Translating the doublespeak from liberals

when you're perched over there sitting next to Mao, Stalin, Lenin and Marx; everything else seems to be on the "far right"

idiots and hypocrites

When you idolize Timothy McVeigh and David Duke, everyone else will seem far left.

bush had Mcveigh executed

when you just pull stuff out of your ass you might be a left-wing loser

You must have had extreme conflict that your hero was killed by your other hero.
Whenever you hear the word "freedom" from conservatives, that means freedom for big business to do as they please, not for the average person.

Whenever you hear the term "personal responsibility", that means everyone else should be responsible, not them.

Whenever you hear the term "small government" that doesn't include the military or anything they directly benefit from.

Whenever you hear the term "mooching poor" that refers to all the other poor people, not themselves. They are poor too, but not a part of the "moochers".

Bullshit argument. Not rooted in fact at all.
Your post is your perception. Your comfort zone.
BTW, WE ALL benefit from spending on the military.
The fact that we have a strong armed forces allows you the ability to have your opinions and perceptions heard.

LOL, "not rooted in fact at all" he says. So we don't have the largest military budget in the world by far? Conservatives are ok with reducing the size of that budget?

You inbreds make this too easy.
I guess you didn't actually read the long winded rant in the OP. I don't blame you. Here's the funny part I was referring to

Crazy, right!??

I got a laugh out of it too.

That's a fail. No one thinks Obama or Obamacare is going to take their home just because.
Your inability to read is legend in these parts.

Clementine believes it. True Story. Ask him.

Better the first post of this thread. It's some real tin foil hat shit.

First of all, I am a 'she.' Second, that language is in the law and people are going to lose their homes when they are forced onto Medicaid. Without home health care, many will no longer be able to stay home and receive care. That means nursing home. That means states have the right to take houses. Obama pushed for Obamacare for months. It sounds like you are saying he had no clue as to what was in the law. It's his signature legislation. He knows who wrote it. Did they do so without any input from him? Are you saying that no one, at any time, discussed this with him? There wasn't a clear purpose for everything in the law? He is totally clueless????

Obama signed the bill into law and by doing so took complete responsibility for everything in it. If the law allows states to confiscate homes for patients on Medicaid who end up in nursing homes, is he or isn't he the man behind the confiscation when it happens? Or do you not hold him responsible for anything he does?
Whenever you hear the word "freedom" from conservatives, that means freedom for big business to do as they please, not for the average person.

Whenever you hear the term "personal responsibility", that means everyone else should be responsible, not them.

Whenever you hear the term "small government" that doesn't include the military or anything they directly benefit from.

Whenever you hear the term "mooching poor" that refers to all the other poor people, not themselves. They are poor too, but not a part of the "moochers".

Bullshit argument. Not rooted in fact at all.
Your post is your perception. Your comfort zone.
BTW, WE ALL benefit from spending on the military.
The fact that we have a strong armed forces allows you the ability to have your opinions and perceptions heard.

LOL, "not rooted in fact at all" he says. So we don't have the largest military budget in the world by far? Conservatives are ok with reducing the size of that budget?

You inbreds make this too easy.

it's already been reduced leftard. the only one making things easy is you making a fool of yourself

and it's been pointed out to you that the military and defense spending is a better bargain than increasing the welfare state for votes

idiots and hypocrites
you mean like the Left and their inept Messiah constantly delaying their healthcare they insisted more than 30 million desperate Americans were waiting, even dying for? all to get them past the next elections?
that kind of denying core beliefs?

Actually, it's nothing like that at all. But good try!

actually it's exactly like that; but great self-deception dolt

Let me check again....

....nope, definitely is nothing like that at all. But you wear a name tag to work, so your slowness is excused.
Whenever you hear the word "freedom" from conservatives, that means freedom for big business to do as they please, not for the average person.

Whenever you hear the term "personal responsibility", that means everyone else should be responsible, not them.

Whenever you hear the term "small government" that doesn't include the military or anything they directly benefit from.

Whenever you hear the term "mooching poor" that refers to all the other poor people, not themselves. They are poor too, but not a part of the "moochers".

Bullshit argument. Not rooted in fact at all.
Your post is your perception. Your comfort zone.
BTW, WE ALL benefit from spending on the military.
The fact that we have a strong armed forces allows you the ability to have your opinions and perceptions heard.

LOL, "not rooted in fact at all" he says. So we don't have the largest military budget in the world by far? Conservatives are ok with reducing the size of that budget?

You inbreds make this too easy.

The far left continues to show they have no clue about the constitution or the far left family tree (which grows straight up).
Actually, it's nothing like that at all. But good try!

actually it's exactly like that; but great self-deception dolt

Let me check again....

....nope, definitely is nothing like that at all. But you wear a name tag to work, so your slowness is excused.

ur right dork; there is another explanation why he delayed his own law until right after the next elections

because it's failing?
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corporations hire your mommy and daddy leftard; and pay for dems to pander to and enslave minorities in welfare dependence

and they are making record profits under obama

so whose overlords are they left-wing nutjob?

Once again you prove trickle down doesn't work. You're not even a good conservative.

Maybe you need to reread your talking points. Perhaps you need them in the form of a scratch and sniff book so that you can understand them better.
Whenever you hear the word "freedom" from conservatives, that means freedom for big business to do as they please, not for the average person.

