Trump Encourages His Followers To Harass Widow Of Steve Jobs Over Her Support Of Biden

This is one small, petty and sick man.
Ugly times indeed.

But the fact that he could win again says a lot about this country.

Pot meet fucking kettle. You truly are a retard.

What does that have to do with Trump?

I'm glad that this is the best you can do. Thanks.

You can't be this stupid.

Hey, I admit, you obedient Trumpsters are just too smart for me!

That's been obvious since you began posting here.
This is one small, petty and sick man.
Ugly times indeed.

But the fact that he could win again says a lot about this country.

Pot meet fucking kettle. You truly are a retard.

The fact that you have to bully people, call people retarded and employ various other juvenile ad hominins speaks volumes about your level of intellectual and emotional development as well as your level of confidence in your bullshit
This is one small, petty and sick man.
Ugly times indeed.

But the fact that he could win again says a lot about this country.

I have to say this is straight out of the Dim playbook. What with doxxing, cancel culture and all the rest.

I know they hate it when Trump turns their tactics back on them, and he is the Zen Master. But hey, if you throw a punch you better expect one to be thrown back. The fake outrage is just that.....fake.
This is one small, petty and sick man.

It takes a very sick and petty childish person to call for their followers to harass a widow. Only for the reason she donated money to his opponent.

How dare trump presume to know what Steve Jobs wants? He doesn't know Steve Jobs and it's an insult to his memory for trump to presume he can dictate how his widow lives and who she donates money to.

This isn't ok. This is very wrong.

View attachment 385698

Sorry, the precedent has been set by the negro gash from California:

This is one small, petty and sick man.
Ugly times indeed.

But the fact that he could win again says a lot about this country.

Pot meet fucking kettle. You truly are a retard.

The fact that you have to bully people, call people retarded and employ various other juvenile ad hominins speaks volumes about your level of intellectual and emotional development as well as your level of confidence in your bullshit

As well as his adoration for Trump. They finally have someone like themselves.

I assume they're like this in public, as he is.
This is one small, petty and sick man.
Ugly times indeed.

But the fact that he could win again says a lot about this country.

We have never had a president who has caused so much division and hate in our nation on purpose.

All other presidents have not lowered themselves to this disgusting level.

The fact that he won in the first place says a lot about out nation and it's not good.
This is one small, petty and sick man.

It takes a very sick and petty childish person to call for their followers to harass a widow. Only for the reason she donated money to his opponent.

How dare trump presume to know what Steve Jobs wants? He doesn't know Steve Jobs and it's an insult to his memory for trump to presume he can dictate how his widow lives and who she donates money to.

This isn't ok. This is very wrong.

View attachment 385698

Shrug. So what?

It's war, and she involved herself with the enemy.
War? Really? That is the sort of mentality that is causing this country to go up in flames. Trump has no boundaries, integrity, or sense of propriety. He has no respect for anyone who opposes him and the petulant man -child that he can intimidate and punish them. The fact that you condone his behavior tells me all that we need to know about you and Trump supporters

Meanwhile, your team is burning American cities to the ground. GFYS. :D
This is one small, petty and sick man.

It takes a very sick and petty childish person to call for their followers to harass a widow. Only for the reason she donated money to his opponent.

How dare trump presume to know what Steve Jobs wants? He doesn't know Steve Jobs and it's an insult to his memory for trump to presume he can dictate how his widow lives and who she donates money to.

This isn't ok. This is very wrong.

View attachment 385698
So you support 8 year old girls working 14 hours a day for a bowl of wonton soup and a cracker in chinka
This is one small, petty and sick man.
Ugly times indeed.

But the fact that he could win again says a lot about this country.

We have never had a president who has caused so much division and hate in our nation on purpose.

All other presidents have not lowered themselves to this disgusting level.

The fact that he won in the first place says a lot about out nation and it's not good.
He never had the temperament, intellect, or maturity for the office. Not even close.

But again, he may win in November. That speaks volumes about this country.
This is one small, petty and sick man.
Ugly times indeed.

But the fact that he could win again says a lot about this country.

We have never had a president who has caused so much division and hate in our nation on purpose.

All other presidents have not lowered themselves to this disgusting level.

The fact that he won in the first place says a lot about out nation and it's not good.
He caused division and hate by not groveling before boot lickers like you and by not make productive Americans from bending over to cater to your demands. Thugs and criminals always hate it when their victims stand up for themselves.
This is one small, petty and sick man.
Ugly times indeed.

But the fact that he could win again says a lot about this country.

We have never had a president who has caused so much division and hate in our nation on purpose.

All other presidents have not lowered themselves to this disgusting level.

The fact that he won in the first place says a lot about out nation and it's not good.
He never had the temperament, intellect, or maturity for the office. Not even close.

