Time to Impeach Joe Biden (Poll)

Should the House Impeach Joe Biden?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 63.3%
  • No

    Votes: 22 36.7%

  • Total voters
1. You call it a "shit show" because CNN got beat like a baby seal.
Yeah, it's true, A blustering bloviating blowhard is hard to beat, in the minds of the gullible
But not in the minds of the majority of americans.
2. You call him whatever you like, voters won't be fooled again, like in 2020.
3. Put Trump and Biden on a debate stage again.

We were fooled in 2016, we woke up in 2020, and we sure as hell aren't going to be asleep in 2024.

THere will be no debate, because trump filibusters the conversation, and lies, and is a sex predator and a criminal.
Apparently you don't care, it's a very bad look, it's not something a man with honor or integrity would allow to go on.
That was a private citizen's choice, a choice by Hunter Biden to take the job. A bad choice, but not an illegal one.
Biden was perfectly okay with his son making bank using his name and offering nothing of value (according to you) in return.
As I understand it, the tanscripts of his telephone conversation indicates he was concerned about it, but trusted his son.
And this was in one of the most corrupt countries in the world, where he apparently didn't have a problem pushing his agenda
Which, in the firing of Poroshenko, Shokin, replacing with Zelensky, the US was trying to clean up so that we could help them in their defense against Russia.
and using US taxpayer money to get his way.
The 'way' was US foreign policy in the region, which is the correct application of taxpayer dollars
It reeks of corruption,
Only in the mind of partisan hacks, like yourself

and even if there was none,
There was none
he shouldn't have allowed it to happen for that very reason.
The evidence shows that Biden was furthering US foreign policy in the region, he had the backing of our allies and the International Monetary Fund, Obama, Biden, and the State Department wanted Shoken fired because HE WASN'T INVESTIGATING CORRUPTION and The US needed to clean up Ukraine so that we could send them military aid without having it being diverted for corrupt purposes.
But dems know they're inoculated against criticism and can do as they please, even if it doesn't look good,
Now you are making shit up.
because they will be defended by their media. And you, as an American citizen, sit back and says 'who cares' because it's your party, that's exactly what's wrong with this country.
Horse manure.
This investigation has barely gotten started. They are "waiting" so they can keep following leads. Every bank record they find leads to more shady business. This investigation will still be going on after the next presidential election. Once DeSantis or Trump takes over, they will control the DOJ and thats when things will really start to move.

So, let me have your bank records, and I will arbitrarily call each transaction on your bank statement as 'shady'.

That is what you are doing to Hunter Biden, a private citizen.

Note that not one stitch of evidences indicates Joe Biden did anything illegal.

Any administration can move on whatever, but without evidence, they cannot prosecute.

So, fire away. You have no evidence. You didn't in the 4 years and 8 investigations of Benghazi, you didn't have any evidence to prosecute Hillary on the emails, but we got tons of evidence against Trump, and he is being prosecuted and sued into oblivion, and you can't handle that fact.
So, let me have your bank records, and I will arbitrarily call each transaction on your bank statement as 'shady'.
No one would believe you if they looked at my bank records. The Biden's bank records on the other hand are quite alarming and therefore a massive story.
Name one thing that is damning about them?
The people the money came from for one, the fact that there is no explanation for the service provided, and the way they hid the transfers through multiple LLC's and transferred through multiple banks, as opposed to just directly transferring the money person to person like a normal law abiding citizen does.
The people the money came from for one, the fact that there is no explanation for the service provided, and the way they hid the transfers through multiple LLC's and transferred through multiple banks, as opposed to just directly transferring the money person to person like a normal law abiding citizen does.

Was Joe Biden's name on any of the LLC's?
Such beliefs are worthless. I'll take that as a "no," his name is not attached to any of them.
His last name is on every single one of them and we know that Hunter isnt providing the service to earn millions of dollars, so...
His last name is on every single one of them and we know that Hunter isnt providing the service to earn millions of dollars, so...


Yeah, because his family members have the same last name. You do realize Joe Biden is not Hunter Biden, even though they have the same last name, right?

Yeah, because his family members have the same last name. You do realize Joe Biden is not Hunter Biden, even though they have the same last name, right?
Who in the Biden family is able to provide millions worth of dollars of service, other than Joe and his ability to effect policies?
Who in the Biden family is able to provide millions worth of dollars of service, other than Joe and his ability to effect policies?

Joe's name is not attached to any of the LLC's. You've already established that. That means all that remains are your lies as you try, and fail, to connect some dots.
Joe's name is not attached to any of the LLC's. You've already established that. That means all that remains are your lies as you try, and fail, to connect some dots.
You dodged my question. Is that because you know that none of them have the ability to pull in that kind of money without Daddy Joe Biden's ability to effect policies?

The House Oversight and Accountability Committee says the Biden family and its business associates created more than 20 companies and received more than $10 million from foreign nationals while Joe Biden served as vice president, and that some of these payments could indicate attempts by the Biden family to "peddle influence."

Navy flunk-out and Druggie Hunter Biden has a net worth of $230,000,000. How did that happen for a no skills druggie dropout?

Trump was impeached for a legitimate phone call. Biden has classified documents all over the place. Biden misused the CIA & FBI to call Hunter Biden's laptop "Russian Disinformation".

I'm sure there are tons of other articles of impeachment, so "Let's Roll".
It was time to impeach that hardcore criminal the first day after he stole the election.
The people the money came from for one, the fact that there is no explanation for the service provided, and the way they hid the transfers through multiple LLC's and transferred through multiple banks, as opposed to just directly transferring the money person to person like a normal law abiding citizen does.

That's your interpretation. without corroboration you have no facts with which to judge.

IF there was tax evasion, US Attorney Delaware has been investigating the tax side of this for the last 3 years, and he has failed to indict, noting that he was assigned to the task by Bill Barr, left to finish the job by Joe Biden, finish an investigation into his own son, so this idea that Joe is corrupt is horse puckey.

As such, there is no evidence of wrongdoing.

So, to conclude anything is premature.

But, why do you even care, Jared made a 1.25% management fee for the $2 billion he scored from the murderous Mohammed Bin Salman, and since you don't give a crap about that, then your fake outrage is noted.
No one would believe you if they looked at my bank records. The Biden's bank records on the other hand are quite alarming and therefore a massive story.

Bank records are not 'alarming'. You need context, and you don't have it.

Besides, why do you even care, Jared made a 1.25% ($125,000,000) management fee for the $2 billion he scored from the murderous Mohammed Bin Salman, and since you don't give a crap about that, then your fake outrage is noted.

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