To My Republican Friends......What Needs to Be Done to Win National Elections

I have been thinking about doing this post for a long time, and really didn't know how to approach it. I know those on the left will use it as a tool to bash those on the right, but that would be a mistake. This is what I think the Republicans need to do in order to win national elections.

1. Be Inclusive. The message should always be the Republican Party represents all people, whether they are currently voting for you are not. It is completely stupid to me that Blacks vote 95% Democrat, particularly when you see what the Democrats have not done for blacks over the years...but you cannot concede any vote, and you have to reach out to everyone.

2. Stop With the Nutty Social Agenda. America is a center/right Country. Americans are generally tolerant people. If you are strongly Christian and those values inform your life, that's great. But not everyone sees the world the way you do, and not everyone wants your values shoved down their throat. When the Republican Party becomes about sticking wands up a woman's vagina, and talking about "legitimate rape," you've lost just about everyone in America.

3. Don't be So Rigid Ideologically. Stop with the RINO bullshit. Ideologically pure candidates have never gotten elected to National office. Dennis Kucinich anyone? Republicans have always stood for limited Government, self-reliance, a strong national defense, and fiscal responsibility. That should encompass a big tent. Stop excluding people because they are not pure enough. That is crazy and stupid. A guy like Peter King fits that definition. Chris Christie fits that definition. Lindsey Graham fits that definition. If they are not pure enough for you...consider the alternative. Obummer or Hillary? Get off your high horse.

4. You have to be about More than Hating Obama. Let me be clear. I hate fucking Obama. He is the worst President in my lifetime. His policies are destroying America. I loathe the man. Many of you feel the same way. However, the Republican Party needs to be about more than Hating Obama. While the hatred is have to present a positive alternative or it just comes across as bitter and spiteful.

Okay folks. That's it. Have fun tearing this apart. :)

1. Be Inclusive. Lets treat everybody the same. I think that is about inclusive as you can get. Why focus on ethnicity, gender, skin color, religion or any other factor. It's not about "leveling the playing field", it's about everybody playing by the same rules.

2. Stop With the Nutty Social Agenda. Are you serious? How about the social agenda of shoving homosexuality down my throat? How about the democrat social agenda of telling me I should support welfare queens (your user name)? How about the social agenda that illegal immigrants be granted amnesty? I remember the Reagan Amnesty, it also included enforced border security that never happened.

3. Don't be So Rigid Ideologically. What is wrong with believing in ones ideas and principles? The democrats certainly do that. The simple fact that Republicans and Democrats have differing ideas and principles doesn't make the Democrat ideas and principles better. The Democrats are just as rigid ideologically as the Republicans.

4. You have to be about More than Hating Obama. It's not hate, it's a difference of opinion. Claiming it is hate is a straw man argument, because it really is a difference of opinion.

I'm not a Republican. I left the Republicans when they became "liberal light" and abandoned conservatism.
I'm atheist, so my conservatism isn't based upon any religious teachings.
I really don't give a shit if homosexuals want to be treated the same as heterosexuals (see point #1 about treating everybody the same).
Medical science, law and common sense have determined the end of life to be the absence of brainwaves, lets use the same standard for defining the beginning of life vis a vis abortion.
It's not my responsibility to financially support another person via forced taxation upon me. Let me choose where my charity is spent.
Federal involvement in education is idiotic and moronic. The educational needs of a New York City urban child are vastly different than the needs of a kid growing up on a corn farm in Iowa. By the way, not every child is cut out to be a professional, so they don't all deserve a college education. We need plumbers and carpet layers just like we need doctors and accountants.
We should all be able to protect our property and our families. Nobody would be dumb enough to tell me I can't have a fire extinguisher in my home but that I have to rely on the fire department were a fire to start, so why would anybody be dumb enough to tell me I can't have a gun to protect myself from some crazy that might try and rob me or harm a family member?
Don't even get me started on progressive tax rates.

Anybody that wants my vote needs to start acting with common sense, not by promising to take care of me or others from cradle to grave by handing out monies or subsidies. In Darwinism, the weak fail and die off, that leaves the species stronger.
Bull Shit
Demographics help determine how and why people vote the way they do. Different groups have different wants and needs. To think we are one community and a one size fits all will satisfy needs is simplistic

Demographics go beyond black and white. They include old and young, rich and poor, urban and rural, married and unmarried.....

To date, Republucans have concentrated on the rich vs poor demographic. It is killing them

Democrats always talk about demographics. It is demeaning and condescending. I am not a demographic...I am a human being and an American. That is what matters.

It's not demeaning and condescending. It's the science of evaluating a population of individuals. It's a business concept adapted to politics. Proper use of demographic information makes campaigning and marketing more effective and saves money. Why would a politician use advertising funds to advertise his or her policy in regards to Social Security in a district with a large University and a poplulation of mostly students and people who work for the University directly or indirectly when he or she also has an advertisement on his or her position in regards to student loans and education?

Demographics are a tool. Using the tool to divide and conquer is Un-American and deeply offensive. Fuck Democrats and their lies.

