Time To End The Trade War

TDS afflicted Moon Bats want to return to the weak trade polices of previous administrations that gave away the store.

Probably has to do with their hate of this country.

We cannot sustain massive trade deficits. That is other countries stealing our wealth. Thank god Trump understands this. Moon Bats don't understand it because they don't know jackshit about Economics.

I don't know the Moon Bats don't love tariffs. They must be confused or something. It is a tax going to the Federal government. These stupid Moon Bats love taxes more than life itself and all the other taxes our bloated government collects to fund the filthy welfare state.

U.S. trade gap with China reaches all-time high under Trump


Dow January 2016: 26,616
Dow Present: 26,507

Trump’s farm bailout has cost taxpayers more than double the auto bailout

No fucking shit!
The better our economy does the wider the trade gap grows...thanks for pointing out that we are getting fucked.
Please tell me you realized this...before you made an ass of yourself?
These Scum Sucking Corporations that Fled America when Bill Clinton put NAFTA in effect and had China Join the WTO, should all be boycotted.
Those are the people trump just gave a huge tax cut.

You mean like sealybobo and Dont Taz Me Bro .......both of whom got $3K per year in bonuses from Trump...Ask them what they got back from the Kenyan Chimp.

I said $1800. And I am paying more for things because of Trumps tariffs and trade war with China. I told you the $1800 wasn't worth it.

My company was doing great before Trump and I got a big raise before Trump got into office.

Obama got us out of the Greatest Recession since the Great Depression. You cons seem to want to forget that.

J.P. Morgan estimates the average American household will be down $1,000 per year thanks to the newest round of tariffs on Chinese goods.

And how about Trump fucking with Iran, which made them bomb the Saudi's oil, which led to higher gas prices. Trump's fault.

No fucking shit!
The better our economy does the wider the trade gap grows...thanks for pointing out that we are getting fucked.
Please tell me you realized this...before you made an ass of yourself?
These Scum Sucking Corporations that Fled America when Bill Clinton put NAFTA in effect and had China Join the WTO, should all be boycotted.
Those are the people trump just gave a huge tax cut.

You mean like sealybobo and Dont Taz Me Bro .......both of whom got $3K per year in bonuses from Trump...Ask them what they got back from the Kenyan Chimp.

I said $1800. And I am paying more for things because of Trumps tariffs and trade war with China. I told you the $1800 wasn't worth it.

My company was doing great before Trump and I got a big raise before Trump got into office.

Obama got us out of the Greatest Recession since the Great Depression. You cons seem to want to forget that.

J.P. Morgan estimates the average American household will be down $1,000 per year thanks to the newest round of tariffs on Chinese goods.

And how about Trump fucking with Iran, which made them bomb the Saudi's oil, which led to higher gas prices. Trump's fault.
/——/ QE got the economy moving, not Obozo.
Don’t buy Chinese crap and you avoid tariffs. Problem solved.
You mean it’s time to surrender to China in their decades long trade war against us.

Funny how the left now fully embraces corporate profit, so long as it benefits China. Even to the point of letting Chinese censors dictate what Americans are allowed to say and think.

You people are disgusting.
Decades of them sending us their resources for cheap and keeping the pollution. So horrible.

Decades of them stealing our technology and jobs, while shitting on the environment. What a deal.
That’s capitalism. Nobody is forced to do business with them. You prefer gov managed trade you socialist?

Government has always managed trade. Setting up the trade rules that everyone has to play by isn’t “socialism”.
Not in free trade. Of course gov managed trade is socialism.

Well according to that definition, we’ve been “socialist” since 1777.
Decades of them sending us their resources for cheap and keeping the pollution. So horrible.

Decades of them stealing our technology and jobs, while shitting on the environment. What a deal.
That’s capitalism. Nobody is forced to do business with them. You prefer gov managed trade you socialist?

Government has always managed trade. Setting up the trade rules that everyone has to play by isn’t “socialism”.
Not in free trade. Of course gov managed trade is socialism.

Well according to that definition, we’ve been “socialist” since 1777.
In trade yes. Less socialist before trump.
No fucking shit!
The better our economy does the wider the trade gap grows...thanks for pointing out that we are getting fucked.
Please tell me you realized this...before you made an ass of yourself?
These Scum Sucking Corporations that Fled America when Bill Clinton put NAFTA in effect and had China Join the WTO, should all be boycotted.
Those are the people trump just gave a huge tax cut.

You mean like sealybobo and Dont Taz Me Bro .......both of whom got $3K per year in bonuses from Trump...Ask them what they got back from the Kenyan Chimp.

I said $1800. And I am paying more for things because of Trumps tariffs and trade war with China. I told you the $1800 wasn't worth it.

My company was doing great before Trump and I got a big raise before Trump got into office.

Obama got us out of the Greatest Recession since the Great Depression. You cons seem to want to forget that.

J.P. Morgan estimates the average American household will be down $1,000 per year thanks to the newest round of tariffs on Chinese goods.

