Trump-$1.2 Billion In Core Business Losses

Are you rich? If not, you might want to wait until your retirement before you decide that. How much will your middle class taxes be in a few years? We will have to make up for the Trump tax breaks to the rich and our tax breaks will have expired. So maybe right now you feel richer, but just wait.

Cost of medicare will be much higher because of Republican cuts to the program.

Same for Social security. How much is he going to cut your social security to pay for those tax breaks to corporations?

Are you rich? If not then you don't know what you are saying.

I make over $100K and I have no bills. My condo is paid off and I have a lease payment so my bills are maybe $1000 a month. That's $12K a year in bills. I'm saving my ass off because I know these cuts are coming.

Hell how many people I know thought their retirement age was 65 and just recently they found out Reagan in the 80's raised it to 67 for people their age. He too had to make up for the cuts he gave rich people and corporations. So he raised our retirement age to 67. And you went along with it. In fact you voted for it. And now you are doing it again. Now it will be 70.

How old are you? How rich are you? Are you a greedy rich guy or a dumb middle class person?

I am rich compared to 90% of you and still I can't get myself to vote GOP so I want to know why you people do it. This is a question for every Republicans who reads this post. What do you do and how much are you saving?
/----/ "We will have to make up for the Trump tax breaks to the rich"
Oh Bullshyt. You can't back that up with any facts - it's just your wishful thinking of doom and gloom.

That's what they always say. We aren't trying to cut social security and medicare, then they cut them. We aren't trying to ban abortion, then they try to ban abortions. Our policies aren't going to cause a great recession, then their policies cause a great recession.

Right now all over America local and state governments are trying to figure out how to pay for new roads and bridges. Guess who's taxes are going up? Yours and mine.

Even Republicans in Red states are saying maybe they have to raise taxes to pay for teachers raises. They never put two and two together. They never connect all the tax breaks that rich people and corporations got to why federal and state governments are suddenly broke and need to raise OUR taxes.

And what's funny is middle class Republicans never cry as much when their own taxes get raised as much as USMB Republicans cry at the idea of rich people and corporations paying their fair share.

In other words you house slaves are ok with paying more just don't tax your masters.
Exactly! When prices on goods and services go up, Republicans never make the connection that a Republican politician caused that. People I personally know who are Republicans were dumb founded to discover that some of their medical costs went up or some things weren't covered, and have no idea who to blame. These folks unfortunately, are stuck on stupid.

Actually President Trump made it crystal clear that he's against high medical costs, and that was the entire idea behind Trump Care which would have provider actually Higher quality care at a much lower price to consumers.
Dems didn't like that, however.

I'm against high medical costs too. What an easy thing to be against. But what is he going to do about it? He's going to provide people with insurance that doesn't cover anything.

We see Republicans in Michigan doing this now with car insurance. The insurance companies promise if we do away with certain things it will lower the costs. For example lifetime payouts to someone horribly injured in a car accident. In the future the insurance companies will no longer have to pay such high payouts. So they say if we do away with this it will lower rates.

But they won't guarantee how much. So what they will do is do away with having to pay victims as much as they used to have to pay. They'll lower rates for a little while but slowly but surely they will raise rates back to where they are now. And why? Because the CEO wants to maximize profits and he will know there is very little us sheep or our government will do about it because those insurance companies pay off our politicians.

It's a scam/Racket.
If you stopped illegal aliens from using our emergency rooms and send them back across the border where they belong many of our resources wouldn't be used. But alas, a dipshit democrat(redundant statement) will be a dipshit democrat.
Funny how the Dems aren't upset with Pelosi or AOC for not raising the minimum wage, for not making the middle class tax cuts permanent. They seem content just to try to secure the 2020 elections. Like I have said, party over country.
You didn't answer my question from post #283. How is he an average business man, when he is a con who lost a whole bunch of someone else's money?

Answered, you think Soros is a con man? He lost of a billion in just weeks. Son of Japan lost 70 billion. It happens in business.
Who gives a shit about Soros and your distraction? Can't debate the topic or answer my questions? Lol! Talk about failure. In business Soros wasn't using laundered money, Trump was/is. That's the difference.

