Trump-Gingrich Ticket

if only Newt was in his 40's....what i am getting at is that it would help Trump more if he had a young/inspiring/attractive VP choice to excite the milleniumimumeals(lol,,,however u spell it),,,,maybe even one of our female governors/senators?

I'm with you on this, I think Newt is far too old and will not appeal to younger voters. But the young vote never determines the outcome, even in the case of Obama, it wasn't what did it for him. They historically, just don't show up and vote... if they do, it's for the democrat or some third party. This is not really about strategy of who's "vote to capture" as much as it is about unification of a very fractured party.

Look at it like this... we just had an epic battle for the soul of the party between the establishment and the conservatives-- and both lost. We're now headed by a populist who has no loyalty to either. Trump can make a pick and completely shift the paradigm toward conservatives or establishment and too far either way will polarize the other side. So he has to choose someone who will not be a "slap in the face" to either conservatives or establishment republicans. One of the very few AND most qualified to do this is Newt, plus he has an incredible dossier between his ears... probably not a more intelligent person to serve as VP in many years.

Ideally, I'd rather us be debating Cruz nominating Fiorina, Rubio or Kasich... but that ship has sailed. It's Trump's choice to make and it will be a major influence on the platform and future of the party. If he hopes to win, he has to unify the fractured party and unfortunately, that requires more than simply proclaiming it has been unified.
well she has a nice pair of melons
so does my local grocer....Publix
now If Sarah Palin was 40, in her prime, perfect 38 28 38 body, and didnt have that alaska accent, just maybe she could be the VP. lol

I am a Sarah Palin fan, I really do like her and I think it would be great to see her preside over the Senate and backdrop Trump's State of the Unions... I think she is witty and charming in a rural kind of way and it appeals to a lot of mainstream people across America, they can relate to her because she seems like one of them. But I honestly think she can do more for America in a less spotlighted area, like maybe... Energy Secretary? I also think Carly Fiorina would be a pretty good Secretary of State and Ted Cruz, Attorney General.... doubt that will ever happen, but it wouldn't shock me with Trump.... he has the capacity to do something like that because he is Trump. I mean, how else can you say it... Trump is Trump.

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