To the NeverTrumpers....

trump proposal adds 10 trillion to debt in 10 years

clinton proposals add $200 billion to debt over 10 years

scored by independent think tanks
Clinton increased taxes and had stronger growth than Reagan...

No... Clinton raised taxes in '91 and generated a whopping $4 billion in additional tax revenues.... the largest tax increase in history = $4 bil. THEN.... (pay attention) After republicans swept Congress in '94, he came back and LOWERED taxes... generating almost $600 billion in tax revenues.

He did not break Reagan's record for longest period of peacetime prosperity because it all came crashing down under Bush. Reagan STILL holds the record at 127 consecutive months of sustained economic business cycle growth. Clinton didn't surpass it, Bush didn't and Obama hasn't.
It isn't a binary choice. Vote for someone with integrity...Jill Stein.

Sorry you don't understand it but yes... it's a binary choice. On November 9, 2016... Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will be your elected president. Jill Stein has 0% chance of winning.

It's binary thinkers like you who refuse to consider other (and better) choices.
It's binary thinkers like you who refuse to consider other (and better) choices.

It has nothing to do with "binary thinkers" it's just a fact of life.... I don't live in a fantasy world where some weak 3rd party is going to suddenly emerge from the abyss and win the damn election. If you want to act like a 3-year-old and pretend in magic fantasies, that's up to you. Your vote means nothing.... which is probably for the best because you're obviously not mentally mature enough to vote anyway.

Hey, I understand that there are many who aren't going to vote for Hillary or Trump on principle. I might be the same way myself... not sure yet. However, I fully understand that Hillary or Trump will win the election. I am under no delusion that any other candidate has a chance. If I choose to cast my vote for a third party, I realize that will simply be a protest vote and nothing more.
There certainly will be no growth under Trump when he starts his tariffs:
Trump Trade Plan Could Push U.S. into Recession, Study Says
WASHINGTON—Imposing stiff tariffs on China and Mexico, as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has proposed, could push the U.S. into recession and cost 5 million U.S. jobs, according to a study by the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

Okay, so now you're going to completely abandon the arguments you've failed to make and jump on Trump? Look... I agree with you about Trump's proposals! I don't know if I am going to vote for Trump or not at this time. I don't think he will cut the national debt but Hillary sure as hell won't! Go ahead... flood the fucking board with your left-wing hack propaganda sites telling us how great Hillary is and how awful Trump is! The election is almost over... I can make it to Tuesday. You're not going to change my mind about that crooked corrupt bitch, I don't care what you post!

I'm just posting who will obviously be more fiscally responsible. Economists agree with me.
I'm just posting who will obviously be more fiscally responsible. Economists agree with me.

LMAO... yeah... it's "obvious" that a flaming left-wing ideologue who is promising FREE EVERYTHING will somehow balance our budget and reduce the national debt for the first time since Andrew Jackson.

Of course, with Liberal Maths... anything is possible... surpluses while running deficits... balanced budgets that increase the debt... massive tax increases that generate economic prosperity.... it's all possible with Liberal Math! ...1+1=0.... 2+5= -10.... 1.7 is triple while 8 is only double... 4 billion is better than 600 billion... economists and factcheck.lies says so!

...fucking moron!
I'm just posting who will obviously be more fiscally responsible. Economists agree with me.

LMAO... yeah... it's "obvious" that a flaming left-wing ideologue who is promising FREE EVERYTHING will somehow balance our budget and reduce the national debt for the first time since Andrew Jackson.

Of course, with Liberal Maths... anything is possible... surpluses while running deficits... balanced budgets that increase the debt... massive tax increases that generate economic prosperity.... it's all possible with Liberal Math! ...1+1=0.... 2+5= -10.... 1.7 is triple while 8 is only double... 4 billion is better than 600 billion... economists and factcheck.lies says so!

...fucking moron!

Economists disagree with you. He will decrease taxes and put us in a recession with tariffs. Oh and he's going to rebuild the military. Reagan tripled the debt, trump would be similar.
Economists disagree with you. He will decrease taxes and put us in a recession with tariffs. Oh and he's going to rebuild the military. Reagan tripled the debt, trump would be similar.

If he is anything NEAR Reagan, I will be delighted!
If you want to triple the debt he is your guy.

I'll be tickled to death with an 8 year presidency that only increases the debt by $1.7 trillion. Especially when the tax cuts will increase tax revenues by that much or more. That will be splendid indeed!
The #NeverTrump movement may as well be called #ForeverHillary.

