Tonights Debate live 6-27-24

Who won the debate tonight?

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Trump's claim is also false even when evaluating the unemployment rate. In February 2020, a month before the COVID pandemic affected the economy, the unemployment rate stood at 3.5% — which was the lowest since December 1969 — but not the lowest ever. When Trump's term ended, the unemployment rate was 6.3%.

In 1953, the unemployment rate fell as low as 2.5%. Under Mr. Biden, the unemployment rate is 4%, according to the most recent data from May 2024.

In January 2023 and again in April 2023, the unemployment rate was 3.4%, lower than the best month during Trump's term.

Trump claims he did not refer to U.S. soldiers who were killed as "suckers and losers": False​

Trump: "First of all, that was a made-up quote. 'Suckers and losers,' they made it up."

Details: Current and former U.S. military service members have detailed to CBS News multiple instances when Trump made disparaging remarks about members of the U.S. military who were captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisle-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as "losers" and "suckers."

A senior Defense Department official and a former U.S. Marine Corps officer with direct knowledge of what was said detailed how Trump said he did not want to visit the cemetery because it was "filled with losers." These accounts were backed independently by two other officials — a former senior U.S. Army officer and a separate, former senior U.S. Marine Corps officer.

In another conversation on the trip, Trump referred to the 1,800 Marines who died in the World War I battle of Belleau Wood as "suckers" for getting killed. The Atlantic was first to report Trump's comments in 2020. His former chief of staff John Kelly later confirmed to CNN the essence of what Trump had said.
What did Trump lie about? Repeatedly.
Iran was nowhere near broke FALSE
Biden to blame for the indictment FALSE
We now have the largest deficit in the history of our country. FALSE that was 2020.
Biden wants to raise your taxes by 4 times. FALSE
Trump really did say there were very fine people on both sides in Charlettesville
Trump has repeatedly supported repeal of Affordable care act
Trump said Biden called Black Americans “super predators.” FALSE
Trump told the lie about failing to call the National Guard, no member of Congress has the authority to call out the National Guard anywhere, including Washington, DC
Trump lied about calling out the Guard in Minnesota. FALSE That was the Governor of Minnesota
Trump said Bidens job growth was illegal aliens and bounce back jobs. FALSE The jobs have overwhelmingly been to native born Americans, plus foreign born on working visa, not illegal aliens. Plus total employment pass pre-Covid employment in June of 2022 and has added over 6 million since then
Trump claimed he left Biden the most safest border in history. False The spike started in 2020, but admittedly Joe made it a hell of a lot worse.
Trump repeated his claim that Dem policies allow killing babies outside the womb after being born. FALSE
Trump said all legal scholars want Roe v Wade overturned. FALSE, patently FALSE
Trump said he had the greatest economy history. FALSE GDP followed the Obama curve and nowhere near the Biden curve
Trump says Biden allowing criminal and mental patients in. FALSE Feds have arrested over a hundred thousand criminal aliens at the border and inside the country and it is unlikely the criminals are coming through ports of entry.
Trump touted his greatest tax cut in history. FALSE He comes in at #4 since 1940
Biden said “we finally beat Medicare”. Jesus Christ, Trump is murdering him.

I know, I just finished watching it myself.

It’s embarrassing

Are you finally waking up there? You actually said something useful for once.

Trump is behaving incredibly calm and he’s direct and straightforward with his points. Such an incredible change from 2020

So you're admitting it now? No more TDS from you and you're going to start acting like a regular person from now on?

Trump is slightly better, slightly.

Only slightly?

Biden looks sick with shame at what he did to this country...

Yeah, but it only appears that way.

It's a great day for America

No kidding as Joe just got exposed and Trump's going to win this election for sure now unless the left gets a new candidate.

Something is very strange. Biden has a flat effect.

What else is new?

Biden is clearly reading notes.

Or has an earpiece.

Biden is going down faster than Michael Jackson on a nine-year-old

LOL okay I'm actually starting to like you now. 😂

Gavin Newsom watching this debate right now

View attachment 968453

What debate? All I saw was a bloodbath.

my debate feed just cut off

Yeah, I noticed that there were a lot of technical difficulties tonight. 😕

I never thought I would agree with that statement.

Me neither but for a totally different reason than you.

