Time To End The Trade War

Completely unrealistic and stupid.




They are running out of pork to eat....but they can go back to eating dog. Trump should demand a unconditional surrender
Yes and we should demand they send us their resources for really cheap. Oh wait, that’s what they were doing. What’s the problem again?
You could always move to China
Why? They happily send us all their resources and keep the pollution. How could it be better?
Just where do they keep all of that "pollution"?......:cuckoo:
Go to China it’s everywhere.
I'll tell you, once again, why Trump has doubled our federal deficit.

Gross Domestic Product - GDP

GDP includes all private and public consumption, government outlays, investments, private inventories, paid-in construction costs and the foreign balance of trade (exports are added, imports are subtracted). Put simply, GDP is a broad measurement of a nation’s overall economic activity – the godfather of the indicator world.


A country's gross domestic product can be calculated using the following formula: GDP = C + G + I + NX. C is equal to all private consumption, or consumer spending, in a nation's economy, G is the sum of government spending, I is the sum of all the country's investment, including businesses capital expenditures and NX is the nation's total net exports, calculated as total exports minus total imports (NX = Exports - Imports).

By increasing government spending, Trump is trying to juice the GDP. He promised the rube herd 4 to 6 percent GDP growth.

He fucked that up, too. Because his left wing trade war is a drag on GDP.

What do we call it when a president increases government spending to boost the economy, kids?

That's right! "Stimulus spending". Remember how much we hated that when the black guy did it? Yeah!

And now our unborn have had even more of their money stolen from them by Trump.

Trump wages tariff wars like a left winger, and he spends like a left winger.

He and his tard herd have out-Keynesed Keynes!

No fucking shit!
The better our economy does the wider the trade gap grows...thanks for pointing out that we are getting fucked.
Please tell me you realized this...before you made an ass of yourself?

The bigger our federal deficit grows, the bigger our trade gap grows.


I thought you loved deficit spending?

You have to be retarded. You have to be.

Look at my post count.

I have posted more about deficits and the federal debt than all my other posts combined.

So...you are definitely retarded. Aaaaaaand...

Have you started bitching about the tens of billions spent on pet human wetbacks?
...you are a racist to boot.

Only a retarded racist would be stupid enough to think Trump's record $4.7 trillion budget is "because wetbacks".

You intentionally missed the point..just as you usually do. One can not bitch about ANY deficit spending until the dumbmothfucker is smart enough to bitch about paying foreigners tens of billions to run their baby factories on our soil while fucking the place up.
After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade war has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.

You mean it’s time to surrender to China in their decades long trade war against us.

Funny how the left now fully embraces corporate profit, so long as it benefits China. Even to the point of letting Chinese censors dictate what Americans are allowed to say and think.

You people are disgusting.
Decades of them sending us their resources for cheap and keeping the pollution. So horrible.

Decades of them stealing our technology and jobs, while shitting on the environment. What a deal.
After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade war has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.

You mean it’s time to surrender to China in their decades long trade war against us.

Funny how the left now fully embraces corporate profit, so long as it benefits China. Even to the point of letting Chinese censors dictate what Americans are allowed to say and think.

You people are disgusting.
Decades of them sending us their resources for cheap and keeping the pollution. So horrible.

Decades of them stealing our technology and jobs, while shitting on the environment. What a deal.
That’s capitalism. Nobody is forced to do business with them. You prefer gov managed trade you socialist?
They are running out of pork to eat....but they can go back to eating dog. Trump should demand a unconditional surrender
Yes and we should demand they send us their resources for really cheap. Oh wait, that’s what they were doing. What’s the problem again?
You could always move to China
Why? They happily send us all their resources and keep the pollution. How could it be better?
Just where do they keep all of that "pollution"?......:cuckoo:
Go to China it’s everywhere.
But you said they keep it there...how do they do that?....a pollution wall?....
Seriously. How do you rubes manage to pinch off the stench of Trump's hypocrisy?

Clothespin? Index finger and thumb? Swimming plugs?

How DO you do it?
Yes and we should demand they send us their resources for really cheap. Oh wait, that’s what they were doing. What’s the problem again?
You could always move to China
Why? They happily send us all their resources and keep the pollution. How could it be better?
Just where do they keep all of that "pollution"?......:cuckoo:
Go to China it’s everywhere.
But you said they keep it there...how do they do that?....a pollution wall?....
You’d have to study up on that. But they have huge pollution,
After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade war has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.

You mean it’s time to surrender to China in their decades long trade war against us.

Funny how the left now fully embraces corporate profit, so long as it benefits China. Even to the point of letting Chinese censors dictate what Americans are allowed to say and think.

You people are disgusting.
Decades of them sending us their resources for cheap and keeping the pollution. So horrible.

Decades of them stealing our technology and jobs, while shitting on the environment. What a deal.
That’s capitalism. Nobody is forced to do business with them. You prefer gov managed trade you socialist?

Government has always managed trade. Setting up the trade rules that everyone has to play by isn’t “socialism”.

No fucking shit!
The better our economy does the wider the trade gap grows...thanks for pointing out that we are getting fucked.
Please tell me you realized this...before you made an ass of yourself?

The bigger our federal deficit grows, the bigger our trade gap grows.


I thought you loved deficit spending?

You have to be retarded. You have to be.

Look at my post count.

I have posted more about deficits and the federal debt than all my other posts combined.

So...you are definitely retarded. Aaaaaaand...

Have you started bitching about the tens of billions spent on pet human wetbacks?
...you are a racist to boot.

