Trump goes there: insinuates that Megyn Kelly was menstruating during debate

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I don't think a dem will be POTUS. Too many are tired of the damage and outright nose thumbing Obama has done.

Yeah, so name a Repub that can win.
Carly has a good shot. So does Kasich. It all depends on who they nom as their running mate, dontcha think?
Carly has no
Kasich only has slightly better

Cruella Fiorina is never going to make into the Oval office.


Kasich stands a good chance of being in the VP slot if Bush the 3rd or Rubio win the nomination.
Gosh, you sound flabbergasted. Sorry you are tired of me voicing an opinion as to the quality and analysis of the moral implications of your crude and child like opinions and post, but that is just to bad. When you tell people the STFU on the net they usually ignore you. It means you have delusions of having some authority when all you have is, well,..... a delusion. usual you misunderstand the STFU comment......................I equate it to your side's use of the words already posted............To me they mean the same thing...................

So I told you to STFU in reference to how you talk to us all the time.

The Ignore function is on this site...............If you are thin skinned then use it.............It will not change the price of rice in China to me.
Lets get it straight. You are doubling down on a crude attack made to a woman about menstruating and posting photo's to reinforce your point, and whining about how someone on a message board responds to your crudeness. Typical dish it out but can't take it behavior.

Women do not menstruate out of their eyes.
It's the left who is making it about her period.

yeah, I think it is possible he was just kind of repeating his earlier statement or trying to expand it and then added whatever......
wasnt even thinking about menstruation.

If he was however....expect him to double we will probably know for sure.
If so, it is so over the top, and plays into democratic line and sympathy for Hillary...that you have to wonder if he isnt a shill for the Democrats.
I don't wonder. I have been sure of it from day one. It is obvious that he is a shill. It should be obvious to the meanest intellegence.

Well but he was treated meanly by Obama at the Washington correspondents dinner.....maybe ego goaded him into a run?

or maybe he really cares about where we're heading to. usual you misunderstand the STFU comment......................I equate it to your side's use of the words already posted............To me they mean the same thing...................

So I told you to STFU in reference to how you talk to us all the time.

The Ignore function is on this site...............If you are thin skinned then use it.............It will not change the price of rice in China to me.
Lets get it straight. You are doubling down on a crude attack made to a woman about menstruating and posting photo's to reinforce your point, and whining about how someone on a message board responds to your crudeness. Typical dish it out but can't take it behavior.

Women do not menstruate out of their eyes.
It's the left who is making it about her period.

yeah, I think it is possible he was just kind of repeating his earlier statement or trying to expand it and then added whatever......
wasnt even thinking about menstruation.

If he was however....expect him to double we will probably know for sure.
If so, it is so over the top, and plays into democratic line and sympathy for Hillary...that you have to wonder if he isnt a shill for the Democrats.
I don't wonder. I have been sure of it from day one. It is obvious that he is a shill. It should be obvious to the meanest intellegence.

Well but he was treated meanly by Obama at the Washington correspondents dinner.....maybe ego goaded him into a run?

or maybe he really cares about where we're heading to.
That was funny

Obama put the birther in his place and Trump just fumed
I don't think a dem will be POTUS. Too many are tired of the damage and outright nose thumbing Obama has done.

Yeah, so name a Repub that can win.
Carly has a good shot. So does Kasich. It all depends on who they nom as their running mate, dontcha think?
Carly has no
Kasich only has slightly better

Cruella Fiorina is never going to make into the Oval office.


Kasich stands a good chance of being in the VP slot if Bush the 3rd or Rubio win the nomination.
Republicans need both Florida and Ohio if they want to win

Bush picking Kasich would be a good pick
I am learning to simply get used to modern women being their modern selves in modern times. That doesn't mean I believe the private sector is wrong when paying women more in the porn industry and less in the non-porn industry.

If women really want to get serious about a serious relationship with equality regarding work and pay, they are going to have to prove it by harassing us for meaningless sex until we "surrender" and put out a relationship.
My source on this is NBC News.
"you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes.
Uh, blood coming out of her, where-ever." Trump

Mr. Trump made Megyn Kelly look really bad ... She was a mess with her anger.”

And that Trump was talking about a bloody nose, and that "Only a deviant would think anything else ..."
That's silly.
Nose bleed is not usually associated with mood swings.

In the context of blood coming out of "where-ever", it's menstruation that is associated with mood swings.

So I'm not impressed with Trump's feeble attempt to smooth this over. His meaning was both clear, and vulgar.