But again, he may win in November. That speaks volumes about this country.
Bending over and screwing your constuents is not maturity, you fucking dumbass.
This is one small, petty and sick man.
Ugly times indeed.

But the fact that he could win again says a lot about this country.

We have never had a president who has caused so much division and hate in our nation on purpose.

All other presidents have not lowered themselves to this disgusting level.

The fact that he won in the first place says a lot about out nation and it's not good.
He never had the temperament, intellect, or maturity for the office. Not even close.

But again, he may win in November. That speaks volumes about this country.
Bending over and screwing your constuents is not maturity, you fucking dumbass.

This is one small, petty and sick man.
Ugly times indeed.

But the fact that he could win again says a lot about this country.

We have never had a president who has caused so much division and hate in our nation on purpose.

All other presidents have not lowered themselves to this disgusting level.

The fact that he won in the first place says a lot about out nation and it's not good.
He caused division and hate by not groveling before boot lickers like you and by not make productive Americans from bending over to cater to your demands. Thugs and criminals always hate it when their victims stand up for themselves.

Dims are little pussy bullies. Bullies hate it when they get called on their shit and punched in the face.

Trump is not some old school turn the other cheek RINO. Dims play hardball, Trump plays harder. It is no surprise they don't like it. Too fucking bad. :D
This is one small, petty and sick man.

It takes a very sick and petty childish person to call for their followers to harass a widow. Only for the reason she donated money to his opponent.

How dare trump presume to know what Steve Jobs wants? He doesn't know Steve Jobs and it's an insult to his memory for trump to presume he can dictate how his widow lives and who she donates money to.

This isn't ok. This is very wrong.

View attachment 385698

He can't defend his past comments, so he's lashing out.
Goldberg's reputation, unlike Traitor Trump, is beyond reproach.
You can bet Trump is beating the bushes and browbeating those around him to come forward an LIE for him and say The Atlantic is lying.
I wish John Kelly would come forward and confirm, we KNOW that's where Goldberg got the information about what Trump said at Kelly's son's grave in Arlington.
This is one small, petty and sick man.
Ugly times indeed.

But the fact that he could win again says a lot about this country.

We have never had a president who has caused so much division and hate in our nation on purpose.

All other presidents have not lowered themselves to this disgusting level.

The fact that he won in the first place says a lot about out nation and it's not good.
He caused division and hate by not groveling before boot lickers like you and by not make productive Americans from bending over to cater to your demands. Thugs and criminals always hate it when their victims stand up for themselves.

Dims are little pussy bullies. Bullies hate it when they get called on their shit and punched in the face.

Trump is not some old school turn the other cheek RINO. Dims play hardball, Trump plays harder. It is no surprise they don't like it. Too ducking bad. :D
The Dims just love patsies like George W Bush who sat still to take whatever they dished out.
This is one small, petty and sick man.

It takes a very sick and petty childish person to call for their followers to harass a widow. Only for the reason she donated money to his opponent.

How dare trump presume to know what Steve Jobs wants? He doesn't know Steve Jobs and it's an insult to his memory for trump to presume he can dictate how his widow lives and who she donates money to.

This isn't ok. This is very wrong.

View attachment 385698

Neat, except that's not what he said is it?

How do you know when Trump is doing a good job? PROGS make up petty shit.
This is one small, petty and sick man.

It takes a very sick and petty childish person to call for their followers to harass a widow. Only for the reason she donated money to his opponent.

How dare trump presume to know what Steve Jobs wants? He doesn't know Steve Jobs and it's an insult to his memory for trump to presume he can dictate how his widow lives and who she donates money to.

This isn't ok. This is very wrong.

View attachment 385698
Seems fair to me as the democommies think it quite OK to harass conservatives who are just trying to have dinner in a public restaurant. You took the gloves off first asshole, now deal with it.
This is one small, petty and sick man.
Ugly times indeed.

But the fact that he could win again says a lot about this country.

We have never had a president who has caused so much division and hate in our nation on purpose.

All other presidents have not lowered themselves to this disgusting level.

The fact that he won in the first place says a lot about out nation and it's not good.
He never had the temperament, intellect, or maturity for the office. Not even close.

But again, he may win in November. That speaks volumes about this country.
There are a lot of the wealthy that want the peasants under control. For their safety.
This is one small, petty and sick man.

It takes a very sick and petty childish person to call for their followers to harass a widow. Only for the reason she donated money to his opponent.

How dare trump presume to know what Steve Jobs wants? He doesn't know Steve Jobs and it's an insult to his memory for trump to presume he can dictate how his widow lives and who she donates money to.

This isn't ok. This is very wrong.

View attachment 385698

He can't defend his past comments, so he's lashing out.
Goldberg's reputation, unlike Traitor Trump, is beyond reproach.
Says who? It looks to me like he's a professional liar. He publishes a propaganda rag.

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