Only a retarded racist would be stupid enough to think Trump's record $4.7 trillion budget is "because wetbacks".
We only know you are retarded and racist, and Anti-American. We spend more on Illegal Aliens $150 Billion a year than it costs to build a wall from coast to coast.

At $150 Billion a Year we could build a train to China that ran on Cow Farts in just 10 years.
After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade war has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.

You mean it’s time to surrender to China in their decades long trade war against us.

Funny how the left now fully embraces corporate profit, so long as it benefits China. Even to the point of letting Chinese censors dictate what Americans are allowed to say and think.

You people are disgusting.
Decades of them sending us their resources for cheap and keeping the pollution. So horrible.

Decades of them stealing our technology and jobs, while shitting on the environment. What a deal.
That’s capitalism. Nobody is forced to do business with them. You prefer gov managed trade you socialist?

Government has always managed trade. Setting up the trade rules that everyone has to play by isn’t “socialism”.
Not in free trade. Of course gov managed trade is socialism.
You mean it’s time to surrender to China in their decades long trade war against us.

Funny how the left now fully embraces corporate profit, so long as it benefits China. Even to the point of letting Chinese censors dictate what Americans are allowed to say and think.

You people are disgusting.
Decades of them sending us their resources for cheap and keeping the pollution. So horrible.

Decades of them stealing our technology and jobs, while shitting on the environment. What a deal.
That’s capitalism. Nobody is forced to do business with them. You prefer gov managed trade you socialist?

Government has always managed trade. Setting up the trade rules that everyone has to play by isn’t “socialism”.
Not in free trade. Of course gov managed trade is socialism.

I guess the hawk isn't a small government conservative anymore.

No fucking shit!
The better our economy does the wider the trade gap grows...thanks for pointing out that we are getting fucked.
Please tell me you realized this...before you made an ass of yourself?

The bigger our federal deficit grows, the bigger our trade gap grows.


I thought you loved deficit spending?

You have to be retarded. You have to be.

Look at my post count.

I have posted more about deficits and the federal debt than all my other posts combined.

So...you are definitely retarded. Aaaaaaand...

Have you started bitching about the tens of billions spent on pet human wetbacks?
...you are a racist to boot.

Only a retarded racist would be stupid enough to think Trump's record $4.7 trillion budget is "because wetbacks".
We spend more on Illegal Aliens $150 Billion a year
A totally fake number.
Trump is stealing the unborn's future earnings in order to give himself a tax break.

America first, my ass.

Heritage Experts Analyze President Trump's FY 2019 Budget Proposal

This morning, the Trump administration released its fiscal year 2019 budget proposal. This is President Trump’s second budget proposal since becoming president. Below is reaction from multiple Heritage Foundation experts on the President’s proposal.


However, this proposal would add an additional $7 trillion to the national debt – something not even a big spender like President Obama ever proposed.
After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade war has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.

I agree. Let's engage in free-market capitalism. Trade is inherently good.

It's just odd that so many people hated free trade, until Trump opposed it, and magically they are all now free-market capitalists on this one single issue.
After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade war has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.

I agree. Let's engage in free-market capitalism. Trade is inherently good.

It's just odd that so many people hated free trade, until Trump opposed it, and magically they are all now free-market capitalists on this one single issue.
No fucking shit!
The better our economy does the wider the trade gap grows...thanks for pointing out that we are getting fucked.
Please tell me you realized this...before you made an ass of yourself?

The bigger our federal deficit grows, the bigger our trade gap grows.


I thought you loved deficit spending?

You have to be retarded. You have to be.

Look at my post count.

I have posted more about deficits and the federal debt than all my other posts combined.

So...you are definitely retarded. Aaaaaaand...

Have you started bitching about the tens of billions spent on pet human wetbacks?
...you are a racist to boot.

Only a retarded racist would be stupid enough to think Trump's record $4.7 trillion budget is "because wetbacks".
We spend more on Illegal Aliens $150 Billion a year
A totally fake number.

And he's attempting to justify economic insanity with what he considers a bigger econ insanity.

THAT'S what kills be about Trumpsettes. I won't diss their support for him in 16, even though they were told they'd get screwed. But they continue to cheer him as real wages are at best flat, and mfring declines
After climbing steadily for nine years, the Dow was brought to a screeching halt in January 2018 when Trump began his idiotic left wing tariff war. It has been flat ever since. It's been almost two years now, and every American's 401k is taking hits because of it.

Trump's schtick is to cut and run from conflicts, and then declare victory. That's what he said in 2008 about Iraq. That's what he is doing now in Syria.

It's time for him to realize he has damaged America with his stupid tariff war. Farmers have been hit the hardest, and his bailout has now cost twice as much as the auto bailout of 2008 which conservatives curse to this day.

Our trade deficit with China is now at a record high. Trump's failed tariff war has completely backfired in his face.

The trade war has now caused a slowdown in manufacturing. The PMI has been going down, down, down ever since Trump started his tariff war. That is not good for the future of this country. It is simply bad for America.

Not even the great blustering Trump can withstand an impeachment inquiry, the betrayal of an ally, and an economic downturn.

Trump needs to head off disaster and end his tariff war now.

He can declare a fake victory, and watch the Dow pick up where it left off two years ago. He can then take credit for it going up, up, up.

He needs to do it now. Before it is too late for America's economy.

I agree. Let's engage in free-market capitalism. Trade is inherently good.

It's just odd that so many people hated free trade, until Trump opposed it, and magically they are all now free-market capitalists on this one single issue.
I have always been for free trade. I defy anyone to show I have not been. Ever.

I worshiped the ground Milton Friedman walked on, for chrissakes. Would you like to see some of my posts about him?

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