And I'm grateful to the other Republican candidates for unanimously condemning the remark.
I would like to point out that women also have a Ninth Amendment and Men's corporalcy regarding women being pornographic enough to bear their ankles in public on public beaches even for swimming purposes, has been rescinded since last millennium.
My source on this is NBC News.
"you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes.
Uh, blood coming out of her, where-ever." Trump

Mr. Trump made Megyn Kelly look really bad ... She was a mess with her anger.”

And that Trump was talking about a bloody nose, and that "Only a deviant would think anything else ..."
That's silly.
Nose bleed is not usually associated with mood swings.

In the context of blood coming out of "where-ever", it's menstruation that is associated with mood swings.

So I'm not impressed with Trump's feeble attempt to smooth this over. His meaning was both clear, and vulgar.

And I'm grateful to the other Republican candidates for unanimously condemning the remark.

He's a misogynist and this is shocking so many people who are just uninformed. But Kelly knew what he was and exposed him. It's a measure of how the media doesn't consider him a threat at this point that they don't dig up all his relationships and affairs with women. Men who hate women talk a certain way about them, making reference to their menstrual cycles, comparing them to dogs in heat, calling them whores, etc. They love women as long as they submit sexually to them, but if they ever have an independent thought, stand up for themselves, or oppose what the man is doing, they get angry and the invectives start flying.

Let me introduce America to the REAL Donald Trump.
My source on this is NBC News.
"you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes.
Uh, blood coming out of her, where-ever." Trump

Mr. Trump made Megyn Kelly look really bad ... She was a mess with her anger.”

And that Trump was talking about a bloody nose, and that "Only a deviant would think anything else ..."
That's silly.
Nose bleed is not usually associated with mood swings.

In the context of blood coming out of "where-ever", it's menstruation that is associated with mood swings.

So I'm not impressed with Trump's feeble attempt to smooth this over. His meaning was both clear, and vulgar.

And I'm grateful to the other Republican candidates for unanimously condemning the remark.

He's a misogynist and this is shocking so many people who are just uninformed. But Kelly knew what he was and exposed him. It's a measure of how the media doesn't consider him a threat at this point that they don't dig up all his relationships and affairs with women. Men who hate women talk a certain way about them, making reference to their menstrual cycles, comparing them to dogs in heat, calling them whores, etc. They love women as long as they submit sexually to them, but if they ever have an independent thought, stand up for themselves, or oppose what the man is doing, they get angry and the invectives start flying.

Let me introduce America to the REAL Donald Trump.
And that's his GOOD side
Right now the trumpbots are being defensive. It comes from being had, but refusal to admit it. I had a miserable opinion of Trump before I knew this much about him. The more I find out about him, the more I dislike.

I am sure the more other people find out about him, the less they will like as well. But for a while they will be defensive.

And he is still the only one who will engage the immigration debate. As long as that is the case, as long as he will have trumpbots to defend him
DT #790
Thanks for the clarification. By unanimous I meant of those that condemned. It's why I didn't say "ALL the other candidates". My comment was confined to those that responded, though Cruz may chime in later.
By unanimous I meant, none of those that commented, approved it.
" the media doesn't consider him a threat at this point "
That's vague, & misleading.

a) "The media": newspapers, magazines, blogs, radio, broadcast TV, cable / satellite TV
are not an ideological monolith. Rush Limbaugh often has a different political perspective than that offered by CNN, or PMSNBC.

b) The obvious (naïve) standard would be to perceive a Republican candidate a threat to the Democrats.
More s a v v y observers understand Trump is much more of a threat to the Republicans.
- Trump is a mud-slinger, and has coated many.
- If Trump runs a 3rd party campaign he may quite possibly put HRC in the White House by splitting the Republican vote, the way H.Ross Perot helped put her husband in the White House in 1992.
Uhm, no. 911 happened 9 months after 43 took office. Your math is faulty. Either that or you simply chose to lie.

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My gosh Obama has been president for over six years and it's still Bush's fault. Also you are saying 911 was planned in 8 months? Clinton's lack of attention on our enemies made us weak.
There is no statute of limitations on things being your fault. Iraq and Afghanistan were Bushs fault, the collapsing economy was Bush's fault, torture was Bush's fault
Hey needle dick, news flash O' but hole called the Iraq war over and al quads a Jv squad before they split apart and became the ISIS.
Our President warned Bush not to get involved in Iraq. He also pledged to get us the hell out of Bush's blunder

He did

There is no statute of limitations on things being your fault. Iraq and Afghanistan were Bushs fault, the collapsing economy was Bush's fault, torture was Bush's fault
Hey needle dick, news flash O' but hole called the Iraq war over and al quads a Jv squad before they split apart and became the ISIS.
Our President warned Bush not to get involved in Iraq. He also pledged to get us the hell out of Bush's blunder

He did
what the fuck does that even mean word salad stepford wife paid poster~ yea rw I can do it also.