And how about Trump fucking with Iran, which made them bomb the Saudi's oil, which led to higher gas prices. Trump's fault.
/——/ QE got the economy moving, not Obozo.
Don’t buy Chinese crap and you avoid tariffs. Problem solved.
The economy was moving just fine before Drump. His massive tax give away only stimulated the economy for a year. The stimulus that came from those tax breaks is over and now we have an even bigger debt than we would have other wise. Eventually your social security will have to be cut. So they shifted the tax burden more onto you, only you don't know it yet. You'll never know it. Because they've been doing it slowly for decades and you still don't get it.

This is why the middle class hasn't gotten a raise since the 1970's but the rich have never been richer.

Those tax breaks did not pay for themselves or give us the growth promised. You cons are easily satisfied when a Republican is in charge but impossible to please when it's a Dem in office. For example, not to change the subject, but just imagine if Obama stabbed our ally in the back and both parties said he was making a huge mistake. You trumpsters still defend Trump as he stabbed our allies in Syria in the back?
Decades of them stealing our technology and jobs, while shitting on the environment. What a deal.



Exactly my point, companies must use China to even be competitive in manufacturing. Change the laws so they have to pay more to use China.
More big gov eh socialist?

The government doesn’t get any bigger or smaller when it changes current trade agreements. I opposed all the “free trade” agreements that let manufacturing to move across borders. It’s always been a complete betrayal of Americans who need jobs.
Decades of them stealing our technology and jobs, while shitting on the environment. What a deal.
That’s capitalism. Nobody is forced to do business with them. You prefer gov managed trade you socialist?

Government has always managed trade. Setting up the trade rules that everyone has to play by isn’t “socialism”.
Not in free trade. Of course gov managed trade is socialism.

Well according to that definition, we’ve been “socialist” since 1777.
In trade yes. Less socialist before trump.

Or your definition of “socialism” is idiotic.

No fucking shit!
The better our economy does the wider the trade gap grows...thanks for pointing out that we are getting fucked.
Please tell me you realized this...before you made an ass of yourself?
These Scum Sucking Corporations that Fled America when Bill Clinton put NAFTA in effect and had China Join the WTO, should all be boycotted.
Those are the people trump just gave a huge tax cut.

You mean like sealybobo and Dont Taz Me Bro .......both of whom got $3K per year in bonuses from Trump...Ask them what they got back from the Kenyan Chimp.

I said $1800. And I am paying more for things because of Trumps tariffs and trade war with China. I told you the $1800 wasn't worth it.

My company was doing great before Trump and I got a big raise before Trump got into office.

Obama got us out of the Greatest Recession since the Great Depression. You cons seem to want to forget that.

J.P. Morgan estimates the average American household will be down $1,000 per year thanks to the newest round of tariffs on Chinese goods.

And how about Trump fucking with Iran, which made them bomb the Saudi's oil, which led to higher gas prices. Trump's fault.
Yeah.....Trump made Iran bomb somebody.
Hahaha haha....
That's funny as shit!!!!

Do you know what we used to call dumb motherfuckers like you?

Last edited:

The auto industry bail out was a loan. The auto companies paid back those loans with interest.

The money given to the farmers isn't a loan. They won't have to pay it back with interest.

These are two very different situations.

One is capitalism as in loaning money then paying back with interest.

The other is socialism.
I agree the farmer bailout is socialism. That's one of the consequences of government interference in the market.

More often than not, Trump behaves like the Democrat he always has been.

The rest of his behaviors are pure huckster populism and opportunism.

I find it very interesting that the socialist democrat used capitalism to bail out the car companies.

The capitalist republican used socialism to bail out farmers.
After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade war has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.

^ Paid for by the Bidens with laundered ChiCom cash

“g5000” does sound like a Chinese commie stooge.

These leftwingers now love capitalism, so long as the corporations can import Chinese censorship and force it on Americans.
Decades of them stealing our technology and jobs, while shitting on the environment. What a deal.



Exactly my point, companies must use China to even be competitive in manufacturing. Change the laws so they have to pay more to use China.
More big gov eh socialist?

The government doesn’t get any bigger or smaller when it changes current trade agreements. I opposed all the “free trade” agreements that let manufacturing to move across borders. It’s always been a complete betrayal of Americans who need jobs.
It’s more government power. Why do you trust
Gov to control trade over free markets?
That’s capitalism. Nobody is forced to do business with them. You prefer gov managed trade you socialist?

Government has always managed trade. Setting up the trade rules that everyone has to play by isn’t “socialism”.
Not in free trade. Of course gov managed trade is socialism.

Well according to that definition, we’ve been “socialist” since 1777.
In trade yes. Less socialist before trump.

Or your definition of “socialism” is idiotic.
It’s government control.
Decades of them stealing our technology and jobs, while shitting on the environment. What a deal.



Exactly my point, companies must use China to even be competitive in manufacturing. Change the laws so they have to pay more to use China.
More big gov eh socialist?

