Trump Asks Supreme Court To Intervene In Mar A Lago Documents Scandal

Fuck off along now, then.
We're allowed to use our phones for personal use during our breaks and lunch hour. My first break in the 12-hour shift is around 8:00 8:30. I'll check back to see if you're still making idiotic responses. But I guarantee you I'm not going to wait much More Time on you. You're not worth it. You don't bring anything positive to the conversation.
We're allowed to use our phones for personal use during our breaks and lunch hour. My first break in the 12-hour shift is around 8:00 8:30. I'll check back to see if you're still making idiotic responses. But I guarantee you I'm not going to wait much More Time on you. You're not worth it. You don't bring anything positive to the conversation.
Well I'm responding to an idiot, so expect idiotic responses during your fuck off times.
On Monday, the public learned that Donald Trump packed up the classified documents himself, tried to get an attorney to lie about returning everything, and that some of the items the National Archives was most interested in—including the letter from President Barack Obama and Trump’s correspondence with Kim Jung Un—are still missing. Naturally, this is the perfect time for Trump to take the whole thing to the Supreme Court and ask that they stop the Department of Justice from investigating possible criminal charges.

The application itself is full of the same kind of overbearing, half-baked language that has featured in every document that has come from Trump’s legal team in this ever-growing scandal, including claims that the 11th Circuit stay, rather than Judge Aileen Cannon’s extraordinary ruling, is a threat to legal precedent, and that the search itself “erodes public confidence in our system.”

The lynchpin of claiming President Trump tried to get his lawyer to lie is that he has NEVER lied about anything of a legal nature because he hires impeccable persons to be his lawyer. The same goes for his CPAs. He knows who knows the laws about business and about what is and is not a crime. And to his credit, unlike Pres. Biden who ignores good advice, President Trump takes the advice he is given and expects it to be the truth. Keep it up, nobody listens to serial yammering that claims things that are more than likely wrong because it doesn't fit the leftist goal of taking our Constitution and destroying the country it founded by men who suffered under uncaring monarchs. Communists just kill people who disagree with them, and that's Hillary Rotten's goal because she worships the Alinsky method of getting your way and destroying the country to fit her black widow's web of spider lies that patriots and free people cannot abide. I'm a little sick of you calling "liar" against President Trump and am therefore putting you on my throws mud list.
The lynchpin of claiming President Trump tried to get his lawyer to lie is that he has NEVER lied about anything of a legal nature because he hires impeccable persons to be his lawyer. The same goes for his CPAs. He knows who knows the laws about business and about what is and is not a crime. And to his credit, unlike Pres. Biden who ignores good advice, President Trump takes the advice he is given and expects it to be the truth. Keep it up, nobody listens to serial yammering that claims things that are more than likely wrong because it doesn't fit the leftist goal of taking our Constitution and destroying the country it founded by men who suffered under uncaring monarchs. Communists just kill people who disagree with them, and that's Hillary Rotten's goal because she worships the Alinsky method of getting your way and destroying the country to fit her black widow's web of spider lies that patriots and free people cannot abide. I'm a little sick of you calling "liar" against President Trump and am therefore putting you on my throws mud list.
It's weird how you used all those words...but didn't really say anything.

Well done.
It's weird how you used all those words...but didn't really say anything.

Well done.
It's not my fault if you have to look up words most debaters are well-acquainted with, because I did my homework in high school and college and learned the ins and outs of the English language. I recommend you purchase the best Webster's dictionary that you can afford, take a speed reading course which will acquaint you with learning the language so well you can quickly get the drift of the words being said.

Best wishes on developing a better vocabulary. I am certain that for a little work, you can one day understand precise usage and open up to a whole new world of understanding to your credit.
It's not my fault if you have to look up words most debaters are well-acquainted with, because I did my homework in high school and college and learned the ins and outs of the English language. I recommend you purchase the best Webster's dictionary that you can afford, take a speed reading course which will acquaint you with learning the language so well you can quickly get the drift of the words being said.