Nothing to debate, I don't think losing money makes you a good or bad businessman, it doesn't matter to me what their politics are, Soros, Trump and Son all lost billions and I respect them for their business sense. You have proof Trump laundered money?
You need proof?
Trump Foundation To Dissolve Amid New York Attorney General's Investigation

The news comes as her office continues its investigation into various questions about the foundation's conduct, including whether the foundation broke the law by coordinating with Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and whether it was truly functioning as a charitable organization.

Underwood said her office had detailed "a shocking pattern of illegality involving the Trump Foundation — including unlawful coordination with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated and willful self-dealing, and much more. This amounted to the Trump Foundation functioning as little more than a checkbook to serve Mr. Trump's business and political interests."

Underwood said the foundation's decision to shutter was "an important victory for the rule of law."

The foundation agreed to dissolve under the supervision of a judge. Underwood's office will supervise the disbursement of the foundation's remaining assets to charities. The New York attorney general's office will continue its lawsuit against the foundation and is seeking millions in restitution and penalties, and it also seeks to bar Trump and his children from serving on the boards of other New York charities.

Where was the money laundered to? It looks like the state will disburse the funds. How is that money laundering?
Obama did that in the 90s huh? He wasn't even in public office in the 90s. Oh, and the CRA is not the reason for the recession.

Obama did that in the 90s huh? He wasn't even in public office in the 90s.

What do you think he did as a "community organizer"?

He didn't cause the housing crisis or the recession. The banks did that.

Forcing banks to write crappy mortgages is never a good idea.
Forcing Fannie and Freddie to buy the crappy mortgages is even worse.
The Dem politicians made millions off of the Real Estate bubble.
What a businessman!

How did anyone lose money in the 90s during the dot com boom?

In 1990 and 1991? Many lost money. The boom didn’t start until the late 90’s and by the end of era, many lost millions and billions of dollars. Remember?

That would be rich people. Everyone else was doing great thanks to the booming Clinton economy.

2001 a month after Bush entered office, the recession of 2001 took place, that was the Clinton economy. It hurt not only the rich but many others.
What was the economic policy that caused that? Because the tax cuts ended up slowing the economy for jobs, to go along with the housing crisis.

The Tech Stock bubble burst about 5 months before the election and that was what caused the first recession during Bush.
Bill Clinton was taking credit for the Stock Market rise, until it fell.
The second recession under Bush was caused by the Real Estate Bubble that the Dem policies caused.
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.
Paid no income taxes in 8 out of 10 years?

Narco-a-lago: Money Laundering at the Trump Ocean Club, Panama | Global Witness

What will we discover from his last six years of returns?
Dumbasses like you dont understand that when you lose money from business dealings, that is a tax right off. But what I did over in Saudi Arabia, now that was just a hoot. I was earning $70,000 a year tax free and also had $10,000 of deductions that I used to burn off capital gains on my HD stock. I learned how to avoid paying taxes like Nancy Pelosi, Bill Clinton and his wife, even Barrack Hussain Obama, because if the ability to not pay taxes is only for smart people, then only the dumbasses are too stupid enough, to pay the full amount of taxes...
So, you are saying Trump lost money on purpose?
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.

Ok? So he's a business person. Business people lose money many times. This is normal.

I'd be more shocked if you told me that he never lost money.

Do you feel the same about Elon Musk?
Tesla loses billions after Elon Musk reveals ‘excruciating’ year
In the 90s Obammy sued banks to force them to make home loans to illegal aliens.

Obama did that in the 90s huh? He wasn't even in public office in the 90s. Oh, and the CRA is not the reason for the recession.

Obama did that in the 90s huh? He wasn't even in public office in the 90s.

What do you think he did as a "community organizer"?

He didn't cause the housing crisis or the recession. The banks did that.

Forcing banks to write crappy mortgages is never a good idea.
Forcing Fannie and Freddie to buy the crappy mortgages is even worse.

It is not what led to the crisis however. Imagine the loans were heads of lettuce. One had of lettuce out of a dozen has ecoli. You know which one it is. The responsible thing is to separate that head from the others. The banks just chopped up all the good lettuce and mixed it with the bad lettuce. THAT is what led to the crisis, not the existence of the ecoli lettuce.

