Trans "Woman" Kicked Out of Gym


Tweet and incident is from Canada....Vancouver... Parksville, not in the Usa.
Like many who fall prey to gender panic, this person seems depressed and vulnerable, which is very sad. If we were a better society, we would tell him that pretending he is a woman is not going to help.

What a lovely young woman -- such a pretty thing with her lovely soprano type voice .

She says she was devastated .

Perhaps we could fix that for her .

He is free to live however he chooses, of course. But we are not obligated to play along. Increasingly, I'm inclined not to--not only because it's dishonest, but it's actively harming vulnerable people.
Like many who fall prey to gender panic, this person seems depressed and vulnerable, which is very sad. If we were a better society, we would tell him that pretending he is a woman is not going to help.

First thing i was say to this person is, you are fat and need to get on a GOLO diet. Then come back when you are 50 lbs lighter, you might feel better also.

Tweet and incident is from Canada....Vancouver... Parksville, not in the Usa.

Pardon me, but did I miss something? I didn't see anywhere that it stated this happened in the USA.

But more on topic, now all that a man has to do to have hot and cold running naked women is put on a wig and "identify".

Especially a man that no actual woman would touch in a million years.

Pretty sick.

This is not also happening in the USA?

Imagine ANY parent being comfortable with your teen daughter joining this gym, where she THINKS she will be safe from pervy men, only to have this man walk in.

I'm not certain this person would be harming anyone but, I would not want to have him/her in the ladies locker room with my teen daughter, or with me.

If he/she were someone who had gone through the physical surgery to change his sex, the pee pee whacked, then I would likely think differently....
Oh, he was "devastated?" "No other word for it?"

The fact that the gym was women only is what prompted him to try that stunt. Kudos to the gym for not bowing to his wishes. I hope he loses the lawsuit that he has engineered and winds up with they gym's legal bills.

Tweet and incident is from Canada....Vancouver... Parksville, not in the Usa.


The land of inane "tolerance" to Muslims murdering on the streets? Where the government incarcerates parents for interfering with schools telling their kids to have sex surgeries? The government using Naziesque "healthcare" programs to kill anybody over 30, and where the government PAYS for their military to have sex surgeries??????

No! Can't be!!!!
Oh, he was "devastated?" "No other word for it?"

The fact that the gym was women only is what prompted him to try that stunt. Kudos to the gym for not bowing to his wishes. I hope he loses the lawsuit that he has engineered and winds up with they gym's legal bills.

If it's Canada though, HE ............sorry, IT will win.
But we are not obligated to play along

yet that is exactly what we're told to do, or we're bigots Sue

consider the alphabet soup now in vouge>>>

IE> being PC these days is to obfuscate , by way of changing our language to disguise gender (making us enablers to play along)

VS the old 'gay pride' sorts that were all about identifying themselves as what they were

I disagree with that completely.


It's one thing to THINK you are something you are not. Most people don't give a rats ass what you THINK you are.

But...........when you start SHOVING IT DOWN OTHER PEOPLES THROATS.........THEN you're gonna have a problem!!

These pervs and pedophiles are given free reign to "identify" as anything they want now, so they don't have any restrictions on the heinous atrocities they have in mind for raping women and little kids..........or WORSE!!!

Somebody who ACTUALLY thinks they are female in a male body is NOT going to be shoving it in peoples faces, or down peoples throats! They are going to LIVE as they believe, and if somebody doesn't accept it, fine, thats THEIR perogative.
THAT is how you tell the difference between the psychopatic LIARS and DEGENERATES and the REAL, TRUE people that actually ARE who they believe they are!!

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