Trump will at least attempt to fix our F'd up trade policies with China, and at least enforce immigration laws. All the rest of the media hysteria is just a circus of distraction. They automatically assume Trump is guilty for any allegation thrown his way by any random idiot, yet they look the other way when the FBI is investigating Hillary for her activities which has a mountain of evidence to prove her guilt.

Vote Trump, and put Hillary in prison where she belongs.

You mean he will put tariffs on china and put us into recession? That is a good idea to you? A new tax is going to help us? Tariffs don't work and never have.

It will force companies to manufacture in the US instead of using Chinese slave labor. Tariffs do work. China puts tariffs on US goods going to China in order to protect their own industries. The US already has some 12,000 specific tariffs.

Trump economic plan is rated F. Blasted by independent well know economists and GOPs. Just because it came from Trump doesn't mean its right. Trump economic idea is bad for America. If he is elected get ready for high prices on ALL commodities including health care. Be very careful what you ask for.
The idea of moving manufacturing jobs back to US is nothing but delusional. Labor in America is extremely very high compared to any country. That's the main reason people like me went overseas in the first place.

50 Ways Trump Is Wrong on Trade

Nothing could be more boring to write about. I can hear you snoring already. But if Donald Trump becomes president, you will hear that word a lot. You’ll especially hear it in connection with China.

Tariffs are the taxes placed on imported goods, usually when the other country has done something you don’t like.
Tariffs and taxes have caused wars in the past.
You know all about the Boston Tea Party, which led to the American Revolution. The Brits wanted to tax the colonists’ tea.

Trump, who will accept the Republican Party nomination for president Thursday, has said that he’d like to impose 35 percent to 45 percent tariffs on goods coming into the US from Mexico and China.
A group of reporters from The Post met with Trump a few weeks ago at his self-named tower in Manhattan, and I asked him specifically about the punishment he plans for China.

He didn’t back off the idea of a tariff. The Chinese, he said, want to do business with us and they will pay the tax. I pointed out that it could lead to a trade war — we tax them, they tax us — and then, just to top it off, the Chinese would start stealing more of our technology than they already have.
Trump seemed unfazed. And I hope he’s right to be calm about this.
Donald Trump Would Boost Debt More Than Hillary Clinton, Report Says

A new analysis estimates Hillary Clinton’s tax and spending proposals would have a relatively modest effect on the national debt, while Donald Trump’s fiscal plans would sharply boost deficits and the debt over the next decade.

If you are fiscally responsible, Hillary is the way to go.
Clintonista studies are not worth the horse shit that they are printed with.

According to Trump followers like you which very short sighted that's their opinion. In reality Trump economic plan is nothing but Mickey Mouse and irresponsible blasted all over the place. But people like you it doesn't matter anyway because you are so fascinated with his celebrity status. You may want to do your research.............. Oh I forgot you don't...... everything that comes out from your naziclown pussy grabber is the best you ever heard and perfect.
The same with of his foreign policy.
Donald Trump Would Boost Debt More Than Hillary Clinton, Report Says

A new analysis estimates Hillary Clinton’s tax and spending proposals would have a relatively modest effect on the national debt, while Donald Trump’s fiscal plans would sharply boost deficits and the debt over the next decade.

If you are fiscally responsible, Hillary is the way to go.
Clintonista studies are not worth the horse shit that they are printed with.

According to Trump followers like you which very short sighted that's their opinion. In reality Trump economic plan is nothing but Mickey Mouse and irresponsible blasted all over the place. But people like you it doesn't matter anyway because you are so fascinated with his celebrity status. You may want to do your research.............. Oh I forgot you don't...... everything that comes out from your naziclown pussy grabber is the best you ever heard and perfect.
The same with of his foreign policy.
So says Mr. Yacht avatar.
Donald Trump Would Boost Debt More Than Hillary Clinton, Report Says

A new analysis estimates Hillary Clinton’s tax and spending proposals would have a relatively modest effect on the national debt, while Donald Trump’s fiscal plans would sharply boost deficits and the debt over the next decade.

If you are fiscally responsible, Hillary is the way to go.
Clintonista studies are not worth the horse shit that they are printed with.

According to Trump followers like you which very short sighted that's their opinion. In reality Trump economic plan is nothing but Mickey Mouse and irresponsible blasted all over the place. But people like you it doesn't matter anyway because you are so fascinated with his celebrity status. You may want to do your research.............. Oh I forgot you don't...... everything that comes out from your naziclown pussy grabber is the best you ever heard and perfect.
The same with of his foreign policy.
The #NeverTrump movement may as well be called #ForeverHillary.

