Trump Asks Supreme Court To Intervene In Mar A Lago Documents Scandal

And guess what ... those " You Guys " are really gonna sparkle
in a few weeks.The Drat Democrats are in for a surprise of their
Lifetime.Record turnout because We the People had enough.
I meanie when you have Neocons like former Drug Czar Bill
Bennett insisting that Americans are " Fed-up ".Where Biden found a new
way to Buy Votes.By using Potheads.The Latest New Low as demonstrated
by Old Slow Joe.The Democrats have Literally Nothing to run on.
Abortions were banned.States get to decide.Maybe Old Joe can rally
around his latest dream that he once saved a Town by sticking his finger
in the Town's dike.Never explaining what kind of dyke.A Loose dike or
bawdy dyke.
Now you sound a bit more jovial, but at the same time more threatening and still crazy as ever. Good luck with that.
Now you sound a bit more jovial, but at the same time more threatening and still crazy as ever. Good luck with that.
You don't talk politically or even rationally.But with a sort of
tribalism.Like what them guys at Guantanamo prison probably relate to
each other.I'm guessing you'd make for a really terrible dinner guest.
Like probably one who brings their own fork and spoon.
January 3rd.
The new Congress begins it's term Jan. 3rd.
That is when the Junuary 6th Committee "goes away,"
But that is no surprise. It is expected.

The committee's work is finished anyway.
All their evidence has been referred to the Department of Justice.

The ball is in A.G. Garland's court now.
The new Congress has no authority over Garland.
What "work" have they done, Bozo? Hmm? :dunno:
You don't talk politically or even rationally.But with a sort of
tribalism.Like what them guys at Guantanamo prison probably relate to
each other.I'm guessing you'd make for a really terrible dinner guest.
Like probably one who brings their own fork and spoon.
What they call politics these days is absolutely disgusting. They don't talk about their party goals or aspirations. They condemn one another, and this is a hopelessly downward spiral that will destroy our democracy in the end because the one thing democracy needs to survive is freedom and cooperation.
The only thing I'm certain of is I'm not going to waste any more time on you I'm tired of your lies and misinformation. If drugs are your excuse I'm sorry that does not cut it on this site.

The only way to deal with a person to uses/abuses drugs is to let them sink or swim. If they sink, they sink. If they want to swim, help them The addict/alcoholic is like a two-year old throwing hissy fits. They want and they want now.

B.A. has time and again lied. Been caught lying (The Traitor said the election was rigged, I posted proof he had). B.A. ai't worth the beans to make a fart.
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What they call politics these days is absolutely disgusting. They don't talk about their party goals or aspirations. They condemn one another, and this is a hopelessly downward spiral that will destroy our democracy in the end because the one thing democracy needs to survive is freedom and cooperation.
You are obviously quite confused.Trump does like to
joke around about his opposition but he also gets to the
business of relating his policies.Take for example the border
wall.He only talked about it nearly non-stop.But in turn it
was used by the drat democrats as a way of making political
hay.Now WE the People { a far majority of americans } have
finally awoken to the desperate need to do just that.
Stop Illegals from crossing into our Country.
Trump also talked up the desire to Not engage in Warring.
Get in and get out.Take care of Isis ... lickety split.
However ...
" Democracy becomes a government of bullies,
tempered by editors. "
Ralph Waldo Emerson { American poet,philosopher }
Sure you give a fuck. You’re an ignorant twat, but you’re predictable. As soon as you grasp that there are no viable charges against Trump if the documents weren’t classified while in his possession (at Mar A Lago on the date of the raid), you’ll give a huge fuck, you insignificant fuck.

Oh, and shit for brains? Try to pay attention. I used to go to a library to borrow books. They were in my personal possession but they never belonged to me. And I committed no crime in possessing them just the same.

Why, you shithead, you can’t even explain why the government had been engaged in negotiations with Trump over the documents. It will be a riotous moment at a Trump “trial” when the defense gets to ask National Archive officials about “why” they were “negotiating” over any items which they maintain is automatically “the governments.” 😂🤣😂🤣😂

Most of them were classified.
Most of them were classified.
President Trump said they were declassified. The President is the only person who can declassify papers on his watch, and he doesn't lie. We learned that through millions of dollars of hearings that the Democrat Party House demanded over and over and over, it was shown the President Trump was truthful, no two ways about it. I trust Trump who tells the truth. I do not trust people who commit perjury time and time again, and next time the Democrats follow their craft, they will be called on their little hurtful lies. they created this powder keg, not President Trump. Your lying leaders have taught intolerance of lies to their adversaries, whoever they may be. The Democrat House of Cards is falling away in all known directions.

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