Trump calls for boycott of Goodyear for banning MAGA hats.

"Akronites on Wednesday morning used Twitter to defend Goodyear, many even before Goodyear publicly began to defend itself. James Hardy, Akron’s deputy mayor for integrated development, said he was “beyond proud” that Goodyear was in Akron, his hometown. “They care about our community, and stayed put when so many companies did not,” Hardy tweeted. “We are the #RubberCity Mr. President. And we stick together.”

This is disgusting -- Goodyear literally violated the free speech of its employees by telling them they can't wear MAGA hats -- but allowed them to wear racist Black Lives For Biden shirts and Kamala Harris muslim turban hats.....for the only American tire company in the Fortune 500 -- you would think they'd show more respect for our great president...

Luckily, they won't be a Fortune 500 company for long; let that be a lesson to any other business who dares to tell its employees what MAGA clothing they can or can't wear.
Are all the other MAGA people as big of a baby as you? They banned ALL political slogans on clothes.
That's a lie.
BLM isn't political, 20% of Republicans support it.
Bullshit. If "black lives matter" isn't considered political, then why is "all lives matter" considered political?

How is MAGA political? It stands for Make America Great Again. It does not endorse any particular candidate. If Goodyear is against America then they can fuck themselves.

Goodyear just lost a hell of a lot of business. People are not going to forget this anytime soon.

One of my mixer trucks is due for 16 new tires. They are not going to be Goodyears.
MAGA was/is Trump’s election slogan.

BLM have nothing to do with politics. But punish an American company, I wouldn’t expect any less from you.
Punish the fuck out them for their anti-American racist policies. They need to get rid of their upper management. Start with Kramer.

Allowing "black lives matter" but not "all lives matter" is a clearly racist policy.

Not allowing MAGA is clearly anti-American.

People are sick of the commie PC bullshit meant to intimidate Americans. Boycott Goodyear. And boycott businesses that do not boycott Goodyear. Fuck them.
What a big baby you are. Over a baseball cap that's clearly political. :206:

"Make America Great Again" can be looked at as a sentiment, not a political statement as well. In actuality, both slogans, BLM and MAGA are pregnant with political meaning.
Nope. MAGA was Trump's slogan for the last election. BLM aren't even part of the political process.
Then why when you donate to their “cause” on their webpage it goes straight to the DNC? Hope & Change?

"Akronites on Wednesday morning used Twitter to defend Goodyear, many even before Goodyear publicly began to defend itself. James Hardy, Akron’s deputy mayor for integrated development, said he was “beyond proud” that Goodyear was in Akron, his hometown. “They care about our community, and stayed put when so many companies did not,” Hardy tweeted. “We are the #RubberCity Mr. President. And we stick together.”

This is disgusting -- Goodyear literally violated the free speech of its employees by telling them they can't wear MAGA hats -- but allowed them to wear racist Black Lives For Biden shirts and Kamala Harris muslim turban hats.....for the only American tire company in the Fortune 500 -- you would think they'd show more respect for our great president...

Luckily, they won't be a Fortune 500 company for long; let that be a lesson to any other business who dares to tell its employees what MAGA clothing they can or can't wear.
Are all the other MAGA people as big of a baby as you? They banned ALL political slogans on clothes.
That's a lie.
BLM isn't political, 20% of Republicans support it.
Bullshit. If "black lives matter" isn't considered political, then why is "all lives matter" considered political?

How is MAGA political? It stands for Make America Great Again. It does not endorse any particular candidate. If Goodyear is against America then they can fuck themselves.

Goodyear just lost a hell of a lot of business. People are not going to forget this anytime soon.

One of my mixer trucks is due for 16 new tires. They are not going to be Goodyears.
MAGA was/is Trump’s election slogan.

BLM have nothing to do with politics. But punish an American company, I wouldn’t expect any less from you.
Punish the fuck out them for their anti-American racist policies. They need to get rid of their upper management. Start with Kramer.

Allowing "black lives matter" but not "all lives matter" is a clearly racist policy.

Not allowing MAGA is clearly anti-American.

People are sick of the commie PC bullshit meant to intimidate Americans. Boycott Goodyear. And boycott businesses that do not boycott Goodyear. Fuck them.
What a big baby you are. Over a baseball cap that's clearly political. :206:

"Make America Great Again" can be looked at as a sentiment, not a political statement as well. In actuality, both slogans, BLM and MAGA are pregnant with political meaning.
Nope. MAGA was Trump's slogan for the last election. BLM aren't even part of the political process.
he already won. it isn't his new ad. so you are completely wrong. as usual btw. So tires in America, wishing jobs in America to make America great is a campaign slogan to you? it isn't about country? it is to me. so again, you're wrong. I love america, I want it great. it seems goodyear and you don't. you'd rather promote rioting and looting in american cities. gotcha.

"Akronites on Wednesday morning used Twitter to defend Goodyear, many even before Goodyear publicly began to defend itself. James Hardy, Akron’s deputy mayor for integrated development, said he was “beyond proud” that Goodyear was in Akron, his hometown. “They care about our community, and stayed put when so many companies did not,” Hardy tweeted. “We are the #RubberCity Mr. President. And we stick together.”

This is disgusting -- Goodyear literally violated the free speech of its employees by telling them they can't wear MAGA hats -- but allowed them to wear racist Black Lives For Biden shirts and Kamala Harris muslim turban hats.....for the only American tire company in the Fortune 500 -- you would think they'd show more respect for our great president...

