Troll Level: Master Of The Universe

In total seriousness, the President of the United States is supposed to be someone kids can look up to. Instead we have an internet troll running the country who's supporters revel in him basking in schadenfreude and calling people who help the criminal justice system 'rats.'
A sports athlete is someone who Kids should look up to.
"sports athlete"?

Who says that?
What kind of moron thinks the leader of the free world must be admired by children?
What kinda moron thinks the "leader of the free world" shouldn't be a roll model?
What better ROLE model than someone who crushes evildoers with just a few keystrokes on Twitter?
In total seriousness, the President of the United States is supposed to be someone kids can look up to. Instead we have an internet troll running the country who's supporters revel in him basking in schadenfreude and calling people who help the criminal justice system 'rats.'
A sports athlete is someone who Kids should look up to.
"sports athlete"?

Who says that?
What kind of moron thinks the leader of the free world must be admired by children?

IMHO there's much for children to admire about our President. Not many world leader's can sink an entire political party faster than the titanic without firing a shot or have the courage to stroll, grinning all Cheshire cat just ate tweety bird like, across a DMZ and into an enemy nation. Balls of American Steel, or B.O.S. (that's pronounce BOSS) for short.
Tis true///he really fucked the Republicans!
Nice, he mocks a victim.

If that's "master of the universe" it's the robot chicken version.
Boo hoo hoo.
You worship a common asshole.

The hypocrisy is astounding. You have no right to call anyone an AHole. My goodness
Why not?

I really need to explain it? Every debate we have you throw a tantrum and disappear. That is in some people’s eyes the definition of A Hole. I am not hijacking the thread but you honestly have some nerve. I recommend some self awareness.
Nice, he mocks a victim.

If that's "master of the universe" it's the robot chicken version.
Boo hoo hoo.
You worship a common asshole.

The hypocrisy is astounding. You have no right to call anyone an AHole. My goodness
Why not?

I really need to explain it? Every debate we have you throw a tantrum and disappear. That is in some people’s eyes the definition of A Hole. I am not hijacking the thread but you honestly have some nerve. I recommend some self awareness.
Oh stop being so childish because I don’t pop up the second you ask a question to respond, particularly when you refuse to answer direct questions. Some of us have real lives to attend to. And I will call assholes an asshole if I see it. You might be coming close.

Tweeting like that from the POTUS is absolutely acting like an asshole,e and I get sick of people like you defending his every tweet and tic because you either can’t bring yourself to admit that ya, that is pretty juvenile or you admire that kind of crap.
Boo hoo hoo.
You worship a common asshole.

The hypocrisy is astounding. You have no right to call anyone an AHole. My goodness
Why not?

I really need to explain it? Every debate we have you throw a tantrum and disappear. That is in some people’s eyes the definition of A Hole. I am not hijacking the thread but you honestly have some nerve. I recommend some self awareness.
Oh stop being so childish because I don’t pop up the second you ask a question to respond, particularly when you refuse to answer direct questions. Some of us have real lives to attend to. And I will call assholes an asshole if I see it. You might be coming close.

Tweeting like that from the POTUS is absolutely acting like an asshole,e and I get sick of people like you defending his every tweet and tic because you either can’t bring yourself to admit that ya, that is pretty juvenile or you admire that kind of crap.

That Tweet was strategic and poignant. Relax. If I want to see a temper tantrum I will deal with my kids. I am not beholden to any party. However a party that supports kneeling for the anthem and sends zero representatives to the embassy opening in Jerusalem will be on my shit list.
Cummings is a victim?? Lol seriously have you seen his district?
Have you?
Many times and the town has crashed and burned over the last 25 years.

Have you been there lately?

My sons and I were in Baltimore 20 years ago, we spent a couple of days there and then went to DC. We spent most of our time there around the inner harbor. The flight into BWI in October in the late afternoon was exceptional, the trees were inflame with color all around the Chesapeake.

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