Transgender 1st Grader Wins Civil Rights Case...

^those people didn't choose to be gay. They choose to have sex with people of the same sex, but they didn't choose their orientation. No one does. Anyone who suggests otherwise is an idiot.

Prove it with hard scientific data or admit that that you cannot prove it because you have no conclusive evidence.

Please note, if people saying something counts as hard evidence I can prove God exists and that miracles occur everyday. All I am asking is that you apply the same standards to claims about choice, or the lack thereof, that you do to the existence of God.

I don't need to prove it. I am proof and you are proof - you never chose your attraction to women, did you? It was something that was always there, that came naturally. Same with genuine homosexuals. Their orientation is as much a part of them as their hair or eye color.

Are you saying that people who say they have chosen their sexual orientation are lying? I'm trying to understand what you mean by 'genuine homosexuals'.

If there ARE people who have chosen their orientation, or if there ARE people who's orientation has changed during their lives without conscious choice, what are they?

What makes the idea that environmental factors might play a part in orientation so impossible to accept? I can understand that a conscious choice to change orientation seems difficult, at best. But we change many of our tastes and desires over the course of our lives. Within the same orientation a person may have a great degree of change in a lifetime. Why not a shift to a different orientation?
^those people didn't choose to be gay. They choose to have sex with people of the same sex, but they didn't choose their orientation. No one does. Anyone who suggests otherwise is an idiot.

Prove it with hard scientific data or admit that that you cannot prove it because you have no conclusive evidence.

Please note, if people saying something counts as hard evidence I can prove God exists and that miracles occur everyday. All I am asking is that you apply the same standards to claims about choice, or the lack thereof, that you do to the existence of God.

I don't need to prove it. I am proof and you are proof - you never chose your attraction to women, did you? It was something that was always there, that came naturally. Same with genuine homosexuals. Their orientation is as much a part of them as their hair or eye color.

What's the difference between "genuine" homosexuals and the fake ones?

People choose their eye and heir color all the time, by-the-way.
Prove it with hard scientific data or admit that that you cannot prove it because you have no conclusive evidence.

Please note, if people saying something counts as hard evidence I can prove God exists and that miracles occur everyday. All I am asking is that you apply the same standards to claims about choice, or the lack thereof, that you do to the existence of God.

I don't need to prove it. I am proof and you are proof - you never chose your attraction to women, did you? It was something that was always there, that came naturally. Same with genuine homosexuals. Their orientation is as much a part of them as their hair or eye color.

Are you saying that people who say they have chosen their sexual orientation are lying? I'm trying to understand what you mean by 'genuine homosexuals'.

If there ARE people who have chosen their orientation, or if there ARE people who's orientation has changed during their lives without conscious choice, what are they?

What makes the idea that environmental factors might play a part in orientation so impossible to accept? I can understand that a conscious choice to change orientation seems difficult, at best. But we change many of our tastes and desires over the course of our lives. Within the same orientation a person may have a great degree of change in a lifetime. Why not a shift to a different orientation?

I had to say 'genuine' homosexuals to denote those people who don't insist they 'chose' to be gay. No one chooses to be homosexual. You choose who you have sex with, not who you are attracted to.
Prove it with hard scientific data or admit that that you cannot prove it because you have no conclusive evidence.

Please note, if people saying something counts as hard evidence I can prove God exists and that miracles occur everyday. All I am asking is that you apply the same standards to claims about choice, or the lack thereof, that you do to the existence of God.

I don't need to prove it. I am proof and you are proof - you never chose your attraction to women, did you? It was something that was always there, that came naturally. Same with genuine homosexuals. Their orientation is as much a part of them as their hair or eye color.

What's the difference between "genuine" homosexuals and the fake ones?

People choose their eye and heir color all the time, by-the-way.

I explained in the post above.

People are born with a certain color hair and eyes - and changing eye and hair color is done by artificial means. Its not the same as 'changing' orientation.
Still no evidence to support the claim the parents forced this kid to be a girl against the kid's will.
Accordingly any rational and observant person believes that the reason the parents allowed this is because the child believes he is living in a girls' body.
Where is proof the parents forced him to do it?
Still no evidence to support the claim the parents forced this kid to be a girl against the kid's will.
Accordingly any rational and observant person believes that the reason the parents allowed this is because the child believes he is living in a girls' body.
Where is proof the parents forced him to do it?