Trump will at least attempt to fix our F'd up trade policies with China, and at least enforce immigration laws. All the rest of the media hysteria is just a circus of distraction. They automatically assume Trump is guilty for any allegation thrown his way by any random idiot, yet they look the other way when the FBI is investigating Hillary for her activities which has a mountain of evidence to prove her guilt.

Vote Trump, and put Hillary in prison where she belongs.

You mean he will put tariffs on china and put us into recession? That is a good idea to you? A new tax is going to help us? Tariffs don't work and never have.

It will force companies to manufacture in the US instead of using Chinese slave labor. Tariffs do work. China puts tariffs on US goods going to China in order to protect their own industries. The US already has some 12,000 specific tariffs.

Trump economic plan is rated F. Blasted by independent well know economists and GOPs. Just because it came from Trump doesn't mean its right. Trump economic idea is bad for America. If he is elected get ready for high prices on ALL commodities including health care. Be very careful what you ask for.
The idea of moving manufacturing jobs back to US is nothing but delusional. Labor in America is extremely very high compared to any country. That's the main reason people like me went overseas in the first place.

Trump’s love of tariffs may be the wrong move | New York Post

50 Ways Trump Is Wrong on Trade

Nothing could be more boring to write about. I can hear you snoring already. But if Donald Trump becomes president, you will hear that word a lot. You’ll especially hear it in connection with China.

Tariffs are the taxes placed on imported goods, usually when the other country has done something you don’t like.
Tariffs and taxes have caused wars in the past.
You know all about the Boston Tea Party, which led to the American Revolution. The Brits wanted to tax the colonists’ tea.

Trump, who will accept the Republican Party nomination for president Thursday, has said that he’d like to impose 35 percent to 45 percent tariffs on goods coming into the US from Mexico and China.
A group of reporters from The Post met with Trump a few weeks ago at his self-named tower in Manhattan, and I asked him specifically about the punishment he plans for China.

He didn’t back off the idea of a tariff. The Chinese, he said, want to do business with us and they will pay the tax. I pointed out that it could lead to a trade war — we tax them, they tax us — and then, just to top it off, the Chinese would start stealing more of our technology than they already have.
Trump seemed unfazed. And I hope he’s right to be calm about this.

I have to say, I am not a big fan of Trump's trade policy ideas but it's mainly because he has failed to lay out specifics. He just says he will apply tariffs and we already apply tariffs to over 12,000 products. It's like when people clamor to "cut loopholes" but they fail to say which ones they want to do away with. Or "get money out of politics" but they don't say how we can do that without limiting freedom of speech. It's an easy thing to say but where are the specifics?

That said, you guys are doing yourselves NO favors with this incessant whining and moaning about his trade policies. It sounds like you just don't have much confidence that anything will work and we may as well just give up. It's your kind of defeatist attitude that, frankly, I think most of America is sick of.
Donald Trump Would Boost Debt More Than Hillary Clinton, Report Says

A new analysis estimates Hillary Clinton’s tax and spending proposals would have a relatively modest effect on the national debt, while Donald Trump’s fiscal plans would sharply boost deficits and the debt over the next decade.

If you are fiscally responsible, Hillary is the way to go.
Clintonista studies are not worth the horse shit that they are printed with.

According to Trump followers like you which very short sighted that's their opinion. In reality Trump economic plan is nothing but Mickey Mouse and irresponsible blasted all over the place. But people like you it doesn't matter anyway because you are so fascinated with his celebrity status. You may want to do your research.............. Oh I forgot you don't...... everything that comes out from your naziclown pussy grabber is the best you ever heard and perfect.
The same with of his foreign policy.
View attachment 96729

More violence........ Exactly the leader we need. That's sad.
The #NeverTrump movement may as well be called #ForeverHillary.

Trump will at least attempt to fix our F'd up trade policies with China, and at least enforce immigration laws. All the rest of the media hysteria is just a circus of distraction. They automatically assume Trump is guilty for any allegation thrown his way by any random idiot, yet they look the other way when the FBI is investigating Hillary for her activities which has a mountain of evidence to prove her guilt.

Vote Trump, and put Hillary in prison where she belongs.

You mean he will put tariffs on china and put us into recession? That is a good idea to you? A new tax is going to help us? Tariffs don't work and never have.

It will force companies to manufacture in the US instead of using Chinese slave labor. Tariffs do work. China puts tariffs on US goods going to China in order to protect their own industries. The US already has some 12,000 specific tariffs.

