Trump can not reopen the economy too soon, because he did not close the economy

Individual governors did that, and only those governors can reopen their states.

Not sure why CNN is screaming that Trump is going to open things too soon because he can't
CNN, like the rest of us, is afraid he's gonna start pushing and issuing orders he isn't really allowed to but when has that ever stopped him? Republican legislative bodies and governors will listen, and many more people will die.
80000 Americans died in 2018 from the flu and no one cared, now they are predicting 60000 deaths.


People who keep pushing this comparison are dangerously ignorant.

vaccines available
human population has herd immunity
80000 deaths, no disease mitigation measures
well understood virus

no vaccine
new to human population, no herd immunity
rapidly and easily transmitted before symptoms manifest
degree of immunity after exposure not yet known
60000 deaths despite aggressive mitigation measures.
Hospitals overwhelmed
The flu vaccine is essentially a placebo, except that the people who get the flu vaccine have a higher rate of flu infection than those who do not. See the flu mutates and the vaccine is always 1 year to 18 months behind so when you get a flu vaccine you have zero protection against the new mutated strain. If this were not true then the flu vaccine would be mandatory, however people like me would protest and present these valid points so they can not make a BS flu vaccine mandatory.

You didn't know that or you would not be babbling about the flu vaccine.

LOL, you are also not aware that you are defending everything the Trump team is saying instead of looking at the situation logically.

But that's ok you keep believing everything on TV

I'm not convinced you know as much as you think you do or that you are looking at the situation logically - balancing economy and public health.

As an FYI - I seldom watch TV. Perhaps you do.

The flu virus mutates, that is a no brainer, Captain Obvious. Because of that it is reformulated every year to include what new strains are showing up. It's estimated that it's effective 40-60% of the time, which is enough to recommend it to vulnerable populations.

According to Johns Hopkins: coronavirus-disease-2019-vs-the-flu

While both the flu and COVID-19 may be transmitted in similar ways (see the Similarities section above), there is also a possible difference: COVID-19 might be spread through the airborne route, meaning that tiny droplets remaining in the air could cause disease in others even after the ill person is no longer near.


COVID-19: No vaccine is available at this time, though it is in progress.

Flu: A vaccine is available and effective to prevent some of the most dangerous types or to reduce the severity of the flu.

The flu (in case you did not know it) is also of a completely different virus family than the corona virus. It may not behave the same, it might not confer the same level or length of immunity (all are unknowns).

There are some other key differences in terms of what Covid does compared to the flu. It attacks the body in different ways, and particularly the lungs. There is some evidence it can cause long term lung damage that persists even after a person recovers. So brushing it off, when a lot is not well known, and so many people have been so sick that hospitals are overwhelmed is foolish.
No hospitals have been overwhelmed.

Yes, Virginia, hospitals in hard hit areas have been overwhelmed.
Nope. New York was the hardest hit. The new hospital at Javits field is empty. The navy hospital ship had less than 20 patients. The field hospital in Central Park is empty. That's the hardest hit area in the US. Rather than being overwhelmed empty hospitals are laying off.

Individual governors did that, and only those governors can reopen their states.

Not sure why CNN is screaming that Trump is going to open things too soon because he can't
CNN, like the rest of us, is afraid he's gonna start pushing and issuing orders he isn't really allowed to but when has that ever stopped him? Republican legislative bodies and governors will listen, and many more people will die.
80000 Americans died in 2018 from the flu and no one cared, now they are predicting 60000 deaths.


The coronavirus is far more dangerous than the flu. Once you recover from the flu, you resume your normal life. Many recovering coronavirus victims find the challenge is just beginning as they face a lengthy recovery period. Quit being a dumbass.
Individual governors did that, and only those governors can reopen their states.

Not sure why CNN is screaming that Trump is going to open things too soon because he can't
CNN, like the rest of us, is afraid he's gonna start pushing and issuing orders he isn't really allowed to but when has that ever stopped him? Republican legislative bodies and governors will listen, and many more people will die.
80000 Americans died in 2018 from the flu and no one cared, now they are predicting 60000 deaths.


People who keep pushing this comparison are dangerously ignorant.

vaccines available
human population has herd immunity
80000 deaths, no disease mitigation measures
well understood virus

no vaccine
new to human population, no herd immunity
rapidly and easily transmitted before symptoms manifest
degree of immunity after exposure not yet known
60000 deaths despite aggressive mitigation measures.
Hospitals overwhelmed
The flu vaccine is essentially a placebo, except that the people who get the flu vaccine have a higher rate of flu infection than those who do not. See the flu mutates and the vaccine is always 1 year to 18 months behind so when you get a flu vaccine you have zero protection against the new mutated strain. If this were not true then the flu vaccine would be mandatory, however people like me would protest and present these valid points so they can not make a BS flu vaccine mandatory.

