Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

While I agree, like I wrote;

Most of this, like always, is motivated more by politics, than actual regret or a desire for justice.

C'mon. We are intelligent adults. Let's stop equivocating on definitions, and quit trivilizing the trauma of sexual assault for the sake of partisan politics. Both the left and the right, on this issue, have no moral high ground, and they always pull this shit out, when they are desperate. I don't believe any of them. It would carry more water, if this did not occur, as elections always neared.

Norma Rogers
Jean Darden
Kathleen Willey
Juanita Broaddrick

There were 26 other Named women who came forward, and Two testified to the same MO at the trial.
(like Trumpov's own "Grabber" remarks which partly invited all of this.)

No, it is not. Martha Stewart was changed for lying when she was convicted. It is nice to see MAGA scum get what they desire.
Yes. It is. Me cannot lie under oath. That’s perjury. A crime. One cannot lie about taxation and expenses, since that’s tax fraud. A crime.

But if even a complete shithead like you can look out at a pretty blue sky with brilliant sunlight and a pleasant breeze and claim that it pouring out. See? A lie. But not a crime. And not actionable.

Sorry you’re retarded.

I’d like to get what I desire — which is an indictment for Hunter and an impeachment of his Potato papa.
Trump will appeal and win.

Their "evidence" was the audio tape of Trump saying "grab 'em by the pussy".

They got around the statute of limitations by falsely calling it "rape"...then did not find him guilty of rape.

This crock of bullshit allows the MSM to go crazy with the story for as long as they want.
That was not all of their evidence.

They found him guilty of lying about the rape.

trump_bible_meme_rape 4 beginners.jpg

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It's amazing how low a Trumptard will stoop do defend the indefensible. Were this ANY Democrat, they'd be shooting off fireworks.

There literally is nothing Trump can do wrong. Grab pussies, commit adultery, steal from the elderly, defraud his base, defraud his investors, defraud his fake charitable foundation, attempt a coup, there is no low which will shock the Trumptards to their senses.
In a civil case, and you and others are arguing ftom the stance of assumption of belief, but I've seen this play hefore and I donct buy it. You can't accept that not everyone is as continually gullible and wrong as you are.

I don't care what you believe. What I care about is Trump was found guilty of sexual assault.

Watchvthe REAL NEWS TOMORROW but be prepared to humble yourself. Notice the MSM will avoid the real news any way they can, like in this timely quick verdict as perfect cover to avoid their involvement in the gov't corruption.
The jury did a quick conviction because they were involved in govenrment corruption? Lol, you don't even know who the jury is.

Please, by all means, provide an example of real news. This should be good for a chuckle.
Yes. It is. Me cannot lie under oath. That’s perjury. A crime. One cannot lie about taxation and expenses, since that’s tax fraud. A crime.

But if even a complete shithead like you can look out at a pretty blue sky with brilliant sunlight and a pleasant breeze and claim that it pouring out. See? A lie. But not a crime. And not actionable.

Sorry you’re retarded.

I’d like to get what I desire — which is an indictment for Hunter and an impeachment of his Potato papa.
In a civil case, and you and others are arguing ftom the stance of assumption of belief, but I've seen this play hefore and I donct buy it. You can't accept that not everyone is as continually gullible and wrong as you are. Watchvthe REAL NEWS TOMORROW but be prepared to humble yourself. Notice the MSM will avoid the real news any way they can, like in this timely quick verdict as perfect cover to avoid their involvement in the gov't corruption.
I don't care what you believe. What I care about is Trump was found guilty of sexual assault.

The jury did a quick conviction because they were involved in govenrment corruption? Lol, you don't even know who the jury is.

Please, by all means, provide an example of real news. This should be good for a chuckle.
But we don't, so the sassy comments claiming we don't care are human pride not taking into acct you are speaking from affiliation pride. Itcs sort of like the snide comments by Alisa Milano who based it on assumptions the 3 liars were filing true charges, when she was proven wrong, she had egg on her face, never apologized and ruined her career with half her audience.
"Brief sexual intercourse on her without consent."

Wow. You tards really can't say the word "rape", can you.
I can. I have. But it wouldn’t necessarily be a “rape” if she was of legal age and there was no force. And it certainly wouldn’t be a rape (if it happened at all) and then if she had consented. Newsflash, you moron: Not all sex is rape.

You libtards really can’t stand the truth.

Makes ya proud, MAGA?
It means nothing. A NY jury will convict him of anything he is charged with, no matter how outlandish the charge is. There are no witnesses for this alleged assault, she never told anyone it happened, and waited 30 years to take it to the police. I mean, what the fuck are we supposed to do with such an empty claim? :dunno:

For the record, i feel the same about Biden's accusers.
Yeah, the jury were all paid by George Soros. They are a bunch of Marxists. They want to destroy Merka. They are all groomers. I bet half of them are illegal immigrants.
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