Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

As I said. What you meant is clear.

You can spin it now all you want.

No sale.

Laughing....what I mean is exactly what I said.

If Trump's DNA is on the dress, then criminal charges of rape could probably be proven. But its moot because of the statute of limitations.

Did you see the 'if' this time? I bolded it for you....because you apparently need it.
It's not a narrative. I have ears that can discern what is being said without the need for any commentary, be it MSM or anyone else. The access Hollywood tape and the deposition are both in the public realm. So is the witness list. The only thing I got second hand is what was said by those witnesses, since no cameras where allowed in court. I have no reason to doubt the reporting on it. Since NOONE on the right is disputing what was said.
I heard it with my own ears and noticed the News narrative changed wording, twisted it, and did not put it in proper context and I am an expert and this stuff, my track record proves it, your does not. Tomorrow you will see your media source will talk avout Trump to avoid the real news that the media put a China compromised pressident in the WH and protected and coddled the influence peddler. This is a smokescreen and intimidation attempt that won' t work.
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Civil trial....they found for the plaintiff. Right?
They found that Trump committed sexual assault and defamation.
So squawking about not guilty is an absurd deflection...right?

A jury found that Trump raped Caroll and defamed her.
You presented no physical evidence and then fine I think that it's all a bunch of lies.
A videotape is physical evidence. You really should know what words mean before you use them.
It was proven that he sexually assaulted her.
Not exactly, jimmieboi.
He lied and slandered her.
No. Not proved. Just “found.” Denying a rape that never happened can’t logically be called “defamation,” you imbecile.

Maybe. Maybe not. First, as expected, morons like you forget about the appeals process. Secondly, you ignore that, even now, the question about whether a (then) sitting President can substitute the government into his seat to bear the burden of any possible judgment isn’t resolved. Taxpayers may be paying E. Jean for this judgment award (if the case doesn’t get reversed).
Many other women are lining up.
Zzz. Thanks for your guesswork, Nostradumbass.
Laughing....what I mean is exactly what I said.

If Trump's DNA is on the dress, then criminal charges of rape could probably be proven. But its moot because of the statute of limitations.

Did you see the 'if' this time? I bolded it for you....because you apparently need it.
Sure. As I said, the Id was already noted. I just don’t believe you.
I didn’t say he stuck it in her nor did I say he didn’t. I wasn’t there. I’m not sure that Trump was either on whatever fanciful date it may have been. So I’m kind of confused about your opening sentence.

In this case, we don’t know if the jury itself determined that he did so either. He was sued for “battery” and she alleged rape. Rape would qualify. But according to the judge’s instructions, it is an undetermined thing. It is conceivable that the jury determined that Trump gave E. Jean an unwanted peck on the cheek.

That aside, I believe it is the height of lethal absurdity to contend that denying a rape is actionable as a defamation.

I don’t have a crystal ball. But it seems pretty clear that this case might very well get reversed on an appeal.
Yes, yes, of course it was a $5 million Dollar peck on the cheek. Whatever you say. :icon_rolleyes:
you have no clue what hearsay is. From the victim's mouth to a witness is not hearsay. Expert witnesses opinions are not hearsay. A person saying what happened to them is not hearsay. Looking at a tape and listening to what's being said is not hearsay. This is all direct evidence.
This thread exposes that the Trump minions have no clue about how our judicial system works. They don't like it but they have no idea how it works. Stupid is as stupid does.
Remember her testimony that all the leftists believed?


She testified (under oath) that kavanaugh took her into the bedroom...was trying to rape her...and then his best friend came into the room and started jumping up and down on the bed.

I don't know about you...but if I were a graduate student and I walked in on my friend trying to rape a girl...the FIRST thing I would do is start jumping up and down on the bed :D

And the leftists scream "I BELIEVE" :udaman:
This thread exposes that the Trump minions have no clue about how our judicial system works. They don't like it but they have no idea how it works. Stupid is as stupid does.

Hearsay is quotes of people that aren't in the court room. There are over a dozen exceptions to the hearsay rule.
Remember her testimony that all the leftists believed?

View attachment 783911

She testified (under oath) that kavanaugh took her into the bedroom...was trying to rape her...and then his best friend came into the room and started jumping up and down on the bed.

I don't know about you...but if I were a graduate student and I walked in on my friend trying to rape a girl...the FIRST thing I would do is start jumping up and down on the bed :D

And the leftists scream "I BELIEVE" :udaman:

Leftists are sheep and believe whatever people in their party tell them to believe. Orange Man bad!!!

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