Trump acts like a child while everyone else stands for the anthem

They are saying that he purposefully said that nazis and white supremacists are "very fine people".

Being wrong about who was there, is not the same as being sympathetic to Nazis.
Sure there was NO way he could possibly know there were Nazis and White Nationalists there since there were NO Nazi symbols or chants like "Jews will not replace us" or "blood and soil."

Now there is a FAKE graph from the lying scum at Freedom Works, no surprise there. Notice they put the post recession that peaked in near the end of 2010 at the beginning of 2009 to skew the graph.

And also notice the graph is NOT WAGES, but household income which includes income from STOCKS which are heavily concentrated with the wealthy even though 50% of Americans own at least some small amount of stock. A whopping 84 percent of all stocks owned by Americans belong to the wealthiest 10 percent of households. And that includes everyone’s stakes in pension plans, 401(k)’s and individual retirement accounts, as well as trust funds, mutual funds and college savings programs like 529 plans. Further skewing the graph!!!
Yeah, he was clear he was not talking about that guy.

He was clear that he believes that elsewhere there were people who came just to support historical statues that were not that guy.
So why did the "not that guys" stay once they were there and clearly saw and heard that it was a Nazi/ White Nationalist rally????
Inquiring minds want to know!
Are you really so twisted, that you cannot see that those positions are mutually contradictory?

If he "LIED" as you claim, when he said he was NOT speaking of white supremacists,

then he did not EXPLICITLY state, that nazis are "very fine people".

Meanwhile, in the real world, he was quite clear that he was not speaking of the white supremacists, and explicitly condemned them.

That you cite the tape, to support your delusions, is incredible.
There was no one else at that rally for the right by racists. It was a rally to unite the alt-right.

"very fine people..."

Sieg Heils.jpg

My belief, and Trump's is that there were other people there at other times, who were not racist.

If we are wrong about that, so what?

What does matter, is that when you say that Trump is saying that "racists" are very fine people, you are knowingly and purposefully lying.

YOu are the lying asshole here, while AT WORST, me and Trump could have made an unimportant mistake about who was at the rally.

Trump might be bad at knowing who is at political rallies. Wow. Who the fuck cares about that? Why are you having a hissy fit about that?
Nope, it's not a lie. He knew what he was saying. He even had days to think about how he was going to frame it as he kept talking about it day after day.

"very fine people..."


Yeah, he was clear he was not talking about that guy.

He was clear that he believes that elsewhere there were people who came just to support historical statues that were not that guy.

I agree.

Do you have photos of every single attendee?

My point stands. THe worst you can demonstrate, is that Trump and I are wrong about that. That we failed in our attempt to identify who was at a certain place at a certain time.

Big Fucking deal.

What you cannot say, without being a filthy liar, is that Trump or I believe that that guy with the swastika tattoo is a "very fine person".
I have the list of speakers...

Richard Spencer (neo-nazi)
Mike Enoch (white nationalist)
Jason Kessler (white supremacist)
Baked Alaska (neo-nazi)
Augustus Invictus (white nationalist)
Christopher Cantwell (neo-nazi)
Matt Heimbach (white nationalist)
Johnny Monoxide (white supremacist)
Pax Dickinson (white supremacist)
Michael Hill (white supremacist)
Sacco Vandal (white nationalist)

Who else on the right but the alt-right would attend a racist gathering, designed to bring the racists of the right together?






"very fine people"
And not a one of those ad posters mentions statues!!!!!
There was no one else at that rally for the right by racists. It was a rally to unite the alt-right.

"very fine people..."

Sieg Heils.jpg

My belief, and Trump's is that there were other people there at other times, who were not racist.

If we are wrong about that, so what?

What does matter, is that when you say that Trump is saying that "racists" are very fine people, you are knowingly and purposefully lying.

YOu are the lying asshole here, while AT WORST, me and Trump could have made an unimportant mistake about who was at the rally.

Trump might be bad at knowing who is at political rallies. Wow. Who the fuck cares about that? Why are you having a hissy fit about that?
Nope, it's not a lie. He knew what he was saying. He even had days to think about how he was going to frame it as he kept talking about it day after day.

"very fine people..."


Don't forget this guy. He's the driver.


Yeah, Trump specifically condemned him. And so have I.

We both believe that there were other people there, who were very different from him.

The worst you can get us on, without being filthy liars, is that we are bad at judging rally attendees after the fact.

Why are you pretending to now know this?

Don't know who "us" and "we" is but I never thought Rump was bad at judging rally attendees. I knew exactly who he was sucking up to. Everybody did.

Far as I know though, Rump is one (1) person. If he's become a "we" we're in a world of shit.

When you argue that Trump was wrong about who was at the rally, THE MOST YOU CAN PROVE IS THAT TRUMP WAS WRONG ABOUT WHO WAS AT THE RALLY.