The Great Recession was caused by the housing market bubble burst
The Real Estate bubble was caused by the Clinton/Dems lowering mortgage lending standards for the low class trash Troglocrat Voters.
Then Clinton's HUD appointees slithered over to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and started buying up those bad loans and selling them to wall street and paying themselves yoog commissions.
One of them was Obammy's chief of staff Rham Emanuel.
He made millions off of the Democrat Great Recession.
BASICALLY the Democrats raped the middle class of their most prized investment, their houses, and then blamed it on President Bush.
Dems are just despicable.
Obama did that in the 90s huh? He wasn't even in public office in the 90s.

What do you think he did as a "community organizer"?

He didn't cause the housing crisis or the recession. The banks did that.

Forcing banks to write crappy mortgages is never a good idea.
Forcing Fannie and Freddie to buy the crappy mortgages is even worse.
The Dem politicians made millions off of the Real Estate bubble.
What a businessman!

How did anyone lose money in the 90s during the dot com boom?

In 1990 and 1991? Many lost money. The boom didn’t start until the late 90’s and by the end of era, many lost millions and billions of dollars. Remember?

That would be rich people. Everyone else was doing great thanks to the booming Clinton economy.

2001 a month after Bush entered office, the recession of 2001 took place, that was the Clinton economy. It hurt not only the rich but many others.
What was the economic policy that caused that? Because the tax cuts ended up slowing the economy for jobs, to go along with the housing crisis.

The Tech Stock bubble burst about 5 months before the election and that was what caused the recession first recession during Bush.
Bill Clinton was taking credit for the Stock Market rise, until it fell.
The second recession under Bush was caused by the Real Estate Bubble that the Dem policies caused.

Balanced Budget. You assfucks just can't say it.

Bush ran on "giving it back". He then slashed taxes, started two quagmire wars, passed a huge unfunded expansion to Medicare.
But I laugh at your attempt to blame Democrats when Republicans basically ran Congress for 12 straight years, 8 with a Republican President.
Obama did that in the 90s huh? He wasn't even in public office in the 90s. Oh, and the CRA is not the reason for the recession.

Obama did that in the 90s huh? He wasn't even in public office in the 90s.

What do you think he did as a "community organizer"?

He didn't cause the housing crisis or the recession. The banks did that.

Forcing banks to write crappy mortgages is never a good idea.
Forcing Fannie and Freddie to buy the crappy mortgages is even worse.

It is not what led to the crisis however. Imagine the loans were heads of lettuce. One had of lettuce out of a dozen has ecoli. You know which one it is. The responsible thing is to separate that head from the others. The banks just chopped up all the good lettuce and mixed it with the bad lettuce. THAT is what led to the crisis, not the existence of the ecoli lettuce.

The Great Recession was caused by the housing market bubble burst
The Real Estate bubble was caused by the Clinton/Dems lowering mortgage lending standards for the low class trash Troglocrat Voters.
Then Clinton's HUD appointees slithered over to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and started buying up those bad loans and selling them to wall street and paying themselves yoog commissions.
One of them was Obammy's chief of staff Rham Emanuel.
He made millions off of the Democrat Great Recession.
BASICALLY the Democrats raped the middle class of their most prized investment, their houses, and then blamed it on President Bush.
Dems are just despicable.
OMG OMG OMG The CRA!!!! the CRA!!!!

You people are all dumber than shit.
He didn't cause the housing crisis or the recession. The banks did that.

Forcing banks to write crappy mortgages is never a good idea.
Forcing Fannie and Freddie to buy the crappy mortgages is even worse.
The Dem politicians made millions off of the Real Estate bubble.
In 1990 and 1991? Many lost money. The boom didn’t start until the late 90’s and by the end of era, many lost millions and billions of dollars. Remember?

That would be rich people. Everyone else was doing great thanks to the booming Clinton economy.

2001 a month after Bush entered office, the recession of 2001 took place, that was the Clinton economy. It hurt not only the rich but many others.
What was the economic policy that caused that? Because the tax cuts ended up slowing the economy for jobs, to go along with the housing crisis.

