True or false?

He did collude. It’s all in the mueller report. They decided to not charge a sitting potus.


Mueller says you are a LIAR, btw.
Trump slowed up the us mail system and the Supreme Court ruled any votes not received tomorrow won’t count?
the post office bullshit was over exaggerated by trump....all the things that they claimed was happening under this new guy was going on when i was still working there.....especially cutting down OT.....thats been going on, off and on since the 80's....
During an election and pandemic? Hire a few more sorters. Should be easy with unemployment so high
Wouldn't be high if the Dem dregs would get jobs instead of rioting.
Or blame the democratic governor.
What good are Dem leaders for if not to have rampant crime and the highest Covid mortality rates??
When Obama dealt with that Africa flu 3 americans died and you republican hypocrites said he didn’t do enough.

Then trump disbanded the scientist group Obama put together.

America is number one on corona. Something trump can take credit for
America is not number 1 Corona the mortality rate is lower than the global average. 6.5% positive test rate, 2.5% mortality rate and dropping. You wackos are brainless.
Where is it higher?
San Marino, Peru, Belgium, Andorra, Spain, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, and Ecuador.
Trump slowed up the us mail system and the Supreme Court ruled any votes not received tomorrow won’t count?
the post office bullshit was over exaggerated by trump....all the things that they claimed was happening under this new guy was going on when i was still working there.....especially cutting down OT.....thats been going on, off and on since the 80's....
During an election and pandemic? Hire a few more sorters. Should be easy with unemployment so high
Wouldn't be high if the Dem dregs would get jobs instead of rioting.
Or blame the democratic governor.
What good are Dem leaders for if not to have rampant crime and the highest Covid mortality rates??
When Obama dealt with that Africa flu 3 americans died and you republican hypocrites said he didn’t do enough.

Then trump disbanded the scientist group Obama put together.

America is number one on corona. Something trump can take credit for

CUOMO, the largest mass murderer in US history, MURDERED over 10,000 (TEN THOUSAND) elderly Americans ny cramming nursing homes with virus-infected people AFTER acknowledging the elderly were the most likely to die from the virus.

Before THAT Biden, Cuomo, and Pelosi were opposing the life-saving travel bans, declaring them to be 'Xenophobic', were authoring legislation to block them, were telling Americans there was nothing to COVID-19, to go about their lives, herding in large numbers, and encouraging them to ride crowded subways and to visit China Town...while so focused on affecting the 1st completely politically partisan Impeachment coup attempt without any crime/evidence/witnesses that they never saw the pandemic coming.
Trump slowed up the us mail system and the Supreme Court ruled any votes not received tomorrow won’t count?
the post office bullshit was over exaggerated by trump....all the things that they claimed was happening under this new guy was going on when i was still working there.....especially cutting down OT.....thats been going on, off and on since the 80's....
During an election and pandemic? Hire a few more sorters. Should be easy with unemployment so high
sorters?.....machines do just about all of that....and they hire holiday help....
Trump slowed up the us mail system and the Supreme Court ruled any votes not received tomorrow won’t count?
Supreme Court ruled in one state that votes couldn’t be received after Election Day because that state’s laws did not allow it. Other state laws, such as Pennsylvania, do allow it.

The concern is that the SCOTUS will decide that those laws, allowing votes collected after Election Day, will be deemed unconstitutional. I think that is unlikely. Also, the number of votes received after Election Day are very low and a LOT of them are from overseas military.

In Pennsylvania, the DNC filed suit to change the existing election law to count mail in ballots for 3 days after the election and included ballots without a clear postmark must be counted. It went to the highly partisan left PA supreme court which upheld the law as did the US supreme court.
Now why would the DNC want ballots without a clear date counted?
PA will be shit show. It's been the state chosen by the leftists to steal since the leftists decided to use a world wide pandemic to win the election.
This DeJoy character came aboard in June when it was well known that there would be more mailing in votes than ever thanks to this trump character allowing the pandemic to run amuck. Maybe it wasn't planned sabotage since trump's so f'n stupid. Another reason for getting rid of trump and his family of middle aged, know nothing rug rats.
he came on in June because the woman who was PMG had just retired that same month...
Trump slowed up the us mail system and the Supreme Court ruled any votes not received tomorrow won’t count?
Supreme Court ruled in one state that votes couldn’t be received after Election Day because that state’s laws did not allow it. Other state laws, such as Pennsylvania, do allow it.

The concern is that the SCOTUS will decide that those laws, allowing votes collected after Election Day, will be deemed unconstitutional. I think that is unlikely. Also, the number of votes received after Election Day are very low and a LOT of them are from overseas military.

No concern, just more BS, what if scenarios, they already ruled that the state law did not allow for votes after the election day. There is nothing in the Constitution that would force all states to change their election laws as we saw, the law only applied to Wisconsin and did not apply to any other state.
Trump slowed up the us mail system and the Supreme Court ruled any votes not received tomorrow won’t count?
Supreme Court ruled in one state that votes couldn’t be received after Election Day because that state’s laws did not allow it. Other state laws, such as Pennsylvania, do allow it.