Because when you say that Trump said that those people were "very fine people"

you are just lying.
Are you really so twisted, that you cannot see that those positions are mutually contradictory?

If he "LIED" as you claim, when he said he was NOT speaking of white supremacists,

then he did not EXPLICITLY state, that nazis are "very fine people".

Meanwhile, in the real world, he was quite clear that he was not speaking of the white supremacists, and explicitly condemned them.

That you cite the tape, to support your delusions, is incredible.
There was no one else at that rally for the right by racists. It was a rally to unite the alt-right.

"very fine people..."

Sieg Heils.jpg

My belief, and Trump's is that there were other people there at other times, who were not racist.

If we are wrong about that, so what?

What does matter, is that when you say that Trump is saying that "racists" are very fine people, you are knowingly and purposefully lying.

YOu are the lying asshole here, while AT WORST, me and Trump could have made an unimportant mistake about who was at the rally.

Trump might be bad at knowing who is at political rallies. Wow. Who the fuck cares about that? Why are you having a hissy fit about that?
Nope, it's not a lie. He knew what he was saying. He even had days to think about how he was going to frame it as he kept talking about it day after day.

"very fine people..."


Yeah, he was clear he was not talking about that guy.

He was clear that he believes that elsewhere there were people who came just to support historical statues that were not that guy.

I agree.

Do you have photos of every single attendee?

My point stands. THe worst you can demonstrate, is that Trump and I are wrong about that. That we failed in our attempt to identify who was at a certain place at a certain time.

Big Fucking deal.

What you cannot say, without being a filthy liar, is that Trump or I believe that that guy with the swastika tattoo is a "very fine person".
I have the list of speakers...

Richard Spencer (neo-nazi)
Mike Enoch (white nationalist)
Jason Kessler (white supremacist)
Baked Alaska (neo-nazi)
Augustus Invictus (white nationalist)
Christopher Cantwell (neo-nazi)
Matt Heimbach (white nationalist)
Johnny Monoxide (white supremacist)
Pax Dickinson (white supremacist)
Michael Hill (white supremacist)
Sacco Vandal (white nationalist)

Who else on the right but the alt-right would attend a racist gathering, designed to bring the racists of the right together?


"very fine people"

If your argument is that there were nazis and white supremacists there, then Trump agreed. He was clear about that. He explicitly condemned them.

As to who else might have attended, Trump believed that other people were lured there under false pretenses, that the event was about historical statues.

You seem to believe he was wrong about that. Fine. So what?

The most you can hope to prove with that line of argument, is that Trump was factually wrong about other people being there.

Big fucking deal.
They are saying that he purposefully said that nazis and white supremacists are "very fine people".

Being wrong about who was there, is not the same as being sympathetic to Nazis.
Sure there was NO way he could possibly know there were Nazis and White Nationalists there since there were NO Nazi symbols or chants like "Jews will not replace us" or "blood and soil."

He did say there were nazis and white supremacists there. He clearly and explicitly condemned them.

If that is your point, then you and Trump are in complete agreement.
Yeah, he was clear he was not talking about that guy.

He was clear that he believes that elsewhere there were people who came just to support historical statues that were not that guy.
So why did the "not that guys" stay once they were there and clearly saw and heard that it was a Nazi/ White Nationalist rally????
Inquiring minds want to know!

DO they? WHy? The most you can do is prove that Trump is bad at knowing who else was or was not there.

What is the point of that?
There was no one else at that rally for the right by racists. It was a rally to unite the alt-right.

"very fine people..."

Sieg Heils.jpg

My belief, and Trump's is that there were other people there at other times, who were not racist.

If we are wrong about that, so what?

What does matter, is that when you say that Trump is saying that "racists" are very fine people, you are knowingly and purposefully lying.

YOu are the lying asshole here, while AT WORST, me and Trump could have made an unimportant mistake about who was at the rally.

Trump might be bad at knowing who is at political rallies. Wow. Who the fuck cares about that? Why are you having a hissy fit about that?
Nope, it's not a lie. He knew what he was saying. He even had days to think about how he was going to frame it as he kept talking about it day after day.

"very fine people..."


Yeah, he was clear he was not talking about that guy.

He was clear that he believes that elsewhere there were people who came just to support historical statues that were not that guy.

I agree.

Do you have photos of every single attendee?

My point stands. THe worst you can demonstrate, is that Trump and I are wrong about that. That we failed in our attempt to identify who was at a certain place at a certain time.

Big Fucking deal.

What you cannot say, without being a filthy liar, is that Trump or I believe that that guy with the swastika tattoo is a "very fine person".
I have the list of speakers...

Richard Spencer (neo-nazi)
Mike Enoch (white nationalist)
Jason Kessler (white supremacist)
Baked Alaska (neo-nazi)
Augustus Invictus (white nationalist)
Christopher Cantwell (neo-nazi)
Matt Heimbach (white nationalist)
Johnny Monoxide (white supremacist)
Pax Dickinson (white supremacist)
Michael Hill (white supremacist)
Sacco Vandal (white nationalist)

Who else on the right but the alt-right would attend a racist gathering, designed to bring the racists of the right together?