The Tech Stock bubble burst about 5 months before the election and that was what caused the recession first recession during Bush.
Bill Clinton was taking credit for the Stock Market rise, until it fell.
The second recession under Bush was caused by the Real Estate Bubble that the Dem policies caused.

Balanced Budget. You assfucks just can't say it.

Bush ran on "giving it back". He then slashed taxes, started two quagmire wars, passed a huge unfunded expansion to Medicare.
But I laugh at your attempt to blame Democrats when Republicans basically ran Congress for 12 straight years, 8 with a Republican President.

Dems caused the Great Recession and then blamed it on President Bush.
Obama did that in the 90s huh? He wasn't even in public office in the 90s.

What do you think he did as a "community organizer"?

He didn't cause the housing crisis or the recession. The banks did that.

Forcing banks to write crappy mortgages is never a good idea.
Forcing Fannie and Freddie to buy the crappy mortgages is even worse.
The Dem politicians made millions off of the Real Estate bubble.
What a businessman!

How did anyone lose money in the 90s during the dot com boom?

In 1990 and 1991? Many lost money. The boom didn’t start until the late 90’s and by the end of era, many lost millions and billions of dollars. Remember?

That would be rich people. Everyone else was doing great thanks to the booming Clinton economy.

2001 a month after Bush entered office, the recession of 2001 took place, that was the Clinton economy. It hurt not only the rich but many others.
What was the economic policy that caused that? Because the tax cuts ended up slowing the economy for jobs, to go along with the housing crisis.

The Tech Stock bubble burst about 5 months before the election and that was what caused the first recession during Bush.
Bill Clinton was taking credit for the Stock Market rise, until it fell.
The second recession under Bush was caused by the Real Estate Bubble that the Dem policies caused.

Those evil Democrats did it in minority positions in both houses & Bush in the White House.
Obama did that in the 90s huh? He wasn't even in public office in the 90s.

What do you think he did as a "community organizer"?

He didn't cause the housing crisis or the recession. The banks did that.

Forcing banks to write crappy mortgages is never a good idea.
Forcing Fannie and Freddie to buy the crappy mortgages is even worse.

It is not what led to the crisis however. Imagine the loans were heads of lettuce. One had of lettuce out of a dozen has ecoli. You know which one it is. The responsible thing is to separate that head from the others. The banks just chopped up all the good lettuce and mixed it with the bad lettuce. THAT is what led to the crisis, not the existence of the ecoli lettuce.

The Great Recession was caused by the housing market bubble burst
The Real Estate bubble was caused by the Clinton/Dems lowering mortgage lending standards for the low class trash Troglocrat Voters.
Then Clinton's HUD appointees slithered over to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and started buying up those bad loans and selling them to wall street and paying themselves yoog commissions.
One of them was Obammy's chief of staff Rham Emanuel.
He made millions off of the Democrat Great Recession.
BASICALLY the Democrats raped the middle class of their most prized investment, their houses, and then blamed it on President Bush.
Dems are just despicable.
OMG OMG OMG The CRA!!!! the CRA!!!!

You people are all dumber than shit.
dave you people have been duped
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.
It isnt damning at all. Under Clinton, Bush and Obama, they lost over 16 Trillion dollars. President Trump inst even in the big leagues compared to them. Jesus Christ you asre a fucking iduiot.

Obama - Barack Obama: Under President Obama, the national debt grew the most dollar-wise. He added $8.588 trillion. This 74 percent increase was the fifth-largest. Obama's budgets included the economic stimulus package. It added $831Billion by cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits , and funding public works projects.

You are very confused.
Not at all, those three liberals lost trillions of our dollars, while Donald J Trump lost a measly 1 billion dollars. Do you know the difference between 16 trillion and 1 billion?


it is like 1 dollar to 16 thousand dollars. Big damn difference punk.

Punk? You post was the absolute dumbest fucking post I have ever read here on USB. Comparing what the country does when Presidents don't have the authority to control spending & wsth a Private company run by one man.

Jesus fuck, how did you get this stupid.
He didn't cause the housing crisis or the recession. The banks did that.