You didn't know that or you would not be babbling about the flu vaccine.

LOL, you are also not aware that you are defending everything the Trump team is saying instead of looking at the situation logically.

But that's ok you keep believing everything on TV

I'm not convinced you know as much as you think you do or that you are looking at the situation logically - balancing economy and public health.

As an FYI - I seldom watch TV. Perhaps you do.

The flu virus mutates, that is a no brainer, Captain Obvious. Because of that it is reformulated every year to include what new strains are showing up. It's estimated that it's effective 40-60% of the time, which is enough to recommend it to vulnerable populations.

According to Johns Hopkins: coronavirus-disease-2019-vs-the-flu

While both the flu and COVID-19 may be transmitted in similar ways (see the Similarities section above), there is also a possible difference: COVID-19 might be spread through the airborne route, meaning that tiny droplets remaining in the air could cause disease in others even after the ill person is no longer near.


COVID-19: No vaccine is available at this time, though it is in progress.

Flu: A vaccine is available and effective to prevent some of the most dangerous types or to reduce the severity of the flu.

The flu (in case you did not know it) is also of a completely different virus family than the corona virus. It may not behave the same, it might not confer the same level or length of immunity (all are unknowns).

There are some other key differences in terms of what Covid does compared to the flu. It attacks the body in different ways, and particularly the lungs. There is some evidence it can cause long term lung damage that persists even after a person recovers. So brushing it off, when a lot is not well known, and so many people have been so sick that hospitals are overwhelmed is foolish.
No hospitals have been overwhelmed.

Yes, Virginia, hospitals in hard hit areas have been overwhelmed.
Nope. New York was the hardest hit. The new hospital at Javits field is empty. The navy hospital ship had less than 20 patients. The field hospital in Central Park is empty. That's the hardest hit area in the US. Rather than being overwhelmed empty hospitals are laying off.

From your article:

The situation is a Catch-22 of sorts. As hospitals and emergency rooms deal with a surge of patients affected by the coronavirus, clinics and other health care centers see a decline in elective surgeries, procedures and preventive care such as annual physicals, well-woman visits and regular teeth cleanings.
Individual governors did that, and only those governors can reopen their states.

Not sure why CNN is screaming that Trump is going to open things too soon because he can't
CNN, like the rest of us, is afraid he's gonna start pushing and issuing orders he isn't really allowed to but when has that ever stopped him? Republican legislative bodies and governors will listen, and many more people will die.
80000 Americans died in 2018 from the flu and no one cared, now they are predicting 60000 deaths.


People who keep pushing this comparison are dangerously ignorant.

vaccines available
human population has herd immunity
80000 deaths, no disease mitigation measures
well understood virus

no vaccine
new to human population, no herd immunity
rapidly and easily transmitted before symptoms manifest
degree of immunity after exposure not yet known
60000 deaths despite aggressive mitigation measures.
Hospitals overwhelmed
The flu vaccine is essentially a placebo, except that the people who get the flu vaccine have a higher rate of flu infection than those who do not. See the flu mutates and the vaccine is always 1 year to 18 months behind so when you get a flu vaccine you have zero protection against the new mutated strain. If this were not true then the flu vaccine would be mandatory, however people like me would protest and present these valid points so they can not make a BS flu vaccine mandatory.

You didn't know that or you would not be babbling about the flu vaccine.

LOL, you are also not aware that you are defending everything the Trump team is saying instead of looking at the situation logically.

But that's ok you keep believing everything on TV

I'm not convinced you know as much as you think you do or that you are looking at the situation logically - balancing economy and public health.

As an FYI - I seldom watch TV. Perhaps you do.

The flu virus mutates, that is a no brainer, Captain Obvious. Because of that it is reformulated every year to include what new strains are showing up. It's estimated that it's effective 40-60% of the time, which is enough to recommend it to vulnerable populations.

According to Johns Hopkins: coronavirus-disease-2019-vs-the-flu

While both the flu and COVID-19 may be transmitted in similar ways (see the Similarities section above), there is also a possible difference: COVID-19 might be spread through the airborne route, meaning that tiny droplets remaining in the air could cause disease in others even after the ill person is no longer near.


COVID-19: No vaccine is available at this time, though it is in progress.

Flu: A vaccine is available and effective to prevent some of the most dangerous types or to reduce the severity of the flu.

The flu (in case you did not know it) is also of a completely different virus family than the corona virus. It may not behave the same, it might not confer the same level or length of immunity (all are unknowns).