Whenever you hear the term "personal responsibility", that means everyone else should be responsible, not them.

Whenever you hear the term "small government" that doesn't include the military or anything they directly benefit from.

Whenever you hear the term "mooching poor" that refers to all the other poor people, not themselves. They are poor too, but not a part of the "moochers".

Whenever you hear the term "I think" from RDD-1210 you know he's lying.
Whenever I see "I think" from libs like RDD, my response is "no, you don't."

Jesus, that's good. Tell me...what was the creative process like in coming up with that one? I'd love a glimpse inside the mind of a genius, such as yourself.
corporations hire your mommy and daddy leftard; and pay for dems to pander to and enslave minorities in welfare dependence

and they are making record profits under obama

so whose overlords are they left-wing nutjob?

Once again you prove trickle down doesn't work. You're not even a good conservative.

Maybe you need to reread your talking points. Perhaps you need them in the form of a scratch and sniff book so that you can understand them better.

how can we still have that mean ol system in the 8th straight year of progressive majority rule?

if i proved trickle down doesnt work; you REALLY proved left-wing nutjobs are abject failures and great excuse-makers
That's actually a great example of what the OP is talking about.

Has anyone on this site said Obama wants to take their homes away? ANyone at all? Even the most rabid vapid uninformed rigth wing poster here?
No, I didnt think so. But you did prove the OP. Libs accuse the Right of things they never said. This is classic straw man stuff.

I guess you didn't actually read the long winded rant in the OP. I don't blame you. Here's the funny part I was referring to

A few years back, Great Britain liberals talked about the crisis of housing shortages and their biggest complaint was 'under-occupied' homes. That is where an elderly couple still live in the family home and, according to liberals, have more room than they need. The idea is to force people to move to smaller homes, making the larger ones available to bigger families. And the people would have no choice in the matter. Never mind that the elderly people intended to leave their homes to their children, who may have larger families.

Liberals here balked when the question was bought up about whether they would do that here. No denials and they gave the usual response that no one was going to take your home. Now we see language in the Obamacare law that allows them to do just that.

Crazy, right!??

I got a laugh out of it too.

Are you going to claim that the language in the law is yet another unintended consequence? Obama knows nothing about his signature legislation that he pushed for months? Really. Okay, then, defend it all you want.

Fact is that people are being forced onto Medicaid. They will lose their homes to the states. Was that or was that not on purpose? Someone carefully wrote every bit of that massive law and people will suffer as a result. So, either we had total idiots writing the law who had no idea what the ramifications would be or they knew exactly what they were doing.

Either way, it needs to be repealed because of disastrous shit like that in it. The choice seems simple, either support it or join people in wanting it repealed. Instead you defend it while ignoring the harm that will come to millions and say it's crazy when some of us point that out. Now that is crazy! Sadly, most of us can't laugh at it the way you do.

Quote the language and link to where to says that homes will be lost due to Obamacare. I can use a good laugh.

mommy mommy why is my Messiah so inept?

obama why??
Liberals know that their agenda isn't popular with the majority and if they were honest about what they'd like to do to this country, the liberal politicians would be given the boot pronto.

Naturally you can support this contention with public policy polling?

Ya know who answers those polls? People with nothing better to do than yak on the phone answering questions that are asked in a certain way so as to elicit a predetermined response.
People who are not working. People living off the dole. People who are uninformed.
Idiots who think in terms of 10 second soundbites.
Do you really think that if a pollster was honest and asked. " if so and so were to raise your taxes by 25%, would you vote for them?, the one being polled would say "yes"?
the CBO the Left used to love says obamacare will cost jobs

people without jobs can lose houses

maybe if you scratch and sniff obama's balls enough you can come up with some of that "change"
That's a fail. No one thinks Obama or Obamacare is going to take their home just because.
Your inability to read is legend in these parts.

Clementine believes it. True Story. Ask him.

Better the first post of this thread. It's some real tin foil hat shit.

First of all, I am a 'she.' Second, that language is in the law and people are going to lose their homes when they are forced onto Medicaid. Without home health care, many will no longer be able to stay home and receive care. That means nursing home. That means states have the right to take houses. Obama pushed for Obamacare for months. It sounds like you are saying he had no clue as to what was in the law. It's his signature legislation. He knows who wrote it. Did they do so without any input from him? Are you saying that no one, at any time, discussed this with him? There wasn't a clear purpose for everything in the law? He is totally clueless????

Obama signed the bill into law and by doing so took complete responsibility for everything in it. If the law allows states to confiscate homes for patients on Medicaid who end up in nursing homes, is he or isn't he the man behind the confiscation when it happens? Or do you not hold him responsible for anything he does?

Then you'll have no problems linking to the section of the law that states what you claim.

This is where you go missing from the thread.
When you idolize Timothy McVeigh and David Duke, everyone else will seem far left.

bush had Mcveigh executed

when you just pull stuff out of your ass you might be a left-wing loser

You must have had extreme conflict that your hero was killed by your other hero.

not any more than y ou being upset farrakhan had malcom x killed leftard

or a socialist killed jfk

and a muslim killed his brother

and a democrat killed Dr King

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