Forcing banks to write crappy mortgages is never a good idea.
Forcing Fannie and Freddie to buy the crappy mortgages is even worse.
The Dem politicians made millions off of the Real Estate bubble.
In 1990 and 1991? Many lost money. The boom didn’t start until the late 90’s and by the end of era, many lost millions and billions of dollars. Remember?

That would be rich people. Everyone else was doing great thanks to the booming Clinton economy.

2001 a month after Bush entered office, the recession of 2001 took place, that was the Clinton economy. It hurt not only the rich but many others.
What was the economic policy that caused that? Because the tax cuts ended up slowing the economy for jobs, to go along with the housing crisis.

The Tech Stock bubble burst about 5 months before the election and that was what caused the first recession during Bush.
Bill Clinton was taking credit for the Stock Market rise, until it fell.
The second recession under Bush was caused by the Real Estate Bubble that the Dem policies caused.

Those evil Democrats did it in minority positions in both houses & Bush in the White House.

Economics is a difficult subject for the Left Wingers to understand.
Clinton had a Dem house and senate in his first two years.
Their brilliant idea was to lower the mortgage lending standards for the low class trash Democrat Voters.
Clinton threatened to fine banks if they didn't make those bad loans.
The real estate bubble didn't happen over night, it took years for it to grow.
Thank me for your free economic lesson.
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.
Everyone knows Trump had failed businesses. You probably don't know this but to be successful in just about anything, you will have failures.
Losing over a billion over ten years.

I can't believe you assfucks are defending that.
Are you rich? If not, you might want to wait until your retirement before you decide that. How much will your middle class taxes be in a few years? We will have to make up for the Trump tax breaks to the rich and our tax breaks will have expired. So maybe right now you feel richer, but just wait.

Cost of medicare will be much higher because of Republican cuts to the program.

Same for Social security. How much is he going to cut your social security to pay for those tax breaks to corporations?

Are you rich? If not then you don't know what you are saying.

I make over $100K and I have no bills. My condo is paid off and I have a lease payment so my bills are maybe $1000 a month. That's $12K a year in bills. I'm saving my ass off because I know these cuts are coming.

Hell how many people I know thought their retirement age was 65 and just recently they found out Reagan in the 80's raised it to 67 for people their age. He too had to make up for the cuts he gave rich people and corporations. So he raised our retirement age to 67. And you went along with it. In fact you voted for it. And now you are doing it again. Now it will be 70.

How old are you? How rich are you? Are you a greedy rich guy or a dumb middle class person?

I am rich compared to 90% of you and still I can't get myself to vote GOP so I want to know why you people do it. This is a question for every Republicans who reads this post. What do you do and how much are you saving?
/----/ "We will have to make up for the Trump tax breaks to the rich"
Oh Bullshyt. You can't back that up with any facts - it's just your wishful thinking of doom and gloom.

That's what they always say. We aren't trying to cut social security and medicare, then they cut them. We aren't trying to ban abortion, then they try to ban abortions. Our policies aren't going to cause a great recession, then their policies cause a great recession.

Right now all over America local and state governments are trying to figure out how to pay for new roads and bridges. Guess who's taxes are going up? Yours and mine.

Even Republicans in Red states are saying maybe they have to raise taxes to pay for teachers raises. They never put two and two together. They never connect all the tax breaks that rich people and corporations got to why federal and state governments are suddenly broke and need to raise OUR taxes.

And what's funny is middle class Republicans never cry as much when their own taxes get raised as much as USMB Republicans cry at the idea of rich people and corporations paying their fair share.

In other words you house slaves are ok with paying more just don't tax your masters.
Exactly! When prices on goods and services go up, Republicans never make the connection that a Republican politician caused that. People I personally know who are Republicans were dumb founded to discover that some of their medical costs went up or some things weren't covered, and have no idea who to blame. These folks unfortunately, are stuck on stupid.

Actually President Trump made it crystal clear that he's against high medical costs, and that was the entire idea behind Trump Care which would have provider actually Higher quality care at a much lower price to consumers.
Dems didn't like that, however.

