Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

I understand. But quality evidence is different than “no” evidence. 👍
I am sure backagain and the rest of the Trump lemmings will be sending money to Trump to help with his appeal.
Could there be a bigger group of suckers, in the world, than those who send money to a billionaire to help with his legal bills.
Trump loved being indicted and convicted, he makes more money.
There will be more indictments coming and the suckers will send more money.
Remember her testimony that all the leftists believed?

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She testified (under oath) that kavanaugh took her into the bedroom...was trying to rape her...and then his best friend came into the room and started jumping up and down on the bed.

I don't know about you...but if I were a graduate student and I walked in on my friend trying to rape a girl...the FIRST thing I would do is start jumping up and down on the bed :D

And the leftists scream "I BELIEVE" :udaman:
I stated that by not arresting the 3 false charges as filing false charges the left would continue to realize no consequences =nothing to lose, hail mary charges and civil cases work for them to create a false narrative to manipulate elections and intimidate to obstruct investigations.
I heard it with my own ears and noticed the News narrative changed wording, twisted it, and did not put it in proper context and I am an expert and this stuff, my track record proves it, your does not. Tomorrow you will see your media source will talk avout Trump to avoid the real news that the media put a China compromised pressident in the WH and protected and coddled the influence peddler. This is a smokescreen and intimidation attempt that won' t work.
my track record proves it, your does not.
You aren't just arrogant, you are stupid. What track record do you think you can discern from 1 OP? Don't get me wrong I can be pretty arrogant myself but I'm not oblivious enough of myself to comment on people's track record over 3 posts.
You aren't just arrogant, you are stupid. What track record do you think you can discern from 1 OP? Don't get me wrong I can be pretty arrogant myself but I'm not oblivious enough to comment on people's track record over 3 posts.
My work speaks for itself, watch THE REAL NEWS TOMORROW, and notice your news sources will avoid that news any way they can, because they are just as guilty in setting up a puppet to China's whims. This is why China delayed & changed their trade deals between transitions, why Biden left the border open for China's fentanyl and cartels, why he ordered the container walls to be removed, why he gave China our depleted reserves of gas, why they fought against China travel bans entering during covid, why they lied about the lab, etc etc
Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll.
Five million dollars awarded E. Jean Carroll.
Firt time an ex-President has been found guilty of battery and defamation in a civil case

Trump scores another first.

My work speaks for itself, watch THE REAL NEWS TOMORROW, and notice your news sources will avoid that news any way they can, because they are just as guilty in setting up a puppet to China's whims. This is why China delayed & changed their trade deals between transitions, why Biden left the border open for China's fentanyl and cartels, why he ordered the container walls to be removed, why he gave China our depleted reserves of gas, why they fought against China travel bans entering during covid, why they lied about the lab, etc etc
Your "work" seems to consist of throwing out red herrings, and whataboutisms hoping somebody bites. None of what you are mentioning is relevant to the OP.
And let’s say the jury did think he committed an act of brief sexual intercourse on her without consent.
"Brief sexual intercourse on her without consent."

Wow. You tards really can't say the word "rape", can you.
Trump is a sex offender.

Trump is a sexual predator.

No matter how many leaps and twists you tards do in your pointy heads, these are the facts.

And you will still vote for him.

You will claim to the end of your days Bill Clinton visited Epstein's island and had sex with little girls, with ZERO evidence, and yet you will never admit to yourselves Trump is in FACT a sex offender.
No I didn't.

No, this was a trial. False equivalence.

The charges were not false. A judgement from a jury of his peers. You have not seen all the evidence nor testimony so your claim is bias assumption.

I don't but that is what trumpers do when they claim Dems are groomers and pedos.

I don't know stann and I never said it is ok to harm actual rape victims.

What happened is Trump was found guilty of sexually abusing a woman by a jury of his peers.
In a civil case, and you and others are arguing ftom the stance of assumption of belief, but I've seen this play hefore and I donct buy it. You can't accept that not everyone is as continually gullible and wrong as you are. Watchvthe REAL NEWS TOMORROW but be prepared to humble yourself. Notice the MSM will avoid the real news any way they can, like in this timely quick verdict as perfect cover to avoid their involvement in the gov't corruption.
Sure. Yet people all the time still get sexually assaulted. And people all the time don't report it to the police neither. The reason is simple, it is confronting and humiliating. The whole idea that it is the victim's responsibility to prevent sexual assault when it invariably starts from a power disparity (a 100 pound women doesn't assault a 200 pound male usually) is insane.
While I agree, like I wrote;

What I do suspect, is a lot of these reports and accusations today, are more motivated, completely by politics, than anything else. And anyone that buys into this epistemology, at this time in his life, is pretty dull, IMO.

It is a pretty transparent story, IMO.

Most of this, like always, is motivated more by politics, than actual regret or a desire for justice.

C'mon. We are intelligent adults. Let's stop equivocating on definitions, and quit trivilizing the trauma of sexual assault for the sake of partisan politics. Both the left and the right, on this issue, have no moral high ground, and they always pull this shit out, when they are desperate. I don't believe any of them. It would carry more water, if this did not occur, as elections always neared.

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