Time To End The Trade War

After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade war has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.

I agree. Let's engage in free-market capitalism. Trade is inherently good.

It's just odd that so many people hated free trade, until Trump opposed it, and magically they are all now free-market capitalists on this one single issue.
I have always been for free trade. I defy anyone to show I have not been. Ever.

I worshiped the ground Milton Friedman walked on, for chrissakes. Would you like to see some of my posts about him?
I often quote him here, but repubs have really lost their way.
After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade war has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.

^ Paid for by the Bidens with laundered ChiCom cash
After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade war has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.
/——/ Then tell the Chi-Coms to get rid of their tariffs and to stop stealing our IP and we’ll do the same to them. Problem solved.
Decades of them stealing our technology and jobs, while shitting on the environment. What a deal.



Exactly my point, companies must use China to even be competitive in manufacturing. Change the laws so they have to pay more to use China.
Translation: Change the laws so American consumers have to pay more for goods.
I was always leery about open markets with Mexico. I'm all for free trade, and I love their produce and canned goods. But mftring of US multinational goods consumed in the US? And their lack of enviro laws.
After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade war has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.

China also needs to want to end the tariff war. Why would they? All they have to do is wait out trump then make a deal with the next president.
Economically, China is about 50 to 75 years behind the American economy.

As China slowly makes the transition from a production economy to a consumer economy, the labor force competition between our two countries will begin to be mitigated.

You have to remember that in the late 80s, China and India saw the handwriting on the wall with the implosion of the Soviet Union. They saw that centrally planned economies are doomed.

And so those two countries began moving toward market economies. That means about TWO BILLION workers began entering the world labor market competing for jobs.

They started at the bottom, at slave wages. But as their countries become more prosperous, they will become consumers and will demand higher wages.

It just takes a long time for that two billion worker egg to make its way through the snake. But we will get there eventually.

Does it suck for us in the meantime? Yep. And there is nothing we can do about it. The more the government tries to interfere in the market, the more painful it will be for all of us. That's a giant step backward into central planning.

YUGE mistake.
Decades of them stealing our technology and jobs, while shitting on the environment. What a deal.



Exactly my point, companies must use China to even be competitive in manufacturing. Change the laws so they have to pay more to use China.
Translation: Change the laws so American consumers have to pay more for goods.
/——-/ Translation: Chi-Com tariffs and theft of our IP good, Trump standing up for America bad.

The auto industry bail out was a loan. The auto companies paid back those loans with interest.

The money given to the farmers isn't a loan. They won't have to pay it back with interest.

These are two very different situations.

One is capitalism as in loaning money then paying back with interest.

The other is socialism.
I was always leery about open markets with Mexico. I'm all for free trade, and I love their produce and canned goods. But mftring of US multinational goods consumed in the US? And their lack of enviro laws.
A country does not go from undeveloped to a consumer economy with worker and environmental protections at the snap of a finger.

It is a process. One which took us over a century to achieve.

The auto industry bail out was a loan. The auto companies paid back those loans with interest.

The money given to the farmers isn't a loan. They won't have to pay it back with interest.

These are two very different situations.

One is capitalism as in loaning money then paying back with interest.

The other is socialism.
I agree the farmer bailout is socialism. That's one of the consequences of government interference in the market.

More often than not, Trump behaves like the Democrat he always has been.

The rest of his behaviors are pure huckster populism and opportunism.
Economically, China is about 50 to 75 years behind the American economy.

As China slowly makes the transition from a production economy to a consumer economy, the labor force competition between our two countries will begin to be mitigated.

You have to remember that in the late 80s, China and India saw the handwriting on the wall with the implosion of the Soviet Union. They saw that centrally planned economies are doomed.

And so those two countries began moving toward market economies. That means about TWO BILLION workers began entering the world labor market competing for jobs.

They started at the bottom, at slave wages. But as their countries become more prosperous, they will become consumers and will demand higher wages.

It just takes a long time for that two billion worker egg to make its way through the snake. But we will get there eventually.

Does it suck for us in the meantime? Yep. And there is nothing we can do about it. The more the government tries to interfere in the market, the more painful it will be for all of us. That's a giant step backward into central planning.

YUGE mistake.
Don’t forget they have a huge population problem. Soon they will have too many young and old and not enough in prime working age for tax base. Plus they have way more men than women.

Oh and they have a huge pollution mess.
Decades of them stealing our technology and jobs, while shitting on the environment. What a deal.



Exactly my point, companies must use China to even be competitive in manufacturing. Change the laws so they have to pay more to use China.
Translation: Change the laws so American consumers have to pay more for goods.
/——-/ Translation: Chi-Com tariffs and theft of our IP good, Trump standing up for America bad.
Nobody is forced to trade. You hate capitalism?
Decades of them stealing our technology and jobs, while shitting on the environment. What a deal.



Exactly my point, companies must use China to even be competitive in manufacturing. Change the laws so they have to pay more to use China.
Translation: Change the laws so American consumers have to pay more for goods.
/——-/ Translation: Chi-Com tariffs and theft of our IP good, Trump standing up for America bad.
We had a TPP trade deal on the table which was going to surround China with pressure.

