Trump Accusers, Proven Liars begin to fall...

4 of the original liars are now exposed... And the private investigators will bring the rest down in short order... the collusion factor is getting real interesting as they follow the leads back to the Clinton camp and the MSM..
The victims are giving interviews all over cable and broadcast news. People can judge whether they seem to be being honest and truthful or not. Probably a better source for accurate data than commentary and speculation from unreliable blogger and partisan websites. Seems kind of lame to rely on those kinds of sites when the evidence is nothing more than people saying they did not see the event.
The victims are giving interviews all over cable and broadcast news. People can judge whether they seem to be being honest and truthful or not. Probably a better source for accurate data than commentary and speculation from unreliable blogger and partisan websites. Seems kind of lame to rely on those kinds of sites when the evidence is nothing more than people saying they did not see the event.

SO now those people speculating about happenings are more credible than the people who cant prove anything? She said.... He Said... Its called Hearsay Evidence.. and it is not admissible in court..

Now that's circular liberal logic and funny!

Tweeting your association is really, really, stupid... Especially if your making unfounded claims that you can be sued for...
Number Three..

"Melania Trump is demanding a retraction and apology from People magazine for publishing a former writer's account alleging Donald Trump assaulted her while she was on assignment.

The model and GOP presidential nominee's wife threatened to sue in a letter addressed to Natasha Stoynoff, who wrote the piece, and People editorial director Jess Cagle, calling parts of the account "false and completely fictionalized." The letter does not mention the allegation at the center of the story, where Stoynoff wrote that Trump shoved her against a wall and tried to kiss her during a break in an interview for an article about his and Melania Trump's first anniversary. "

Melania Trump demands retraction from People
Why anyone ever believes a Democrat is beyond me. These people are lower than whale shit.
The Bull Shit Barrage by the Clinton Campaign is falling apart... And one of the above has ratted out the campaign and the people who asked her to do it... Then next day or two is going to get real interesting...

Evidence of conspiracy is coming out..
I think the Clinton campaign has finally jumped the shark. Evidence of her corruption has become so massive and the stench is so foul that only the dregs will be voting for this piece of shit.
It's seriously yellow journalism all paid minions Hillary and the DNC have through media connections. Meanwhile the people are catching on to making America great again!

What a difference a couple days makes! Clinton 46.4%, Trump 44.3.
Without the allegations Hillary will lose her lead.
It's worse than that for her. She's been unmasked as a giant bag of sleaze.
The Bull Shit Barrage by the Clinton Campaign is falling apart... And one of the above has ratted out the campaign and the people who asked her to do it... Then next day or two is going to get real interesting...

Evidence of conspiracy is coming out..
I think the Clinton campaign has finally jumped the shark. Evidence of her corruption has become so massive and the stench is so foul that only the dregs will be voting for this piece of shit.

Watch how quickly they turn on these women when they out the Clinton camp.. you want to see ruthless.. Hillary has had lots of practice.
I read the links provided to show the accusers are liars. Someone perhaps could help me out and show where they show evidence of either one of those accusers lying. Sounds like the whole theory is based on them not telling some particular friends. They appear to have told others, but not those particular people who claim to have been their friends. Maybe they were not close friends. Seems like some sketchy evidence and speculation, not at all facts.

Their claims are impossible, moron.
You sound like Hillary Clinton when she was defending her husband.

No he doesn't. Crooked Hillary directly threatened the lives of Slick Willie's victims. It might be tough for low info folks to grasp, but their is a difference.
This is Nancy O'Dell of the locker room talk. She remained friends with Trump long after the 2004-5 furniture shopping events and here they are together in 2010 talking at a charity party. She doesn't seem to be running from the hand.3934CBA000000578-3828060-image-a-53_1475902451500 (1).jpg
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I read the links provided to show the accusers are liars. Someone perhaps could help me out and show where they show evidence of either one of those accusers lying. Sounds like the whole theory is based on them not telling some particular friends. They appear to have told others, but not those particular people who claim to have been their friends. Maybe they were not close friends. Seems like some sketchy evidence and speculation, not at all facts.

Their claims are impossible, moron.

When you look at their statements in an evidence collecting way they don't hold water.. gaping holes every where.. incoherent and unbelievable....
Melania Trump is demanding a retraction and apology from People magazine for publishing a former writer's account alleging Donald Trump assaulted her while she was on assignment.

The model and GOP presidential nominee's wife threatened to sue in a letter addressed to Natasha Stoynoff, who wrote the piece, and People editorial director Jess Cagle, calling parts of the account "false and completely fictionalized." The letter does not mention the allegation at the center of the story, where Stoynoff wrote that Trump shoved her against a wall and tried to kiss her during a break in an interview for an article about his and Melania Trump's first anniversary.

On behalf of Melania Trump, lawyer Charles Harder disputed that she and Stoynoff ran into each other, citing the following lines from the People story:

That winter, I actually bumped into Melania on Fifth Avenue, in front of Trump Tower as she walked into the building, carrying baby Barron.

“Natasha, why don’t we see you anymore?” she asked, giving me a hug.

I was quiet and smiled, telling her I’d missed her, and I squeezed little Barron’s foot. I couldn’t discern what she knew. Did she really not guess why I hadn’t been around?

"The two are not friends and were never friends or even friendly," the letter stated.
I read the links provided to show the accusers are liars. Someone perhaps could help me out and show where they show evidence of either one of those accusers lying. Sounds like the whole theory is based on them not telling some particular friends. They appear to have told others, but not those particular people who claim to have been their friends. Maybe they were not close friends. Seems like some sketchy evidence and speculation, not at all facts.

A guy who says he was on the same flight as Trump and the one accuser says nothing happened...

New York Post: Eyewitness Challenges Sexual Assault Claims Against Trump - Breitbart

he man says he was sitting across from the accuser and contacted the Trump campaign because he was incensed by her account — which is at odds with what he witnessed.

“I have only met this accuser once and frankly cannot imagine why she is seeking to make out that Trump made sexual advances on her. Not only did he not do so (and I was present at all times) but it was she that was the one being flirtatious,” Anthony Gilberthorpe said in a note provided to The Post by the Trump campaign.

In an exclusive interview arranged by the campaign, Gilberthorpe said he was on the flight — in either 1980 or 1981— where Jessica Leeds claimed Trump groped her.

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