The Parents started dressing the Boy as a Girl @ 18 months... That's what they admit to.

That's Fucking Child Abuse... :thup:

What has Followed with the Parading of th 6-year-old at Gay Events is just Futher Abuse.

Fuck them and Fuck People who Excuse this shit.


I don't need to prove it. I am proof and you are proof - you never chose your attraction to women, did you? It was something that was always there, that came naturally. Same with genuine homosexuals. Their orientation is as much a part of them as their hair or eye color.

What's the difference between "genuine" homosexuals and the fake ones?

People choose their eye and heir color all the time, by-the-way.

I explained in the post above.

People are born with a certain color hair and eyes - and changing eye and hair color is done by artificial means. Its not the same as 'changing' orientation.

People change hair and eye color because they want to be some other shade...kind of like transgender people want to be something they were not born to be, even going as far as to have mutilating surgeries. It's what you choose, or in the case of the original OP, what is chosen for you, as the parents chose for this boy to be a 'girl'. Kid'll probably wish his parents wanted a red head if he ever realizes whatnthey've done to him.
Still no evidence to support the claim the parents forced this kid to be a girl against the kid's will.
Accordingly any rational and observant person believes that the reason the parents allowed this is because the child believes he is living in a girls' body.
Where is proof the parents forced him to do it?

Like a toddler has the ability to stand up to his parents'? Kids this age don't have a whole lot of choice, or free will.
Still no evidence to support the claim the parents forced this kid to be a girl against the kid's will.
Accordingly any rational and observant person believes that the reason the parents allowed this is because the child believes he is living in a girls' body.
Where is proof the parents forced him to do it?

You are right that there is no proof the parents forced him to live as a girl.

However, I think you are wrong that it means any rational and observant person believes it is therefore entirely based on what the child thinks.

As others have said, an 18 month old child is unlikely to have very strong gender identity feelings or to be able to articulate those feelings. An 18 month old usually does not dress themselves or choose what clothes are bought for them. So the parents at the very least would seem to have been very quick to take whatever signs of gender identity issues were there and run with them.

To be fair, the details are pretty scarce. That very scarcity means, IMO, that no rational or observant person should feel sure they know what went on with this family.
^those people didn't choose to be gay. They choose to have sex with people of the same sex, but they didn't choose their orientation. No one does. Anyone who suggests otherwise is an idiot.

Prove it with hard scientific data or admit that that you cannot prove it because you have no conclusive evidence.

Please note, if people saying something counts as hard evidence I can prove God exists and that miracles occur everyday. All I am asking is that you apply the same standards to claims about choice, or the lack thereof, that you do to the existence of God.

I don't need to prove it. I am proof and you are proof - you never chose your attraction to women, did you? It was something that was always there, that came naturally. Same with genuine homosexuals. Their orientation is as much a part of them as their hair or eye color.

The only thing I am proof of is that I have free will.
Prove it with hard scientific data or admit that that you cannot prove it because you have no conclusive evidence.

Please note, if people saying something counts as hard evidence I can prove God exists and that miracles occur everyday. All I am asking is that you apply the same standards to claims about choice, or the lack thereof, that you do to the existence of God.

I don't need to prove it. I am proof and you are proof - you never chose your attraction to women, did you? It was something that was always there, that came naturally. Same with genuine homosexuals. Their orientation is as much a part of them as their hair or eye color.


One is not required to ‘prove’ his sexual orientation is ‘naturally occurring,’ as he is free to chose to live his life as he sees fit, unfettered by social or governmental dictates.

Nice to see you finally getting something right and agreeing with me.
Still no evidence to support the claim the parents forced this kid to be a girl against the kid's will.
Accordingly any rational and observant person believes that the reason the parents allowed this is because the child believes he is living in a girls' body.
Where is proof the parents forced him to do it?

I am waiting for the evidence that this kid actually know enough to think he was a girl at 18 months. Until you come up with that the only reasonable conclusion is that the parents lied about detail. If they lied about that, what else are they lying about, or doing to influence his decisions?
Still no evidence to support the claim the parents forced this kid to be a girl against the kid's will.
Accordingly any rational and observant person believes that the reason the parents allowed this is because the child believes he is living in a girls' body.
Where is proof the parents forced him to do it?