Trump blew it off. Like an idiot.
After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade was has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.
I don’t think anyone even knows what winning would be.
Help China.......end the trade war.
Decades of them stealing our technology and jobs, while shitting on the environment. What a deal.



Exactly my point, companies must use China to even be competitive in manufacturing. Change the laws so they have to pay more to use China.
Translation: Change the laws so American consumers have to pay more for goods.
/——-/ Translation: Chi-Com tariffs and theft of our IP good, Trump standing up for America bad.
We had a TPP trade deal on the table which was going to surround China with pressure.

Trump blew it off. Like an idiot.[/QUOTE
/——/ TPP sucked. Trump was correct. Hold was against it too.
While the U.S. Trade Representative boasts of 18,000 tariff cuts for American exporters, the economic significance of many of these to U.S. producers and workers appears negligible. For example, tropical, impoverished Vietnam will eliminate tariffs on skis, snowplows, and caviar, while predominantly Muslim Brunei and Malaysia will eliminate tariffs on pork. In fact, in more than half of the 18,000 categories, the U.S. exported nothing to TPP nations last year; for many of the remaining 7,500 categories, American exporters sold only small amounts. These are areas where American producers are unlikely to develop a comparative advantage.
Why TPP Is a Bad Deal for America and American Workers - Roosevelt Institute
You know why Trump blew off the TPP?

He blew off the TPP because he had nothing to do with it. He blew it off out of pure ego. He gave the rube herd his standard "It's a bad deal" bullshit to parrot because he knows they know fuck-all about the TPP.

He blew it off out of pure ego.

You rubes talk about giving the trade war time to work?

Well, the TPP was worked on for SEVERAL years. International trade has millions of moving parts, and it required the cooperation of manufacturers and retailers and labor unions and corporate heads. It was fucking hard work.

That treaty was going to surround China with massive amounts of trade pressure. All the Asian nations were in on it.

And Trump fucking blew it off.

And now he's pissed off everyone in America, except one lobby. Guess which one?

The labor unions. The left looooooooves tariff wars.

Yeah. Smoke that for a while.
Economically, China is about 50 to 75 years behind the American economy.

As China slowly makes the transition from a production economy to a consumer economy, the labor force competition between our two countries will begin to be mitigated.

You have to remember that in the late 80s, China and India saw the handwriting on the wall with the implosion of the Soviet Union. They saw that centrally planned economies are doomed.

And so those two countries began moving toward market economies. That means about TWO BILLION workers began entering the world labor market competing for jobs.

They started at the bottom, at slave wages. But as their countries become more prosperous, they will become consumers and will demand higher wages.

It just takes a long time for that two billion worker egg to make its way through the snake. But we will get there eventually.

Does it suck for us in the meantime? Yep. And there is nothing we can do about it. The more the government tries to interfere in the market, the more painful it will be for all of us. That's a giant step backward into central planning.

YUGE mistake.

You aren't considering Japan and their lost decade.

The jobs went to Japan in the Reagan and beginning of the bush first years. They started going to China in the bush first years.

When the population of Japan did demand those higher wages, corporations went where the cheap slave labor and low or no environmental and worker protections. Which was at the time, China.

When corporations will no longer see huge profits in China they will abandon China for another nation that's cheaper.

It has taken Japan a long time to recover from losing those jobs. Japan is no longer an economic force it used to be.
You know why Trump blew off the TPP?

He blew off the TPP because he had nothing to do with it. He blew it off out of pure ego. He gave the rube herd his standard "It's a bad deal" bullshit to parrot because he knows they know fuck-all about the TPP.

He blew it off out of pure ego.

You rubes talk about giving the trade war time to work?

Well, the TPP was worked on for SEVERAL years. International trade has millions of moving parts, and it required the cooperation of manufacturers and retailers and labor unions and corporate heads. It was fucking hard work.

That treaty was going to surround China with massive amounts of trade pressure. All the Asian nations were in on it.

And Trump fucking blew it off.

And now he's pissed off everyone in America, except one lobby. Guess which one?

The labor unions. The left looooooooves tariff wars.

Yeah. Smoke that for a while.
/——/ That is just your TDS spewing venom. Why TPP Is a Bad Deal for America and American Workers - Roosevelt Institute
You know why Trump blew off the TPP?

He blew off the TPP because he had nothing to do with it. He blew it off out of pure ego. He gave the rube herd his standard "It's a bad deal" bullshit to parrot because he knows they know fuck-all about the TPP.

He blew it off out of pure ego.

You rubes talk about giving the trade war time to work?

Well, the TPP was worked on for SEVERAL years. International trade has millions of moving parts, and it required the cooperation of manufacturers and retailers and labor unions and corporate heads. It was fucking hard work.

That treaty was going to surround China with massive amounts of trade pressure. All the Asian nations were in on it.

And Trump fucking blew it off.

And now he's pissed off everyone in America, except one lobby. Guess which one?

The labor unions. The left looooooooves tariff wars.

Yeah. Smoke that for a while.
/——-/ So hildabeast blew off TPP because of her ego too? https://www-m.cnn.com/2015/10/07/po...oses-tpp/index.html?r=https://duckduckgo.com/

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