Trump Employs 34,000 People

This is what I mean...

Trump Chose to Use Chinese Steel Over American Giving Them Millions of Dollars | RedState

"How often do we hear Trump talk about how China is killing us? Well, as it turns out, Trump isn't helping the situation. In fact, as reported by Newsweek's Kurt Eichenwald, during the last couple of construction projects, Trump chose to use foreign Chinese steel over American made steel to save money.

A Newsweek investigation has found that in at least two of Trump’s last three construction projects, Trump opted to purchase his steel and aluminum from Chinese manufacturers rather than United States corporations based in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin.

One major project, the Trump International Hotel in Vegas, went through a series of companies and locations that made it none too apparent that Trump was purchasing his goods through Chinese companies."
when there are more government jobs than private sector jobs, that happens after atlas shrugs.

According to CNNMoney

Donald Trump has created about 34,000 jobs

All the whining from Democrats about "contributions" (taxes) is going to backfire.

That fact that it gets ANY tracticpn proves they are the Party of Stalin
Does that qualify him to be POTUS?
Better question...

Does one who does not see that as "paying taxes" qualify to be president?

After all, the payroll taxes Trump pays IN ONE YEAR for 34,000 employees likely outmatches the entire amount of taxes Hillary and Bill have paid in their lifetime.

And those taxes are used for our military and cops, know.....contrary to what Hillary claims.

They are taxes on the employees income... You are saying that Trump should be a credited for taxes paid by his employees...
Are you still expecting him to build you a wall?
Are you still expecting him to deport 11million + people?
I never cared about a "wall." Enforcing immigration law will stop the flood and cause those already here illegally to SELF-DEPORT. This ain't rocket science.

Hillary already promised not to enforce the law. Trump WILL.
Business owners do NOT create jobs, its people who buy products and services who create jobs. Demand is the greatest job creator
An idiot who votes!

Venezuela has a HUGE demand for products they cannot get because of the socialist policies YOU share. So no, "demand", without capitalism creates NOTHING BUT MISERY

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