Best wishes on developing a better vocabulary. I am certain that for a little work, you can one day understand precise usage and open up to a whole new world of understanding to your credit.
2 for 2. You're good.
The lynchpin of claiming President Trump tried to get his lawyer to lie is that he has NEVER lied about anything of a legal nature because he hires impeccable persons to be his lawyer. The same goes for his CPAs. He knows who knows the laws about business and about what is and is not a crime. And to his credit, unlike Pres. Biden who ignores good advice, President Trump takes the advice he is given and expects it to be the truth. Keep it up, nobody listens to serial yammering that claims things that are more than likely wrong because it doesn't fit the leftist goal of taking our Constitution and destroying the country it founded by men who suffered under uncaring monarchs. Communists just kill people who disagree with them, and that's Hillary Rotten's goal because she worships the Alinsky method of getting your way and destroying the country to fit her black widow's web of spider lies that patriots and free people cannot abide. I'm a little sick of you calling "liar" against President Trump and am therefore putting you on my throws mud list.
You're completely twisted the truth there Biden hours listens to his advisors Trump is the one who said he knows better than they do and didn't listen to them half the time. That's why he brockered such a bad deal with the Taliban and left the Afghan government out of the meeting entirely.etc. etc. I know I heard him say that and at least a dozen situations.
Talking to yourself.

See that's the problem if you don't read through the post you don't understand what's going on that was an add-on to my previous post fortunately it wasn't directed at you it was directed at another idiot.
See that's the problem if you don't read through the post you don't understand what's going on that was an add-on to my previous post fortunately it wasn't directed at you it was directed at another idiot.
Oh it was directed at an idiot, to be sure.
On Monday, the public learned that Donald Trump packed up the classified documents himself, tried to get an attorney to lie about returning everything, and that some of the items the National Archives was most interested in—including the letter from President Barack Obama and Trump’s correspondence with Kim Jung Un—are still missing. Naturally, this is the perfect time for Trump to take the whole thing to the Supreme Court and ask that they stop the Department of Justice from investigating possible criminal charges.

The application itself is full of the same kind of overbearing, half-baked language that has featured in every document that has come from Trump’s legal team in this ever-growing scandal, including claims that the 11th Circuit stay, rather than Judge Aileen Cannon’s extraordinary ruling, is a threat to legal precedent, and that the search itself “erodes public confidence in our system.”

We've already been thru the mill on this crazed hullabaloo Pally.
Not only was Trump hounded and lied about ever since late summer of
2016 but also extending to his Immediate Family.
It's becomes more provable by the week.The MSM has proven as reliable
Traitors to a fair and open First Amendment.Now we have the FBI as
willing accomplice.There is no debating that.
In fact as far as the left keeping up this dishonest Unamerican charade
it will indubitably be to their peril in a few weeks.
So keep talkin' trash about former President Trump.
It only lands on the ears of those who feed like gloating pigs
at their trough.The trough that Obama helped supply.
He and his near 10,ooo grassroots organizers across the
fruited plain.Not ABOVE the " fruited plain " but in the deep dark
Underground " fruited plain " where creepiness Lies,slanders and
causes mayhem.
We've already been thru the mill on this crazed hullabaloo Pally.
Not only was Trump hounded and lied about ever since late summer of
2016 but also extending to his Immediate Family.
It's becomes more provable by the week.The MSM has proven as reliable
Traitors to a fair and open First Amendment.Now we have the FBI as
willing accomplice.There is no debating that.
In fact as far as the left keeping up this dishonest Unamerican charade
it will indubitably be to their peril in a few weeks.
So keep talkin' trash about former President Trump.
It only lands on the ears of those who feed like gloating pigs
at their trough.The trough that Obama helped supply.
He and his near 10,ooo grassroots organizers across the
fruited plain.Not ABOVE the " fruited plain " but in the deep dark
Underground " fruited plain " where creepiness Lies,slanders and
causes mayhem.
You guys have quite an imagination. Too bad you didn't put it into good use.
You guys have quite an imagination. Too bad you didn't put it into good use.
And guess what ... those " You Guys " are really gonna sparkle
in a few weeks.The Drat Democrats are in for a surprise of their
Lifetime.Record turnout because We the People had enough.
I meanie when you have Neocons like former Drug Czar Bill
Bennett insisting that Americans are " Fed-up ".Where Biden found a new
way to Buy Votes.By using Potheads.The Latest New Low as demonstrated
by Old Slow Joe.The Democrats have Literally Nothing to run on.
Abortions were banned.States get to decide.Maybe Old Joe can rally
around his latest dream that he once saved a Town by sticking his finger
in the Town's dike.Never explaining what kind of dyke.A Loose dike or
bawdy dyke.

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