Trump classified documents case dismissed. Jack Smith loses again.

So sorry twatwaffel, that statute doesn't provide the authority to appoint a special counsel, only when one should be appointed.
Shhhhh, let the moron keep digging himself in deeper!
show me one case he went to court and
Stop strawmaning. I said he was acting in court as special prosecutor and that an appellate court upheld his appointment as special prosecutors, both of which are true. The decision I linked to in no way hinged on his appointment being approved so long as he pinky promised to not try a case. The only thing that prevented him from brining a case was the idea that he couldn't charge a sitting President, not any question about the legality of his appointment.
Stop strawmaning. I said he was acting in court as special prosecutor and that an appellate court upheld his appointment as special prosecutors, both of which are true. The decision I linked to in no way hinged on his appointment being approved so long as he pinky promised to not try a case. The only thing that prevented him from brining a case was the idea that he couldn't charge a sitting President, not any question about the legality of his appointment.
It's not a strawman, is the difference between the two appointments. It's the law.

It's why Jack Smith was illegal and Mueller was not.
So sorry twatwaffel, that statute doesn't provide the authority to appoint a special counsel, only when one should be appointed.

World's shittiest attorney...

The Attorney General, or in cases in which the Attorney General is recused, the Acting Attorney General, will appoint a Special Counsel when he or she determines that criminal investigation of a person or matter is warranted and—

(b) That under the circumstances, it would be in the public interest to appoint an outside Special Counsel to assume responsibility for the matter.

It absolutely authorizes the Attorney General to appoint a Special Counsel. Garland determined such an investigation was warranted. This law was written because of the appointment clause...

but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

Garland appointing Smith to conduct a criminal investigation into apparent crimes is completely constitutional. Cannon has been rebuked at least twice before by higher courts for making biased decisions in favor of Trump. This will be at least her third.
The legal theory that Smirh was not legally appointed because only Congress can approve presidential appointees is not sound. A Special Prosecutor appointed by The Attorney General does not constitute Biden "creating another office without congressional approval," which is what these MAGAt legal eagles (including Cannon) have based this theory on.
This is beyond a gross stretch of the interpretation of the constitution's limits on presidential power, it's just plain ridiculous.
Cannon has already been overruled by The 11th Circuit before in this case and her conduct in the process has some legal scholars even questioning if she really went to law school.
She just fucked up BIG TIME.
According to Cannon, the only lawful special counsel that can investigate a President has to appointed by that President and approved by Congress

An absurd ruling
I didn't say he was acting as the Attorney General, nor did the Court. Try again.

He was acting as a US Attorney, they all have to get confirmed.

He was not a U S. Attorney or acting as one. He was a private attorney hired to work for the Justice Department. Just as so many others have done before him.
World's shittiest attorney...

The Attorney General, or in cases in which the Attorney General is recused, the Acting Attorney General, will appoint a Special Counsel when he or she determines that criminal investigation of a person or matter is warranted and—
(b) That under the circumstances, it would be in the public interest to appoint an outside Special Counsel to assume responsibility for the matter.

It absolutely authorizes the Attorney General to appoint a Special Counsel. Garland determined such an investigation was warranted. This law was written because of the appointment clause...

but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

Garland appointing Smith to conduct a criminal investigation into apparent crimes is completely constitutional. Cannon has been rebuked at least twice before by higher courts for making biased decisions in favor of Trump. This will be at least her third.
Seriously, who fed you this bullshit? It absolutely does not provide the AG authority to appoint a Special Counsel. Here's a hint, Special Counsel is capitalized. Do you even know what that means?
Seriously, who fed you this bullshit? It absolutely does not provide the AG authority to appoint a Special Counsel. Here's a hint, Special Counsel is capitalized. Do you even know what that means?


It literally says they can...

Attorney General, will appoint a Special Counsel when he or she determines that criminal investigation of a person or matter is warranted
I am saying Mueller didn't prosecute. So he wasn't acting like Jack Smith, and thus subject to the Appointment Clause like every other US Attorney.
I know that's what you're arguing. I'm telling you that that argument is stupid because the reason Mueller never prosecuted had nothing at all to do with your dipshit logic. You're simply pretending as if they're connected with nothing at all to explain it. :laugh:
According to Cannon, the only lawful special counsel that can investigate a President has to appointed by that President and approved by Congress

An absurd ruling
why? doesn't seem that complex....look at Hur.

It literally says they can...

Attorney General, will appoint a Special Counsel when he or she determines that criminal investigation of a person or matter is warranted
yep, but the Constitution states that principal officers have to be appointed....those if that Special Counsel is investigating AND prosecuting, like a US Attorney, they have to followthe appointments clause.

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