Trump and his taxes

Good question, it's the regressive logic.

Tell me again how logic is regressive?


What a low IQ idiot. Clearly, logic is not regressive. I meant they are using regressive logic, which is the opposite of logic. Or in other words a pure assumption without any basis in reality.

Try again, troll. 0/10.
I'd be surprised if Trump actually cheated on his taxes. The IRS pretty much has guys like him under a permanent microscope.

Did he and his CPAs take advantage of tax law to minimize his exposure? No doubt. Does he know that releasing that information would create a nice new target for those who are always screaming about "the rich"? Of course.

I think people do have something to scream about and it's this tax code that cuts taxes for the wealthy at their expense given it cuts into much needed social programs. It puts a burden on families that most need it and can't get it.

Just look at Kansas to see just how wrong conservative economic polices have screwed families.

Problem for republicans is that they're starting to notice.

Problem for the country is that they've put their faith in an orange shitgibbon who's promised them everything and is only going to end up screwing them in the end.
I'm no Trump fan but all Trump had to do when confronted with his tax situation was to look into the camera during the debate and say that everyone takes as many deductions as they legally can, everyone, including the millionaire Hillary Clinton. Then he should have said that he would take many of those loop holes that crooked Hillary takes, like the millions of dollars she deducts by giving to her own charity.

But no, Trump would rather talk about Rosie O'Donnell. Thanks for that Donald.

Exactly how much did the Clintons offer Donald to throw the election?

Clinton's taxes tax rate last year was 34.2% That is higher than I would expect. I doubt Trump every paid anything close to that.

Trump has been a hypocrite about taxes, here's what the fat bloated crayola reject tweeted about taxes:

@BarackObama who wants to raise all our taxes, only pays 20.5% on $790k salary. Do as I say not as I do.

HALF of Americans don't pay income tax despite crippling govt debt...

Facebook billionaire gives up his U.S. citizenship in order to save taxes. I guess 3.8 billion isn't enough for (cont)

"@conservativeJT: @bluejoni @realDonaldTrump Trump is an American that will pay more taxes in one year than you pay in your entire life.

"@DenZen: Successful people work their asses off to make it, only to be punished by heavy taxes which are then squandered recklessly."

If @amazon ever had to pay fair taxes, its stock would crash and it would crumble like a paper bag. The @washingtonpost scam is saving it!

You know what is the worst part of @BarackObama's Tuesday speech playing class warfare--we paid for it with our tax dollars.

The rich will NEVER pay taxes. Do you know why? It's because politicians depend on the money of the rich.

Politicians don't make anything or produce anything. All they do is sit around trying to raise money for themselves.

Are people really this stupid?

What are you talking about? First off, of course many (certainly not all) want to give tax breaks to the rich, the Republican party is founded on this. Trump's tax plan is more tax cuts for the top, Clinton's is not. The Democratic party is usually criticized by the far right for taxing the rich. Ever heard of not having your cake and eating it too?

"The rich will never pay taxes". That is factually untrue, Jesus you sound like you're from Occupy Wallstreet. The Clintons, yes the Clintons prove you wrong. They have paid over a third of their income to taxes while Trump slobbered and whined on twitter about freeloaders, looks like he's the biggest one of all (figuratively and literally).

What needs to happen is federal elections need to be publicly funded, get rid of super pacs and dark money. The Democrats are closer to this than Republicans. Trump used to brag about not taking money and it was a core issue to his campaign and like everything else about Trump he just changed his mind on it and decided he's a politician after all.

Are people really this stupid? You prove they are.

Clinton, the one who constructs tax loop hole for the banks and special interest, is such a great candidate!

Publicly funded elections? Clinton is the supporter of this? Her funding is not quite so indicative of that.
Good question, it's the regressive logic.

Tell me again how logic is regressive?


What a low IQ idiot. Clearly, logic is not regressive. I meant they are using regressive logic, which is the opposite of logic. Or in other words a pure assumption without any basis in reality.

Try again, troll. 0/10.


Is shitgibbon going to build that wall and make Mexico pay for it?

Or are you just.... assuming he will.


AAAHHHHAHAHAhahahaha ahhahaah ahahahah
I want you shitgibbon supporters to think about something. :)

Here the base is mad at the establishment for having not promised all the stuff they have.... for their votes.

These people are hurting. I get it. I understand their pain.

Yet they put their faith in the one person who's taken advantaged of our tax code..... at the expense of his supporters! Somebody had to pay. Sure as shit didn't come out of the wealthy's pocket.

So now... now... we have shitgibbon promising to fix the tax code. And only he can do it .. because of his big brain or something.

For a second... do you think.... shitgibbon is going to do ANYTHING that puts his wealth in jeopardy or has him paying taxes on it?


You're being conned if you think shitgibbon is going to POTUS to YOU... and is going to help YOU.

He's in it for his ego.

He's in it for himself and his family.

He is.... by far and away..... the best con artist this country has ever had the misfortune of knowing.

And he knows a chump when he sees one.

Stop being chumps.
I'd be surprised if Trump actually cheated on his taxes. The IRS pretty much has guys like him under a permanent microscope.

Did he and his CPAs take advantage of tax law to minimize his exposure? No doubt. Does he know that releasing that information would create a nice new target for those who are always screaming about "the rich"? Of course.

I think people do have something to scream about and it's this tax code that cuts taxes for the wealthy at their expense given it cuts into much needed social programs. It puts a burden on families that most need it and can't get it.

Just look at Kansas to see just how wrong conservative economic polices have screwed families.

Problem for republicans is that they're starting to notice.