The concern is that the SCOTUS will decide that those laws, allowing votes collected after Election Day, will be deemed unconstitutional. I think that is unlikely. Also, the number of votes received after Election Day are very low and a LOT of them are from overseas military.
What is likely to happen is that the Trump Court will rule that state legislatures, not state courts, have the final authority to determine the validity of ballots:

“…an election dispute in states like Pennsylvania and Michigan, which have state legislatures controlled by Republicans but Democratic governors, could lead to different branches certifying competing slates of electors.”

And those Republican-controlled state legislatures will no doubt decide the matter in Trump’s favor.

More BS what ifs. It won't likely happen and you are blowing more BS out your butt.
Trump slowed up the us mail system and the Supreme Court ruled any votes not received tomorrow won’t count?

You obviously have am opinion, so why not give it and the evidence to support that opinion.
People are saying it’s taking two weeks for their mail to get threw. What’s going on there?
when i was delivering there were people saying the same shit....we had people,the same people, who were always bitching about something,and when it was checked out,many times it was bullshit....many times late arriving things had bad addresses or the company did not send it out when they claimed they did....but at the same time there were many legit complaints...and i found out this is true of UPS and Fed-X.....they deal with the same shit.....
Trump slowed up the us mail system and the Supreme Court ruled any votes not received tomorrow won’t count?
I could have sworn there were USMB rules about posting links in opening threads....then again, that's probably why it was sent to the bowels of the 'CONSPIRACY THEORY' FILE....ESPECIALLY SINCE THE op HAS ALRERADY OPENLY DECLARED THAT DESPITE ALL THE EXISTING EVIDENCE AND MUELLER REPORT TRUMP 'DID' ILLEGALLY COLLUDE WITH RUSSIA.

Trump slowed up the us mail system and the Supreme Court ruled any votes not received tomorrow won’t count?
the post office bullshit was over exaggerated by trump....all the things that they claimed was happening under this new guy was going on when i was still working there.....especially cutting down OT.....thats been going on, off and on since the 80's....
During an election and pandemic? Hire a few more sorters. Should be easy with unemployment so high
Wouldn't be high if the Dem dregs would get jobs instead of rioting.
Or blame the democratic governor.
What good are Dem leaders for if not to have rampant crime and the highest Covid mortality rates??
Republicans are the super spreaders. Rallies. Trick or treat. Anti masks
Riots, protests, oh, wait that is the left's forte. Funny how it doesn't spread during those events. LOL!
Got a link for that? I call BS since the states run their elections, not Trump and not the USSC.
Yea but trumps in control of the post office
congress and the board of governors make the decisions.....
Logic like this which was pretty much the same thing Kyzr said in his post on the first page,of course never registers with biased dems like sealy and penny. :up: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:

penny and sealy hate America,they love dems who are looting businesses starting fires and beating Up children if they support trump.
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Trump slowed up the us mail system and the Supreme Court ruled any votes not received tomorrow won’t count?


So many falses...
Falses is something sealy is an expert on when it comes to politics,what else do you expect from a brainwashed sheep like sealy who votes for the party no matter how they corrupt they are, instead of the individual? :laughing0301:

Unlike sealy,I am objective and cheer for the person instead of the party,if trump was a democrat,I would STILL go out and vote for him,this sealy clown won’t admit it of course but if Obama was a Republican,he never would have voted for him and if Trump was a dem,he would vote for him in a heartbeat and he knows it,his actions prove it in the fact this clown voted for obomination not once but twice even though he lied to the people that he would reverse bush’s policys not only continuing them but expanding them.:laughing0301::auiqs.jpg: and yet this clown voted for him a second time?:auiqs.jpg::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

this is another example how I cheer on the person instead of the party and am not closed minded and biased as he is.Because I knew nothing would change with McCain as president,that he would be no differerent than bushwacker,I cheered on Obama to win.I was not aware of his corruption back then of course so I did not know any better at the time.

I cheered the dem party that year cause I thought Obama would be much differerent than bush.he wasnt so like any intelligent person,I did not vote for him the second time,nor did I vote for Romney either knowing how corrupt he was. I wanted Ron Paul,a Rino as potus. Only a stupid fuck idiot would have voted for either of those two clowns that year,obozo or Romney,both being part of the corrupt two party system.:uhoh3::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
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If sealy and penny don’t get their wish which they won’t,I wonder if they will join their dem hero globalists and riot and loot in the streets and burn businesses down? :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
The Post Office, under legislative jurisdiction, has somehow been manipulated by the executive.

I gotta say, the moonbats make the president out to be truly superhuman. They must have Trump envy.
Trump slowed up the us mail system and the Supreme Court ruled any votes not received tomorrow won’t count?
You are a Liar so anything you say is FALSE.
That’s what I say every time I hear trump say something. Because he lies about everything big and small.

You must be related to him somehow.
Omg my 27 year old immigrant girlfriend from Belarus voted for trump. Trump really won over a lot of stupid Americans. Trump got them into politics unfortunately he’s winning over the ignorant. She wouldn’t even verbalize why. But I do remember she had a problem with illegals taking advantage of the system and making immigrants look bad. Meanwhile her sister came her illegally, sort of. She came with a husband she knew she would be divorcing and she’s on welfare.

Unbelievable stupidity.

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