Biden: "There was no inflation when I took office."

Uhhhh.... you just admitted you are the cause of the inflation today.

Yeah he doesn't stand a chance as not even fraud can help him this time.

Biden‘s facial expressions are absolutely devastating

No, not really. I was enjoying every minute of it. 😁

Honestly, it is brutal watching Biden.

No it isn't. 😏

Is he reading notes? He keeps looking down.

Well he had to be getting his information somewhere.

Trump is on point and actually relaxed, for him.

Yeah, because he's killing it up there. How embarrassing for the left though. Good thing that they had those commercials to cut to.

Look at Doped Up *Joes eyes now. Wow.

Bloodshot aren't they?

Hey Dana, he already answered that question. Move on

I know, that really annoyed me.

Dem's how about 3 more Biden debates, deal?

Why? I'm pretty sure that we only needed one to guarantee Trump the winner of this election.

If I were trump I would not have another debate

Me neither.

Yep. Joe killed it.

Whatever dignity that he had left?

NBC is reporting that so far no one from the biden team as come out to defend his performance

Gee, I wonder why. 🤔

You might be right.

Just might be? Did we watch the same debate?

We should be asking now. Who the hell voted for crooked joe??

I don't know, why don't you go start polling the cemeteries?

No. Biden's policies, when he could get them out of his mouth were better,

What policies?


That's a definite no!


Exactly as Harris isn't any better.


Oh yeah Biden's not totally jacked up. 🤣
Biden is a good man.

In what universe?
READ my thread......Who replaces Joe Biden.

Trump polls are better against Newsom than they are with Biden .


Trump claims "we had the greatest economy in the history of our country": False​

Trump: "We had the greatest economy in the history of our country. And we have never done so well. Every- everybody was amazed by it. Other countries were copying us."

Details: Trump's claim is false that during his presidency the U.S. had the greatest economy in the history of the country by many of the common metrics used to judge economic performance. The claim struggles when looking at GDP. If the 2020 pandemic is excluded, growth after inflation under Trump averaged 2.67%, according to figures from the World Bank. This is far from the GDP growth under Democratic President Bill Clinton of 4%, according to World Bank data. Including the time period after COVID spread, that average drops to 1.45%.
Run on that!
Iran was nowhere near broke FALSE
Biden to blame for the indictment FALSE
We now have the largest deficit in the history of our country. FALSE that was 2020.
Biden wants to raise your taxes by 4 times. FALSE
Trump really did say there were very fine people on both sides in Charlettesville
Trump has repeatedly supported repeal of Affordable care act
Trump said Biden called Black Americans “super predators.” FALSE
Trump told the lie about failing to call the National Guard, no member of Congress has the authority to call out the National Guard anywhere, including Washington, DC
Trump lied about calling out the Guard in Minnesota. FALSE That was the Governor of Minnesota
Trump said Bidens job growth was illegal aliens and bounce back jobs. FALSE The jobs have overwhelmingly been to native born Americans, plus foreign born on working visa, not illegal aliens. Plus total employment pass pre-Covid employment in June of 2022 and has added over 6 million since then
Trump claimed he left Biden the most safest border in history. False The spike started in 2020, but admittedly Joe made it a hell of a lot worse.
Trump repeated his claim that Dem policies allow killing babies outside the womb after being born. FALSE
Trump said all legal scholars want Roe v Wade overturned. FALSE, patently FALSE
Trump said he had the greatest economy history. FALSE GDP followed the Obama curve and nowhere near the Biden curve
Trump says Biden allowing criminal and mental patients in. FALSE Feds have arrested over a hundred thousand criminal aliens at the border and inside the country and it is unlikely the criminals are coming through ports of entry.
Trump touted his greatest tax cut in history. FALSE He comes in at #4 since 1940
Wasted time. Doped Up *Joe is toast.

Trump’s Odds of Winning Election Surges to New High on PredictIt Market in First HOUR of Debate​

Democrats are in panic mode.
Van Jones leads the team as "Brutus" in the take down of Biden and his performance tonight.

Lefties are starting to sweat.

He still sucks. He sucked in 2016, too, an so much so, he lost in 2020. He is unfit for office and a danger to our democratic representative republic.

Yeah but Trump just crushed him into dust.

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