Trump Going to Mexico

Lol, what a bunch of horse shit. Did you even read this list?

Here is that list:
1. He slammed on the "Gold Star" Muslim Mom - totally justified as he simply observed that she was not talking during her husbands speech. OMG, TRUMP IS A RACIST FOR ASKING A QUESTION ABOUT A MOM!

2. Said a judge was Mexican. Not racism to use short hand aka synecdoche. The Judge is "of Mexican heritage and is a member of a racist Mexican legal group", "La Raza" or the RACE. Trump has a right to a fair trial doesnt he? So why cant he raise an issue about a judge presiding over his trial that is a member of a racist group? Oh, wait, only whites can be racist, right? lol.

3. Just-us Department sued him for not renting to minorities - so what? The Just-us Department sues white people for that no matter actual evidence there is for it. It has degenerated into a shake down scheme and little more.

4. Racial discrimination a pattern in Trumps Career - this is the kind of ambiguous subjective horse shit that no one can disprove and which no one should ever take seriously. But if it helps Hillary the left never fails to go with it.

5. Refused to condemn white supremacists - what a pile of horse shit. Trump has denied, rebuffed and rejected any endorsements from racist amany many times, and sometimes when he thinks the idiot lying journalist is trying to change the subject just as Trump is making his point, he will ignore it and finish his point. That is not "failing to reject" that is "ignoring idiot libtard tricks". Besides all that, Hillary has still refused to reject the endorsement of KKK leaders herself and it has been MONTHS not just a few days.

6. Questions if Obama was born in the USA- that is not racism, roflmao, that is called verification and documentation, words Democrats dont like to hear these days.

7. He treats racial groups as monoliths - you mean exactly like the Democrats do? roflmao

8. Trashed Indians - Trump points out the way the mafia uses Amerindians to open casinos and says they dont look like Amerindians, and that is racism? This shit is too funny.

9. Trump wanted rapists put in prison - Seriously? Racism? lol

10. He condoned the beating of a Black Lies Matter thug - Trump has said some inflammatory things about people that trespass and invade his private rallies, sure, but it was never about race as several incidents were white protesters too. Again, no racism what so ever.

11. He called people that beat up a Latino "passionate" - this is another example of a completely irrelevatn incident being use as filler for a load of tripe about Trump being a racist. Latinos are not a race, dear.

12. Trump asked Jews if they like renegotiating deals - roflmao, this is just stupid. Jews are not a race, and asking them what their preferences are is not offensive. How about Hillary calling some of her own Jewish supporters 'Kikes", "M----F--king Jews", "Jew bastards" etc?

13. He treats black supporters as tokens - that is merely the opinion of this pinhead who thinks doubting Obamas place of birth is the same as Death Camp racism. How many token blacks did George Wallace use? Real racists dont use token anything, honey. Another typical example of fluffed up horse shit being passed off as evidence of racism on Trumps behalf.

13 points that are evidence of how liberals like to use racism to lie and slander good people whent eh left is out of sound argumments and proof that anything they have done has done anyone any good for the last 40 years.
He’ll still be a racist when he gets back.
So who's the illegal in your family.

Well, there was uncle Ralph from the old Candycorn wayback machine… He had the audacity of being on our land before we got here (us being white folks). I guess he’s as close as we came to having an illegal alien in our family.

Trump’s racism has nothing to do with illegal aliens; everything to do with wanting to ban people because of their religion and thinking a judge (born in Indiana) cannot do his job because he is of hispanic descent.
What did Trump say that makes him a racist?
Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist

Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist

Good stuff there.

Of course, He’s looking for a quote to where Trump admits he’s a racist; as if Trump would ever say as such. And the absence of which will be held up as proof. It’s a 7th grade debate tactic that is laudable but somehow appropriate for a Trump enabler with what is likely a 7th grade education.

When you don’t think a man can do his job because of his heritage, that is racism. Pure and simple. Speaker Ryan even said so.
When you want to ban people from entering this nation because of their religion, that is racist. Pure and simple.
Job performance based on heritage?
Show proof.
The fact that he's meeting with El Chapo (he's the President of Mexico, right?) Shows me Trump is unfit to lead, just like Hillary.
Yeah, too bad Trump cant meet with world leaders like you meet people from you bomb shelter.

I think this trip is dangerous for Donald and on such short notice, he should not go....not enough security prep time....riots could break out!!!!

He needs to reschedule....

Unless he wants the attention from the riots....and wants the free publicity, which is his M/O.....

But honestly, Trump should wait until security is set, and the State dept and secret service deems it safe for him.
Good, he'll have one leader meeting under his belt, 1000 less than Clinton, but at least he's trying....:p
Yeah, but Hillary's bribe collection meetings really dont count, lol.
So 80 phone calls and/or contacts over 4years.....out of 45000 emails, 3000 scheduled meetings, 130 foreign nation visits....

And 6000 Clinton Foundation donors....

80 or so phone calls, is squat!!!!!!!!!

I think it was 85 appointments were scheduled after people made donations out of about 150 meetings she had with people not in the State Department.

Who expects to have to pay a bribe to let the janitor talk to her?
The fact that he's meeting with El Chapo (he's the President of Mexico, right?) Shows me Trump is unfit to lead, just like Hillary.
Yeah, too bad Trump cant meet with world leaders like you meet people from you bomb shelter.

I think this trip is dangerous for Donald and on such short notice, he should not go....not enough security prep time....riots could break out!!!!

He needs to reschedule....

Unless he wants the attention from the riots....and wants the free publicity, which is his M/O.....