Obama and Hillary both supported that war

Duh, Obama didn't support it. Hillary only did so based on Bush lies.
he and Hillary voted for the war and I don't know what the paid poster RW is smoking because he us posting like an idiot tonight

I don't want to believe that a box of rocks is more intelligent than you are but your post above screams it.

For your information Obama didn't vote to give the the bush boy the authority to start a war. Nor did Obama vote for the Iraq war.

For your information Obama wasn't in congress in 2002 when the vote took place.

Obama ran for the senate in the 2004 election and was sworn into office in 2005. That's years after the vote took place.

I don't know how you can be so stupid. Were you born that way or did you work on it throughout your life?
There is no statute of limitations on things being your fault. Iraq and Afghanistan were Bushs fault, the collapsing economy was Bush's fault, torture was Bush's fault
Hey needle dick, news flash O' but hole called the Iraq war over and al quads a Jv squad before they split apart and became the ISIS.
Our President warned Bush not to get involved in Iraq. He also pledged to get us the hell out of Bush's blunder

He did
what the fuck does that even mean word salad stepford wife paid poster~ yea rw I can do it also.

Obama and Hillary both supported that war

What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other arm-chair, weekend warriors in this Administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.

What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income – to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression.

That’s what I’m opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics.

Now let me be clear – I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. He has repeatedly defied UN resolutions, thwarted UN inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity.

He’s a bad guy. The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him.

But I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States, or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history.

Barack Obama .....Oct 26 2002

All you are doing is copying and pasteing you high paid mother fucker

All you're doing is showing how stupid you are by stating that Obama voted for the Iraq war.

Read history and you will see that Obama couldn't vote for anything to do with any war in 2002. He wasn't a federal senator at the time.

So you calling anyone stupid is in itself stupid.

Learn about things before you post and you won't make such a fool of yourself.
Whatever. I am neither party, actually. I look forward to the dem debates. I also DO NOT WANT HILLARY.

All in due time. All in due time to decide.

Hillary will be arrested very soon.

What people fail to understand about Obama is that he's a cold man who never forgets who crosses him. There's no grace, no decency, and certainly no forgiveness in that man. He's going to expose her criminal activities for all to see and she's going to be in handcuffs. Wait for it....

Ohhhh. Give me a hint. A week? A month? Tomorrow? When can I say either " he was right" , or "he's full of shit"?
My source on this is NBC News.
"you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes.
Uh, blood coming out of her, where-ever." Trump

Mr. Trump made Megyn Kelly look really bad ... She was a mess with her anger.”

And that Trump was talking about a bloody nose, and that "Only a deviant would think anything else ..."
That's silly.
Nose bleed is not usually associated with mood swings.

In the context of blood coming out of "where-ever", it's menstruation that is associated with mood swings.

So I'm not impressed with Trump's feeble attempt to smooth this over. His meaning was both clear, and vulgar.

And I'm grateful to the other Republican candidates for unanimously condemning the remark.

First of all, the question should have never been asked at a Presidential debate. Second... "Blood coming out of her eyes. or wherever..." IS NOT "she was on the rag!" You have to do linguistic gymnastics to get there.... AND as Trump points out, also have a deviant mind. Third... Trump has said all kinds of bombastic things.. why do you idiots think THIS is what brings him crashing down?

FINALLY... NO, all the other Republican candidates DID NOT condemn Trump. Most of them declined to comment or get involved. The ONLY one who called for Trump to apologize and condemned his remarks was JEB BUSH! ...The fact that YOU ARE GRATEFUL is probably the best illustrative reason no one should vote for Jeb Bush. He has confirmed without a doubt that he fully intends to walk the PC line and say only things Liberal approve of. That is NOT what the GOP needs.
Would people think the same thing if Trump had said it to a man?
Usually when a person says they have blood coming out of their eyes or whatever means anger or a defense mechanism.
But because he said it to a woman it's automatically about her period and dropping or ignoring the part about the eyes.
Talk about sexist.

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