. You cons seem to want to forget that.

J.P. Morgan estimates the average American household will be down $1,000 per year thanks to the newest round of tariffs on Chinese goods.

And how about Trump fucking with Iran, which made them bomb the Saudi's oil, which led to higher gas prices. Trump's fault.
Obviously you're not a very smart businessman then.
Where do you get Dow at 26,000 in 2016?
Posted by admin on January 29th, 2016
Dow stocks at 52 week highs include McDonald’s (MCD).Dow stock 52 week lows include American Express (AXP). The Market Premarket today, the Dow was indicated to open up +21 points. Thursday the Dow was up +125.10 (+0.79%) at 16,069.64. Year-to-date the Dow is down -7.78%. There were 22 Dow stocks up Thursday. The Dow stock-Obama never had it that high.

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