I'm against high medical costs too. What an easy thing to be against. But what is he going to do about it? He's going to provide people with insurance that doesn't cover anything.

We see Republicans in Michigan doing this now with car insurance. The insurance companies promise if we do away with certain things it will lower the costs. For example lifetime payouts to someone horribly injured in a car accident. In the future the insurance companies will no longer have to pay such high payouts. So they say if we do away with this it will lower rates.

But they won't guarantee how much. So what they will do is do away with having to pay victims as much as they used to have to pay. They'll lower rates for a little while but slowly but surely they will raise rates back to where they are now. And why? Because the CEO wants to maximize profits and he will know there is very little us sheep or our government will do about it because those insurance companies pay off our politicians.

It's a scam/Racket.
/-----/ "He's going to provide people with insurance that doesn't cover anything. "
You've seen Trump's HC plan???? WOWZA
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.

No it isn't anyone with a brain knows that when you risk a lot of money, you can lose or gain a lot of money. Nine out of ten businesses fail, that is why I don't begrudge those who make it big.
Those stats include a lot of people starting a business for the first time and likely poorly financed.

Trump aid he is the best businessman EVER.


I don't think he is the best, you seem to. I think he is an average businessman and even Soros lost a billion right after Trump was elect, he is actually a better businessman than most.
Forcing banks to write crappy mortgages is never a good idea.
Forcing Fannie and Freddie to buy the crappy mortgages is even worse.
The Dem politicians made millions off of the Real Estate bubble.
That would be rich people. Everyone else was doing great thanks to the booming Clinton economy.

2001 a month after Bush entered office, the recession of 2001 took place, that was the Clinton economy. It hurt not only the rich but many others.
What was the economic policy that caused that? Because the tax cuts ended up slowing the economy for jobs, to go along with the housing crisis.

The Tech Stock bubble burst about 5 months before the election and that was what caused the first recession during Bush.
Bill Clinton was taking credit for the Stock Market rise, until it fell.
The second recession under Bush was caused by the Real Estate Bubble that the Dem policies caused.

Those evil Democrats did it in minority positions in both houses & Bush in the White House.

Economics is a difficult subject for the Left Wingers to understand.
Clinton had a Dem house and senate in his first two years.
Their brilliant idea was to lower the mortgage lending standards for the low class trash Democrat Voters.
Clinton threatened to fine banks if they didn't make those bad loans.
The real estate bubble didn't happen over night, it took years for it to grow.
Thank me for your free economic lesson.

The CRA was passed under Carter you stupid fuck.

You don't know shit about economics.
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.
Everyone knows Trump had failed businesses. You probably don't know this but to be successful in just about anything, you will have failures.
Losing over a billion over ten years.

I can't believe you assfucks are defending that.

Soros lost a billion in a few weeks. Just part of the game that the rich play.
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.
Everyone knows Trump had failed businesses. You probably don't know this but to be successful in just about anything, you will have failures.
Losing over a billion over ten years.

I can't believe you assfucks are defending that.
/----/ Who is defending it? We're saying shyt happens and how you react and fight back is what matters most.
The Dem politicians made millions off of the Real Estate bubble.
2001 a month after Bush entered office, the recession of 2001 took place, that was the Clinton economy. It hurt not only the rich but many others.
What was the economic policy that caused that? Because the tax cuts ended up slowing the economy for jobs, to go along with the housing crisis.

The Tech Stock bubble burst about 5 months before the election and that was what caused the first recession during Bush.
Bill Clinton was taking credit for the Stock Market rise, until it fell.
The second recession under Bush was caused by the Real Estate Bubble that the Dem policies caused.

Those evil Democrats did it in minority positions in both houses & Bush in the White House.

Economics is a difficult subject for the Left Wingers to understand.
Clinton had a Dem house and senate in his first two years.
Their brilliant idea was to lower the mortgage lending standards for the low class trash Democrat Voters.
Clinton threatened to fine banks if they didn't make those bad loans.
The real estate bubble didn't happen over night, it took years for it to grow.
Thank me for your free economic lesson.

The CRA was passed under Carter you stupid fuck.

You don't know shit about economics.
read it slowly, did I say CRA?

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