E Pluribus Unum. Out of many, One. That is America. Don't ever forgot it.
Bull Shit
Demographics help determine how and why people vote the way they do. Different groups have different wants and needs. To think we are one community and a one size fits all will satisfy needs is simplistic

Demographics go beyond black and white. They include old and young, rich and poor, urban and rural, married and unmarried.....

To date, Republucans have concentrated on the rich vs poor demographic. It is killing them

Democrats always talk about demographics. It is demeaning and condescending. I am not a demographic...I am a human being and an American. That is what matters.

It's not demeaning and condescending. It's the science of evaluating a population of individuals. It's a business concept adapted to politics. Proper use of demographic information makes campaigning and marketing more effective and saves money. Why would a politician use advertising funds to advertise his or her policy in regards to Social Security in a district with a large University and a poplulation of mostly students and people who work for the University directly or indirectly when he or she also has an advertisement on his or her position in regards to student loans and education?

When campaigning became more about marketing than expressing a candidate's true ideas and principles ... Is when government became more about merchandising than governing.
If Democrats are willing to accept that they have no principles as long as they can sell a load of crap to someone, at a cost to someone else ... Then demographics are truly just a cheap marketing tool hijacked by the middleman.

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Democrats always talk about demographics. It is demeaning and condescending. I am not a demographic...I am a human being and an American. That is what matters.

It's not demeaning and condescending. It's the science of evaluating a population of individuals. It's a business concept adapted to politics. Proper use of demographic information makes campaigning and marketing more effective and saves money. Why would a politician use advertising funds to advertise his or her policy in regards to Social Security in a district with a large University and a poplulation of mostly students and people who work for the University directly or indirectly when he or she also has an advertisement on his or her position in regards to student loans and education?

When campaigning became more about marketing than expressing a candidate's true ideas and principles ... Is when government became more about merchandising than governing.
If Democrats are willing to accept that they have no principles as long as they can sell a load of crap to someone, at a cost to someone else ... Then demographics are truly just a cheap marketing tool hijacked by the middleman.


Which brings us back to "End Media Bias".

Then the people with the dumb ideas will leave and they will be replaced with people that have ideas that work.
Do feel then that it's the responsibility of the federal bureaucracy to identify Americans by groups and then cater specifically to each?


Government is a delicate balance of helping those who need help.

The Government has no Constitutional obligation to "help" anyone. You are given a Bill of Rights and the opportunity to succeed. That is all you are entitled to.

They have an Constitutional obligation to represent their constituents. If those constituents prefer Congressmen who actually give a shit about them, they will be elected
Government is a delicate balance of helping those who need help.

The Government has no Constitutional obligation to "help" anyone. You are given a Bill of Rights and the opportunity to succeed. That is all you are entitled to.

They have an Constitutional obligation to represent their constituents. If those constituents prefer Congressmen who actually give a shit about them, they will be elected

There is a difference in giving a shit about them ... And giving a shit about their vote.
That's why Democrat Congressmen are great at getting elected and suck at governing ... Because they really don't give a shit about anybody but themselves.

Government is a delicate balance of helping those who need help.

The Government has no Constitutional obligation to "help" anyone. You are given a Bill of Rights and the opportunity to succeed. That is all you are entitled to.

They have an Constitutional obligation to represent their constituents. If those constituents prefer Congressmen who actually give a shit about them, they will be elected

Except the Congressmen are NOT the government :D
as a woman i have a lot of issues with the democratic party and the direction it is taking..sometimes i cannot believe the abuse of women by both parties....its like the democrats are the gropers and the republicans are rapist and those are your options....neither really responds to the needs of their female voters....
This exemplifies the entire problem we have with our country.

People think that the government exists to respond to the needs of various groups of people, when in fact, the federal government is not responsible for people, in general or specifically. They are there to protect and administer the country as a whole.

If you want the needs of women, men, gays, blacks, greens, the six-fingered-southern-Wabach tribes, then look to your State or local governments. Not the Feds.
Government is a delicate balance of helping those who need help.

The Government has no Constitutional obligation to "help" anyone. You are given a Bill of Rights and the opportunity to succeed. That is all you are entitled to.

They have an Constitutional obligation to represent their constituents. If those constituents prefer Congressmen who actually give a shit about them, they will be elected

Faulty premise and illogical conclusion. Does Congress "care" about their constituents by stealing from some to give free shit to others?

Congress helps no one. We the people is our money (or at least the people who pay taxes). Democrats need to stop playing one group off against the others.
When campaigning became more about marketing than expressing a candidate's true ideas and principles ... Is when government became more about merchandising than governing.
If Democrats are willing to accept that they have no principles as long as they can sell a load of crap to someone, at a cost to someone else ... Then demographics are truly just a cheap marketing tool hijacked by the middleman.


Sadly, too many US citizens have fallen for the marketing instead of paying attention to what is actually going on, to whom might be an actual good leader of this nation.
And the rest of us get stuck with crappy presidential candidates like Mr McCain, Mr Romney, Mr Obama and Ms Clinton.
The Government has no Constitutional obligation to "help" anyone. You are given a Bill of Rights and the opportunity to succeed. That is all you are entitled to.