Problem for the country is that they've put their faith in an orange shitgibbon who's promised them everything and is only going to end up screwing them in the end.
I actually agree that they can pay higher rates and I'd add that minimum effective tax rates would help as well. The problem with the argument right now is that it's so simplistic and punitive that it puts us in danger of knee-jerking all over the place.

Of course, the same could be said for ANY subject that gets politicized.
“Donald Trump won’t release any new tax information in response to revelations that he claimed a massive tax loss in 1995 that potentially allowed him to avoid federal-income taxes for almost two decades, according to two people familiar with the campaign’s strategy,” Bloomberg reports."

Trump Still Won’t Release Taxes

He's damned if he does.... damned if he doesn't.

Doesn't matter now.

He's already by tried, judged and fricasseed in public opinion. :)
“That being said, Mr. Trump has paid hundreds of millions of dollars in property taxes, sales and excise taxes, real estate taxes, city taxes, state taxes, employee taxes and federal taxes, along with very substantial charitable contributions,”
you don't KNOW that at all!!!!

There are tax loophole for most of all those taxes as well, that Donald utilized...
I'm no Trump fan but all Trump had to do when confronted with his tax situation was to look into the camera during the debate and say that everyone takes as many deductions as they legally can, everyone, including the millionaire Hillary Clinton. Then he should have said that he would take many of those loop holes that crooked Hillary takes, like the millions of dollars she deducts by giving to her own charity.

But no, Trump would rather talk about Rosie O'Donnell. Thanks for that Donald.

Exactly how much did the Clintons offer Donald to throw the election?

Agreed Votto.

But, in my opinion, the better question is what Trump's rise says about the Republican electorate. Your side nominated a man whose temperament may lose you the most winnable election in our lifetime. You get this, right? Rarely is a party granted a 3rd term, and never has a party been granted a 3rd term with a candidate as terrible as Hillary - yet your voters were stupid enough to empower this deeply corrupt, pathologically petty narcissist.

So the question Votto... is.... why?

The answer partly rests in your response to his taxes. Somehow, you are using Hillary's tax deduction strategy as a tit-for-tat, but good God Man, your party's brand is precisely its business acumen and honesty in financial dealings. You bludgeon us over the head with how corrupt and incompetent the Democrats are in financial affairs, then [wait for it] you nominate a man of whom the following can and was said:

"The Trump Taj Mahal casino reported a $25.5 million net loss during its first six months of 1990; the Trump’s Castle casino lost $43.5 million for the year. His airline, Trump Shuttle, lost $34.5 million during just the first six months of that year."

Are you fucking kidding me? You foist this dog shit on the American People, and the best you can do is talk about Hillary Clinton's taxes? -someone who, unlike Trump, didn't declare a 916 million dollar LOSS in 1995, with 6 bankruptcies.

Your candidate left a trail of business failures larger than the GDP of most small nations, and he fucked poor workers/contractors, and he left the American Taxpayer to clean up his mess.

You're supposed to be the party of accountability, and the best you can do is point at the other side and say they also take deductions. This is how you paper over Trump's unbelievably large failures?

Unlike the Left, you're supposed to be the party of fiscal responsibility and business acumen, yet you give us this? Respectfully, this is why we don't take your posts seriously.
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I'm no Trump fan but all Trump had to do when confronted with his tax situation was to look into the camera during the debate and say that everyone takes as many deductions as they legally can, everyone, including the millionaire Hillary Clinton. Then he should have said that he would take many of those loop holes that crooked Hillary takes, like the millions of dollars she deducts by giving to her own charity.

But no, Trump would rather talk about Rosie O'Donnell. Thanks for that Donald.

Exactly how much did the Clintons offer Donald to throw the election?

Agreed Votto.

But, in my opinion, the better question is what Trump's rise says about the Republican electorate. Your side nominated a man whose temperament may lose you the most winnable election in our lifetime. You get this, right? Rarely is a party granted a 3rd term, and never has a party been granted a 3rd term with a candidate as terrible as Hillary - yet your voters were stupid enough to empower this deeply corrupt, pathologically petty narcissist.

So the question Votto... is.... why?

The answer partly rests in your response to his taxes. Somehow, you are using Hillary's tax deduction strategy as a tit-for-tat, but good God Man, your party's brand is precisely its business acumen and honesty in financial dealings. You bludgeon us over the head with how corrupt and incompetent the Democrats are in financial affairs, then [wait for it] you nominate a man of whom the following can and was said:

"The Trump Taj Mahal casino reported a $25.5 million net loss during its first six months of 1990; the Trump’s Castle casino lost $43.5 million for the year. His airline, Trump Shuttle, lost $34.5 million during just the first six months of that year."

Are you fucking kidding me? You foist this dog shit on the American People, and the best you can do is talk about Hillary Clinton's taxes? -someone who, unlike Trump, didn't declare a 916 million dollar LOSS in 1995, with 6 bankruptcies.

Your candidate left a trail of business failures larger than the GDP of most small nations, and he fucked poor workers/contractors, and he left the American Taxpayer to clean up his mess.

You're supposed to be the party of accountability, and the best you can do is point at the other side and say they also take deductions. This is how you paper over Trump's unbelievably large failures?

Unlike the Left, you're supposed to be the party of fiscal responsibility and business acumen, yet you give us this? Respectfully, this is why we don't take your posts seriously.

My side? You assume my side is the GOP.

Well let's see, the US has a $20 trillion debt with nothing to show for it. Both parties have stolen from us and continue to steal. When Hillary is elected, she will raise our taxes even more and have nothing to show for that as well.

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