Trump economic plan is rated F. Blasted by independent well know economists and GOPs. Just because it came from Trump doesn't mean its right. Trump economic idea is bad for America. If he is elected get ready for high prices on ALL commodities including health care. Be very careful what you ask for.
The idea of moving manufacturing jobs back to US is nothing but delusional. Labor in America is extremely very high compared to any country. That's the main reason people like me went overseas in the first place.

Trump’s love of tariffs may be the wrong move | New York Post

50 Ways Trump Is Wrong on Trade

Nothing could be more boring to write about. I can hear you snoring already. But if Donald Trump becomes president, you will hear that word a lot. You’ll especially hear it in connection with China.

Tariffs are the taxes placed on imported goods, usually when the other country has done something you don’t like.
Tariffs and taxes have caused wars in the past.
You know all about the Boston Tea Party, which led to the American Revolution. The Brits wanted to tax the colonists’ tea.

Trump, who will accept the Republican Party nomination for president Thursday, has said that he’d like to impose 35 percent to 45 percent tariffs on goods coming into the US from Mexico and China.
A group of reporters from The Post met with Trump a few weeks ago at his self-named tower in Manhattan, and I asked him specifically about the punishment he plans for China.

He didn’t back off the idea of a tariff. The Chinese, he said, want to do business with us and they will pay the tax. I pointed out that it could lead to a trade war — we tax them, they tax us — and then, just to top it off, the Chinese would start stealing more of our technology than they already have.
Trump seemed unfazed. And I hope he’s right to be calm about this.

I have to say, I am not a big fan of Trump's trade policy ideas but it's mainly because he has failed to lay out specifics. He just says he will apply tariffs and we already apply tariffs to over 12,000 products. It's like when people clamor to "cut loopholes" but they fail to say which ones they want to do away with. Or "get money out of politics" but they don't say how we can do that without limiting freedom of speech. It's an easy thing to say but where are the specifics?

That said, you guys are doing yourselves NO favors with this incessant whining and moaning about his trade policies. It sounds like you just don't have much confidence that anything will work and we may as well just give up. It's your kind of defeatist attitude that, frankly, I think most of America is sick of.

Agree. That's correct but I prefer stability with steady hands. Not tearing this country apart with lots of false promises. Trump is far worse than Hillary in handling economic and foreign policy.
The #NeverTrump movement may as well be called #ForeverHillary.

Trump will at least attempt to fix our F'd up trade policies with China, and at least enforce immigration laws. All the rest of the media hysteria is just a circus of distraction. They automatically assume Trump is guilty for any allegation thrown his way by any random idiot, yet they look the other way when the FBI is investigating Hillary for her activities which has a mountain of evidence to prove her guilt.

Vote Trump, and put Hillary in prison where she belongs.

You mean he will put tariffs on china and put us into recession? That is a good idea to you? A new tax is going to help us? Tariffs don't work and never have.

It will force companies to manufacture in the US instead of using Chinese slave labor. Tariffs do work. China puts tariffs on US goods going to China in order to protect their own industries. The US already has some 12,000 specific tariffs.

Trump economic plan is rated F. Blasted by independent well know economists and GOPs. Just because it came from Trump doesn't mean its right. Trump economic idea is bad for America. If he is elected get ready for high prices on ALL commodities including health care. Be very careful what you ask for.
The idea of moving manufacturing jobs back to US is nothing but delusional. Labor in America is extremely very high compared to any country. That's the main reason people like me went overseas in the first place.

50 Ways Trump Is Wrong on Trade

Nothing could be more boring to write about. I can hear you snoring already. But if Donald Trump becomes president, you will hear that word a lot. You’ll especially hear it in connection with China.

Tariffs are the taxes placed on imported goods, usually when the other country has done something you don’t like.
Tariffs and taxes have caused wars in the past.
You know all about the Boston Tea Party, which led to the American Revolution. The Brits wanted to tax the colonists’ tea.

Trump, who will accept the Republican Party nomination for president Thursday, has said that he’d like to impose 35 percent to 45 percent tariffs on goods coming into the US from Mexico and China.
A group of reporters from The Post met with Trump a few weeks ago at his self-named tower in Manhattan, and I asked him specifically about the punishment he plans for China.

He didn’t back off the idea of a tariff. The Chinese, he said, want to do business with us and they will pay the tax. I pointed out that it could lead to a trade war — we tax them, they tax us — and then, just to top it off, the Chinese would start stealing more of our technology than they already have.
Trump seemed unfazed. And I hope he’s right to be calm about this.

What a surprise, the establishment says it won't work. They tell you "we must send jobs overseas" and you believe. Clearly the leftists only care about the bottom line for corporations, and care nothing about the employees and workers in the US.

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