There are some other key differences in terms of what Covid does compared to the flu. It attacks the body in different ways, and particularly the lungs. There is some evidence it can cause long term lung damage that persists even after a person recovers. So brushing it off, when a lot is not well known, and so many people have been so sick that hospitals are overwhelmed is foolish.
No hospitals have been overwhelmed.

Yes, Virginia, hospitals in hard hit areas have been overwhelmed.
Nope. New York was the hardest hit. The new hospital at Javits field is empty. The navy hospital ship had less than 20 patients. The field hospital in Central Park is empty. That's the hardest hit area in the US. Rather than being overwhelmed empty hospitals are laying off.

From your article:

The situation is a Catch-22 of sorts. As hospitals and emergency rooms deal with a surge of patients affected by the coronavirus, clinics and other health care centers see a decline in elective surgeries, procedures and preventive care such as annual physicals, well-woman visits and regular teeth cleanings.
Any woman who goes for a well woman visit

Is not well mentally
Individual governors did that, and only those governors can reopen their states.

Not sure why CNN is screaming that Trump is going to open things too soon because he can't
CNN, like the rest of us, is afraid he's gonna start pushing and issuing orders he isn't really allowed to but when has that ever stopped him? Republican legislative bodies and governors will listen, and many more people will die.
80000 Americans died in 2018 from the flu and no one cared, now they are predicting 60000 deaths.


People who keep pushing this comparison are dangerously ignorant.

vaccines available
human population has herd immunity
80000 deaths, no disease mitigation measures
well understood virus

no vaccine
new to human population, no herd immunity
rapidly and easily transmitted before symptoms manifest
degree of immunity after exposure not yet known
60000 deaths despite aggressive mitigation measures.
Hospitals overwhelmed
The flu vaccine is essentially a placebo, except that the people who get the flu vaccine have a higher rate of flu infection than those who do not. See the flu mutates and the vaccine is always 1 year to 18 months behind so when you get a flu vaccine you have zero protection against the new mutated strain. If this were not true then the flu vaccine would be mandatory, however people like me would protest and present these valid points so they can not make a BS flu vaccine mandatory.

You didn't know that or you would not be babbling about the flu vaccine.

LOL, you are also not aware that you are defending everything the Trump team is saying instead of looking at the situation logically.

But that's ok you keep believing everything on TV

I'm not convinced you know as much as you think you do or that you are looking at the situation logically - balancing economy and public health.

As an FYI - I seldom watch TV. Perhaps you do.

The flu virus mutates, that is a no brainer, Captain Obvious. Because of that it is reformulated every year to include what new strains are showing up. It's estimated that it's effective 40-60% of the time, which is enough to recommend it to vulnerable populations.

According to Johns Hopkins: coronavirus-disease-2019-vs-the-flu

While both the flu and COVID-19 may be transmitted in similar ways (see the Similarities section above), there is also a possible difference: COVID-19 might be spread through the airborne route, meaning that tiny droplets remaining in the air could cause disease in others even after the ill person is no longer near.


COVID-19: No vaccine is available at this time, though it is in progress.

Flu: A vaccine is available and effective to prevent some of the most dangerous types or to reduce the severity of the flu.

The flu (in case you did not know it) is also of a completely different virus family than the corona virus. It may not behave the same, it might not confer the same level or length of immunity (all are unknowns).

There are some other key differences in terms of what Covid does compared to the flu. It attacks the body in different ways, and particularly the lungs. There is some evidence it can cause long term lung damage that persists even after a person recovers. So brushing it off, when a lot is not well known, and so many people have been so sick that hospitals are overwhelmed is foolish.
No hospitals have been overwhelmed.

Yes, Virginia, hospitals in hard hit areas have been overwhelmed.
Nope. New York was the hardest hit. The new hospital at Javits field is empty. The navy hospital ship had less than 20 patients. The field hospital in Central Park is empty. That's the hardest hit area in the US. Rather than being overwhelmed empty hospitals are laying off.

NY city is, was and always will be a pig sty.

Just sayin this pretty much proves it
I'm curious, what possible constitutional power gave governors the right to close their states?
The Tenth Amendment was part of the Bill of Rights that was added to the Constitution on December 15, 1791. This amendment states that any power not specifically given to the federal government by the Constitution belongs to the States and the people.
I dislike tramp and most on CNN do as well. He is a crooked man and whore, whore for money and whore for women. He is also a female assaulter, and a compulsive liar. He is a amoral arse. He makes Obama look like such a gentleman.
of course you have no proof for what you babble about
I've linked many times how Obama hates America/whites/cops

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