"very fine people"
And not a one of those ad posters mentions statues!!!!!

Are you saying the media was wrong about what the rally was about? Cause that is where I heard that from.
Hey stupid.....................Kansas City KS and Kansas City MO, while they share the same name, they are two totally separate cities and are separately incorporated from each other. Matter of fact, the KC metro area includes more towns than just Kansas City MO or Kansas City KS.
No one is saying they are the same city dumbfuck it's just pogo didn't realize some of Kansas City was in Kansas

Hey Little Retarded Rebecca................hate to tell you but if a city is incorporated separately from another city, even if they have the same name, they are totally different cities. No, "some of Kansas City was in Kansas" is an incorrect statement. Kansas City MO is completely separate from Kansas City KS.
The lengths these rubes go to in order to defend their master is hilarious.
says the one that has an avatar of a senile old man
Oh? You think Mueller was crazy exonerating Impeached Trump?
No your words. Mueller acted as if he didn't know he was in charge of the investigation.
Hey stupidfuck. The whole metro area is considered KC. The state line runs right through the city. There are more season ticket holders from Overland Park KS than the entire Missouri side. So, yes, Kansas City fans on the Kansas side do, indeed, need to be congratulated.

Hey stupid.....................Kansas City KS and Kansas City MO, while they share the same name, they are two totally separate cities and are separately incorporated from each other. Matter of fact, the KC metro area includes more towns than just Kansas City MO or Kansas City KS.
No one is saying they are the same city dumbfuck it's just pogo didn't realize some of Kansas City was in Kansas

Hey Little Retarded Rebecca................hate to tell you but if a city is incorporated separately from another city, even if they have the same name, they are totally different cities. No, "some of Kansas City was in Kansas" is an incorrect statement. Kansas City MO is completely separate from Kansas City KS.
seabitch as I said I compare Kansas City to Bristol Tennesse and Bristol Virginia you dumb son of a bitch
Dumbfuck cuck, in which state is Arrowhead Stadium?

You dumbass show where I have tried to argue where the Kansas City chiefs play I don't give a fuck where they play.
seabitch as I said I compare Kansas City to Bristol Tennesse and Bristol Virginia you dumb son of a bitch
Dumbfuck cuck, in which state is Arrowhead Stadium?

Hey dingus,
seabitch as I said I compare Kansas City to Bristol Tennesse and Bristol Virginia you dumb son of a bitch
Dumbfuck cuck, in which state is Arrowhead Stadium?

Hey dingus - in what state is MetLife stadium? Go ahead - look it up. Then please quote me all of New Jerseys NFL teams.

Dumbfuck, Arrowhead Stadium is in Kansas City, Missouri. The Kansas City Chiefs play there. WTF does that have to do with Metlife Stadium?

Arrowhead is in KCMO? You're shitting me. You are one smart sumbich.

Dumbass why don't you show the tweet where he corrected it
They are saying that he purposefully said that nazis and white supremacists are "very fine people".

Being wrong about who was there, is not the same as being sympathetic to Nazis.
Sure there was NO way he could possibly know there were Nazis and White Nationalists there since there were NO Nazi symbols or chants like "Jews will not replace us" or "blood and soil."

Here's the first nazi in that video you posted....

Dumbfuck cuck, in which state is Arrowhead Stadium?

Hey dingus,
Dumbfuck cuck, in which state is Arrowhead Stadium?

Hey dingus - in what state is MetLife stadium? Go ahead - look it up. Then please quote me all of New Jerseys NFL teams.

Dumbfuck, Arrowhead Stadium is in Kansas City, Missouri. The Kansas City Chiefs play there. WTF does that have to do with Metlife Stadium?

Arrowhead is in KCMO? You're shitting me. You are one smart sumbich.

Dumbass why don't you show the tweet where he corrected it

Because somebody corrected him, does that mean he didn't say it?

Now there is a FAKE graph from the lying scum at Freedom Works, no surprise there. Notice they put the post recession that peaked in near the end of 2010 at the beginning of 2009 to skew the graph.

And also notice the graph is NOT WAGES, but household income which includes income from STOCKS which are heavily concentrated with the wealthy even though 50% of Americans own at least some small amount of stock. A whopping 84 percent of all stocks owned by Americans belong to the wealthiest 10 percent of households. And that includes everyone’s stakes in pension plans, 401(k)’s and individual retirement accounts, as well as trust funds, mutual funds and college savings programs like 529 plans. Further skewing the graph!!!
I own stocks. I am far from “wealthy”. Many own stocks through IRAs and 401ks. The Leftist lies are comical. You’re a little liar too as over half of all Americans own stocks. Back to your troll cave.

What Percentage of Americans Owns Stock?

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