They have an Constitutional obligation to represent their constituents. If those constituents prefer Congressmen who actually give a shit about them, they will be elected

Except the Congressmen are NOT the government :D

They are my representative to the government. If I do not like how I am being represented, they lose my vote

Given that Republicans only give a shit about the wealthy......I see no reason to give them my vote
as a woman i have a lot of issues with the democratic party and the direction it is taking..sometimes i cannot believe the abuse of women by both parties....its like the democrats are the gropers and the republicans are rapist and those are your options....neither really responds to the needs of their female voters....
This exemplifies the entire problem we have with our country.

People think that the government exists to respond to the needs of various groups of people, when in fact, the federal government is not responsible for people, in general or specifically. They are there to protect and administer the country as a whole.

If you want the needs of women, men, gays, blacks, greens, the six-fingered-southern-Wabach tribes, then look to your State or local governments. Not the Feds.

there are some particular needs for certain groups of people. Sometimes those needs overlap.
The need s of women are not abortion and "reproduction rights" which do not exist, but the help in the natural role the woman plays in life - and that will also help men as it will help families.
Neither party is interested in guaranteed maternity leaves and prenatal protection at the workplace. And that is way much more important than abortion anytime, anywhere at any gestational age and on a taxpayers tab.

But that will interfere with big businesses interests and since dimocraps are long time ago bought and paid for by big pockets and Wall street, they will rather distract stupid women in the non-existent direction of "reproduction rights" than let them even start thinking about how to make their dual role easier.

republicans, on the other hand, don't take lead in any initiative recently, just play the reaction defense.
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They have an Constitutional obligation to represent their constituents. If those constituents prefer Congressmen who actually give a shit about them, they will be elected

Except the Congressmen are NOT the government :D

They are my representative to the government. If I do not like how I am being represented, they lose my vote

Given that Republicans only give a shit about the wealthy......I see no reason to give them my vote

That is a false stereotype perpetrated by liberals.
The Government has no Constitutional obligation to "help" anyone. You are given a Bill of Rights and the opportunity to succeed. That is all you are entitled to.

They have an Constitutional obligation to represent their constituents. If those constituents prefer Congressmen who actually give a shit about them, they will be elected

Faulty premise and illogical conclusion. Does Congress "care" about their constituents by stealing from some to give free shit to others?

Congress helps no one. We the people is our money (or at least the people who pay taxes). Democrats need to stop playing one group off against the others.

Republicans don't play one group against the other? Don't be so naive

Rich against the poor
Farmers against city folk
Christians against Jews, Muslims, atheists
Christians against gays

Republucan base
They have an Constitutional obligation to represent their constituents. If those constituents prefer Congressmen who actually give a shit about them, they will be elected

Except the Congressmen are NOT the government :D

They are my representative to the government. If I do not like how I am being represented, they lose my vote

Given that Republicans only give a shit about the wealthy......I see no reason to give them my vote

no, they are not.
they are the legislative branch and the government is an executive branch.
you do not elect "the government" when you elect Congressmen.
You elect the government when you elect the President
Except the Congressmen are NOT the government :D

They are my representative to the government. If I do not like how I am being represented, they lose my vote

Given that Republicans only give a shit about the wealthy......I see no reason to give them my vote

That is a false stereotype perpetrated by liberals.

And republicans could easily refute that stereotype by proving they actually care about working Americans
They can't do it
They have an Constitutional obligation to represent their constituents. If those constituents prefer Congressmen who actually give a shit about them, they will be elected

Faulty premise and illogical conclusion. Does Congress "care" about their constituents by stealing from some to give free shit to others?

Congress helps no one. We the people is our money (or at least the people who pay taxes). Democrats need to stop playing one group off against the others.

Republicans don't play one group against the other? Don't be so naive

Rich against the poor
Farmers against city folk
Christians against Jews, Muslims, atheists
Christians against gays

Republucan base

total bullshit
They have an Constitutional obligation to represent their constituents. If those constituents prefer Congressmen who actually give a shit about them, they will be elected

Except the Congressmen are NOT the government :D

They are my representative to the government. If I do not like how I am being represented, they lose my vote

Given that Republicans only give a shit about the wealthy......I see no reason to give them my vote

Another example of a faulty premise and an illogical conclusion. Obama has increased taxes on the poor and middle class vastly more than Bush ever did. Bush lowered their taxes.

What has Obama done? The medical device tax hits everyone. Poor, middle class, rich...everyone. The ACA is a giant wealth re-distribution scheme that punishes the middle class.

Yet you say the Republicans only care about the wealthy? Where do you come up with this shit? Rachel Maddcow? MSNBC? It is ridiculous.
They are my representative to the government. If I do not like how I am being represented, they lose my vote

Given that Republicans only give a shit about the wealthy......I see no reason to give them my vote

That is a false stereotype perpetrated by liberals.

And republicans could easily refute that stereotype by proving they actually care about working Americans
They can't do it

Specially when you keep your fingers in your ears so you can't hear it.......

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