I am waiting for the evidence that this kid actually know enough to think he was a girl at 18 months. Until you come up with that the only reasonable conclusion is that the parents lied about detail. If they lied about that, what else are they lying about, or doing to influence his decisions?

If it the same kid they featured in People, you should read the article. It is from her point of view.
Still no evidence to support the claim the parents forced this kid to be a girl against the kid's will.
Accordingly any rational and observant person believes that the reason the parents allowed this is because the child believes he is living in a girls' body.
Where is proof the parents forced him to do it?

You are right that there is no proof the parents forced him to live as a girl.

However, I think you are wrong that it means any rational and observant person believes it is therefore entirely based on what the child thinks.

As others have said, an 18 month old child is unlikely to have very strong gender identity feelings or to be able to articulate those feelings. An 18 month old usually does not dress themselves or choose what clothes are bought for them. So the parents at the very least would seem to have been very quick to take whatever signs of gender identity issues were there and run with them.

To be fair, the details are pretty scarce. That very scarcity means, IMO, that no rational or observant person should feel sure they know what went on with this family.

Remind me to posrep you for this the next time we get into an argument/discussion.
All the article said is she started expressing her views at 18 months. When did they actually start dressing her as a girl?
My Little niece by two was picking out clothes, and was obsessed with shoes.
Still no evidence to support the claim the parents forced this kid to be a girl against the kid's will.
Accordingly any rational and observant person believes that the reason the parents allowed this is because the child believes he is living in a girls' body.
Where is proof the parents forced him to do it?

You are right that there is no proof the parents forced him to live as a girl.

However, I think you are wrong that it means any rational and observant person believes it is therefore entirely based on what the child thinks.

As others have said, an 18 month old child is unlikely to have very strong gender identity feelings or to be able to articulate those feelings. An 18 month old usually does not dress themselves or choose what clothes are bought for them. So the parents at the very least would seem to have been very quick to take whatever signs of gender identity issues were there and run with them.

To be fair, the details are pretty scarce. That very scarcity means, IMO, that no rational or observant person should feel sure they know what went on with this family.

Remind me to posrep you for this the next time we get into an argument/discussion.

The thought is what matters to me, thanks. :)
All the article said is she started expressing her views at 18 months. When did they actually start dressing her as a girl?
My Little niece by two was picking out clothes, and was obsessed with shoes.

We suspect my cousin is gay.
When he was a child, around three to around to age of seven, he loved the color pink. He had pink gumboots and his mother even bought him pink night gowns to wear.
He is around 16 now and the suspicion he is gay is still there. Some might think his parents encouraged him by allowing him to wear nightgowns, but I think he's always been that way, at the age of three he was just expressing who he was.
All the article said is she started expressing her views at 18 months. When did they actually start dressing her as a girl?
My Little niece by two was picking out clothes, and was obsessed with shoes.

We suspect my cousin is gay.
When he was a child, around three to around to age of seven, he loved the color pink. He had pink gumboots and his mother even bought him pink night gowns to wear.
He is around 16 now and the suspicion he is gay is still there. Some might think his parents encouraged him by allowing him to wear nightgowns, but I think he's always been that way, at the age of three he was just expressing who he was.

I have a very large family. 10 married in laws with 31 kids and 17 grandkids. Add in my cousins and my wife's cousins and their extended families and we count over 20 kids and over a dozen grandkids.
One of the boys, an athletic kid all the way through high school, came out when he was 11 to his family yet did not come out to his friends until the last few months of high school.
You wold not know he is gay by speaking with him.Another of the young men that is a nephew is age 30 and closeted. Sort of weird because his parents would both accept him. One of the girls came out in high school and another one after college.
Another of the grandkids who is early 20s acts gay and talks gay, joined the Air Force a few years ago but has always dated girls. He just has a feminine sounding voice so who knows.
And who really cares? No one made any of them gay or straight.
All the article said is she started expressing her views at 18 months. When did they actually start dressing her as a girl?
My Little niece by two was picking out clothes, and was obsessed with shoes.

They began having issues in public as early as Pre-K and Kindergarten because they were dressing him as a girl.

I wonder what kind of coin they will settle for in their Lawsuit?... :dunno:

I know things about these people and this case that I can't document here.

They are REALLY Creepy fucking people. :thup:



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