But honestly, Trump should wait until security is set, and the State dept and secret service deems it safe for him.
Why shouldn't he go? If something happens to him it won't look too nice on the stage of the international circus ring.
I think this trip is dangerous for Donald and on such short notice, he should not go....not enough security prep time....riots could break out!!!!

He needs to reschedule....

Unless he wants the attention from the riots....and wants the free publicity, which is his M/O.....

But honestly, Trump should wait until security is set, and the State dept and secret service deems it safe for him.

Lol, I am sure he appreciates your concern, C4A!

Seriously, at that age, going out in a blaze of glory serving your country is preferable to dying laying in your own shit, by an overflowing bed pan, pushing a call button till your nails break off.
Trump should get a gold medal in back peddling.
If he's back pedaling to a more reasonable position, he shouldn't be criticized for it. Might make it harder to beat him, but fair's fair.
Sounds like Trump is backtracking on all his anti-immigration stuff.

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Yeah......that's the automatic assumption by those who love insulting him, but on the other hand, it shows he's willing to establish dialog with foreign governments.

Trump is now sounding like Obama. Obama has also focused on deporting felons and gang members.
Obama has focused on giving felons their early release so they can vote and shoot women pushing baby-carrages.
They've all been NON VIOLENT offenders. Not the type who shot the cousin.
Good, he'll have one leader meeting under his belt, 1000 less than Clinton, but at least he's trying....:p
Yeah, but Hillary's bribe collection meetings really dont count, lol.
So 80 phone calls and/or contacts over 4years.....out of 45000 emails, 3000 scheduled meetings, 130 foreign nation visits....

And 6000 Clinton Foundation donors....

80 or so phone calls, is squat!!!!!!!!!

I think it was 85 appointments were scheduled after people made donations out of about 150 meetings she had with people not in the State Department.

Who expects to have to pay a bribe to let the janitor talk to her?

Clinton's receive nothing, not even a dime of the Foundation's donations....however, unlimited lives are saved or helped and made better through the foundation's charity programs.

Pay for play claims come from ignorance....and partisan gobbeldy gook..... :p
Clinton's receive nothing, not even a dime of the Foundation's donations....
How do you KNOW that?

You dont, you just hope it is true.

Besides, doesnt the APPEARANCE of IMPROPRIETY mean anything any more to you Dems?

To get your brain around this, try to imagine that this was Richard Nixon, mmmk?
So who's the illegal in your family.

Well, there was uncle Ralph from the old Candycorn wayback machine… He had the audacity of being on our land before we got here (us being white folks). I guess he’s as close as we came to having an illegal alien in our family.

Trump’s racism has nothing to do with illegal aliens; everything to do with wanting to ban people because of their religion and thinking a judge (born in Indiana) cannot do his job because he is of hispanic descent.
What did Trump say that makes him a racist?
Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist

Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist

Good stuff there.

Of course, He’s looking for a quote to where Trump admits he’s a racist; as if Trump would ever say as such. And the absence of which will be held up as proof. It’s a 7th grade debate tactic that is laudable but somehow appropriate for a Trump enabler with what is likely a 7th grade education.

When you don’t think a man can do his job because of his heritage, that is racism. Pure and simple. Speaker Ryan even said so.
When you want to ban people from entering this nation because of their religion, that is racist. Pure and simple.

But your last comment, would not make him racist, cuz a religion is not a race, though in Trump`s mind it probably is...

I'd call the last one bigoted.
That's an assumption based on false stereotypes generated by a corrupt media and a political party that cannot be honest with its base.
Good, he'll have one leader meeting under his belt, 1000 less than Clinton, but at least he's trying....:p
Yeah, but Hillary's bribe collection meetings really dont count, lol.
So 80 phone calls and/or contacts over 4years.....out of 45000 emails, 3000 scheduled meetings, 130 foreign nation visits....

And 6000 Clinton Foundation donors....

80 or so phone calls, is squat!!!!!!!!!

I think it was 85 appointments were scheduled after people made donations out of about 150 meetings she had with people not in the State Department.

Who expects to have to pay a bribe to let the janitor talk to her?

Clinton's receive nothing, not even a dime of the Foundation's donations....however, unlimited lives are saved or helped and made better through the foundation's charity programs.

Pay for play claims come from ignorance....and partisan gobbeldy gook..... :p

The Clintons got rich off of the checks they got while serving as government employees.

Oh, and giving speeches for $700k a crack.:oops-28:
Good, he'll have one leader meeting under his belt, 1000 less than Clinton, but at least he's trying....:p
Yeah, but Hillary's bribe collection meetings really dont count, lol.
So 80 phone calls and/or contacts over 4years.....out of 45000 emails, 3000 scheduled meetings, 130 foreign nation visits....

And 6000 Clinton Foundation donors....

80 or so phone calls, is squat!!!!!!!!!
But she said they were all about yoga!!!!

Clinton's receive nothing, not even a dime of the Foundation's donations....
How do you KNOW that?

You dont, you just hope it is true.

Besides, doesnt the APPEARANCE of IMPROPRIETY mean anything any more to you Dems?

To get your brain around this, try to imagine that this was Richard Nixon, mmmk?
I do know that and everyone knows that, their financials and tax returns SHOW that....

ALSO, the Clintons could have simply kept the 15 million they donated to the foundation out of their own earned income and been well off for a few life times than to do this criminal stuff you have conjured up in your own head.... seriously!!!!!

Why do the Clintons need to steal from the foundation donations when they could simply spend no time with the foundation and all of their time going around the world getting $200-$300000 per speech, all legally???

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