Luckily, they won't be a Fortune 500 company for long; let that be a lesson to any other business who dares to tell its employees what MAGA clothing they can or can't wear.
Are all the other MAGA people as big of a baby as you? They banned ALL political slogans on clothes.
they didn't ban Black Lives Matter - which is the terrorist wing of the Democrat party....
Well, it's not. Now go change your diaper.
sure they are. but you knew that.
Prove it. I'll wait. :popcorn:
prove they aren't. what conservative group behaves like them? name one! Conservatives love police. Love secure cities. name a ghetto republican city. I'll wait.
So you can’t back up your statement. Got it.
I'm getting 4 new Goodyear's put on tomorrow...politics comes secondary to my needs. It's only tires anyway.

I guess Goodyear is reaching their intended market then, and their strategy of demonizing conservatives is working to build up their popularity
No it's just 4 new tires. Simply replacing old ones same type same brand. Why would I let politics enter into something so meaningless as buying tires? That would be really dumb.

"Akronites on Wednesday morning used Twitter to defend Goodyear, many even before Goodyear publicly began to defend itself. James Hardy, Akron’s deputy mayor for integrated development, said he was “beyond proud” that Goodyear was in Akron, his hometown. “They care about our community, and stayed put when so many companies did not,” Hardy tweeted. “We are the #RubberCity Mr. President. And we stick together.”

This is disgusting -- Goodyear literally violated the free speech of its employees by telling them they can't wear MAGA hats -- but allowed them to wear racist Black Lives For Biden shirts and Kamala Harris muslim turban hats.....for the only American tire company in the Fortune 500 -- you would think they'd show more respect for our great president...

Luckily, they won't be a Fortune 500 company for long; let that be a lesson to any other business who dares to tell its employees what MAGA clothing they can or can't wear.
Are all the other MAGA people as big of a baby as you? They banned ALL political slogans on clothes.
they didn't ban Black Lives Matter - which is the terrorist wing of the Democrat party....
Well, it's not. Now go change your diaper.
sure they are. but you knew that.
Prove it. I'll wait. :popcorn:
prove they aren't. what conservative group behaves like them? name one! Conservatives love police. Love secure cities. name a ghetto republican city. I'll wait.
So you can’t back up your statement. Got it.
I provided necessary information. Now prove they’re not! Your turn. BTW, nadler stating there was no rioting is even more evidence on my side. Forgiveness of violence says only one thing. You should learn
You do even seem to get that the President should not tell people to boycott a company. He is bad, and his followers are idiots.
are you saying he doesn't have the same rights as you?
It is POLITICAL CORRECTNESS that has endangered GOODYEAR! It is not Conservatives.

Let us not forget that Topeka gave the OK on Black Lives Matter but Nixed, ALL Lives matter.

So White Lives, Spanish Lives, Asian Lives and Native American Lives are now second class citizens. How racist is that?

Also, BLUE Lives matter is not acceptable to Topeka. How criminal is that?

Believe me, there are now some high executives at GOODYEAR thinking that if the plant was Overseas they would not have these issues.
Well, it's not. Now go change your diaper.

Black lives matter is NOT the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party? Really?






Got it!
I'm getting 4 new Goodyear's put on tomorrow...politics comes secondary to my needs. It's only tires anyway.

I guess Goodyear is reaching their intended market then, and their strategy of demonizing conservatives is working to build up their popularity

We still DO NOT know what Goodyear's policy is, as Topeka does not represent GOODYEAR's views, according to the companies CEO, Rich Kramer

I want to believe the GOODYEAR will do the right and correct thing in this controversy and clarify a GENERAL Policy that voids the racism and bigotry of the Topeka policy.

"Akronites on Wednesday morning used Twitter to defend Goodyear, many even before Goodyear publicly began to defend itself. James Hardy, Akron’s deputy mayor for integrated development, said he was “beyond proud” that Goodyear was in Akron, his hometown. “They care about our community, and stayed put when so many companies did not,” Hardy tweeted. “We are the #RubberCity Mr. President. And we stick together.”

This is disgusting -- Goodyear literally violated the free speech of its employees by telling them they can't wear MAGA hats -- but allowed them to wear racist Black Lives For Biden shirts and Kamala Harris muslim turban hats.....for the only American tire company in the Fortune 500 -- you would think they'd show more respect for our great president...

Luckily, they won't be a Fortune 500 company for long; let that be a lesson to any other business who dares to tell its employees what MAGA clothing they can or can't wear.
Are all the other MAGA people as big of a baby as you? They banned ALL political slogans on clothes.
That's a lie.
BLM isn't political, 20% of Republicans support it.
WAPO? LMAO....BLM is a racist group. People say they support it publicly because otherwise idiot Leftists like you call them “racist” and spew that garbage all over social media. You of course knew that and decided to troll anyway.
I don’t even support BLM, lol. But 20% of the GOP does.
Claiming that BLM it isn't political is just plain stupid.

Black Lives Matter coalition issues first political agenda demanding slavery reparations

A coalition built on the Black Lives Matter movement has issued its first political agenda demanding reforms in the American justice system and reparations for slavery. Some 60 organisations in the Movement for Black Lives endorsed the platform calling for "black liberation" that had been forged over a year of discussions.

It is undeniable that BLM has a political agenda.

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