The government doesn’t get any bigger or smaller when it changes current trade agreements. I opposed all the “free trade” agreements that let manufacturing to move across borders. It’s always been a complete betrayal of Americans who need jobs.
It’s more government power. Why do you trust
Gov to control trade over free markets?

They already control the “free markets”. May as well use it to do good for our companies and workers.
No fucking shit!
The better our economy does the wider the trade gap grows...thanks for pointing out that we are getting fucked.
Please tell me you realized this...before you made an ass of yourself?
These Scum Sucking Corporations that Fled America when Bill Clinton put NAFTA in effect and had China Join the WTO, should all be boycotted.
Those are the people trump just gave a huge tax cut.

You mean like sealybobo and Dont Taz Me Bro .......both of whom got $3K per year in bonuses from Trump...Ask them what they got back from the Kenyan Chimp.

I said $1800. And I am paying more for things because of Trumps tariffs and trade war with China. I told you the $1800 wasn't worth it.

My company was doing great before Trump and I got a big raise before Trump got into office.

Obama got us out of the Greatest Recession since the Great Depression. You cons seem to want to forget that.

J.P. Morgan estimates the average American household will be down $1,000 per year thanks to the newest round of tariffs on Chinese goods.

And how about Trump fucking with Iran, which made them bomb the Saudi's oil, which led to higher gas prices. Trump's fault.
Yeah.....Trump made Iran bomb somebody.
Hahaha haha....
That's funny as shit!!!!

The dangerous downward spiral in the Middle East stems from Trump scrapping the Iran nuclear deal without a strategy in place.

Sure, the deal limiting Iran’s nuclear activity forged during the Obama administration was far from perfect. Tehran was still up to no good in Syria, Yemen and Iraq. But the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verified that Iran was honoring the terms of the agreement made with world powers and had frozen its nuclear program.

Trump employed his traditional bombast and bluster about the bad guys in Tehran. He withdrew the U.S. from the international agreement and pulled out his go-to move, slapping on sanctions. The administration threatened any country or company that continued to do business with Iran. This has pushed their economy to the brink. The problem is, pressure only works when there’s an obvious outlet you’re pushing toward, and it’s never been clear what exactly Trump wants, though the administration has vaguely referred to a tougher deal.

Iran rejected Trump’s overtures to renew negotiations and instead predictably lashed out, most recently by firing cruise missiles on major Saudi Arabian oil sites, damaging a key part of the world’s oil supplies. And those were just warning shots. We are now precariously perched on the precipice of a deeply destructive conflict. Combustible fuel has been spread across the Persian Gulf, and one wrong move could set off a considerable conflagration that even savvy, strategic leaders would struggle to contain. Trump has proven himself to be neither.
I was always leery about open markets with Mexico. I'm all for free trade, and I love their produce and canned goods. But mftring of US multinational goods consumed in the US? And their lack of enviro laws.
A country does not go from undeveloped to a consumer economy with worker and environmental protections at the snap of a finger.

It is a process. One which took us over a century to achieve.
Sure, but we screwed England in the industrial revolution. Trump's an idiot with trying to close markets, but the US is not crazy for mandating US made content in products sold here, nor would we be remiss in requiring eviro laws and workers rights for totally open trade

Exactly my point, companies must use China to even be competitive in manufacturing. Change the laws so they have to pay more to use China.
More big gov eh socialist?

The government doesn’t get any bigger or smaller when it changes current trade agreements. I opposed all the “free trade” agreements that let manufacturing to move across borders. It’s always been a complete betrayal of Americans who need jobs.
It’s more government power. Why do you trust
Gov to control trade over free markets?

They already control the “free markets”. May as well use it to do good for our companies and workers.
But it doesn’t work. Look at steel, huge layoffs. US steel stock down 80%. It always costs jobs.
After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade war has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.

^ Paid for by the Bidens with laundered ChiCom cash

“g5000” does sound like a Chinese commie stooge.

These leftwingers now love capitalism, so long as the corporations can import Chinese censorship and force it on Americans.

I like an economy that works for the middle class not just the rich. This economy has not made the middle class great again.

Wages also were a disappointment, with average hourly earnings little changed over the month and up just 2.9% for the year, the lowest increase since July 2018.

The report comes amid uncertain times for the economy, with fears escalating that trump trade war will cause a recession. Readings earlier in the week showed continued contraction in manufacturing and a sharp decline in the much larger services industry.

“The labor market is still strong, adding more than enough jobs each month to absorb new entrants to the labor force. But even with a strong labor market, wage growth remains muted.

While the low unemployment rate is one sign of economic strength, the weakness in wage growth shows that the central bank remains a good distance from its goal at maintaining an inflation rate around 2%.

“Job growth remains on its slowing trend even as labor markets continue to get tighter. While wages dropped slightly
You mean it's time that America went back to doing nothing about China's trade war against us, that it's time that America stopped fighting back and once again let China walk all over us in trade, the theft of intellectual property, currency manipulation, etc.

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